Information for Admitted Freshman Students FALL 2016 Winthrop University Freshman Orientation Orientation is the single best experience that will help you make the transition from high school to college. We believe so strongly in the role of the Orientation experience in ensuring academic success that each new student must complete a full Orientation session prior to enrollment. The information provided on Winthrop’s policies and procedures will be invaluable to you. And regardless of your status as a commuter or resident student, you will gain much from the experience, including academic advisement and registration for fall classes. Orientation 2016 sessions will be held on the following dates: Session 1: June 15-16 Session 2: June 20-21 Session 3: June 23-24 Session 4: June 27-28 Session 5: August 17-18 (Classes begin on August 22.) Orientation registration information will be mailed to admitted freshmen beginning the first week of April. For additional information on Orientation, refer to the following website: or you may call the Office of New Student and Family Programs at 803/323-2387. Congratulations on your admission to Winthrop University. This packet contains important information on admissions, residence life, health and counseling services, and fall enrollment. Please carefully read the entire document and note any prepayment deadlines. Enrollment Fee Policy Residence Life Information All admitted students are required to submit an enrollment fee of $300 by the date stated in your letter of acceptance. This payment will reserve a space for you in the class and will be credited toward your first semester fees. The enrollment fee can be paid by using one of the following options: w A check or money order made payable to Winthrop University and mailed to the following address:1 Cashiers Office Winthrop University 22 Tillman Hall Rock Hill, SC 29733 w Credit card payment2 submitted online at Instructions are enclosed. Notes: 1. If paying by check or money order, please remit the fee with the enclosed enrollment card to ensure that payment is credited to the correct account. A copy of the enrollment card can also be printed from the following Web site: 2. Visa, American Express, Discover Card, and Master Card are accepted by Winthrop University. Credit card payments are accepted online only and are subject to a 2.75% ($3.00 minimum) convenience fee. To assist you in selecting a residence hall, an information packet describing housing options, academic success communities, and meal plans will be mailed to you from the Department of Residence Life. The packet will contain your housing application instructions, which will describe how to apply for housing online. Applying for housing online is preferred. If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact the Department of Residence Life at 803/323-2223 to request a housing preference form. The Eaglesnest website is accessible through your Wingspan login. Please also keep your instructions page as it contains important information on deadlines and other aspects pertaining to your residential experience. Note: Because Winthrop University believes that residing on campus results in the full immersion of students into the campus community and increases their chances of success, all firstand second-year students live on campus. Only those with parents or legal guardians living within 50 miles of campus may elect to live at home. An exemption form for these students may be found at Students will receive housing and roommate assignments in late July. Please refer to the following website for additional housing information: reslife or call the Department of Residence Life at 803/323-2223. WELCOME, NEW WINTHROP EAGLE! Now that you have been admitted to Winthrop, our admissions counselors have compiled a list of information that will help you over the coming months. You are encouraged to contact your personal admissions counselor for additional information on enrollment. We also encourage you to join the Winthrop Class of 2020 Facebook group. HELPFUL HINTS FOR NEW STUDENTS Remember your Winthrop ID Numbers. a.Your official Winthrop ID number has been provided in your letter of admission. It will be used instead of your social security number to conduct official Winthrop business. The Winthrop ID number will serve as your log-in and your date of birth will be your password to access your enrollment checklist at b.Eaglesnest is the residence life (campus housing) website, accessible as a link within your Wingspan account. (See page 1 of this booklet for additional information.) Apply for financial aid by March 1 or as soon as possible after March 1. You will use the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to apply for financial aid. You and your parents can request a PIN that will be used to sign the form at any time, and we suggest that you request a FAFSA PIN number as soon as possible. Complete information on the financial aid process is available on Winthrop’s financial aid site: Monitor your enrollment checklist at Use this checklist to ensure that you have completed all of the actions needed to confirm your enrollment. Complete the following enrollment steps by linking to the checklist: 1. Students who live in South Carolina should review your residency status and submit the appropriate form if requested. Your eligibility for a Winthrop scholarship nor the South Carolina HOPE or LIFE Scholarship (if applicable) cannot be reviewed if a decision on your residency status has not been rendered. 2. Sign-up for a Winthrop e-mail account as soon as possible. Your account will be used to view and accept financial aid and register for classes during one of our Freshman Orientation programs. a. Read all e-mails that are sent to you from Winthrop. The Office of Admissions, the Financial Aid Office, and other Winthrop departments will send important e-mail messages to you before and after your enrollment. Some departments will only send messages to your Winthrop e-mail account. You should read all e-mails and take the appropriate action. b. Your Winthrop e-mail address will also be used to logon to WINGSPAN, which is the student portal - You will pay your admissions deposit, review and accept your financial aid, apply for housing, register for classes, and conduct other Winthrop business on WINGSPAN. (Note that your WINGSPAN password will be different from the password that is used to monitor your enrollment checklist.) 3. Register for a Freshman Orientation Session. Register for a Freshman Orientation Session. As a participant in Orientation, you will meet other new students and your Orientation Leader who is an enrolled student. Additionally, you will receive information on your major and register for classes. Your parents and family members can choose to attend a Family Orientation session, held concurrently with each Freshman session, to learn more about Winthrop. Logon to to register for an Orientation session. Additional information can be viewed at 4. Pay your enrollment fee using the enclosed instructions. a. The enrollment fee is used to reserve your space in the class, and will be deducted from your first semester fees. If you wish to defer submitting the fee until your plans are confirmed, contact your personal admissions counselor. b. Instructions for paying your enrollment fee online are included in this document. 