Classified Staff Council Bylaws Article I CSAC Bylaws DRAFT 5/29/2016 8:35 AM

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Classified Staff Council Bylaws
Article I Name
Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Classified Staff Council (CSC).
Section 2 The CSC serves on behalf of all Classified Staff (i.e., permanent, limited term, and project
appointment employees) of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (hereafter collectively
referred to as Classified Staff). This authority is granted by Board of Regents Policy Document,
“Classified Staff Governance,” dated September 6, 2013.
Article II Purpose
The CSC works with University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) campus leadership to promote
effective partnerships with colleagues from all campus employee groups in support of the
university’s mission and strategic plan. The CSC serves as an advocate for Classified Staff as well
as for their ongoing professional development opportunities. This is accomplished by
encouraging respect, open communication, and equality between all members of the campus
community. The CSC shall have the authority to recommend to the chancellor policies
pertaining to the members of the Classified Staff. In addition, the CSC shall have the authority to
work with and make recommendations to any Classified Staff, academic staff, faculty, or
administrative committee or agency that is concerned with Classified Staff welfare.
Article I Article III Membership
Section 1 There shall be 13 members of the CSC. One member of the CSC will be elected to represent
limited term and project employees. There will be two members from each of the following
divisions: Academic Affairs, Business Affairs, and Student Affairs, and six members elected atlarge. Members will serve terms according to the fiscal year calendar. Any Classified Staff as
defined in Article I, Section 2, shall be eligible to serve on the CSC. Regardless of the manner of
nomination or election, members of the CSC serve as representative of all Classified Staff.
Section 2 Terms of Office
Members shall be elected for two-year terms. Members may be re-elected for a maximum of
three consecutive terms. Newly elected individuals shall be introduced at the first meeting of the
CSC following the election (usually held in May). Newly elected members will begin their term
July 1 of the year elected.
Section 3 Officers
CSC officers include two co-chairs, a secretary, and a treasurer.
a Co-chairs serve staggered two-year terms. Should a member with one-year remaining in his/her
term be elected as co-chair, the term will be extended by one-year to accommodate the co-chair
two-year term.
b If a co-chair resigns prior to the end of his/her term, a replacement will be elected from among
the CSC membership to serve until the end of that fiscal year.
c The secretary and treasurer serve one-year terms.
d Officers (i.e., one co-chair, secretary, and treasurer) are elected by members of the new CSC
(returning members and newly elected members) at the first CSC meeting following the general
CSC election. The officers of the previous CSC shall serve until such time as new officers officially
begin their term.
e Officers may serve no more than two consecutive terms, pending election to the CSC in the
general CSC election.
Section 4 Officer Duties
a Co-chairs set the CSC meeting schedule with consideration to members’ schedules, call CSC
meetings, distribute agendas and meeting materials, preside over CSC meetings, make Classified
Section 5
Section 6
Section 7
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Staff university and governance committee appointments, and represent the CSC on the
Chancellor’s Cabinet and Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate,.
Secretary takes minutes at CSC meetings and posts them on CSC website.
Treasurer manages, reconciles, and reports on the budget to the CSC as necessary; oversees all
payments for bills and obligations.
It is expected that CSC members will be present at all meetings. If a CSC member is absent
(unexcused absence) from a total of six regularly scheduled meetings within one fiscal year, the
seat may be considered vacant.
Should a vacancy occur among the members of the CSC, the co-chairs will ask the recipient of the
next highest votes in the most recent election to fill the remainder of the term. If no one from
the most recent election is willing to serve, the co-chairs will appoint a Classified Staff member to
fill the remainder of the vacant term. The category quota (i.e., division or at-large) must be
maintained with appointments.
Nominations and Elections
Two CSC members will be responsible for the spring Classified Staff Governance Elections. The
assigned CSC members will send out a call for nominations to all Classified Staff via UWSP email
on or about March 1.
Nominations for openings on the CSC and elected subcommittee positions will be accepted until
March 15.
Following the Article VIII Voting Procedures in this document, a slate of nominees will be sent to
all Classified Staff by April 1.
Voting for the election will proceed following the rules and timelines set forth in Article VIII
If fewer member nominations are submitted than open CSC seats, with consideration to category
quotas, the nominees will be the new CSC members and no election will be necessary.
New CSC and elected subcommittee members will be announced to Classified Staff via email and
Campus Announcements.
Article II Article IV Meetings
Section 1 The CSC will meet bi-monthly at a time and place mutually agreeable to the members. The CSC
meeting schedule will be posted on the CSC website. A quorum of the CSC consists of seven
members. All CSC members have voting privileges. Meetings may be held during paid work
hours. Classified Staff are urged to discuss flex time with their supervisors, if necessary, to
attend the meetings.
The CSC shall conduct their business in open session except for those matters that a majority of
the CSC members decide should be appropriately addressed in closed session. Closed sessions
shall only be held for those reasons delineated in Wisconsin’s Open Meetings Law and members
must follow all procedures mandated by statute for closing such meetings.
Section 2 General meetings can be called if deemed necessary by CSC. Date, time, location, and agenda
will be published a minimum of two weeks in advance. A quorum of the general meeting
consists of those present. General meetings will be held during paid work hours. Classified Staff
are urged to discuss flex time with their supervisors, if necessary, to attend the meetings.
