U. S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service Regional Field Office NASSRFOUMR@nass.usda.gov 1-800-772-0825 Wisconsin has 9 percent of the nation’s organic farms. The top 10 states were: 1. California with 2,805 2. Wisconsin with 1,228 3. New York with 917 4. Washington with 716 5. Pennsylvania with 679 6. Iowa with 612 7. Vermont with 542 8. Ohio with 541 9. Oregon with 525 10. Maine with 517 2014 ORGANIC SURVEY Wisconsin Highlights The 2014 Organic Survey included all known farm operators who produced organic crops and/or livestock. The 2014 Organic Survey results provide acreage, production, and sales data for a variety of organic crops, as well as inventory and sales data for selected organic livestock commodities. In addition, data for land in farms, participation in federal farm programs, and marketing practices on organic farms are included in the full report at: http://agcensus.usda.gov/Publications/Organic_Survey/ First Point of Sales for Wisconsin Farms Farms % of Sales 1,032 58 Regionally 363 31 Nationally 90 11 8 <1 Point of Sale Locally Internationally Marketing Wisconsin has a total of 228,605 organic acres, 117,795 of those acres are harvested as field crops. Consumer Direct Sales Wholesale market sales accounted for 85 percent of the sales from Wisconsin organic farms. This is higher than the National rate of 78 percent. Consumer direct sales accounted for 10 percent of sales while direct-to-retail sales accounted for 5 percent. National percentages were 8 for consumer direct sales and 14 for direct-to-retail sales. Wholesale Market Sales Direct-toRetail Sales Wisconsin Of the 1,228 Wisconsin organic farms, the average production expenses per farm were $111,226, compared with the U.S. average of $280,722. Organic Crops Number of Farms Other Fruits, Tree Nuts, and Berries (Total) Harvested Acres Production Gross Value of Sales 88 372 NA 3,324,968 9 177 11,760 2,582,000 47 107 441,018 189,018 909 117,795 NA 25,748,003 Alfalfa and Alfalfa Mixtures (tons) 444 29,367 107,297 6,369,596 Corn for Grain (bushels) 539 21,408 2,129,423 9,352,760 Corn for Silage or Greenchop (tons) 224 7,823 105,190 656,998 Oats (bushels) 198 5,073 261,965 758,577 Soybeans (bushels) 145 5,933 155,952 2,613,299 Wheat, All (bushels) 103 2,804 124,376 1,059,997 334 3,855 NA 17,386,828 Cranberries (barrels) All Apples (pounds) All Field Crops All Vegetables, Potatoes, and Melons (NA) Production not available because not all commodities were reported in the same units, due to the variety of commodities. Wisconsin produced 10% of the organic cow’s milk and 22% of the organic goat’s milk sold in the U.S. in 2014. Sixty-one percent of the Nation’s organic cranberries were grown in Wisconsin. Organic cranberry sales were up 9 percent from 2008. Organic blueberry and strawberry sales both increased from 2008 by 179 and 43 percent, respectively. On December 31, Wisconsin producers had 25,758 dairy cows on hand, and ranked second behind California in organic dairy cow inventory. Organic cow milk production increased 9 percent from 2008, to 357.2 million pounds. Organic milk value of sales increased as well, by 30 percent from 2008, to 110.5 million dollars in total sales. Organic Livestock Inventory December 31, 2014 Number of Farms Gross Value of Sales Beef Cows 94 2,128 535,466 Goats and Kids 27 600 30,795 Sheep and Lambs 24 301 27,205 Hogs and Pigs 34 1,278 1,041,626 Layers 121 359,815 104,889 Milk Cows 429 25,758 8,721,893 Other Cattle 517 24,536 10,465,037 Organic Livestock and Poultry Products Number of Farms Production Gross Value of Sales Milk from Cows (Lbs) 424 357,206,685 110,533,982 Chicken Eggs (Doz) 106 7,408,166 16,633,835 9 490,800 204,680 Milk from Goats (Lbs) (D) Not published to avoid disclosure of individual operations. The complete, 592-page report can be found online at: http://www.agcensus.usda.gov.