Freedom of Information Act Requests 2014 1 1/27/14 Office of Attorney General PAC waiting for review 2 1/30/14 Amira Turner Copy of incident #1321029 3 1/3/14 Jake Griffin Daily Herald Copies of any and all itemized receipts, invoices, and reimbursements paid or repaid to board trustees for the calendar years 2012 and 2013. Items including, but not limited to, air travel, mileage, meals, hotels, per diem, etc. 4 1/3/14 Chris LaVoie Capitol Mechanical Indust Copy of November payment applications as submitted by Mortenson to COD for the SRC and MAC projects 5 2/3/14 Jerry Vachaparambil Spending Statement (with detailed list) of the President, Government Relations and Board of Trustee Education Funds for the year of 2013 6 2/4/14 Ed Domich Northern Ill. University Request for an electronic copy students of directory information for all full-time, degree-seeking at College of DuPage 7 2/17/14 Will Blount PPB A copy of the complete procurement file for every Architectural and or Engineering contract, whatever they may be called, regardless of value, awarded and/or entered into by the College under the Local Government Professional Services Selection Act between July 1, 2012 and January 31, 2014 8 2/27/14 Jessi Thomas Current Debt Collection contract for COD 9 4/14/14 Karen Burger Data Bank All signed and executed documents for the "Scanning of HR and Finance Records" Contract was awarded in July 2012. 10 4/14/14 Harold Blumm Illinois Watch Group Provide invoices and certified payroll for the following information: Sealcoating work performed for 2013 11 4/23/14 Chris Jenner Dates that reviews of closed session minutes to determine the need for continued confidentiality Copies of closed session minutes Dates the Board of Trustees met in closed session Law firms that review closed session minutes 12 5/1/14 Kevin Schiller Textbooks on Park Copy of all Fall book adoptions for 2014 13 5/5/14 Erica Taylor iSqFt Construction All documents and updates associated with the Renovation of the Naperville Regional Center project bidding on May 2 14 5/5/14 Dowd, Bloch, Bennett FOP (Police) Agreement 15 5/20/14 Erica Taylor iSqFt Construction Bid tabulation and award information for the Baseball Field perimeter improvements project 16 5/20/04 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Electronic copy of all incoming and outgoing, and deleted emails of President Breuder 17 5/22/14 Tina Stanke Chicagoland Construction Miscellaneous Concrete Projects 18 6/3/14 Tina Stanke Chicagoland Construction 19 6/10/14 Art Perez Illinois Dept. of Labor Bid Tabulation for Baseball Field Perimeter Bid Tabulation for MAC Concrete Intersection Copy of your current year's prevailing wage Copy of the call for bids for Construction Mechanical Insulation July 2013 - Pepper Construction Copy of the Contractor's bond Copy of any and all written notices to the contractors Copy of the Contractor's Certified Payroll 20 6/24/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books An electronic copy of "any" and "all" vendor payee payments for the years 2008-2013 21 6/26/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Electronic copy of all incoming and outgoing, and deleted emails of Joseph M. Moore 22 6/26/20134 Karen Burger/Data Bank 23 6/26/14 Micheal McKinnon 7/7/14 Back file and Conversion project for Student Records/Transcripts Copies of BOT e-mail Copies of Hamilton e-mail 24 7/3/14 Mr. Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Please provide receipts for Élan Visa Card Transactions used by Mr. Glaser and Dr. Breuder 25 7/7/14 Glen Hansen COD Faculty Copy of FOIA Log 26 7/9/13 Tina Stanke Chicagoland Construction Bid Results for Carol Stream Testing Center 27 7/11/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of Max McGraw's Wildlife Foundation for the last 5 years Copy of Membership for Max McGraw's Foundation 28 7/11/14 Tina Stanke Chicagoland Construction Bid results for North Campus Site work 29 7/17/14 Michael Berman Payment bond for site work infrastructure and parking improvements for Matrix for bid Bid Package 1,2, and 3 30 7/23/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Copy of cell phone records for Dr. Robert Breuder 31 7/23/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Copy of all monthly credit card receipts July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2012 List of authorized users of each credit card Copy of all minutes where cards were approved 32 7/25/14 Nina Rasmussen Student Directory Information 33 7/28/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books College of DuPage and College of DuPage Foundation 501(c)3 for the period encompassing January 1, 2008 until current date. Production must include but is not limited to employee contracts, rental agreements, operating agreements, legal documents describing the relationship, and/or in-kind financial support, and/or responsibilities between College of DuPage and College of DuPage Foundation. 