Improved supply chain management using spatial statistics J.D. Hamann1 and K. Boston2 1 Department of Forest Engineering, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA 97330 e-mail: 2 Department of Forest Engineering, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA 97330 e-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Abstract The benefits of spatial inventories are numerous and allow for the direct development of precision harvest planning; thus, maximizing customer service by better identifying areas within harvest units that can be processed to meet customer orders while minimizing handling, processing, and storage costs. Simulations were performed to examine potential benefits of using Kriging to estimate product volumes in unsampled areas of a harvest block. Using a stem map, we sampled the area using 0.01 ha fixed radius plots on a 22.2 × 16.6 meter grid to obtain sawlog volume estimates with and without spatial information. To demonstrate an advantage of a spatially explicit sampling method, we then optimized the harvesting operations, using a simulated annealing algorithm, for a fictitious operation so that the optimal harvest pattern that would minimize the sum of the squared deviations, between the demand and the predicted production from the harvest block. _______________________________________________________________________ Introduction Log manufacturing is a disaggregative manufacturing process (e.g. meat production, agriculture, mineral extraction) which is almost always is associated with many types of variation. The quality of and quantity of the raw material within a given order may vary within certain predefined levels such as diameter ranges, lengths or surface characteristics and unlike finished panel products or boards, which have a minimal variation, the production of the raw material is subject to variation within the stem, stand and season. To reduce this variation, forest products companies have sought to optimize the sample size for a desired level of precision (Oderwald and Jones, 1992; Brooks and Wiant, 2004; Zeide, 1980; Gambill et al., 1985) , increase the level of detail in sampling procedures by measuring additional attributes (Mandallez and Ye, 1999) and by including additional data sources in the inventory (Holmström, 2002; Kilkki and Päivinen, 1987; Korhonen and Kangas, 1997). While obtaining more detailed information on operational harvest units can be costly, it can lead to significant improvements in the financial performance of an integrated forest products firm as log mix can be optimally matched with processing facilities (Wagner et al., 1996; Uusitalo, 1997). Variance reduction, it then seems, is the most important task for primary forest supply chain management and optimization and since the spatial component of forests account for the most variation regarding the production of logs, it then seems appropriate to examine the spatial aspect of log production (Korhonen and Kangas, 1997; Uusitalo, 1997; Rasinmäki and Melkas, 2005). Until recently, there has been little work that examines the addition of spatial data in sampling to reduce the variation in production estimates. Murphy et al. (2004) found that they could achieve a 17 to 22 percent increase in stand value, from a 3 percent sample of a radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) stand in New Zealand. The authors concluded that harvest manager’s ability to capitalize on within stand variation (harvest pattern selection) and the inability control order book requirements (constraints), it might be possible to reduce variation in production estimates by simply modifying the harvest pattern. Choosing an operational pattern that reduces variation in the delivery of raw materials is not new. Mining geology (Journel and Huijbregts, 1978), and to a lesser extent soil science (Kravchenko, 2003), have used spatial prediction and mapping for short term planning where, unlike commonly practiced sampling methods in forestry, variance estimates are generated for unsampled areas. While mining geology has accepted the high cost of inventory and data collection, forest managers have emphasized cost reduction using a variety of methods such as reducing sampling intensity, utilization of remote sensing for imputation or increasing remeasurement periods. In contrast, Scandinavian forest managers have began to examine the additional benefits of high resolution data from spatial prediction methods (Holmström, 2002; Korhonen and Kangas, 1997) or from stem map data obtained during processing in harvester operations (Stendahl and Dahlin, 2002; Rasinmäki and Melkas, 2005). This paper examines how spatial information can be added to traditional sampling procedures to increase the usefulness of the sample while maintaining or possibly increasing precision in the context of the primary forestry supply chain. A simple scheduling model is presented that demonstrates the additional gains from the spatial analysis and briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the additional resources and processing required to obtain the spatially explicit log volume information within a harvest area. Data and Methods Study Site and Stem Map The stem map used for this analysis was obtained from the NASA Forest Ecosystem Dynamics (FED) project (Walthall et al., 1993). The study site is a three hectare rectangle (150m × 200m) located 56 km north of Bangor, Maine in Penobscot County (45 12’N, 68 44’W). The original data file contained 5967 tree records. Each tree record contained x and y coordinates, species, diameter at breast height (DBH), total height (THT), canopy position and an indicator variable to represent a