May 25, 2012 Forging Friendships Through Art What started as a conversation between students in College of DuPage Professor Jennifer Hereth’s art class has turned into a project that is benefitting current and future generations of children at Maternity Blessed Virgin Mary elementary school in Chicago. The school, which celebrates its 100th anniversary this June, will receive a gift of 40 portraits created in Hereth’s beginning and advanced painting classes this spring. Working from photographs, students are depicting Maternity BVM schoolchildren both past and present in a series of colorful creations that represent a century of tradition. For Hereth, this comes on the heels of several other successful projects involving her students, such as donating paintings and prints to New Orleans families affected by Hurricane Katrina and creating teenage archetype cards used by therapists and educators who work with teenagers. “These projects just grow from ideas that we have, and it’s wonderful to see how involved the students are in each one,” she said. “For this one, the irony is that it started from a random conversation taking place in one of my classes. But we are thrilled with the outcome.” Click here for photos and a video from this project. Go Tobacco Free and Help Hunger As the College moves toward a tobacco-free campus, students, staff and visitors are being asked to swap tobacco funds for food during an upcoming Freedom From Hunger food drive. Scheduled from June 4 to June 13, the drive will benefit the Loaves and Fishes Food Pantry in Naperville, during a period when donations usually decrease. During this time, the College will collect non-perishable food items that will be delivered to the pantry on Thursday, June 14, which is both Flag Day and Freedom from Hunger day. The pantry is also holding a competition for the COD group that donates the most food. Collection bins will be located throughout campus. For more information about the food drive, go to For information about the College’s Tobacco-Free campaign, including resources to help kick the habit, please click here. Learning Commons New Location Offering students a new one-stop opportunity for academic support services, College of DuPage's Learning Commons opens in its new location on Monday, June 11, in SRC 2012. The center is conveniently located near the COD Library and provides tutoring, math, writing, reading and speech assistance. Services are offered by faculty, staff and peer and professional tutors free of charge for registered COD students. The Learning Commons also offers Course Connections, which includes FLEXible Learning (previously the Center for Independent Learning); online, classroom and hybrid course support; and developmental math and English courses. “Previously, these academic support services were offered at offices spread throughout COD's main campus,” said Lisa Stock, Dean of Learning Resources. “By offering those same services under one roof, students are better able to access the help they need to be academically successful.” For more information, call ext. 3941 or click here. Danica Hubbard, Susan Burdick Earn National 2012 Blackboard Catalyst Award College of DuPage English Professor Danica Hubbard and Instruction Design Specialist Susan Burdick are winners of the 2012 Blackboard Catalyst Award for Exemplary Course Program. This prestigious national award honors developers of exciting and innovative educational courses that represent the best in technology and learning. Hubbard and Burdick's English Composition 1102 course was selected to receive the Blackboard Catalyst award on the basis of its design, demonstrated interaction and collaboration, and provision of assessment and learner support. The collaborative team's course was selected out of more than 150 courses reviewed and is the first-ever College of DuPage online course to receive this award. “I am delighted to accept this award with Susan. It is quite an honor,” said Hubbard, who noted that she and Burdick have developed three online courses together. “Our collaborations have been very fruitful, with strong retention rates and excellent student success. This award is just icing on the cake.” Read More May Service Anniversaries 5 Years: Monica Miller, President’s Office; Charlene Mohr, Library; Dona Mullen, WDCB; David Rash, WDCB; Carol Sturz, Library 15 Years: Marsha Pobst, Early Childhood Education 20 Years: Sally Grenzow, Library KUDOS to...WDCB News Director Brian O’Keefe, who was recently selected by the Associated Press Board at the Illinois News Broadcasters Association convention to serve as the AP Board’s