This paper not to be cited without prior reference to thc authors. INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR TUE EXPLORATION OFTUE SEA C.M. 19811G: 71 Demersal Fish Committee • REPORT ON TUE CATCHES OF COD, HADDOCK, WHITING AND NORWAY POUT DURING THE ICES YOUNG HERRING SURVEY 1981 by N. Daan and C.J. Kuiter Netherlands Institute for Fishery Investigations Haringkade 1, Postbox 68, 1970 AB IJmuiden, The Netherlands . • This paper not to be cited without prlor reference to the authors. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M.1981/G : 71 Demersal Fish Committee REPORT ON THE CATCHES OF COD, HADDOCK, WHITING AND NORWAY POUT DURlNG THE lCES YOUNG HERRING SURVEY 1981. by N. Daan and C.J. Kuiter Netherlands Institute for Fishery Investigations Haringkade 1, Postbox 68 1970 AB IJmuiden, The Netherlands. Introduction The ICES Young Fish Surveys carried out since 1965 have so far been used to estimate the abundance, the distribution and the mean size of the youngest two age groups of roundfish in the catch. The older fish were treated cursorily as a plus group. During the Council Meeting in 1980 theDemersal Fish Committee stressed the possible value of the survey in providing data on spawning stock biomasses, which could be used as an independent check onthe estimates from VPA on deteriorating commercial catch data. In order to allow for a more extensive analysis of the survey data a different sampling regime has been introduced in 1981 and the standard computer analysis was adapted to take account of the new requirements. For this reason the present report deviates in several aspects from former reports. For a general description of the survey in 1981 in terms of planning und participation reference is made to the reporton the herring data (CORTEN & KUlTER, lCES C.M. 1981/H : 17). The survey in 1981 has also been used as the basis for collecting stomach contents of several fish species during the first quarter of the year within the frame werk of the Stomach Sampling Programme. More details are given in the Progress Report on this Programme (DAAN, ICES C.M. 1981/G : 72). Since the interpretation of the results requires that the sampIes taken in different areas for the different size groups are weighted according to the spatial abundance of these size groups and that the size groups can be translated to age groups, the analysis of the IYFS was adapted to provide the required output. Sampling methods The major change introduced in 1981 referred to the otolith sampling. Since it has been agreed at an earlier occasion that all data should be worked up by North Sea Roundfish areas as defined in ICES C.M.1979/ G : 35, snmpling' for otoliths by four statistical rectangles was replaced by sampling by these Roundfish areas. Since the same overall intensity of sampling should be maintained approximately 30 fish per - 2 - cm group per areawas aimed at. Additional information on sexe and maturity was required so that Sexe-maturity-age-Iength keys (SMALK's) could be constructed. Table 0 provides the details on sampling intensity arrived at in 1981. Analysis In contrast with former years when participants were asked to report the age distribution of the catch per haul based on the national ALK's and when the length statistics went directly into the computer, they were now asked to provide 3 kinds of input information for subsequent computer analysis: a trawl station list, length distributions'of the catches per haul and the SMALK's. The latter as provided by the different participants were first combined and then used for calculating the age distribution of the catch in each indi,idual haul. The abundance analysis then continued as before. In order tJ reduce the size of this report the older age groups have in the charts been combined in a 3+ group, which can be compared with former reports. However, data are available for age groups 1 to 6+ separately and in tables I-1/IV-1 the indices of abundance are given for each age group separately. In order to estimate the sexe-maturity-age-Iength distribution the size distributions of the catches were first summed over the areas and then the total catch in each area was treated with the corresponding SMALK. Tables I-2a/IV-2a and I-2b/IV-2b present the maturity-age-Iength distributions,of males and fenales respectively. The length statistics are given in tables 1-3/ IV-3. Tables I-4/IV-4 and I-5/IV-5 present the sexe-maturity-age-Iength distributions and the age-Iength distributions respectively. Lastly 1-6/ Iv-6 give the age distributions and the corresponding mean sizes by length classes as required for the stomach sampling programne. All these tables refer to the total North Sea catch summed over the North Sea Roundfish areas. Although details are available for each area seprarately, there did not seem to be much use in reproducing all these extensive tables in this report, because in any stock assessment of North Sea Roundfish as yet no split by sub-stocks is possible. The changes in the set up carried through in 1981 may to some extent influence the results and therefore hamper the comparability with former surveys. Although the differences resulting from applying ALK's from larger areas than before are supposed to be relatively small,it is intended to process the 1980 sUrvey data according to the new system and to compare the results for that year. According to the joint report of the International Gadoid Survey Working Group and the International Young Herring Survey Working Group (lCES C.M. 1981/H: 10) there was little or no gain in theadjustmentprocedure for unfished squares and therefore the adjusted indices are excluded from the present report. Also the logarithmic transformations were skipped On the grounds given in that report. Sweden did not collect length-age sampIes and therefore the Kattegat stations couldnot be incorporated in the analysis. However, the Skagerrak stations between 8° and 10° E, which belong to thestandard areas for which abundance indices are calculated have been treated with the ALK for the neighbouring area 7. lt should be noted that since otoliths are taken from a species specific size class onwards, all the smaller fish being assumed to represent I-group, information on the sexe and maturity distribution of these size calsses is lacking. In all species the first mature fish were observed beyond the lower the size limit and therefore these smaller fish could be taken to represent immature fish. For the sexe distribution a 50-50 proportion was assumed. This could result in a bias in the mean length at age for the sexes in 1 year old fish and therefore the results for this age group shoUld be' treated with caution. ,.....