2015 Wisconsin Solar Educator Academy

2015 Wisconsin Solar Educator
July 7-9, 2015 at Madison Area Technical College,
Madison, WI
Are you interested in teaching solar principles in effective, engaging ways in your classroom? Join
us in Madison for the Wisconsin Solar Academy. At the academy, you’ll install and commission a
residential size solar photovoltaic array. In addition, you’ll perform hands-on classroom lab
activities that will enable you to bring solar energy to life in your classroom.
Solar Academy Details
 Tuesday, July 7th -Thursday, July 9th
 Class morning and afternoon at Madison College, Commercial Avenue solar laboratory
 Hotel accommodations in downtown Madison for two nights provided, along with breakfast
and lunch
 $150 stipend will be paid after successful completion of the Academy
 Instructors:
Cris Folk, Madison College
Scott Liddicoat, Green Bay Southwest High School
Joel Shoemaker, Madison College
Ken Walz, Madison College
To complete the application, please save this application form as a Word, WordPerfect, RTF, or pdf
file. Add space as needed as you input your responses. Submit application by email to
jbshoemaker@madisoncollege.edu. Please note that late or incomplete applications may not
receive full consideration. Applications are due May 29, 2015.
This Academy is partially funded by the National Science Foundation Consortium for Education in
Renewable Energy Technology grant (http://www.ceret.us/) and the Wisconsin Distributed
Resources Collaborative (http://www.wisconsindr.org/.)
Criteria for selection
Selection of Wisconsin Solar Educator Academy participants shall be guided by the following criteria:
1. Education or Training: Associates or baccalaureate degree is required in one of the following areas:
Science or Engineering (chemistry, physics, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.)
Applied Technology: (e.g. electrical, architecture, construction, other skilled trades, etc.)
Science Education or Technical Education
2. Current Employment:
Must be employed as a faculty member at an accredited Wisconsin high school.
3. Teaching Experience:
At least two years teaching energy/environmental technology, science, math, or technical education.
4. Preference will be given to applicants who are members of a faculty team (see also Part A)
 Applying as a team of (2 or 3) educators from the same school, or school system.
 Applying as a team of (2 or 3) educators from within the same geographic region.
5. Preference will be given to applicants who have experience promoting engagement of non-traditional student
groups in the STEM fields.
 The WI Solar Academy seeks to encourage women, racial and ethnic minorities, first generation college
students, international students, and students from lower socio-economic status to pursue careers in renewable
energy technology.
Part A - Contact information
Your Name:
Name of employing High School:
School Address:
School Phone:
School E-mail:
Home E-mail:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Are you applying as part of a faculty team
(Check One) Yes______ No _____
If Yes, please indicate the Name(s) of your teammates:
Teammate Name #1:
Teammate Name #2:
Part B - Education & Experience
Educational background:
Major/Field(s) of Study
Teaching background:
School Name
Part C - Energy Experience and Prior Knowledge
1. What experience do you have teaching energy concepts in your classroom?
2. Indicate and briefly describe your prior experience with electrical science (i.e., electrical wiring, electrical power
systems, electromagnetism, electronics, etc.). Note: Some prior familiarity with electrical science is required for this
_____ no experience
_____ some experience (work or academic)
_____ significant experience
3. Indicate and briefly describe your prior experience with solar electric (photovoltaic) systems.
_____ no experience
_____ some experience (work or academic)
_____ significant experience
4. Briefly describe why you are interested in the PV Academy. In what ways might this experience benefit your students
and/or impact your teaching practice?
5. Briefly describe your experience teaching non-traditional students, and describe any efforts that you have been
involved with to encourage their engagement in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields.
Part D - Applicant’s Commitment and Submission Instructions
Applicant's Commitment:
I understand that if I am chosen to participate in the WI Solar Educator Academy, I shall commit to:
Complete pre- and post- examinations to measure content knowledge gains from the academy
Participate in group activities and projects during the academy
Share with academy organizers evidence that illustrates the academy’s impact, such as:
lesson or unit plans to incorporate solar electricity into the courses that I teach
new solar electricity instructional materials that I create
new solar electricity equipment, supplies, or materials that I acquire to teach
outreach efforts related to solar education (presentations, meetings, publications, etc.)
creation of new solar electric courses, curriculum, or programs for your school
participation in other solar activities (e.g. grants, education, research, etc.)
other evidence of impact that may be of interest for reporting to the National Science Foundation
Applicant Name (print):
WI Solar Educator Academy endorses the principle of equal educational and employment opportunities for all people,
regardless of race, color, sex, religion, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, age or non-job related handicap or
disability. Furthermore, WI Solar Educator Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion,
ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, age or non-job related handicap or disability in the educational programs or
activities it operates.
The following information is collected for demographic reporting purposes only. Your response to this question is
OPTIONAL, and will not impact your selection to this program. Please indicate if you are:
Male _____
Female ____
American Indian or Alaskan Native ___
Asian or Pacific Islander ___
Hispanic ___
Due Date: May 29, 2015
Please send materials for this application to: Joel Shoemaker
Email attachments (preferred method): jbshoemaker@madisoncollege.edu
Fax: 608-246-5203 (please include a cover page labeled: WI Solar Educator Academy, ATTN: Joel
Postal mail: Joel Shoemaker, Madison Area Technical College, 2125 Commercial Ave, Madison, WI 53704
Phone: 608-246-5275
(Notes: Email submission of electronic documents is preferred. On an e-mailed attachment, your
typed name originating from your own e-mail address is considered your legal signature.
Alternatively, if you have an electronic signature file image (.jpg, .gif, .tif) you can insert images
where appropriate. If it is necessary to scan, fax or mail handwritten documents, legibility is
mandatory. Please keep a copy of your original application for your records. Applicants will be
notified of selection by June 5, 2014.)