next president. The AP Board serves as a liaison to the Associated Press and the broadcast members that form the news cooperative. O’Keefe’s term runs through fall of 2013. MORE Kudos to…Three COD students who earned medals at the 79th Annual Phi Rho Pi National Forensics Tournament in Schaumburg, Ill. Medal winners include Shawn Anaya (Gold Medal - Prose Interpretation); Kelsey Figiel (Bronze Medal - Program Oral Interpretation); and Subhan Suhail (Bronze Medal - Dramatic Interpretation). The team is coached by Lauren Morgan, associate professor, Speech Communication; Chris Miller, associate professor, Speech Communication; Tiffany Bruessard, adjunct faculty, Speech Communication; and COD alumni Matt Beifuss and Micah Colbert. Read More Broaden Your Horizons! DuPage Host Families Need for German Student Exchange Program COD has been selected to participate in the prestigious U.S. Congress-German Bundestag Youth Exchange (CBYX) program again this summer. The year-long experience maintains a strong focus on cultural exchange and is designed to give participants an understanding of everyday life, education and professional training. An integral part of this program includes home stay arrangements for the two exchange students, who arrive in mid-August. It is ideal for CBYX students to stay within District 502. Host families receive a monthly stipend to defray costs. Students speak English, and will be enrolled in classes at COD during the fall semester and work in a paid internship during the spring semester. Click here for more information about the CBYX program and serving as a host family. Reminder: College of DuPage Closed May 28 College of DuPage is closed Monday, May 28, for the Memorial Day holiday. COD Volunteers Needed for DuPage County Fair College of DuPage will have a table at this year’s DuPage County Fair, July 2529. Please sign up to spread the word about College of DuPage to fairgoers (and enjoy a corndog and elephant ear or two while you’re there!). Thank you for helping us staff the COD booth. (Free ticket and T-shirt included). Please click here to sign up today! Waterleaf “Cooking with Jean-Louis” Caribbean Style June 23 Waterleaf restaurant kicks off a series of hands-on cooking classes Saturday, June 23, with the bright, exotic flavors of Caribbean Cuisine. Executive Chef Jean-Louis Clerc will lead the class step by step through the preparation of Cod Fritters, Chicken and Coconut Colombo, Squash Gratin, Martine's Flambéed Bananas, Ti Punch and Colombo Spice Blend - specialties that will bring unique flair to summer menus at home. Read More MAC 2012-2013 Season A note from MAC Director Stephen Cummins: “By this time, typically the MAC would have announced its next season, but next year is far from typical. As everyone likely knows, the MAC is closing for a renovation but MAC events are going on. We will start off the year with BTE’s Lady with the Answers on Sept. 6 and Blues and Brews in the MAC parking lot on Sept. 15. We have 15 scheduled events – please see the attached memo – and there are more to come. Please note that this memo is an internal courtesy in advance of our official season announcement in late June.” Marketing and Communications is On the Move The Office of Marketing and Communications will move to BIC 1645 from May 28 to June 4. Please note that some normal business activities may be impacted – we appreciate your patience during this transition. If you have questions, please contact Marketing Director Laurie Jorgensen at ext. 2755 or News Bureau Coordinator Robyn Johnson at ext. 2454. Purchasing For an item to be recommended for purchasing approval to the COD Board of Trustees at the Aug. 21 Board meeting, all specifications, rationales, requisitions and IT Equipment Reviews must be in Purchasing Friday, June 8. Job Opportunities Hot Tix for Employees Hot Tix are half-price tickets for employees, available at the Ticket Office with an employee ID. This weekend: Buffalo Theatre Ensemble: Tuesdays With Morrie – Fri./Sat., 8 pm, $16.50; Sun., 2 pm, $14.50 To view and apply for any posted internal job opportunity: Go to: Login using your network ID Click on the “employees” tab Click on “COD Links” Click on “internal job opportunities” Job opportunities will be posted to the external webpage after they have been posted on the COD Portal for seven days. If you have any questions, please contact Toni Woolsey at ext. 2890. Employment Information Lines (630) 942-2796 – For a listing of faculty, classified and administrative positions. (630) 942-2460 – For detailed information and to schedule skills testing for clerical positions. Apply at