------------------------- - - - 3 - TABLE 0 Number of otoliths included in the SMALK's by species and Roundfish areas during the IYFS 1981. 2 3 4 5 6 7 541 555 282 278 75 1264 675 Haddock 1400 1255 721 7 135 652 392 330 424 346 Whiting 939 304 350 Norway pout 138 20 237 114 798 2 Area ----------- Species: Cod ~:=~~~~:=~ - 4 _ Results I COD The abundance of I-group cod was very low in all areas except for area 6, where it was moderate (tableI-1). Inspecting figure 1-2 indicates that just one square (37F8) yielded more fish per hour than all other squares combined. Thus it seems possible that even the OVerall index of 13 young cod per hour may be over-estimated. Year class 1979 was as II-group in 1981 even more abundant than as I-group in 1980 (30 vs 26) indicating that this year class had previously been underestimated. Although 1979 now should be considered to be a strong year class, it does not appear to be as good as year class 1970 (38) and 1976 (42). One problem in interpreting the 1YFS results for cod is that the different areas contribute differently to individual yearclasses as can be seen from table 1-7. Also 1-group and II-group behave differently in different areas and there is little congruency between the two sets of data. Since recruitment to the North Sea stock appears to be rather inhomogeneous, any regional differences in catchability might be expected to introduce considerable bias in the overall index. The sexe-maturity-age-Iength data are given in tables 1-2 alb. The corresponding biomass, estimated from the length distributions from the relationship W = 0,0104 ~ L 3 , are given at the bottom. Only 51 % of the 4 year old cod in number and 61 %in weight is mature. From table 1-5 it appears that in 1981 the preliminary estimate of year class strength of the 1980 year class based on the length distribution should have included fish below 23 cm rather than 25. However, since the 1979 year class was exceptionally abundant in general 25 cm would appear to be an appropriate limit. The difference between the preliminary index of 17 and the final index of 13 is only or minor importance. - 5 - 1 A'I.E I VEKA:;E CATCH ! HOUR peH S'JUARE BY RNO ~'-I\ REA AND [ i t n,n e ti c abunjance analysis; Unad)usted values) - Pl;;CIl.S: COD SUaAREh: .~t:.l;R 0 1 2 5 RNDF-l J{~DF-2 J{'<LJF-] K,,>/üF-4 R:l/lJF-S RNDF-6 n nau1s N squares 51l 37 57 25 H ly 27 11 8 5 89 30 40 12 11 4 137 mean NR/n Stand.öev. 0 0.0 ' 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 U.D mean NR/n Stan::l. dev. 0 0.1 3 0.7 1 0.6 2 1.2 0 0.6 55 36.7 3 1.2 9 2.6 8.0 mean NH/n tl 2.4 49 14.2 7 LI 37 17.9 3 1.3 44 12.0 25 21.1 Yl 3J 38.5 4.6 mean NR/n Stand.::lev. 8 2.3 5 2. 3 3 1.2 1 1.2 0 o. 3 2 0.8 2.1 7 3.5 U.B mean NR/n 5 1.5 2 0.6 2 0.8 2 0.8 1 1.0 1 0.7 2.2 0 0.4 0.5 mean NR/n 2 0.8 1 O. 3 1 O. 3 0 0.2 1 0.7 2 0.8 3 2.4 0 0.2 (J.4 NK!n 1 1.0 1 0.5 0.1 1 O. 3 1 1.4 1 O. 3 1 0.5 0 0.0 U. RNDF-7 KATTEGA1' S fAND. ll/~ AtlEA 31.; YEt,RCL 19E1 1 19E1O 1':179 _1978 4 I\GE GROU P 1977 1976 6+ OLI)ER m~an (J 2 ] II U 4 2 , 1 j r'lI~LE 'I C E - I - 2a L ENG T H - S E X _ 6 _ ~ - ~ A T U R I T Y D1sr H1BUT ION ~P~:CU;S: eOD "'ALES ,{OUNDE"ISH ARE:AS CO"iBINED ~8 GROUP 1 1",,'1 L-'1IN L-,"!AX 2 MAT 67 155 4 5 ron 6+ IM"! MAT IW-I MAT IMM MAT IMM MAT IMM ~lA'r 156 J29 156 235 198 376 237 3tHl 340 440 421 575 198 235 500 640 165 170 557 775 C"! 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :.1 2 1 1 1 6 19 3J 57 66 104 91 133 121 460 308 284 512 202 345 327 352 316 355 222 278 258 227 216 190 144 161 156 107 119 141 153 128 1 1 1 6 19 33 57 66 104 91 In 109 449 282 248 422 84 99 63 13 4 12 11 26 37 90 117 241 257 338 307 350 218 273 252 225 212 176 128 150 n 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 6 7 2 5 5 4 4 3 8 12 9 35 23 25 12 21 18 40 22 23 5 117 82 74 123 114 89 75 106 48 ~ 45 28 16 3 21 1 9 _50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 85 3 2 7 6 6 1 2 4 6 4 2 3 2 21 7 18 21 18 10 22 23 24 8 17 27 23 25 3 16 32 24 6 22 28 48 12 3 136 3 1 1 1 0 4 8 3 6 5 4 4 13 7 45 43 11 2 0 1 5 10 3 5 3 6 1 2 31 17 33 2 4 41 48 27 7 4 66 96 55 18 3 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 TOTAL 2285 %MAT 4417 0 Biomass 204 (kg) %MAT 288 219 11 162 150 409 724 36 295 1358 458 75 6 6 15 25 78 49 54 22 4 7 4 B 2 260 25 66 24 6 1752 0 507 138 95 41 58 54 53 54 39 46 13 31 49 33 19 44 4 3 3 0 8500 93 1713 94 104 8 91 1i6 2 2 11 4 32 19 14 9 4 3 3 3 3 147 144 133 U8 156 73 89 44 18 9 55 1000 8008 95 b fü3LE I 2 G E - t. !:: N G I' Ii - I:: ~ XI::-,"!A'1'U~1 - 7 - D IS'I'IH BU'I'ION ')' 'i 'PECIE5: COD - fEMALES IOUNDfISH AREAS COMBINED GE GROUP L-MI N L-'1AX 4 2 1 6+ 5 IMM MA'r IMM ,'!AT I M.'