Photo Consent Form

Photo Consent Form
The Wisconsin Environmental Education Board is a state policy
setting board. Its mission is to provide leadership in the
development of learning opportunities that empower Wisconsin
citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to make wise
environmental decisions and take responsible actions in their
personal lives, workplaces and communities.
Wisconsin Environmental
Education Board
110B College of Natural Resources
UW-Stevens Point
800 Reserve Street
Stevens Point WI 54481
Phone: (715) 346-3805
Fax: (715) 346-3025
In order to report on and promote the Board’s work, photos of
WEEB sponsored activities are placed on the WEEB web site or in
printed materials such as biennial reports to the legislature,
statewide strategic planning documents, and brochures. This form
is to request permission for use of photos in which you (and/or
your child) appear. The image was taken while you (and/or your
child) participated in an activity that was financially supported by
the WEEB.
I consent to the following use of images which contain my (and/or my child’s) likeness. I
understand that my (and/or my child’s) name will not be cited.
Unless otherwise excluded (by drawing a line through the appropriate phrase(s)), such use may
¾ use within WEEB printed materials,
¾ use on the WEEB website,
¾ use within any other materials that report on or promote the WEEB (e.g., newspaper,
newsletter, or magazine article)
Your name (printed)
Name of child (printed), if applicable
Your signature