Impact of bark beetle infestations on timber production and carbon sequestration under scenarios of climate change R. Seidl, M.J. Lexer, W. Rammer and D. Jäger Institute of Silviculture, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna, Peter Jordan Straße 82, 1190 Wien, Austria. e-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Extended abstract _______________________________________________________________________ Introduction Dominating issues in the field of forest protection in Europe over the last 15 years have been two severe storm events in 1990 and 1999 and an enormous progradation of bark beetles in the wake of them (Wermelinger 2004). The windthrow disturbances coincided with the extraordinary warm climate of this period (IPCC 2001) and led to the highest amounts of bark beetle damage in European forests since at least 150 years (Schelhaas et al. 2003). In addition, the increasing concern about future global warming and it’s possible feedback on the development of biotic disturbance agents (e.g., Ayres and Lombardero 2000) revealed the need of a more process-based understanding of disturbance agents to aid decision makers with robust risk assessment tools even under changing environmental conditions. This holds particularly true in secondary Norway spruce forests (Picea abies (L.) karst.) at low elevations at sites naturally supporting broadlead and mixed species stands. Norway spruce has been promoted far outside its natural range because of the superior productivity and relatively ease of silvicultural management. The new paradigm of sustainable forest management (SFM) has brought about a broader view on forest services and functions beyond timber production. Additionally, the growing awareness of the climate change mitigation and adaptation potentials in natural resource management has added substantial complexity to forest management. However, disturbances in general and bark beetles in particular are hardly explicitly addressed, neither in forest management planning nor in studies investigating the climate change mitigation potential of forest management. The aim of this study is twofold: First, we present an integrated modelling framework including a thermodynamic model of bark beetle infestations, and test the model against observed stand data on bark beetle damage. Second, the model is used to assess the likely impacts of bark beetle infestations under scenarios of climate change to timber production and carbon sequestration at the forest management unit level. The PICUS v1.41 model PICUS v1.41 is a hybrid patch model combining elements of a 3-dimensional patch model and a process-based forest production model (Seidl et al. 2005). The horizontal resolution is 10 x 10 m and spatial interactions among patches are considered via the canopy light regime and spatial seed dispersal. The concepts of inter- and intra species competition for resources follow a modified patch model approach (see Lexer and Hönninger 2001), whereas net primary production at the stand level is derived from utilizable solar radiation and canopy quantum use efficiency following the 3-PG model (Landsberg and Waring 1997). The coupling of both elements is inter alia accomplished via the leaf area of a stand and is described in detail in Seidl et al. (2005). Below-ground processes are modelled applying a 1 biogeochemical process-model of Carbon and Nitrogen cycling (Currie et al. 1999). The PICUS modelling framework incorporates a flexible management module allowing for all sorts of thinning and harvesting operations as well as for planting and is designed for decision support in forest management. The sub-module of bark beetle (Ips typographus L.) infestation consists of (i) the computation of the risk of a infestation for a stand, (ii) the derivation of the damage intensity in case an infestation is predicted, and (iii) the spatial distribution of the damage in the 3D model environment. The risk of an infestation depends on stand predisposition and on the potential number of insect generations within a year. Stand predisposition to Ips typographus is derived from qualitative empirical relationships incorporating the share of Norway spruce, stand age, stand basal area and an estimate for drought (Netherer and Nopp-Mayr 2005, Lexer 1995, Lexer and Hönninger 1998). A thermodynamic model of bark beetle development (Netherer and Pennerstorfer 2001, Netherer et al. 2004) is applied to calculate the potential number of bark beetle generations under given climatic conditions. Beetle development is simulated according to a temperature sum required for full beetle development assuming an optimal bark temperature of 30.4°C. Sister broods are explicitly simulated under favourable thermal conditions (Netherer et al. 2004). Damage intensity is related to an index of drought stress and the share of Norway spruce in a stand (Lexer 1995). The spatial distribution of the damage within the 3D patch model framework is accomplished via the selection of the patch with the highest share of Norway spruce biomass and the estimated number of infested trees are randomly killed within a radius of 12m from the patch center. Study layout For the purpose of evaluating the model with regard to bark beetle infestations a data set of 28 stands (location: central Carinthia, Austria) over a 4-year period (1990-1993) is used. Soil samples were taken in all stands and climate data are derived from MTClim simulations (Lexer 1995). The evaluation aims at comparing the observed damage in the period 1990-93 to the predictions of the model in three predisposition classes as proposed by Netherer and Nopp-Mayr (2005). The second part of the study dealing with impacts of bark beetle infestation on timber production and carbon sequestration focuses on a forest enterprise (250 ha) in southern Austria, featuring mainly secondary Norway spruce forests. For a detailed description of the forest unit we refer to Unegg (1998). One baseline climate (C1, mean annual temperature = 7.6°C, annual precipitation= 1013 mm) and two climate change scenarios (C2, C3) derived from the IPCC IS92a emission scenario are applied. Three management strategies are investigated in this study: The first strategy (MS1) represents the current