! MA'f IMM :'oIAT I Me1 MA'r 67 141 19 19 157 337 170 19d 225 388 25 } 324 320 465 441 553 168 255 438 580 1.'I"l l'1): ,11\'1' 610 790 CM 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ~ 2 1 1 1 6 I I 1 b 1') H 33 3j 42 S4 42 54 48 74 106 120 214 172 228 288 104 IB4 .j/j n 106 120 25 99 26 4 II 32 33 34 3S 36 37 38 3':l 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ,,50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 TOTAL %MAT 2-ll 1 <J8 286 394 285 430 4lJ Hl8 347 295 251 258 303 2tlO 246 210 158 14tl 127 156 15tl 103 114 8 6 8 8 23 3 3 10 3 6 6 4 5 3 3 6 8 9 8 11 3 1 116 <) 7 111 71 150 7d 70 20 11 16 11 19 16 4 17 3 2 8 2 19 5 27 19 10 8 22 19 14 18 16 49 25 2 8 17 14 4 2 1 4 0 61 21 50 3j 2 2 2 20 11 4 10 1 23 21 9 2 1'1 3 3 7 3 1 32 35 50 10 5 33 26 a 30 19 115 6 3 38 39 51 23 6 4 III 5 ':14 9 9 9 3 8 17 49 69 40 6 6 3 6 21 25 42 32 23 7 3 2 170 34 5 1824 %HAT Biomass (kg) 2 26 57 106 181 246 333 274 343 289 251 250 295 280 219 202 151 134 121 145 144 88 103 93 85 95 60 127 62 45 40 25 4893 2 1 429 40 2033 2 99 27 61 189 1597 89 112 1 Ll 7 61 5~ 47 32 21 7 j :.1 dlJO 100 83 848 548 224 46 51 243 659 172 163 19 2 1 178 84 117 83 1945 100 8282 - 8 - rl\llU: I - 4 L E: N G 'r H - S E X ~ 1:: - - 9 - DI STHIIjUnON A 'I' U R 1 T 'f SPECIES: COD ROUNDFISll AREAS COMI:lINED MALF::S e' IMM MAT L-min L-max 6 95 27 120 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 2 1 1 1 6 19 33 57 66 104 91 133 121 460 30B 2B4 512 202 345 327 352 311 355 222 273 255 227 216 182 132 152 120 84 95 130 132 110 93 115 71 36 58 53 46 44 26 46 9 24 42 26 11 28 34 79 61 40 14 12 2 II 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49. 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5B 59 60 65 70 75 BO 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 TOTAL 5 4 3 8 12 9 35 23 25 12 21 IB 43 23 24 5 1 7 10 14 3 7 6 6 8 16 7 6B 83 94 125 144 71 B,9 41 18 9 4 3 n:Io1ALt::s IM.., MAT 6 85 2 1 1 1 6 19 33 42 54 48 74 106 120 216 19B 2B6 394 285 430 433 308 347 2B 9 251 250 295 280 223 207 154 137 127 153 152 96 114 113 96 111 71 146 78 65 59 13 47 n 1109 25 6 B 8 23 3 3 10 3 6 6 3 1 4 5 2 8 2 6 95 4 2 2 2 11 37 65 99 119 152 165 239 241 676 506 570 906 4B7 775 760 660 658 644 473 524 550 507 439 389 286 289 248 237 247 226 246 223 IR 9 226 142 U32 136 118 105 57 73 19 125 25 5 6 12 11 23 11 16 20 35 26 31 IB 21 21 44 23 24 9 6 9 18 16 79 18 8 28 22 20 22 IR 86 70 61 19 9 9 2 11 5 4 10 B 1 29 24 55 64 103 9B 61 5'1 47 32 23 7 3 2 27 32 71 48 31 51 52 165 131 101 13 21 7354 775 14745 3 7391 19 125 TOTAL IMM MAT 11 6 17 11 11 18 23 8 97 107 149 lRB 247 169 150 100 65 41 27 9 6 2 IBB4 _________________1 - 10 - 1',I\'lLE -\ G E r - -5 L I:: N G '[' 1/ I ES: C00 H;lLl'llDFISI/ AHt:AS IJ rSJ'I<lllUl'l:l'J :i I) t:C I 111;') L-nli n 6 L-max 27 IH 5':1 ,lH 24 75 53 100 ':10 57 125 'Jü'IAL 6 125 4 6 4 7 2 2 2 11 2 2 2 11 65 99 119 152 165 2 3':I 229 6tl::\ 65 99 119 152 165 239 241 701 506 570 ':106 487 775 760 660 663 650 473 536 561 507 462 400 302 309 283 Ud 278 244 267 244 233 249 16n 191 1 Hi 124 114 75 89 79 H ':I 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 1,j 1-) 45~ 2tl 476 710 189 2d 2 16 3 39 8 21 22 n 2~ 't'J ) " ~O 27 2j 2; JJ j 1 32 11 31 j ~ h. 17 In 14 4 lJ ~ 37 n 13 • li i- ~) i. () I\GI. '- Cl) MI} 1 42 ~ I 12 II 52 94 196 298 487 591 611 655 645 4id 5 J6 558 5J5 455 18'1 295 304 274 252 248 229 11 7 5 '1 11 3d 15 29 40 12 27 Je, ~~ 74 ~h n 3 2 7 20~ ~ ~ 1 4" 5 4 238 2111 222 1 11 1~ S '}7 92 ~ 6 7 10 46 3'1 211 b :) ,I 30 51 26 44 60 35 ·14 :i 16 41 59 51 33 53 ')2 165 lU2 2 '0 S2 53 51 9 55 56 57 5" 2 2 5'1 DlJ 05 7J 75 <1 7 J Hb 11 16 40 55 138 125 94 56 9 ,b 105 110 11 ') 12J 12') H 35 9682 1197 2 2 282 16629 2 4 12ll 181 152 lOt; • J l\l. 27 9 6 50 82 59 49 74 60 262 238 250 221 26lJ 180 150 103 65 41 27 9 6 8 12 16 7 45 3 il5 3J 4 20 116 d" ~ 4 1 1 3 780 555 4 11 14 10 53 47 56 41 - 'fAßLE: A G E: - -6- I S I Z E 01 STR I HU'r ION C LAS S SPECIE:S: COO ROUND!"I SH AREAS COMBINED AGE 0 1 4 2 5 6+ TOTAL SIZE CLAS::; 4- 5 N L 5- - 7 L 4 6.5 4 6.5 N 7- 10 N L 6 8.5 6 8.5 10- 15 N 331 13. 3 331 13.3 L 15- 20 L 1473 18. 3 25 19.0 N 20- 25 N L 2111 22.2 1127 23.5 6 24.5 3244 22.6 25- 30 N 209 25.8 2970 27.4 26 27.1 3206 27.3 3816 14.2 85 37.0 3901 34.2 L 1631 44.0 331 45.4 4 4 B. 7 70 N L 111 52.2 721 58.6 279 63.1 38 62.6 2 57.5 1150 59.2 70- 100 N L 28 73.1 496 77. B 508 85.9 139 91. 1 82.8 100- 150 N 9 102.5 141 108.0 150 107.7 L 30- 40 N L 4050- 50 N L • 1498 18. 3 1968 44. 3 1172 11 - - 12 TABLE 1-7 The three prominent year elasses of eod in eaeh North Sea Roundfish area during the surveys 1970-1981 ranked by the index of abundanee for I-group and II-group separately. Corresponding ranking positions are underlined twiee, other year elasses oeeurring in both sets of sur.vey data are underlined onee. A. Surveyed as I-group: Highest index Seeond Third Year elass - Index Year elass - Index Year elass - Index 1970 - 4 5 6 79 ~~g~ - 71 1972 - 60 1976 - 50 1974 - 345 1973 1976 1970 1974 1969 1970 - 20 - 29 6 - 41 - 20 - 201 7 Jg;m - Jg~g - 156 1974 - 96 1975 1969 1974 1970 1970 1969 1972 1969 Highest index Seeond Third Year class - Index Year class - Index Year class - Index 1969 - 4 5 6 53 13 1979 - 37 1970 - 74 1976 - 137 1974 1979 1979 1971 1976 1969 - 20 49 7 28 23 64 7 Jg~Q - Jg~g - 47 38 1971 1976 1970 1970 1972 1979 1974 1979 NSRF Area 2 3 Standard area J~IQ 23 - 238 1970 - 100 3 - 28 6 - 25 7 - 171 - 96 - 74 B. Surveyed as II-group: NSRF area 2 3 • Standard area 23 JgIQ Jggg - 110 1976 - 42 1970 - - 16 17 6 21 6 44 31 33 13 - . ~-_. --2 ~j. --- - - - -- ' - - - - - -. q 11 § , ~ ./ {~ I I I :2 2 I 2 2 ~ ..., :2 2 / 2 J 2 :2 11 1 I 2 I \ T ~ I -_. - - 2 r I I 21 :2 2 2 1 2 2 21 21 2 l! - 2 --_.21 ________ ._ . . . . . ! 2l-~221 - • _ _. _ _.~* ~~-p-- -.. - 11 --f---- .. I r- ~4~ , -_.- - o ,.- . ~ ---- - . , 'I 11... ---3 3 ~- --31 -----31. -----31 . 'i I 'il ~J' 2TOTAL NUMBER OF VALID HAUL5: 323 NR or HAULS IN STANDARD ARER: JI4 _:- S- -r- =~'. _.~ -- --+----~-_ .. +--_._-- ....- _.- .. -4' -J' -2' -I' (I' --r 1 - _I ,.1.-"- __. ..r _ , ....:.. ....#E; -" " ~, . ~, - - - - +- 5' -0- +-. ---t- .---t---+--- .. .~-- 7' 8' 9' 11)' 1 I' 12' S"' 37 35 i JU 1. -- I J3 . S-l _. I i · ..... - - 4 1" I?' -.. ~, - 14 - 5"1 6," yg 5"8" 5"7" ~ 5"6" SS' 37 36 35" [~ 61 [6 [7 E 8 [9 r ~ r Ir? "4---I-~-I---+ __1-+2_ -Elf--+-----1f--~L r ~.~~ ~.... :~ BS 111 . . . ...- .- . . r 3 r y r 5" --f---t-=d~= -~J--=~ =~I~=~ E~.r. 7 r e r 9 G B GIG 2 ·4· --'--0-· .... t-~ DRT H 5 E R ·····l 1 :: I 5"~ yg 2 6r1"!.f--4---I---l--If+--f 7 ' . S"9 I.