Section 3 Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for the CSC.
Section 4 All policy matters to be presented to the CSC for action will be distributed to members of the CSC
at least 24 hours prior to the CSC meeting at which action is scheduled to be taken.
Section 5 All Classified Staff may attend and speak at meetings of the CSC, subject to such rules as the CSC
may adopt. Only CSC members may offer motions, second motions, or vote.
Section 6 Requests to address the CSC will be honored at the discretion of the co-chairs
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Article III Article V Subcommittees
Section 1
Section 2
CSC Subcommittees
Classified Staff Awards & Programming Committee
Classified Staff Professional Development Committee
Subcommittee Membership
Subcommittees will consist of five Classified Staff members who have expressed an interest in
serving on the subcommittee.
b Each subcommittee will have a CSC member that serves as a liaison between the subcommittee
and CSC. Subcommittees will elect a chair from among its members. Subcommittee chairs and
members serve for one-year terms with a maximum of two terms.
Section 3 Subcommittee Meeting Schedules
Meeting schedules will be provided on the CSC website. Subcommittee meeting agendas that
provide the date, time, and location of the meeting will be made available on the CSC website a
minimum of 24 hours prior to the meeting in compliance with Wisconsin Open Meetings Law.
Article IV Article VI Classified Appointees
Section 1 When the CSC is notified of needed classified appointments to university committees, notification
will be distributed via UWSP email to Classified Staff at-large detailing the position and anticipated
time commitment. Classified Staff interested in serving in the appointee capacity will be asked to
provide a statement of interest that includes interest and qualifications. With consideration to the
submitted statements, the CSC co-chairs will select appointees to serve.
Section 2 Classified staff appointments to CSC subcommittees will be selected or recruited by the CSC liaison
member of the subcommittee.
Article V Article VII Amendments to Bylaws
Section 1 Proposed Amendments
Any Classified Staff member may propose an amendment to the bylaws. Amendments to the bylaws
may be presented in writing or electronically to the CSC co-chairs.
Section 2 Discussion and Forwarding for Voting of Amendments
Amendments will be discussed in an open CSC meeting within three meetings of the CSC’s co-chairs’
receipt of said proposed amendment. The proposed amendment will be included in the published
CSC meeting agenda, and will be listed as a discussion topic. Proposals will be discussed during at
least one CSC meeting prior to any voting on how to proceed with proposed amendments.
a To proceed with a vote by classified staff members, the proposed amendment must receive an
affirmative vote of two-thirds of the CSC membership.
b If the CSC does not bring an amendment to the Classified Staff for a vote, the Classified Staff may
force a vote on the amendment by supplying a petition of 50 Classified Staff signatures to the
Section 3 Voting Notification and Voting on Amendments
If a proposed amendment is approved for consideration by classified staff, the proposed
amendment and voting instructions will be distributed following the guidelines set forth in Article
VIII of this document.
Section 4 Voting on Proposed Amendments
Voting on the amendment will follow the rules set forth in Article VIII of this document.
Section 5 Adoption of Amendment
A change will be considered adopted if two-thirds of the voting Classified Staff members vote
affirmatively for the proposed amendment.
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Section 6 Effective Date of Amendments
Changes to the bylaws become effective at the next CSC meeting following an affirmative vote on
the amendment.
Article VI Article VIII Classified Staff Voting Procedures
Section 1 Electronic Voting
CSC primarily relies upon electronic voting by the Classified Staff for elections, amending bylaws or
any other vote that requires input from the entire body of Classified Staff. Electronic voting may be
done by email or electronic survey.
Section 2 Paper Voting
Individual Classified Staff may opt for paper notification and ballot by submitting a request to the
CSC co-chairs. All Classified Staff will be notified at the start of the academic year of this option via
UWSP email and the Campus Announcements system.
Section 3 Voting Notification and Voting Material Dissemination
When a vote is necessary to consider amending a bylaw, to elect CSC representatives, or for any
other task requiring input from the entire body of Classified Staff, the CSC will notify all Classified
Staff of the vote via the Classified Staff email list. Paper notification will be placed into Campus mail
to those individual staff who requested it. The paper notification will also include a paper ballot and
return-addressed envelope.
Section 4 Voting Period
When Classified Staff are notified of a vote, there must be at least 15 business days from the day the
vote is initially announced via email until the voting is closed. All electronic and paper ballots are
due by 4:30 p.m. on the final day of any voting period. Votes may only be held from the first day of
Fall classes through last day of Spring finals.
Section 5 Voting Tally
Votes will be counted on the next work day after the close of a voting period.
Article III Article IX Review of Action of the CSC
Section 5 Section 1
Section 6 Section 2
Classified Staff may review and overrule any action of the CSC.
Review of a CSC action may be initiated upon the written request of 50 members of the Classified
Section 7 Section 3
Review procedures must be initiated within 90 days of CSC action in question.
Section 8 Section 4
Review of a CSC action shall be at a called meeting of the Classified Staff.
Section 9 Section 5
A two-thirds affirmative vote of the members of the Classified Staff present and voting at a called
meeting shall be necessary to overrule a CSC action.