Prairie View A&M University Department of Music Degree Plan 2014-2016 Bachelor of Arts - EC - 12 All Level Teacher Certification -- Instrumental/Piano Test Scores: Reading _______ Writing __________ Name ___________________________________ Advisor:______________________________ Email/cell __________________________________ ID Number ____________________________ Exempt _________ Math ______________ CORE CURRICULUM (42 SCH) Course Title Course Number Credit Final Term Hours Grade Conpleted 010 Communication (6 SCH) 3 Options: ENGL 1123, 1133, 1143 3 Must get a C or better 020 Mathematics (3 SCH) Options: MATH 1103, 1113, 1115, 1123, 1124, 1153, 2003, 2024, 3 2043, 2053, 2153 PSYC 2613. Must get a C or better. 3 Options: BIOL 1113, 1123, 1054, 1064 CHEM 1033, 1053, 1063 3 PHSC 1123, 2123 PHYS 2113, 2123, 2513, 2523. 030 Life and Physical Sciences (6 SCH) 040 Language, Philosophy and Culture (3 SCH) Options: ARCH 2233. 2243 ARTS 2223, 2233 DRAM 2123 ENGL 2153 3 050 Creative Arts (3 SCH) 2383, 2333 HUMA 1303, 1403 PHIL 2023, 2303 SPAN 2023 Options: DRAM 2213, 2223, 1103 ARCH 1253 ARTS 1203, 2283 3 COMM 2643 HCOL 1213 MUSC 1313, 1213, 2333, 2343 3 Options: HIST 1313, 1323, 1333 060 American History (6 SCH) 3 070 Government/Political Science (6 SCH) 3 Options: POSC 1113, 1123 3 080 Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 SCH) Options: AGHR 1303 CHEG 2003 CRJS 1123, 1133 ECON 2113, 2123 3 GEOG 1113, 2633 HDFM 2513, 2533, 2553 POSC 2213, 2503 PSYC 1113, 2423, 2513 SOCG 1013, 2003, 2043 090 Professional Development (6 SCH) (one course from each area) Area one options: COMP 1213, CPET 1013 ELEG 1043 FINA 2103 3 ECON 2003 3 Area two options: ARCH 1273 COMM 1003, 2603 COMP 1003 CURR 1013 HLTH 2003 MISY 1013 MUSIC REQUIREMENTS (60 SCH) All courses must be passed with a 'C' or better. Applied - MUSC 1 APPLIED MUSIC (8 SCH) Applied - MUSC 1 All applied lesson numbers should be taken in sequence, Applied - MUSC 1 passing each class with at least a C to be able to take the Applied - MUSC 1 next class in the sequence. Applied - MUSC 1 Applied - MUSC 1 Write in your instrument or voice in the space after Applied - . Applied - MUSC 1 Fill in the complete 4 digit course number from freshman 1000 level Applied - MUSC 1 to Senior 4000 level. Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 1111/1771 University Choir MUSC 1121 Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 1111/1781 University Choir MUSC 1121 Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 2111/1771 University Choir MUSC 2121 Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 2111/2781 University Choir MUSC 2121 Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 3111/3771 University Choir MUSC 3121 Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 3111/3781 University Choir MUSC 3121 Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 4111/3771 University Choir MUSC 4121 Band/Wind Ensmeble MUSC 4111/4781 University Choir MUSC 4121 Sight-Singing I MUSC 1211 1 Sight-Singing II MUSC 1221 1 Sight-Singing III MUSC 2211 1 Sight-Singing IV MUSC 2221 1 Music Theory I MUSC 1233 3 Music Theory II MUSC 1243 3 Music Theory III MUSC 2213 3 Music Theory IV MUSC 2223 3 Analysis of Music I MUSC 3212 2 Analysis of Music II MUSC 3222 2 Music Technology MUSC 1413 3 Music Literature MUSC 2323 3 Music History I MUSC 3313 3 Music History II MUSC 3323 3 Choral Conducting MUSC 4022 2 Instrumental Conducting MUSC 4032 Voice Class MUSC 1612 2 String Instruments MUSC 2411 1 Brass Instruments MUSC 2421 1 Woodwind Instruments MUSC 2431 1 Percussion Instruments MUSC 2441 1 Instrumental Literature MUSC 3462 2 Choral Literature MUSC 3472 Music in the Elem. School MUSC 4562 2 Educational Foundations CUIN 3003 3 PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS (18 SCH) Educational Psychology CUIN 3013 3 Requires admission to the Teacher Education Program. Instr. Planning & Assmt. CUIN 4103 3 Instr. Methods & Class. Mgt. CUIN 4113 3 Student Teaching Elementary CUIN 4403 3 Student Teaching Secondary CUIN 4813 3 1 LARGE ENSEMBLES (8 SCH) Participation in Ensembles. All students in music are required to participate in large 1 ensembles for eight semesters. Large ensembles are defined as the University Band (Marching Band), Wind 1 Ensemble, and University Choir. As part of the eight-semester large ensemble requirement, instrumental majors must take four 1 semesters of Marching Band, and piano majors must take four semesters of choir. 1 Please circle each ensemble and course number you take. 1 1 1 Piano majors can choose between MUSC 4022 or MUSC 4032. Instrumental majors must take MUSC 4032. Instrumental majors must take MUSC 3462 Piano majors can choose between MUSC 3462 and MUSC 3472 Requires admission to Student Teaching. ________