+-_-+--,~ '-+--+--'!- ·27 Y8 11 Y? YE. ..,. I ! 5"7' S"? Y:i 114 lC" -; Y? 5"6" .... i J. Sy" IJ . ~E' 37 3E 35" )!.J I -r 5"2" 9.('l..J. I .-1 3::: 3:: 31 - 15 - 11 HADDOCK Year class 1980 was poorly represented in the catches and the index of 268 (table 11-1) per hour indicates a poor year class. Year class 1979 was still abundant as II-group, confirming the result from the 1980 survey which indicated a good year class. The main area of high abundance was located off the Scottish coast (area 3, cf figure 11-3). Older cod were caught in rather larger numbers than during the past 6 years. The sexe-maturity-age-Iength distributions are giv~n in tables 11-2 alb. Approximately 50 %of the males are mature at 2 years old and females become mature one year later. The weight-Iength relationship used in calculating the biomasses is W = 0,009 ~ L 3 • The upper limit of 20 cm used in the preliminary estimate of the recruiting year class appears to be.appropriate (table 11-5) and difference between the preliminary estimate (260) and the final index (268) is very small indeed. - 16 - "d I.!: I [ - 1 'Jt',Uh;l, CA lCtI I IIUUH f i t lilie t ic ... I>undance ,1'1:-: 11':,,: I'r:H 1 ~'. e ; i< Yt;,\HCL ,) 19:1 I l , I\Gl: GHOUP \\ll) V<.lllle s) ltHH'-1 ,ü!l)t'- 2 H'lOr'-j H~[H'-4 RNO~'-5 RNDF-6 n nduls N sCJuares 5d 17 Sn 25 31 19 27 11 8 5 89 30 40 12 11 4 216 11)2 NH/n 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 u 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 ';i tI 0 WCdn NR/tl St ilnd. cl ev. )'17 149 56.ti 17., j 'I. 3 7 j.9 1 0.6 13 1211.7 20.0 3 0.9 16 8.2 2ad 4 H. 1 l';i 7 '! 551 135.4 ';i'.l~ 23 H. 1 1466 420.9 141 liLO 0 O. 3 15 7.4 31 6.5 88 28.9 675 96.7 273 66.7 144 41. 6 271 129.8 10 5. 3 0 0.6 1 0.5 16 2.7 42 18.7 166 27.9 b2 17.1 19 6.7 1 0.8 n.o 0 5.2 O. 1 4 1.4 10 4.5 24 6.4 3 2.4 () ').8 1 O. 3 0 Stal11. dev. 0.1 0.0 0 0.1 2 0.6 6 2.8 5 1.7 n 'JH/n StiJnd .dev. 5 1.I:J l 5 1.8 1.'1 0 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.1 2 1.3 2 l.1 O. tI ,hedn .ll~"ln \iH/n StilnJ.t1ev. 1 ';i 7H Jl~dn Nt-:/h Stdnd.dc.:v. I'J 71 lll~cJn \i,VIl Stctl1'i.oev. :) ,H' IU,W-I\HI';I\ lll\llf) leK SUtlAHI::i\: \ :..; .)11.-\ l~ L dni.tlysi::i; IIn.3 iJlIsted I'! 76 n+ ULr:WH tho,.:'d In~\,J n 'J 1<1 11 6 U 0 RNDF-7 KA'r'rEGA l' SrANO. ,\iS ;\I{IO ,1\ ~ - 17 - rAint:: A Ci E - a 2 II - L ENG '1' 11 SEX - t; - A .'\ 'I' U R [ 'I' 'i J) ISrHI ßu'r ION ;PEClf:S: HADDOCK ,~ALES )UNDPISH AREAS COMBINED 1 L-,'U"J L-"1AX 2 4 5 6+ I'J r'\L I MM MAT IMM 1'1 AT [ M.'\ ,'1A 'I' IMM MAT IMM MA'r IMM ..,.0.1' 89 154 77 86 124 213 159 258 122 18') 1'14 327 121 155 212 313 84 89 195 278 46 46 20'; HO C.., 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 4 31 58/i 193ii 182 397 5256 3668 2014 IH2 721 1028 1 06 7 753 83 3 1 1'l 1 17 Jl Sdo 1'1 j" 1d2 J'n ~2 23 184 195 165 121 U5 13 231 929 1816 3237 4863 5520 3740 4543 2530 1512 1151 379 263 124 33 44 16 16 11 19 3 4 lJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 2 17 105 350 429 2fl71 4532 5401 5066 4106 3lfl3 3140 1909 1523 923 616 324 HB 212 171 49 39 16 15 ,5 7 1 • 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 5':1 60 65 70 75 'j'O rAL ~hl 2L~" JL17 45d~ llll 74 (j 7 ~d 1 \)'j tu ':l4Ll !:li'J 3 119 128 151 153 56 tJ 451 814 149lJ 995 1159 927 885 861 745 625 623 306 271 166 70 89 1 34 5til 570 152 654 286 451 2H 3 55 76 194 28 107 24 41 17 3 76 7371 J2 4')00 Sfl 6 1j9 9J 4 262 20 187 188 138 205 65 14 3 147 155 90 51 90 82 32 28 27 14 8 4 52 51 24 5 B 46 42 23 6 4 4 2 9 2 3 J7 S 5 37 5 ~ 2502 2J5L 3 3 4 11 13 8 41 24 4 38 20 22 12 12 4 5 14 2~) 14iJS 18 4 6 % MAT 4 Biomass 862 70 35326 53 4015 6043 3R4 1 11723 HO 4080 952 8 60 81 Jbl 34 207 13 1'15 151 l'iG ';l) öl (, ., ) ~ 6 9 9 JG 21 47 'J 2 'l 25 Jf, 1j 20 24 5 11 'l t~ 2 2 2 4 10 8 4 2 371 LU tJ Ü a 15 265 4 91 1131 92 SU H 14 221 11 4 99 .437 (kg) % MAT till2 S~~ lu 2074 95 8 24 19 3 87 75 11 '14 101 'i 11 20 36 4 3 30997 1411 N 9 'J 2 5 8 813 13 Jl 3 1 20641 Sn 3" ti 'I 2014 1'1n 95 99 11 1 2 1 u6 Jd J 179aJ. - 18 - I",,\U: , " I I lc - :;H:L'[lO;;: " ),J",I),,' - 2b L t' N Ci '1' ti - S L X E - ,'1 A l' U !l I 'J' '{ 0 I S I' RI All (' I UN Fr;'1ALc:S IIAUD()CK - r Sil AHt::AS CClMB INt::D 2 1 IM'" [. -'11:~ ['-'~I\)( 115 90 151 4 145 22ö 213 IR 0 300 160 247 6+ 5 MAI' "'AT 209 321 93 157 IM,'! MAI' 117 141 241 329 M/\I' 42 276 42 372 C:1 H 9 4 II 4 11 10 5tIfi 5dG 11 12 1936 7H4t:i 7897 14 1936 7846 7 Pd 7 1930 15 10 21tl<j 1814 218':1 IHI4 e~~ 1~ 654 371 58H 13 20 82<) 21 72,1 22 23 24 25 26 1 'l8 1930 680 25 414 1017 2222 4392 5209 7662 7875 6831 11-1 2H B~ 1605 49 89 450 448 1506 1087 1430 1381 1523 1333 1114 1101 7287 27 5701 2491 2021; 1453 512 2B5 160 2"1 29 30 1I J2 1J 745 525 206 34 J~ 137 J6 41 150 112 31 JtJ 34 18 67 6j J'l 7 24 3 6 3 118 -; ,I,) 41 42 43 Hi 47 48 49 170 74 76 3099 5210 6027 H 30 3 9769 7':119 9779 76 77 3 927 1117 807 98'! 472 427 755 20B 2b3 30 l 217 192 167 290 48 51 357 8056 5215 4527 17 53 5 1'l6 575 864 %7 738 789 621 598 576 265 81 2d 27 2ö5 228 153 25 9 88 67 3 6R 4 4 3 40 27 8 17 14 50 51 52 53 54 88 48 108 76 101 40 20 43 34 7 32 14 7 83 54 42 25 36 27 154 2748 2413 2549 1371 3 11 13 15 1453 1276 8 6 11 11 970 686 547 28 136 13 30 27 37 72 144 116 135 18 3 115 5 63 5 4 53 41 38 65 29 19 16 10 4 5 6 6 7 4 13 3 51) 57 2 141 124 87 258 17 16 21 2 47 J <) 11 18 27 1 17 7 27 7 2 05 20:J 4 3 10 11 301 2 25 4 54 oll 287 j 21 5 5 58 27 15 10 17 26 15 55 373 370 2 27 20 8 5 'I. 14 4 IlJ I'> j )l"d. 279'J2 % MAT Biom. (kg) % HAT o 55919 13411 o 2866 26 7936 49 19 8228 832 8124 2264 3259 59 680 307 1739 82 1214 58 72 80 88 616 663 92 1048 99 100 51 51 31 27 6 22 14 48 9 o 2 2 HO 116772 420 2 88 110 295 88 20113 - 19 - r,-\HLI:: G ~; ,b, - - 3 r) L I:; N G 'I' 11 SPECIES: - X I:: ~; S - '1 A I' U H r '!' y S'I'A'l' I S'fICS IlAOflOCK ,WUND<,ISH /\Hl::-\S COMd 1 N~;il Nr ~\I::AI~ L Sd L-rni n L-rnax 0 AG!:: GHOUP: Sl:XES CO~m. IM'1 AGE: GROUP: MALES FEMALES AG!': GROUP: '1/\1.E5 FE,MLES 1 MA'r 'rOTAL 20641 813 21455 16.1 21. 