dead stem. We selected only those trees that were living, over 8 cm and standing for our study and for simplification assumed all trees were a single species. The final number of stems within the 3 hectare stem map was 4390. The stems were then bucked into log lengths of four meters, to a 2 cm top, using the taper equation presented by Kozak et al. (1968) with a stump height of 0.3 m and 0.2 m of trim. The volume of all logs with a small end diameter over 10 cm was totaled as the sawlog volume Sampling Methods To determine the base case for comparing the non-spatial (traditional) and and spatial sampling methods, we simulated a commonly applied square grid sample design of 0.01 ha fixed-radius plots on a 22.2 × 16.6 meter grid. The distance of each stem to the plot center was computed to determine total sawlog volume per plot. To determine the benefits of adding spatial information, we used the plot locations from the grid generated during the non-spatial sampling phase with the plot summaries to then predict the sawlog volume in unsampled locations. After visual examination of the stem map, we used an exponential variogram with universal Kriging to predict the sawlog volume over the entire area. Model fitting and prediction were performed using the gstat package within R (Ihaka and Gentleman, 1996; Pebesma, 2004). We used the methods described by Journel and Huijbregts (1978) and Kim and Baafi (1984) to combine the variance estimates from all the individual predicted cells. Demand Requirements and Production To evaluate the estimates from Kriging, we compared the deviations between a generated random demand function for a 12 day production period and the predicted sawlog volumes from various harvest patterns. To make the demand levels as realistic as possible, the average production required was the sum of the total volume for the area divided by 12 production days. Production requirements were varied from a minimum of 50 m3 to 140 m3 per day with a standard deviation of 25 m3 per day. Once we obtained volume estimates for all unsampled cells,, the area was then divided into 12 daily production blocks (50x50 m) to simulate a harvest operation. To obtain both the combined predicted sawlog volume and the associated variance estimates for each harvest block, we again used the methods as described by Journel and Huijbregts (1978) and Kim and Baafi (1984) to combine the variance estimates from the individual predicted cells for the 12 harvest blocks. To determine the daily production without the benefits of spatial information, a serpentine path was placed over the 12 blocks and the daily production levels were obtained by summing the sawlog volume for all cells within each cutting block. Then, to obtain an optimal harvest pattern, simulated annealing (Metropolis et al., 1953) was used to find the harvest pattern that minimized the sum of the squared differences between the demand curve and the estimated daily production. Results The total predicted sawlog volumes for both the non-spatial and spatial sampling were similar to the actual sawlog volume for the area. The actual total sawlog volume for the area was 1243.3 m3 with the estimated sawlog volumes for the non-spatial and spatial sampling methods being 1185.5 m3 and 1196.2 m3, respectively. The variance estimate for the total predicted sawlog volume from the spatial method was 1067.8 m3. This was less than one percent of the estimated variance of 74403.4 m3 for the non-spatial method. The resulting estimated daily sawlog volume production for the two sampling methods differed as well. Since there was no spatial information for the non-spatial sampling method, the predicted daily production was simply the total estimated sawlog volume divided by the total number of operating days. The estimated average daily production from the non-spatial sampling method was 103.61 m3. The estimated daily production for the spatially explicit sampling method ranged from a minimum of 69.26 m3 to a maximum of 134.51 m3 and the actual daily production from the spatial sampling method ranged from 53.61 m3 to a maximum of 154.01 m3. The sum of the squared deviations between required and produced volumes for the non-spatial harvest pattern was 7123.27, or more than twice the sum of the squared differences for the spatially explicit harvest pattern of 3469.15. Discussion While the ability to minimize the differences between the consumer’s demand and the supplier’s production is an important part of any attempt to manage a supply chain, there are a multitude of issues that prevent the development of a method to minimize the deviation between the demand and production of log products. Initially, it was assumed a rectangular sampling grid would yield a sufficient variogram such that little effort would be needed to obtain the Kriging results. In retrospect, the major task for this study was simply obtaining an adequate variogram. Once a variogram was obtained, producing a map of the sawlog volume and resulting variance estimates for the daily cutting blocks was routine with the software we used. Lead times that determine optimal delivery for logs will be dictated by transportation conditions, consumer capacity and storage requirements. By reducing the deviation between the consumer demand requirements and the estimated production levels, we were able to demonstrate an advantage of spatially explicit harvest operations. By reducing the lead time required to deliver logs to the customer, the customer could then reduce or minimizing storage requirements thus allowing them to focus quality improvements elsewhere and ultimately improving revenue. 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