Ms. Rose’s CLASS NEWS J Weeks of: April 25-29 THEME: Frog Life Cycle SONGS/LEARNING VIDEOS: Activities: AM: *Art- The AM students will create a frog out of a paper plate that they will sponge paint using green paint. They will also cut out a long tongue and put an insect sticker on the frog’s tongue. PM: *Art- The PM students will put the Life Cycle of a Frog pictures in order on a pond made out of a paper plate. The students will paint the paper plate blue. Scholastic Video/Activity- Ribbit! SONG: 5 Green and Speckled Frogs The Bossy Frog Frog Life Cycle Video Froggy, Froggy! Can You Leap Like a Frog SENSORY TABLE: Green water with insects, frogs, aquarium fish nets, and foam lily pads OTHER: The AM and PM students will draw “Mat Man,” again using the “Handwriting Without Tears” Mat Man song. Afterwards, they will compare their Mat Man from the beginning of the year to now! IMPORTANT DATES: SOME GOOD BOOKS: **Tuesday, April 26th (PM)- Dream Shop visit. The Better Move On, Frog By Ron Maris children will be introduced to Japanese folk tales I Spy with My Little Eye By Edward Gibbs and musical plays. Jump, Frog, Jump! By Robert Kalan th **Thursday, May 5 - PM Field Trip to Stratford Ecological Center. AM class is cancelled that day. **Friday, May 13th- Multi-Cultural Day **Wednesday, May 25th- Field Day, Rain DateThursday, May 26th Hungry Harry By Joanne Partis I am learning that… I can share my ideas and answers using pictures, words, or actions. I can talk about things in the environment and tell how they change over time, with help. I can work together with my classmates to plan an activity and act out characters when playing. I can learn about and identify where people, plants and animals live and how they live in their environments, with help. I can talk about how people, plants, and animals change over time, with help. I can ask questions about the world around me.