2 Ib. 3 9.4 2.1 3.2 8 18 8 24 23 24 1,'1'1 27952 14. 3 7.6 8 24 MAT TOT"L 27<)52 14. 3 2.8 8 24 IMM MAT I'OTAL 30997 35 326 66322 24.1 2ti. 3 25. 3 6. 3 9.5 3.0 17 IB 17 42 43 1'1" 55919 13413 69331 25.0 2 tl. 3 25. 7 8.2 11. 5 3.2 17 20 17 40 41 41 IMM ,'1A1' l'orAL 3B4 J 1172 j 15566 2 'I. 8 33.3 3.!.4 13.0 17 .8 4. 3 22 23 22 46 53 53 1'1'1 812 4 7936 16060 30.9 35.2 H.O 16.5 17.6 4.7 22 26 22 48 54 54 IM'1 2 MA'l' 'rlyrAI. AGE GHuUP: MALES !"EMALES 3 !·lAT 'rOTAL AGE GHOUP: M'ILES 4 HO I' TOTAL 2074 2 Hl4 H.5 lfl.6 37.7 26.0 26.8 5.7 24 30 24 48 60 60 IM'1 MAI' TOTAL 6 BO 17 39 2419 J6. J 41.6 4ll.1 20.6 44.4 6.6 29 24 24 59 60 60 ,'1Ar 'rarAL 15 265 280 42.9 44.4 44. 3 10.2 14.9 5.B 38 33 33 46 65 65 IM'1 l'lAT T::>TAL 82 616 697 42.4 4 B. 11 48.0 26.2 25. 3 5.4 36 36 36 54 65 65 46.5 48.1l 4tJ.O -0.0 60.6 7.7 46 35 35 46 75 75 0.0 47.6 6.9 42 313 42.5 52.2 5;>.1 17 31 42 75 75 2231 H 24. 7 50.7 tl 75 1'1'1 ~(A ~'t:I"ALt:S AGe GHOUP: ,'1ALES n:MALES AGE GROUP: ,'1ALES r't: 'lALI::S 41 5 1'1'1 6 I ,.,~, MAI' TorAL 4 371 IMM 100AT TOTAL HO I'n rl\L I'OPULA'rI ON 375 3 - 20 - -4 [ [ l' A IlU: LI'; N G 'J' Il - S E \( t; - ~I A 'J' U K [ 'f j' UIsrIHLlU'I'ION ,,['I::CIES: HADOOCK HuUNOfISl1 AHI::AS CO:~LlINl::D MALES I .'l~1 L..,II i n ci L-max 48 d 4 31 586 1936 Id 2 397 5256 l668 2014 1924 951 1957 2B83 3990 5805 5734 39 13 4676 3112 2083 1309 1033 638 579 316 150 92 209 91 126 53 50 20 3 2 4 9 10 11 12 13 • 14 15 16 17 1tl 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2tl 29 W 31 32 II 34 35 36 37 38 3 \I 411 oll -l2 3 .I 44 45 46 13 <17 4'1 4 4'1 50 51 52 53 54 55 S6 57 ,'11\ FE'lALES l.'lM MAT r 18 75 8 59 20 75 <I 39 289 544 594 2993 4776 5528 5217 4259 3750 3591 2722 3116 1922 2036 1275 1393 1278 1063 889 748 498 4\12 358 205 191 151 156 87 82 58 36 47 13 29 25 36 9 19 13 3) 586 1916 7846 7897 1931l 2189 1814 680 7tl <I 1605 3050 5120 5577 7855 8186 6831 8059 6629 3609 2837 244 3 1072 160 1023 421 482 Hlti 2d 3 278 214 120 5') Hl 29 39 9 9 9 11 4 49 89 450 4~tl 1583 10B7 1720 142d 1606 1690 1310 1676 1652 1526 950 971 8flB 765 693 472 426 318 333 258 261 199 132 115 76 84 MAT 8 59 18 75 8 62 1171 3871 8028 8294 71d6 5857 3828 2604 1736 3562 5933 9110 11382 13588 12119 11507 11171 8713 4918 3869 3081 1651 1076 1173 513 691 479 408 331 264 140 58 40 33 39 9 22 9 15 4 5 12b 5 6 2'19 8i )1 43 6 ci 11 31 27 6 5tl 22 59 60 65 70 75 r'Jl'I\L TorAL IMM 4 20 11 4R cl 11 4 2 55tlll 50567 2 n 756 L 40 13 14t1566 39 289 593 684 3442 5225 7111 6305 5979 5178 5197 4413 4426 3599 3689 2801 2 34 3 2250 1951 1655 1441 970 919 676 537 449 413 356 218 197 134 120 172 302 117 76 79 46 45 19 22 15 68 19 4 4 74580 - 21 - ['I\:IL" G E - 'I I I - I- L 1 ,; J' tll I r:,: I f:S: :JI\Il(J.lCr( 1(<lI).W", I S tl .'\1<8.'\S Cll ",\ ;j' :<1 ,,11'[\1, '; I' A.:;t: II in 27 '27 (.-111 1--,lI.:lX d 'J Lu 11 ll~ I,,) 2 tl 24 17 .~ ? ~ .j IJ 4 I '.>1 II\J oS cl cl 62 .' 1 ;! ) 2\ 2 .. 1 ~12j 256fi 11 I ~ I 'ill,) 21H() In 4 I, ] l:S 2 1H I lSI J.') 2G '2 7 2tl 2'1 3li II 32 II H l':. 1, j 7 LI H H', ·11 4.' 4 l :IL4 H I l l <;4 Ir:! lti 1 111572 1752 I 1 '1 l'> l 11779 Bl05 5(,·17 4354 2tifil 167 cl IOS2 676 4<) 5 j l5 16'1 12 l 51 2l 3 1772 52 41 ld 41 24 1'.1 12 II III ')'I 7l ·liJ 711 111 4 ·1 12 21 ,111 l.l 2"7 17 16 II 'J II LI 25 :ni '267 ;i()·l 1':>1 L'l.'. 1 l'-l 7 2 L1'2 1771 2 fi II 2'J 7l 24 ~ 1 2 -, l.j ;!"Iu·1 l'JlJ7 I. Lid lli':d 1 '.47 14 lli -'H') h':>~ l-l 5 Id2 ';15 15 3 214 :!70 l21 l77 ltH -{ .:') . ~ ') i ';I 2') .l 1 21) 1 111'\ 11 l 2 14 167 2·1 l 71 Ho 47 l\ 11) 1'1 4 \ -j =),.1 '>I :1:' .'1) J I tl 1 'I':, In SI, 2l 1 } 'j y In 1I i ? ) 5I I:'> I') ~ ") 3 l 4 11 ?~ I d'> In 11:1 H ~ 1") cl I) '; l J 1 17 5 f "" n J 1I h 1"1 I \ I 4'1407 1 156 ~ 2 11 h :'1 ~ ~\ tl i 7 II III 42 S 77 4tl2 452 365 240 2116 14 q 1)4 51 42 '1 177 4ti 2 55 liJd 117 76 '17 l-) .j.) 4" 4') 2l 17 11 l7 j Sb 51 S '~ ) 40 3H 661 20S1 I 13 ti n C) 13 ':l I1 1171 H7l cl [J 2:l tJ2'J4 7ltl6 :>r:!S7 31.l2tl 2604 177S Jfj5] 65211 'l7Y4 14 tl 2':> lAgll 1'l2l0 17d 12 17150 1 j,lHtl 1 Oll:> d232 7')07 5251) 47,,5 3'171 2tl56 2 Hl 2430 2063 SrJ')7 I7 Ij 1'1 !.) .\ 1':> G2 1 1 71 J:l71 ,12<)4 7l8fi 11, 'rurAL J:> 75 öO 2,) 12 11 1~ 1') ~ ot ') .j '1 J1 l'J ;U 1:1 'l l 'I 14 4 4 fi 83 6~ H 4 ~ 2:! j] 4 'I I L - 22 - T \:ILI: !\ G Ic - ..6 ,: - I I ,; I ..: L fI ~) ..; [) l3 1'1< IIHJ1'I'),\J ';I'EC[ L;~;: 'lillUX:K H')U\J[WISiI :'\ t<,~ 1\ S Cd:,ldl :iEil /\GL ::> I ~ t: CL,,:;::> 45 0 2 4 5 6f- l'u1' ,'Il. ~ L 5- 7 N L 7- • 10 70 4 70 <).4 N 2:J 5 'iü L 1l.1 28550 13.1 \j L 15165 16. M ,'I L 5622 21,7 N L 1111')- 202530- 15 20 2:' JlJ 40 50 70 153 24.5 69Ul7 44 28.6 67246 27.1 750 23,0 8595 28.U N 11595 32. 1 20357 34.1 2611 35.4 141 38.2 66 37.8 34791 33,6 41 41,2 18b9 42. 3 1734 43.7 441 44.6 283 45.2 4388 43.3 35 51,2 241 53.2 395 52.6 332 55.7 1003, 53.7 N N \j L 1,()()- 150 23.4 27.0 L 70- IOn 62662 23.1 17915 17.2 Si! 610 L SLl- 27'}U 19.2 N L L 4(J- ~. N L 8 75.0 a 75.0 " ,ji t~. " ..-- .. - :E , -,- .:.r. "-r--" .,J ,JI .J • ..J .e. •.! .cl d h '\J '.. +.. _•. +_.-.. ~ .. _.--~ _ .. - ... -·--t-------~......--r--~ . SE SE ~t : lJ3m:l <lClI:HINlJ1S NI 3C1lJmIS/N N!:I3W I Jh ;h . :,h ::h ':::1 ,• ~J :11 .~ ,l5 ,Ci . ~'E:-:-- z ~ 1 • ! o..J--::':J, "\ \ '-.- ,11 , • I --f---r:~--.L " " ,hS 11 ,Iil ,Iil ,I :E • \ I I ' r'A i ,11 ,I "".- 11 r - -'-l" .-.,.. 11 'z 11 :f- . , .... 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Zeh t--t9SL 1 I1 h hll "E:Z., " ,139 EE.J IZZ ;~ t.~ ~3~~H"~:~.~.~~ ...1EJ~·tI~'~~ '"' ~ r -. I 9 ~ l~~r ~ ~ J 9 6 8 j ~ j g J j S h j E j ~ j j I J , !.i .Ö ''-0 .] .j ·n .e": .l -+----- +---+-- ._._--t""'" _.- - + - - - ~ -----t- --+--.- .ii - .---;.--- .. 3 6 J j .03 - ,6S - -- hlE ------J I--- -,19 8] .1 - L J .l- :s 9 ] .(- t ._--+ J .h- ~l" .e. ,ES ,hS • -,SS ,95 ,L5 ,S5 .65 ~)[J()<l!:lH :S31)3dS 'I ·f---r;-· ir I-.---~~--._- --L- ---L..