Document 11960864

Name _______________________________________________________ Date______________________________________ My Reading Log
You should re-read take home books multiple times, but record each title only once.
You can read a combination of take-home books and personal or library books
Circle the face that shows how you feel about the book you read.
------------------------------------------------Title___________________________________ Did you enjoy this book?
Make a connection!
This book reminds me of/makes me think of _______________________ ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________. Look through your book again. I found words with I found long vowel words
digraphs (th, sh, ch, wh, ph). (silent “e”, vowel teams, lone vowels).
Did you use a reading strategy to help you this week? Circle which
one(s) you used. Eagle Eye
Lip the Fish
Stretchy Snake Chunky Monkey
Tryin’ Lion
Flippy Dolphin 