5. Note South Carolina’s Legal Presence Requirement. The State of South Carolina requires that legal presence in the United States be verified for all students before enrollment in a public college or university. For most students, legal presence will be verified through a process that has been adopted by the University. Some students may be required to provide documentation to the registrar. Complete information can be viewed at Freshman Enrollment Checklist Your enrollment checklist is also available online at You are encouraged to contact our office and ask for your personal admissions counselor if you need additional information. Recommended start date: January 2 p Ask your parents to begin working on their income tax returns so that you can include the information on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). p Go to the FAFSA website and request a PIN for you and your parents. Recommended completion date of on or before March 1: Have you... p Submitted your completed FAFSA to the Federal Processing Center if you plan to apply for need-based financial aid? Tasks to be completed by May 1: Have you... p Paid the $300 enrollment fee to reserve your place in the freshman class? p Returned your LEAP confirmation materials to the LEAP director to confirm your participation in the program (if applicable)? p Completed the steps required to reserve campus housing? p Registered for one of the freshman Orientation sessions? p For South Carolina residents: completed the required residency form and returned it to the Office of Admissions? Tasks to be completed by June 30: Have you... p Requested that an official final high school transcript showing graduation date, final GPA and class rank (if applicable) be sent to the Office of Admissions at the end of your senior year? A final high school transcript request form is enclosed for your convenience, and is also avilable at p Requested that an official final college transcript be sent to the Office of Admissions if you have completed college courses? Office of Disability Services Winthrop University is committed to providing access to education for students with disabilities. Below are three important things you should know about access and accommodations: 1. If you are a student with a documented disability and need accommodations in your classroom or your residence hall, contact the Office of Disability Services and make an appointment to request those accommodations. Accommodations are provided on a semester-by-semester basis and are provided only when requested. 2. To be eligible for services, you must provide relevant and current documentation of your disability to the Office of Disability Services. Important Dates Fall 2016 Semester August 19Residence Halls Open August 22 Convocation August 19-28 Welcome Week August 22-26 Registration Week (drop/add courses) August 22 Classes Begin* September 5 Labor Day Break October 14-17 Fall Break Nov. 23-27 Thanksgiving Break December 7-13 Final Examinations December 17 Undergraduate Commencement Dec. 14-Jan. 8 Holiday Break *Pending approval of the 2016-17 academic calendar. 3. For additional information, contact the Office of Disability Services at 803/323-3290 (V/TDD), visit their website at, or visit the office, located on the first floor Crawford Building. For additional information for admitted students, refer to the following websites: General information for all admitted students: Your enrollment checklist: Enrollment Fee/Admissions Deposit Instructions If you wish to submit your enrollment fee by check or money order, submit payment with the card and envelope that were enclosed with your letter of admission to ensure that the money is credited to the correct account. An enrollment fee of $300 is required to reserve a space in the fall entering class for most students (refer to your letter of admission.) Please contact your admissions counselor if you wish to request an extension. If you misplaced your card, you can print one from our web site ( by clicking on the Forms Online link in the Quick Links section. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAYING YOUR ENROLLMENT FEE ONLINE ARE PROVIDED BELOW Step 1 - Create a Winthrop e-mail account All admitted students will need to obtain a Winthrop e-mail account. This account will be used to log on to Wingspan, the student portal. You will register for classes on Wingspan. You may register for an e-mail account by logging on to your enrollment checklist: Step 2 – Log into Wingspan w w w w From the Wingspan homepage (, enter your Winthrop e-mail address. You will be required to create a password if this is the first time that you have logged on to Wingspan. Click on the “Login” button. Click on the “Student” tab. Click the “Account Summary and Payment Gateway” link within the “Student Wingspan” box (top center of page.) Step 3 - Authorize payment from a third-party (This step is only necessary if someone other than the student will be making payments on the student’s behalf.) To ensure that no one accesses your account without your specific approval, you will need to authorize a third party to have access to view and/or make payments on your account. w At the top of the page is a link titled “Authorized Users.” Click on the link and click on “Add Authorized User” to allow other individuals to access your account. Enter the e-mail address of the person you wish to authorize. Decide whether you want them to be able to view your charges and payment history (YES) or only make payments (NO), then click Add User. w Read the Account Agreement and terms and if you agree, click I Agree and continue. w Users will have access to make the payments on your behalf and to view your account activity. They will not have access to other features such as class schedule, grades, etc. Authorized users will have the ability to sign up for the Winthrop Payment Plan if they choose. w After you have completed the authorization process, the individual will receive two e-mails from TouchNet. The first one is a notice stating they have access to your account and that their username will be their e-mail address. The second e-mail gives them their password. Step 4 – Make a Payment w Select the “Make a Payment” link. w Select the “Pay” link at the far right of the page and follow the instructions. w Before submitting your payment, confirm that it is for fall 2016. If you have any questions, please contact Student Financial Services at 803/323-2165. Note: outside scholarships cannot be used to pay the enrollment deposit.