--- 1-1861 SJA ~L.15 ,. --I- 9 - - - .... - J 9 - EG - LI I, 5 1. Cl ~ r; l. i\j j , ....... j -'r" 3 J L --- j ,ra9 z ~ 9 J 5 j IZ IZ ~-; --. ~ ,Z --- .. ---.' h J , E j ---- l J ~I I I 1,19 I __ ,1__ •. I J :1 J 6 ] 8 ] L] 9] S :1 1I .1.1 .J I .1 I .cl '0 .] .(- ,E ·h '..J ,,~ .1- .J .1' .2:- .h- .(- ~~ F~~-::+~HH~~~~: ~HH~~~;~' ;H~; ~I5?~€E: I ;,E .sE 9E LE I 1__ ." .2..5 ' .' .t.j~'-+II_-+--=F=-"/ 0 ~ .--~ ~L.-f;-_ ~_r.:-r_~II C.-t ,z j" I~ t ,ES 11 Ih IE " 'I IZ 111 '" ,h5 :ZZ ~-~~-:~-----~I----~ --- -~-I---~;--la-~;---~--~ ijE __ ~~ ~r: kL:'~ 8~.--.F_~· '~-+:,-!~-~-!:t::-l: ~. T I!I~ '1 , I16E~IIi!Z I L~ fl .r T-..---n ;:h i~-,~ Eh hh Sh ~h -Lh 'h äh !J5 4!11 , 'Sh ;1 E61 ,SE !hll 1 -;~-- .-:~ '-'-i~~-I-I~;;-~~ I • --J"'z-- - :6 -- r \\''----=-f- /-/-'Si~- f~- - :~-- Th~~-- ~1'-'-9~--~~6~;rt.'::'~-f~~~-h~-E~J;-=r~ -r"Z 118 I t I ( ~-T /)".,-11 - --r-< t °91J )- ~1;.~iQ VI 1-1861 SJA I::-JJ 5 l 9 I 3 ~ 9 . • ~ i 5 l! ., ( e j L . . . . . . -t 3 j a "j •• r-' j \ _ IISS 8~' SII SE I'~Z-- - 91 ~ LLI-TB;;' ".L5 IE"I"' IiLI m- ";,- Eh.. Z9 EEE SZE ." ""Z" LZLI IZh 69 Igz ... IEIi!h EE ELZ.f I S - LII 9Z 61B ,95 hl IIi!E '-OTT"_"-- IZhE t-...~ --t--- ,S5 I 1.65 hOl '~ .ß9 . ~ • ~:. ~=e-=r --:..:"_~ -;~.- ~L_ H1 Cl Of' I C:S '----'r-.-+-----+--..----- 11119.. 6 I ))OOOHH :S31)3dS ISt 66 ~~i-' - - --- --. "H9-J9H +E [I- '1;'l "'" ~nOH M3d N 16~1~~-- ,55 j '<' :i ~h . .:i E j j . .i ---L..c --.C~--L---J -i :1 6] B] j j j ., .l. ,E j .J .1 •I - • - 19 L] 9 3 S 3 .l. - .E- ,h- ~.~ ~-.-~:~ -:t:~~~·-:H~~~~~-~- ~;- ·~~:B:;~r~1:I3~~--~~Lrs_~---+-~-+---+---Me: ~ ·/t-+--~ ........ LE aE 5E: - -''::7 11 ~~." 'E 'Ii!L t t t I i '11 j Z 'E ---r--r----1---~ . t 3-r ,Z !IZI Irz IE Z ~q; 1~ ----~--t~--+~--~\ t-;lJ--t--c----F-:--i---f I! ~ +-Z __ l.!._ ~ __ h v ~r:-+-L--l~~ ~.r"" ;-._j- I L r-III--f--r;! -t--'-r ~~--i --- -t-f qZ~61 f,-'-_-j~~_p;-t;~SBG ~6 ::. : - --r '-.--- T--: + '\--- 11iL';I;;-L-'elOtB-I-LZ~1 :;-J !.> Ii!E I ,"' '<r-- t/- 16 / Lh ~nOH J.5 1-1861 SJA 'i::::; .. LI C H ll.l 0 N t -:J CJ-.J::J __ . __ l 9 +-_ ,-J 2 9 - iTG - S j 3 j L j jEhh h9l-lZ 3 j 9th I3LEZ ,1111 LBI hSII~LZI 96 ShSI zrl 661 -- zeh r' k;~ ;lOtBl ~~-;-r~- .95 961 -- ,L5 ~ ,S5 Blh LaZ EliJL BES LLE SLE ZL9 98111 '138Z SEil I S91 'EB iBe+11 ,65 --!---+--I---.+---+---f- - h9 _ ,139 ., -~---t --E--t--f' ISE ,LS 62E ,E9 Ii! -.m~EE=t=t .fllh ---J---t---f----T--t'----E- ~f-' --t:: -.., --F--::-:'1-- --_ .---J---~ j h J E j 2 j ' ...... hZl3l Ii!Z SS --.--t------+-----.---- ....... __ +-_ I 9 - n ))OO<JI:IH :S31)3dS 2:.5 7~i~ ;-f Z . ~9- 39H 8h 6h 1.5 ~.j ",,& -: M3d N ;6h ,~ -"Y€_II °91.:1 9h _ •SS '9 -;-..:;-!;.,- .~ -r,-,;; Iz.;1"LZ I;;;;t;;;f ~h t \C~ --(L-%-:;;"~ hh ~--l~~- - " :h 11 ,hS h 9t- u.,"1 -t I, -:.!:;- - . i6" - :~ --- ;;~-I~~--:~~ -t;~~S-;: 'h .t:S ""7l--...--""""-:-~ ~E SE 9E .,...,.~r SI .~.s 'Sh ---1.:-._-- IZ -- ,6ZI --j--"::":'_-- ---.L--. 5 _._-!-_ 3 8 3 I j ~ j L3 9 3 5 3 .19 • - 25 III WHITING Catches of I-group whiting indicate a poor year class 1980 (table 111-1). The catch of II-group confirmed that 1979 was a strong year class. Catches of older whiting were the highest on record. A remarkable feature of the distribution of older whiting (figure 111-4) is the almost complete lack of fish in the central North Sea and off the Danish coast. A significant part of the male whiting reaches maturity at the end of the first year of life and at 2 years old the majority of fish of both sexes are mature (table 111-2 alb). The weight-length relationship used in calculating the biomass is W = 0,0083. The final index of 227 is somewhat higher than the preliminary estimate of 200. I - 26 - \'I\'ll.l: III - 1 CATCli / HOUR P~;j{ ::i.JUAH~; /I'l K:-.IUf'-I\Ht:A I\,,,D AGE GKOUP IIr i tn,netic abundance analysis: Una,ij usted va1ues) I\V~:ll:\;~1:: ,;I'I::CIl::S: WH 1'1' I NG AGI::]R 'iEARCL 0 1981 SU8AREA: ' RNDl-'-l n hauls N squares 58 I{I"lW-:.! ' kNDt'- I RNDf-4 RNUE'-5 RNDl-'-6 RioJDE'-7 KAr'rI::GA'l' :HA!W. ,oJS AI{I::A 37 56 25 31 19 27 11 8 5 89 30 40 12 11 4 313 137 mean NR/h 0 0.0 0 0.0 () 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 II 1 1980 mean NR/n Stand.<1cv. 89 20.0 375 213.2 }ll6 136. 3 250 112.6 69 48.2 254 71. 3 105 41.1 164 127.5 227 47.5 2 1979 mean NR/h 176 53.2 912 672.3 102rl 317.8 293 ltiO.5 571 688.4 395 200.5 25 15.6 62 28.9 485 141. 2 1978 Il,ean NR/n 237 69.5 208 153.7 36 d 115.5 75 44.5 179 199.0 172 91.5 9 7.0 32 23.3 2UO 42.9 1977 mean "R/n 104 30.7 34 23.4 52 1 A. 9 26 18.5 37 40.0 56 30.2 5 4.2 22 23.9 57 11. 9 1976 mean NR/h 17 5.2 9 6.1 10 4.1 4 3.0 2 2.0 14 7.7 1 0.6 4 6.1 11 2.5 6+ OLDEK .nean NR/h Stand .dev. 7 2.3 1 0.8 6 2.7 1 1.0 6 7.9 2 1.2 0 O. 3 2 3.8 0.8 5 j - 27 - a rAl.~LI:; III 1'1 G E - L ENG 'r H - _2 S E'X I:; - ~ A T U R 1 T ~ llIS'J'RIl3lJrION SPEer 1:;5: WlIITING ,'tALES H~UNDfiSH AREAS COMBINED 1 AG!.': GROUP L-r'! I;~ L-~I\X 2 4 6+ 5 I M.'01 AAr IMM MA'r IM~ MA'r 11'10'1 ,'!AT IM,,! ,'!AT 41 144 97 123 119 148 136 76 78 162 22fi 73 185 252 71 197 261 198 73 71 'J'.) rl\L IM,oI M\'l' 154 201 CM 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 e 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 25 129 463 832 ':148 1155 1834 2604 3812 4248 4 324 2739 3tr16 2240 1638 777 387 145 2 25 129 463 832 948 1155 Id 34 254 722 1111 1333 102'1 10Hl 1872 1377 89 603 136 562 609 686 333 508 159 827 2541 6 39B 9434 13321 11109 5746 3781 2044 1578 760 180 169 341 148 39 268 1152 2476 2514 4143 5206 4149 43':16 2851 18 'l8 977 445 4H6 59 77 11 215 U4 148 II 32 3l e 14 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 41 44 45 4fi 47 48 49 50 51 52 222 401 791 444 1591 1226 1391 573 400 266 243 60 12 148 41 69 128 81 109 92 4 72 197 285 115 54 114 32 22 45 14 15 2 77 64 15 14 7 14 17 107 340 286 14 2 17 7 II )4 4 % MAT BIOM. 3') 3 1'11 92 62 57 4>1 2d 4 .j 0 5 5 0 () 0 2 0 2 561 144155 U 31406 11713 4183 22 1160 57876 576 33 93 80 5275 99 7793 26 1885 12 99 1'129 16 100 98 6686 466 31124 ~tl9 92 (kg) % MAT '532 1 1 55 rOTAL 36~8 2568 1297 12':13 lud 6 13 4 B 2604 3d 12 4501 5045 3850 468& 46'11 5391 9il 78 12 eh9 166-10 14170 1\)766 '1562 7153 6 Hd 3 5839 100 99 548 7 99 176 16871 100 - 28 - _ 2b fAULt:: III .