W inthrop W Web Serv vices Trai

Winthrop W
Web Servvices Trainings & TTutorials www.winthro
Web Permissions & Author Insstructions Micro
osoft FrontPagge and Expresssion Web Instru
uctions for PC Users 1. B
Be sure Micro
osoft FrontPagge or Expresssion is installe
ed on the com
mputer to be used for Web
b updates. If software installation is needed, pleaase contact th
he Help Desk at extension #2400. 2. C
Click on the “SStart” button in the lower left corner of the computter screen. Ch
hoose All Pro
ograms, Micro
osoft Office, aand finally, FrontPage or Exxpression. NOTE: Each computer may list the softw
ware program a little differrently. 3. Iff this is the first time you h
have attemptted to open a Web via editting softwaree, choose “Filee/Open Site” from the m
menu at the ttop of the win
ndow. NOTE:: Expression m
may display tthe log‐in pro
ompt. Type yo
our usernamee preceded b
by “win\” and
d the associated password. These are the same creddentials used to log on to yyour computeer. 4. FFRONT PAGE‐‐ In the “Open
n Site” dialoggue box, find tthe “Site nam
me” text box aand type the W
Web addresss for the site tto be edited. Be sure to include the com
mplete addre
ess beginning with http://w
www2.winthrrop.edu/... 5. EEXPRESSION W
WEB‐ Click on
n the dropdow
wn arrow besside the “Opeen” icon locatted near the ttop left corneer of the sscreen. Choose “Open Site
e”. Last updated: 09/16/201
11 Page 1
Exprression Authorr Login Winthrop W
Web Servvices Trainings & TTutorials www.winthro
6. In the Location box of the O
Open Site diaalogue box, tyype the compplete web add
dress beginnin
ng with h
http://www2.winthrop.edu... Click Ope
en. 7. W
When promptted to log on to the serverr, type win\ plus your userrname and paassword and cclick “OK.” 8. A
A list of all folders and filess for the Web
b will display. Scroll down tthe list to find
d the file thatt needs to be edited then d
double click th
he file to ope
en it. 9. M
Make the neccessary edits aand save the changes for tthem to “go liive.” 10. B
Be sure to ope
en an Interne
et browser, naavigate to the
e web page e dited, and ch
heck the “live”” page for acccuracy. Last updated: 09/16/201
11 Page 2
Exprression Authorr Login 