Stevens Point Area Public School District ...

Administering Organization
Mailing Address (Street, City, State, Zip)
Stevens Point Area Public School District
1900 Polk Street, Stevens Point, WI 54481
Project Director/Contact Person
Daytime telephone area code/number
Fax area code/number
Karla Lockman
(715) 345-7383
(715) 345-7355
Mailing Address (if different from above) Street, City, State, Zip
If different addresses, send mail to:
Admin. Organization Project Director
Project Title
Wisconsin Forest History Cabin: A Lumberjack Program and Family Event at Boston School Forest
Grant Request:
Project Start Date: June 1, 2016
$ 2,500
Matching Funds: $ 2,421
Percent Match:
Project End Date: November 30, 2016
Number People Served Approx.. 750
(25% minimum)
WI Legislative Assembly District of Administering Organization
WI Legislative Senate District of Administering Organization
Assembly District(s) of
Target Audience
Senate District(s) of
Target Audience
70 and 71
Limit to space provided below.
The mission of the Boston School Forest (BSF) is to “provide the youth of Stevens Point Area Public School District educational
opportunities that foster personal growth as well as awareness, knowledge and appreciation of the natural world leading to sound
stewardship of the earth.” BSF conducts high quality forest educational programming in the form of annual field trips for every
student in our District 4K-10th grade. The goal of this project is to convert a rustic cabin into a Wisconsin Forest History Cabin, a
museum of sorts that is a walk-through lumberjack cabin with artifacts, tools, and equipment lumberjacks would have used in
camp. Educational signs will not only show life in a lumberjack camp, but also current careers in logging as well as sustainably
managed forests for the future. Fourth grade students who study Wisconsin extensively during their social studies units will learn
through experience with this addition to their forest field trip. Students will also participate in an interactive program in which
they become lumberjacks and practice their skills using tools and equipment such as a cross-cut saw, hatchet, cant hook,
chains, and pulleys. Once the cabin is complete, BSF will host a Leave No Family Inside event and will welcome the public to a
dedication ceremony and grand opening to the WI Forest History Cabin. The activity supplies, site enhancement, and event
preparations will educate our youth on historical logging operations as well as current careers and future management of our
state’s forests. BSF has partnered with the Portage County Historical Society to provide advice and aid when selecting artifacts
for demonstration and display. Summer school students in grades 6-8 as well as volunteers, naturalists and staff will help with
the planning and implementation of this project.
If this project is approved, the undersigned certifies that the organization will participate as indicated in the narrative and will provide the matching dollars by
cash, services, or in-kind contributions between June 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016. None of these grant funds will be used to supplant existing funding.
Project Director
Karla Lockman
Primary Grant Writer
Karla Lockman
WEEB (Revised 2/16)
Date signed
Program Leader
Date signed
Program Leader
Date signed
A. Project Title and Administering Organization Name: Wisconsin Forest History Cabin – A Lumberjack
Program and Family Event, Stevens Point Area Public School District (SPAPSD)
B. Project Description and Timeline: The Boston School Forest (BSF) received the materials for a rustic,
1800’s style wood cabin from the family of Jared West who passed away from cancer in December 2014.
Jared’s wish was for the cabin to be built at the school forest. The project was adopted by a 14-year-old
Eagle Scout prospect named Jesse Glodowski who was dying of osteocarcinoma. On July 27th, the West
and Glodowski families joined over 40 boy scouts and volunteers in Portage County to build the rustic
cabin. Community members and friends of the forest have since donated hundreds of hours and
hundreds of dollars to make this cabin a reality. Jesse did receive his Eagle Scout rank one day after he
lost his battle with cancer.
The goal of this project is to convert the rustic cabin into a Wisconsin Forest History Cabin. By working
with the Portage County Historical Society (PCHS) and the 2016 class of BSF summer school students,
BSF will make the cabin a valuable learning tool for 4th grade student field trips. To accomplish this goal,
there are 3 objectives: 1) Identify and obtain authentic artifacts such as lumberjack tools and
equipment, photographs, and journal entries as well as working equipment and tools to be utilized
during the 4th grade lumberjack program and activities 2) Develop and design weather-proof,
educational signage with frames that depict historical lumberjack jobs in Wisconsin, today’s careers in
lumbering, and sustainable forest management for the future. 3) Conduct a Leave No Family Inside
educational event for the WI Forest History Cabin grand opening and dedication.
Objective 1 Student Activities: BSF has already partnered with PCHS to receive historical items on
permanent loan for the 4th grade lumberjack program and activities. The Lumberjack Games portion of
the activities requires working tools and equipment: a working cross-cut saw, ball peen hammer,
hatchet with guard, chains, pulleys, cant hook, work gloves, and custom steel stamp. These activities
give students an opportunity to practice lumberjack skills such as sawing through a log, chaining up a
log, stacking the logs, and using a hatchet. Object 1 will be complete by November 2016.