\ '-~ t:: -L ENG r 11 - S SPEC1ES: I~ X I~ - '1 A l' U K ! 'l' '/ I) 1S'I'I< 1 ~UTlLlN - fE~AL8S ARI::A;:i C(Md INEO ~HITING HOUNOfISIi AGE GIWUP L-MIN L-'1AX 2 1 4 6+ 5 fü fAL IMM ,'11\ r IM"1 MII J' I M'-l MA'r I-lM MA'r IMM MAT IM:-l W>"l' 41 55 60 In 17.5 140 219 10~ 170 261 55 62 1~3 189 255 25~ 285 32 32 3~ 125 39 32 3 150 Ci'l 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 25 129 463 fl32 948 115') 18 14 26u4 l 25 12 oj 463 832 oj4U l1SS 1834 260·1 160 L HiO I lO72 lO 72 HI0 1fl2 j 43,15 H 72 2180 15<jS 1106 494 1470 4lL6 00 no 210 12'1 6 j4 8l 173 782 1140 2277 1905 1524 918 602 B9ß 4 'j'jcl 76 1501 61197 12458 10518 11538 ':l997 8914 4675 1824 1472 645 541 ll0 170 n l2 11 ':l3<j 3352 1864 2524 2999 285':1 19H 14 4 7 1600 1123 ojOO l13 327 191 67 49 2':l 222 82 179 39 12 33 l8 34 35 36 31 3R 4 13 l'l e~ 300 457 50 1 640 4H 675 956 fl93 757 341 425 264 130 340 119 69 17 43 5 5 30 50 11 12 4 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 TOTAL /G Uö ') 72 ~ 5102 31tH 131 12 11 12 12 17 149 148 Il2 lii 148 112 69 84 107 49 20 68 4 1 2 51 9 l6 4 2 n 9 1'1 44 16 14 25 1U 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2fl du 2740 2 1~ cj 1R" 3 fln1 ':161 57~ lll2 4B 2Bu 167 50 154 2& 1'1 27 10 12 (, 2 2 0 1164 35126 % MAT 4 10473 70422 90 22830 107 4936 97 98 7313 12 22 1247 2246 99 3 2 381 2 2 1498 d 7 99 99 99 98 8900 (kg) 6 551 87 100 1041 Biom. 1488 % MAT 4560 4':1')1 9-)68 16102 12547 13 3 ~5 14472 11758 521 99 1 207 100 19562 - 29 - 'fABLE III A G E - L -I:: N3 G T Il - S I:: X [; - M A '1' U H I T STA'rIS'I'ICS 'I SPECII::S: Wlll'rING ROUNDFISH AREAS COMBINED 31406 8733 40139 15.9 19.7 16.7 9.8 4.2 3. 3 5 15 5 23 22 23 IMM MAT TOTAL 35126 1364 36490 16.6 20.4 16.7 11. 6 4.8 3. 4 5 16 5 23 22 23 HlM MAT TOTAL 4183 57876 62059 23.4 23.9 23.8 8. 3 4.2 2.1 18 18 18 29 30 30 11'11'1 MAT TOTAL 10473 70422 80894 22.7 24.6 24. 3 4.7 5.1 2.3 17 19 17 "28 34 34 IMM MA'r TOTAL 509 31124 31633 26.5 27.1 27.1 4.5 6.6 2.6 23 20 20 29 35 35 IMM MA'r TOTAL 551 22830 23380 27.5 2'::l. 3 29.3 5.9 10.2 3.2 25 23 23 36 41 41 IMM MAT TOTAL 26 7793 7818 37.2 30.5 30.6 12.7 7.0 2.7 33 25 25 40 42 42 11'11'1 MAT TOTAL 107 7373 7480 2 '::l. 3 32. B 32.7 4.4 14. 4 3.8 27 25 25 35 48 48 IMM MA'!' TOTAL 16 1929 1945 35.6 32.0 32.0 0.1 14.4 3.8 35 25 25 36 47 47 IMM MAT TOTAL 12 1247 1259 32.5 36.5 36.5 -0.0 14.7 3.8 32 29 29 32 49 49 561 561 33. 3 33.3 9. 3 LI 28 28 52 52 2 381 0.0 23.0 4.8 39 HJ3 3'::l. 5 3'1.9 3'::l.9 31 31 39 55 55 294023 . 23.4 29. 3 5 55 1 FEMALI::S AG!:: GROUP: MALES FEMALES AGE GROUP: MALI::S FEMALES AGE GROUP: MALES ~'EMALES AGE GHOUP: MALES FEMALES L-max IMM MA'r TOTAL AGE GROUP: MALES AGE GROUP: MALES L-min MEAN L 0 FEMALES Sd Ne AGE GROUP: SEXES COMBo IMM 2 3 4 5 6 11'11'1 MAT TOTAL IMM M.".T TOTAL TOTAL POPULATION - 30 - -4 'rAl3LE 1 1 [ L E N <.i 'r H - S ~: x E - '1 A 'I' U t{ I DIS1'KIllU r!ON '1' Y SPEeIES; WillfiNG ROUNDFISH AREAS CO~~INED MALES IM'1 MA'r L-min L-rnax 4 40 15 52 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 25 ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Id 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 12 34 35 3ö 37 38 39 4U 41 42 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 5,0 51 52 15 2 4 3!:l 12!:l 463 B32 ~4 8 115<; 254 722 1111 1491 185') 3617 8539 11963 15797 13622 10258 9428 6984 6542 5542 3648 2568 1297 1281 532 379 lR9 1834 2604 3601 3072 3410 3906 4559 4254 3320 3872 3010 201B 91B 82 I 980 30 400 39 11 24 12 !:l 13 lOB 14 92 62 44 48 28 4 4 1 2 5 60 Ho 306 1630 6U97 13092 10529 12477 11648 1077S 76511 5325 5102 3070 2674 2716 2377 184 3 852 951 578 302 477 2!l6 167 56 154 26 19 27 10 12 6 2 2 '['OrAL IM"! MA'l' 4 15 55 'Iv 2 4 50 258 925 1663 1895 210-j 3668 5207 7413 7319 77 34 6646 7754 70~7 50lJ5 5211 4006 21361 1465 1331 1114 1 '19 HO 297 3'1 11 24 24 23 14 2 14 2 55 'l'OrAL 16 55 1 2 25 12~ 463 832 948 1155 1834 2604 3812 424fl 4 324 2739 3195 2843 1774 13 39 996 84 3 548 508 134 169 341 297 FE"IALES 1:-1 "I MAI' 2 30141 llHlOI0 4fi271 1ll160~ 254 781 1420 1491 2161 5247 14635 25055 26326 26100 23907 202Ll6 14640 llH67 1 Oli 44 6718 5243 4u13 3658 2375 1231 114U 6 fl6 394 539 329 215 84 158 30 20 27 15 12 6 2 2 2 2 82412 211619 - 31 l' 1',,11.1' '\ " I;; rr I - - 5 t, l. I: N I' 1I III :iT In 'ld ,'I ,)~ :iPI::CIE3: .'1111 rING IlJUND1" IStl AHr:A S CO 'Li IN!:.t) AGe 0 2 L-min L-1ll3X .,.. 17 20 2 I J4 n 4 1 5 4 50 6 1 :1 ~ 10 11 12 II 14 F) 1" 17 11 1-J 21l 21 22 2I .:1 l'i 4il 25 4<J 6+ 2& 55 llildJ 7 74 1 3 ]C,73 'j';1:) 7..,H3 il cl2·1 6971) 4 ~16 nn I c, ().l bl,; .i ~ 'I 3. II 12 8 I 421 2?8 R 5 llt! 15 114 24H)5 26048 2 3,H 7 16 il52 13593 68,IK 3':112 ;! I d 1 tl25 5B 1 30 1\ III 1-1 3S rOl'AL 5 55 4 ~2tl 2" 2, I 5 250 ;)2J 16 (,) l>H5 2 3ll" 2:~ 4 ~ I1 3~ J~ 26 :l 1152 21". q 3657 7717 72,16 G673 7574 5cl ';;1 J 'I,~ 1 2424 21) ~ ') 11\ 21 ':154 394 34,) 1 'll 67 49 2<J \1 l'1 40 41 4) 4 I 4I :i I J 401 l'! 7 'I -I-n UU [,,57 !07J 1 r, 4 J 1 1116 1.1/3 'ioJ'l 41'} 3 I () 1 'IS 35 'i 14,) 76 25 4 3 5 'i 45 'in 14d 41 1117 471 2UG 72 2/.6 1 14 261 201 264 144 Cil 128 121 l:l 3 II 71 4 2 2 :) 4I 4 jA 4 2 14 17 GY 139 93 121 '12 69 50 258 925 1663 18<J5 2 309 366 U 52117 74lJ 7573 tl515 806b <J245 925tl 10342 19846 2<J061 2':11H7 27565 2523d 2132,) 14R 39 12607 1 ilY41 6757 5154 4037 4 4 lfi 82 2175 1254 1154 6d6 3 ':i 4 541 343 215 Cl'\ 15A 30 2tJ 27 15 12 6 66 ~ 41 9 47 16 26 44 21 14 25 10 2 'i .) SI ')2 2 2 2 2 2 S'i 2 2' 944 2'.14\)36 T.)T"L 7;; 631, J 42'.1 52 551) 1 :! 1 '> 2:J 'l 12114 -------- -------------- - 32 - I"t\ I L. ,; '\ .:; I'~ - 111 - 6 S I 'l I: C L 1\ ,; iJ " I::; 1'r<IllIJ'!'ION SPECII,S: 1'111 I'1'ING ROllN.)fISH '\KEAS CO',H~c;D AGf: 0 1 2 4 5 6+ rorAL SIZL:: CLAS::; 4- 57- 5 7 10 l~ ~ L 4·5 N 54 I. 6.4 N 21146 L 9.n 2846 9.0 20492 13.2 54 6.4 10- 15 N L 20492 13.2 1')- 20 N 3'J 1164 17.5 27'12 19. 