management practice which is Norway spruce age-class forestry with several thinning interventions from above and clear cut after a rotation period of 90 years. Within this “business as usual” strategy the stands are naturally regenerated by means of a shelterwood system. The second strategy (MS3) aims at a species change towards a higher share of deciduous species. This conversion is mainly accomplished by underplanting of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) below the canopy of Norway spruce or by afforestation of beech and pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) after clear cutting. The prescribed management schedule in this strategy includes several thinning interventions and a final clear-felling. The third strategy (MS4) serves as a reference mimicking “natural” forest development without any human interference, i.e., no management interventions are carried out. For all strategies, a current inventory of the forest enterprise serves as initial state for the simulations over a 100 year period. For an economic evaluation constant prices and costs are assumed. 2 Results and discussion Evaluation of the bark beetle infestation model The comparison of bark beetle damage over a four year period revealed good agreement between observed and predicted values within the three predisposition classes (Figure 1). No statistical difference could be found between mean number of killed trees (p= 0.430; 0.704 and 0.496 for low, medium and high predisposition, respectively), but the variation is considerably higher in the observation. However, considering the stochastic components of the bark beetle module and the short time frame of four years this difference is likely to origin from the study layout. Moreover, in the simulation mean predicted values for insect damage were used neglecting the error around the mean estimate. observed predicted n=5 100 80 60 stems/ha 0 20 40 80 60 stems/ha 0 20 40 80 60 40 0 20 stems/ha high predisposition 100 medium predisposition 100 low predisposition observed predicted n=17 observed predicted n=6 Figure 1 Observed vs. predicted bark beetle damage over a four year period in three predisposition classes. Impact of bark beetle infestation on timber production and Carbon sequestration Under current climate (scenario C1) the accumulated bark beetle damage over the 100 year simulation was highest in MS4 (125.9 m³/ha) and distinctly lower in the intensively managed strategies (MS1: 89.0 m³/ha or 7.9% of the harvested volume, MS3: 73.5 m³/ha or 6.7% of the harvested volume). Under climate change conditions bark beetle damage rises distinctly: In MS1 under the warmer and drier climate scenario C3 21.8% of the total harvest is from salvage cuttings whereas it is 17.7% under the conversion scenario MS3. For the economic situation of the enterprise this implies an increasing harvest level and thus increased contribution margins on a per hectare basis. Under MS1 the harvest level is increased for 10.2% relative to current climate due to increased salvage cutting under climate change (C3) whereas the contribution margin increases only by 4.8%. Furthermore, the “benefit” of higher contribution margins is to the cost of reduced standing stock and value in the forest. After the 100 year simulation the standing stock in MS1 under climate change conditions (C3) is 43.1% lower than estimated under current climate (C1) due to increased bark beetle damage (23.2% lower under MS3). With the strategies MS1 and MS3, mean Carbon stock in the forest ecosystem is lower with the bark beetle module applied in comparison to simulations without biotic disturbances, especially under conditions where disturbance frequency and severity are increasing. The difference in mean total C-stock between simulations with and without bark beetle infestations is in the range of -0.5 to -5.4 t C/ha for the climate change scenarios. This loss is mainly due to reduced aboveground C stocks, whereas soil C is slightly increasing. The unmanaged strategy (MS4) shows a different pattern: Including the biotic disturbances in the simulations increased the mean C-stock in the ecosystem due to the deadwood on the site and faster re-growth of natural regeneration (range over all climate scenarios: +20.0 to +26.1 t C/ha). 3 Bark beetle damage in vulnerable forest ecosystems such as secondary coniferous forests is found to rise distinctly under a warming climate. The implications for sustainable forest management are potentially large since the sustainable preservation of all required forest functions is likely to become more difficult. Potential to mitigate the adverse effects are in silvicultural measures such as the conversion to tree species compositions better adapted to the prevailing site conditions. However, the study showed that under a “realistic” (e.g., slow) conversion scenario the time horizons until positive net effects occur are long and damages are still to rise. Nevertheless, adaptive silvicultural planning could prepare the ground for future mitigation strategies. In a bigger context, strategies of climate change mitigation often incorporate measures of forest management and are even discussed within the frame of the Kyoto Protocol (UNFCCC 1997). However, with this study we could show that assessing the Carbon sequestration potential of forest ecosystems and not accounting for the main disturbance agents is likely to introduce a considerable bias. Above- and below-ground C dynamics are considerably altered through disturbances and the need for sanitary fellings and adaptive management measures potentially interferes with the goals of C sequestration. Especially in unmanaged forest development, often serving as “baseline” scenario, disturbances are major constituents of the systems dynamic and contribute largely to processes of Carbon cycling. References Ayres, M.P. and Lombardero, M.J. (2000) Assessing the consequences of global change for forest disturbance from herbivores and pathogens. The Science of the Total Environment 262: 263-286. Currie, W.S.; Nadelhoffer, K.J. and Aber, J.D. (1999) Soil detrital processes controlling the movement of 15N tracers to forest vegetation. Ecological Applications 9: 87-102. 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