Objective 2 Site Enhancement: SPAPSD students enrolled in the BSF summer school class will work with
their teachers and the Portage County Historical Society to identify the pictures and paper artifacts that
will be displayed in the cabin. The BSF Program Leader will work with staff, PCHS volunteers, and
summer school students to draft and design 8 high-resolution interpretive signs to be displayed in the
cabin depicting the life and work of a lumberjack camp in the 1800’s as well as today’s careers in
logging, and sustainable forest management for the future. The company SignPro, in Stevens Point, has
agreed to do the sign fabrication in 16” x 16” panels, vinyl adhered to 1/8”-thick Omega Bond, satin
finish UV-resistant laminate, UV-resistant inks. Schmeeckle Reserve, UW-Stevens Point will make the
cedar frames for a wall mount. The timeline for the signs is completion by August 15, 2016.
Objective 3 Family Forest Education Event: A previous WEEB grant began a series of Leave No Family
Inside events at BSF. This tradition will continue with the dedication of the WI Forest History Cabin. This
celebration will take place in August, 2016 and welcome students and their families to a day celebrating
forest history, forest careers today, and sustainable forest management for the future. The Program
Leader will print promotional signage, cater food, and pay staff for additional time with the organization
and implementation of event.
C. Target Audience/Need(s)/Justification of Need(s): The target audience is all the 4th grade students in
SPAPSD. The 4th grade curriculum is all about Wisconsin and includes topics of geography, government,
Native Americans, explorers, the fur trade and lumberjacks. The cabin was largely unused during the
2015-2016 school year due to the lack of pictures, information and artifacts within the cabin itself. The
addition of activity supplies and equipment for the lumberjack program as well as the educational
signage for the cabin will strengthen this new program and give us a stronger emphasis on careers in
forestry which is an important goal of school forest education and one we are not currently meeting at
BSF. Over 500 fourth grade students visit BSF annually with their classes. In addition to our field trip
groups, the WI Forest History Cabin will be made available to families attending the Leave No Family
Inside events (100+ participants) and Boy and Girl Scout groups as requested (100+ participants).
D. Dissemination: The news of this WEEB grant will be announced on social media outlets - our
Facebook page and Twitter accounts. The SPAPSD Public Relations Coordinator will share and re-tweet
this positive news to the whole District. The Program Leader will include the grant announcement in her
monthly newsletter update to all 9 elementary schools. The Program Leader will invite reporters from
the local newspapers Stevens Point City Times or Stevens Point Journal to the forest to do a story on the
WEEB grant funding at the dedication event. The Program Leader will write a news release detailing the
importance of the WEEB and its funding for school forest education to local politicians Senator Julie
Lassa and Assemblywomen Katrina Shankland and Nancy VanderMeer, U.S. Senators Ron Johnson and
Tammy Baldwin, and the 3rd District Representative Ron Kind. A similar release will be sent to the
Governor’s office and include photographs of students learning in the outdoors, student testimonies,
and plea for future support for environmental education in Wisconsin.
E. Project Evaluation: The success of this program and objectives outlined here developing and
preserving educational signage and artifacts have been met if the following occur: 1) The Portage
County Historical Society endorses the cabin’s educational and historical value, 2) A sample group of
teachers respond favorably to a 10-question Likert scale and open comment survey about the
educational and historical value as well as curricular connections of cabin for their students, and 3)
Artifacts and signage are accurate, educational, weatherproof, and displayed effectively. 4) The
dedication event is soundly promoted, well attended, educational, and fun for the whole family.
F. Staff Qualifications: The BSF Program Leader Karla Lockman has a B.S. in Zoology and Biological
Concepts of Conservation from UW-Madison (’03) and a M.S. in Natural Resources – Environmental
Education from UW-Stevens Point (’06). She has over 5 years of experience teaching environmental
education for preK-12th grade, summer camps and adult groups. In addition, she has taught science at
the secondary level in the Stevens Point Area Public School District for the past 7 years. She is a life-time
member of the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education and has served on the Board of
Directors including Chair (’11), Conference Chair (’12) and Awards committee (’09-present)
G. Continuation: The Forest History Museum cabin is built to last! The authentic experiences that the
cabin provides to 4th grade students and their families is not only a great fit with their classroom
content, but is a way to see logging in the past, current careers in the lumber industry and managing
sustainable forests for the future. Over 500 fourth graders will visit the cabin each year with their class
and take part in the lumberjack program and activities. The materials for the lumberjack program and
activities will be stored indoors when not in use and undergo regular inspections, cleaning, and
maintenance. The educational signs will be inspected biannually and cleaned as needed. In addition, the
Leave No Family Inside event will become one of the annual Leave No Family Inside events at BSF and
serve to kick off the school year and welcome students back to their school forest.