3 13373 21.5 95002 23.0 7625 23.7 43626 26.6 35107 27.4 5428 28.2 766 28.4 17 21l.5 84944 27.1 1534 31. 1 12213 32. 3 9567 33.2 2111 34.5 709 33.7 2613 3 32.8 70 41. 1 303 41. 6 327 42.0 210 43.5 910 42.1 L 20- 25 N L 2)- 30 N L 30- 40 N L 40- 50 N L 51)- 70 70- 100 N L N L 100- 150 N L 42656 17.6 115999 22.9 8 R 52.5 52.5 I i l - 33 - --E S E E [7 (8 [9 .- _ li/ •,,+---+---+--+---+-'_ I - f - ' I pi' EfI • ~9 ~8 "... ... • • I 2. " , I I 2 2 2.~ _ :z 2 2 2 :z.~ ./' ' 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 .:L ~ , 2 2! .d ~\ A Z ~ 2 2: 2I 2 2 ] ] -: I ,2 ~ J.··1 21 4E ,"1-.. ~, ---J."-...:..~._-.J ~ ~ 5:,_ / ljl..! ,2 \ . '. ~ ~. _. . ]' :Z Jtj~ ~1 ~: 2 j ..• 7L-..A __ ]i 2' , 2: 2' 2: 6, 6i {~~ 3 :2 , 3 3 2, 5: 6; 2 2 2 2 2'] ] ] j/- ~- ---.., I ~i-~i L~.-L--+./ 2 TDTRL .. , ~ r~ ~-_--t--_--+".- -i" ]I ~t-- --.;;-~~.- ._.~_. ~ -~s l_Jt..,. ; - - - ,'-- - \ !i::l • -+-_-+-_-+ 47 r~~l_.~.·; ._~ . _[~~ ~l+~--::1 --~~- j "> -3' HAUl~c---+, F 16. I I I-I L..' NUMBER CF ~ ~'39 __~-t---+----+--!--+-_.l--, .. -- .__ ... -; .. _ ..]. !iY • -Lj' SPECIES: WHITING .~j_._ --~i···._:! -_. J. _.. ~!L_1 __..~t ~_.!l .. _2J ~L __ .~L __~J..._ ~l_ 2 :z ~.~' ur-r4.-A 2 -.--- ~.:J:- D-' 2 l\l 0 R T H 5 E R - YfS 1981-1 k\/l.. __. I ~ !i!i • !i:2 #-=;:;7 "::::-, :3 , ~ ... ._--=;7- :2 I 2 • '--e' ~o· I , r s .'.... r 5~ ..... r 7 r 8 r 5 G LEI G? _-<---;.- - - •. .--'_ ... - ....... - 4 .__._ _ L 2 ~ __~L_~ --~.-: -~- n• !iE 2: 2 , r~ -" r 3 I _._._f-.- - - ' 1 --' +---t---+----if---t-- .... ~ r r E r Ir? .. -r-- -"'- - - ~I-'-'l'-- bc.;~ -!' 1 " " /I ?' " 3' 37 .!i 2 ... 36 'V 3:; ~~ NUM8ER CF VRLlD HRULS: i t ~~ 322 NR CF HRULS I N STANDARD ARER: 313 ~~~----+--_--6- --~---t--- '--f-- -~'''''._----'"--_.~ E' 7' p' 9' '!D' I!' I?' S"I Eil EfI e !i0 lJ9 , YB Y7 !i9 • SB 45 , !i7 • !iE , S!i • !iY • 5:3 , S'2 • / •I, .!. ; .J I .13 ,.d •i.. diS .E Ih Il. 11 .1;1 ~~ t~~I~;- -:3~~:~GN:~~~~~-:BS~~3W~'~rc;;: c:.t. .... ... ~ i1 C' , hi LE t:I~ aE 6E ,11' lh -V l ~ V~ -;l..~t-~~ .~~ I. I", ..! \ t:h '. "'h .. .h "E c; :..., 1" ,"9 : ~n[]H N +E "~9-]91:l 9Nll1H~ ::31)3dS Lh 8h 6h ia5 -lI:: _ __ 9 ~ ~_I ..3 ,'__ .__ J 9 6 •i I .,:: I 8 j L J .ö .J I I .d ~-:"". . . .EiIZh r~-~ SZZ d 55 IliIZh \ ~ ~~ SL9 .. L5 IShli ,EiLh !ssz .. 95 ~- ZLII' ~I~ 11 ,85 . , ~. ,SZL • 65 -1112 'SEi ! = E E I I zanz SEEiI 1;;;-1"". 6B_~ 1"hh~~_Z--_ .-t,.<t---it---t-_.-_-t-==-+..1iI9 tll-t~.Z IEi ---L-. ~- --E' j ./.. -+ ~~-{l3Z iRr>- I"L .5 .i! .f: •., Eil ~ BE h J j j ISI 6] j .1 e -t:=-+--+--t---+·.r9 EZh --- =.= - ~'" ,.. ~~=. ---=-~t--L~ 9 J S h J E J Z I .", j 'I ZE -~-E-!Ei9E ~." -I 61 SJA l5 !z ~ H 1 0"..J 0. I'f\.j LJ -:J C 0 -.J =:J 1.:1 1 'sz 1"1:: I-C- ... t~-i~··-r----t--t:th9 9 11 Z ,E I '? ... ~[~f-=f~;t- T-'~~' \ 1 ,h5 i!: 1;-b:-.,--111"913 ~-r:- : : H3d ":'1::.j'"Q hh I I I"" i" ~~Eh ~III 'LEZ ,h- ~--r.i-t--'i·- 11 t IEi I -r;1~ z '--t- --tEl !I ~"'--+--t--ia~E ~--'-~" - 'r'- -,-" ·-t:----t·--t·,--t:-:-- I r--;s--l--- t··- --~-- --~---~ --~r~/- '\ 11 oE- iES ,1~~.,I--;:h~IZI .. .Z- ,l5 Yr ~ fZ· 1 .1- 8) .1- .iJ L] 9] oE- .l- 5] .h- ~~ tr~ ~;: --':3~H-~~:G-;~l~' ~"~~:n~~~~H3;-~-SZZ:-:>, .;----tI----III--+-1--+-1----fl---t-I ,~-r=cT--,r. i-( ' ht-t1.,-;-tJ;Z- ",'~...t~ '. · ~ '~~I ~+--' G .. Z5 I •• . ~~ -I SE gE ,.F\ ,~, .. 2:h ih hh 5h /~ ~~ T"'-- -:-- ,SZ3.l1S 'laS !z SI +11 .. h5 R 5Ih "-",--- e: Z5 anl .. 55 jri-tz·- :aEi--:r.'· -i~~-t.II-1~-lsm~;-r;,~~3 '4t---+--r--1---t-· -'---r--- C·-·~ .-- 1:',BI ,L ;" IL ,91h ;5fZ ZZ .r:~-t-~) !/> ./-. ,/ 1I SISZ ,E5 I~tB~-'-i~'-l~~'''-~ ill -r;--rZ9- ;;~'-191 5E !h EL ~_,~I_T.~Z_ ~~j3li19l IL dE' ,- "7. SEZE LE Jh Eh/I, rl :"11 ;1 .. 95 IS iSIE,- '}f~--' :~.. -[;---i~ ... - ~--·r~ ·--t,,~;-·I~~;-!~~~;;;-:sT t- \ ---=r---/-~-··ts----iL- --!,--·-··~--·-r9·-fs--rS9L--E9~1~~1.;'-;- ~-1-4,--~~---' ·'--·'·l- --', !~-·-i~---t~-, r;, _ tt ~t-~-II ._- ,-- - ---F 91 - ; E-III"9U 3h / 'f ~nOH ~3d )-1--7"""< Lh dh ~ N .c-E- ~s ~ l - t- .... -"r-". : 3 ~ - ~E ,--.,. J 9 ::.- ; ~ a --I' J L • J ] 9 IiLI 'hh ,'" H 1 t~ [J ~,j tJ35 15 BEi ---'T-----r;:-- , 1-1861 SJA kJ5 Lhl h3E-f~E sm. lagZ~"+hh~ J IIZ I I- !lEI -, IhEhl I--+Jl lZS jZE .. , ----r--·--1jh-- ,SE ---~----r--a~ I1 ILI S .J ,.~I...... '.-_. '-.,. ._-.. -.. S] '"4.!-- -T--- r----c--.L --··---·f '·--f-- ..... l--, .. ~ j ~ j l j ,605 'Tv "-"1i1 j .. 85 ---r--r~ SEI, IZh ~~-···_·r---II·--I---t~--5 ,'L~ -..,,,,,, EEh L -I. S!J - -1- r - -EI9Z -:"E 1111 ZZ ~Issa '~9-39H 9NI11HM :S3\)3dS 5h LaI ZhZ LII-I- .. L5 I j ~ J S') t I 1----+ 1~9 I I I I .. 19 L] 3) 5] _. - 35 IV NORWAY POUT Catches of I-group Norway pout were very poor and the abundance index of1375 fish per hour for year class 1980 is the lowest on re~ord. (Table IV-1). Good catches were restricted to a small area along the Norwegian deeps (Figure IV-2). Year class 1979 was relativelymore abundant but also should be considered a ~eak year class. Although part of the I-group Norway pout h?s reached maturity, it is at two years old that they have recruited completely to the spawning stock. (Table IV-2 alb). Among the older age groups females are far more abundant than males. - 36 - - I'ABLE IV -l. AIIEHAGI:: CAi'Cil I /DU I< 1'8H SQlJl\/(,'; In' Arithmetic abund';lnc~ SPECIES: NOR\'iAV 1 e UBO '" a: '~l) I\ ... G,(,JU I' P,)U'!' SlJdl'd<i::A: AGEG,t VEARCL 0 19lH 1<,~1H'-'\11I;/I .lnal ys ls; Ilnadj llstco,l \fuilles) Ri>IDI"-l R,~l)I:'-:) n hauls 5B N squares 37 me.Jn N,Vh U O.U v II 0.0 U.I) mean NR/n Star,d. tl~v. 2989 13 35.5 3.d meao NR/n Stand.oev. 1306 616.9 1 0.6 ll.l Stand. <Iev. 85 63. 3 0 0.0 2.11 .n (~J, II ,'iH/n :>tao,l. dev. 1 0.6 0 0.0 ll.5 mean NR/n 'itand.c1ev. 0 0.0 NR/n ;, 0 1I 0 O.U U.l D.D fL~l)F-3 R'iD~'-4 lUIW-5 RWE'-6 57 31 89 19 27 11 8 2') ') 30 40 12 8 3 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 46 17.2 0 0 0.0 0 J.O O. 3 1 1. 3 1 0.7 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0.7 0 0 3 0.0 0 0.0 n.l 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 J.O 0 .1 O. 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