Wisconsin Environmental Education Board
WEEB 2 (Rev. 8/15)
Use reverse or additional sheet, if necessary.
Project Director
Karla Lockman, Program Leader Boston School Forest
Administering Organization
Telephone Area/No.
(715) 345-7383
Stevens Point Area Public School District
Budget Category Expense
Project Activity
Grant Request
Round each item to
whole dollars
Round each item to
whole dollars
Match Type (i.e., monetary,
service, or supplies) &
Source of Match
(Name or Position)
1. Program Leader
2. Naturalist Staff
(Rate & time period)
($66,000/yr x 3% of contract time)
(4 naturalists at $16.12 x 8 hours each)
1. Project development &
implementation, sign design, planning
2. Family event planning &
1. $1980
1. Service, Stevens Point Area
Public School District
1. $441
1. Service, Stevens Point Area
Public School District
2. $516
Fringe Benefits
(Name or Position)
1. Program Leader
2. Naturalist Staff
(Rate & Percentage of salary)
(14.25% for SS, WRS, Medicare, 8% of dental
life, disability, TSA)
(14.25% for SS, WRS, Medicare)
1. Project development &
implementation, sign design, planning
2. Family event planning &
Travel (mileage, lodging, meals)
(Name or no. of people)
(Rate & distance, charge)
2. $74
(Be specific. Identify & quantify items.)
Non-Capital Items:
1. Educational sign: Life in Camp (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
2. Educational sign: Animals in Camp (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
3. Educational sign: Felling a Tree (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
4. Educational sign: Loading the Sled (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
5. Educational sign: Riding the River (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
6. Educational sign: Logging Today (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
7. Educational sign: Careers in Forestry (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
8. Educational sign: Sustainably Managing Forests (16” x 16”) Qty. 1
9. Cedar frame: Life in Camp Qty. 1
10. Cedar frame: Animals in Camp Qty. 1
11. Cedar frame: Felling a Tree Qty. 1
12. Cedar frame: Loading the Sled Qty. 1
13. Cedar frame: Riding the River Qty. 1
14. Cedar frame: Logging Today Qty. 1
15. Cedar frame: Careers in Forestry Qty. 1
16. Cedar frame: Sustainably Managing Forests Qty. 1
17. Dedication plaque (12” x 12”) Qty. 1
18. Hardware for hanging educational signs and plaque (brackets, screws, etc.)
19. Educational equipment: Ball peen hammer Qty. 1
20. Educational equipment: Chain, transport ¼”, 20-feet Qty. 1
21. Educational equipment: Pulley, stationary Qty. 2
22. Educational equipment: Cant hook Qty. 1
23. Printing promotional materials (flyers, posters, etc.)
1. Site enhancement - Cabin
2. Site enhancement - Cabin
3. Site enhancement - Cabin
4. Site enhancement - Cabin
5. Site enhancement - Cabin
6. Site enhancement - Cabin
7. Site enhancement - Cabin
8. Site enhancement - Cabin
9. Site enhancement - Cabin
10. Site enhancement - Cabin
11. Site enhancement - Cabin
12. Site enhancement - Cabin
13. Site enhancement - Cabin
14. Site enhancement - Cabin
15. Site enhancement - Cabin
16. Site enhancement - Cabin
17. Site enhancement - Cabin
18. Site enhancement - Cabin
19. Lumberjack program (4th grade)
20. Lumberjack program (4th grade)
21. Lumberjack program (4th grade)
22. Lumberjack program (4th grade)
23. Family event planning
1. $40
2. $40
3. $40
4. $40
5. $40
6. $40
7. $40
8. $40
9. $80
10. $80
11. $80
12. $80
13. $80
14. $80
15. $80
16. $80
17. $25
18. $80
19. $15
20. $40
21. $20
22. $45
23. $50
Capital Items:
1. Educational equipment: Lynx 4’ 2-man cross cut saw Qty. 1
2. Educational equipment: Wilderness buddy hatchet Qty. 1
3. Educational equipment: Custom steel log stamp Qty. 1
4. Catering (snacks, non-alcoholic beverages, cake, plates, etc.)
1. Lumberjack program (4th grade)
2. Lumberjack program (4th grade)
3. Lumberjack program (4th grade)
4. Family event implementation
1. $175
2. $110
3. $240
4. $150
Capital Items:
Total Request
Total Match