34 8/1/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Electronic copy of all monthly statements (invoices) for all COD paid cell phones, July 2013 through current period. 35 8/4/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of Credit Card receipts on Élan card by President 36 8/6/14 Charles Schneider Any and all soil tests for the any college of DuPage facilities 37 8/7/14 Ed Luberda Bid tabulation results showing at least top three bidders for Envelopes 38 8/13/14 Brian T. O'Leary Payment and Performance bond for Pepper Construction for Infrastructure Improvements 39 8/13/14 Nancy Garbrecht III FFC A copy of any and all contracts, purchase orders, invoices, quotes request for proposal. Certified payroll documents, Jan. 2012 to present Documents describing the type of funding used to pay for the project Breezy Hill Landscaping 40 8/19/14 Ed Luberda Name and address of the winning bidder and the winning bid price for the recent bid Impact Magazine 41 8/18/14 Lisa Madigan PAC - Kirk Allen request 42 8/19/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books A copy of the most recent 3 years of audits and working papers. 43 8/25/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of all documentation pertaining to the annexation of College of DuPage property out of Glen Ellyn Fire Department coverage into Lisle-Woodridge Fire Protection District 44 8/25/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of Video record of June 26, 2014 and August 2014, Board Meetings 45 8/26/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Copy of electronic e-mails of the president - Jan. 2012 to Aug. 26, 2014 46 8/26/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Electronic copy of all "Imprest payments" to vendors and Employees for the period April 1, 2013-August 26, 2014 47 8/28/14 Brian T. O'Leary Please provide a copy of the contract between Owner (College of DuPage, or their agent) and CM (Pepper Construction Co) for the "Site work, Infrastructure and Parking Lot Improvements Project 2013" also known as "COD- Site work 2013" 48 9/2/14 Toni Hill ACME Research Public Spending for fiscal year 2014 49 9/3/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of the agreements between COD and Village of Glen Ellyn operational agreement 50 9/3/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of agreement between County of DuPage and COD 51 9/3/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of any records retention/destruction policy for COD Copy of any approval from state for Records retention/destruction policy Copy of intergovernmental agreement between COD and Village of Glen Ellyn, Glen Ellyn Fire Dept., and Lisle-Woodridge Copy of all legal bill invoices for the work performed on the annexation of COD property into Lisle Woodridge Fire protection 52 9/3/13 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Copy of employment contracts from January 2009 - President, Benté, Brod, Collins, currier, Dowling, Glaser, Kartje, Millush, Moore, Sands-Vankerk 53 9/4/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of the satellite phone usage statements that reflect incoming and outgoing calls on all of the satellite phones purchased for rental by Dr, Breuder in 2012, 2013, and 2014 Copy of any minutes authorizing Dr. Breuder to rent satellite phones. Copy of the state statute authorizing public funds to be used for satellite phones. Names of all public officials to include trustees, School President, Administrative executive staff and any other employees who have been Copy of COD credit card usage policy. 54 9/5/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books An electronic copy of the 2014 Institutional Outcomes Report 55 9/5/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Request for a copy of the following records: all documents, reports, e-mails and attachments regarding any and all criteria for accreditation through AQIP. 56 9/8/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Copy of Imprest payments of vendors and employees 2009 to March 31, 2013 57 9/17/14 Roger Kempa Treasurer's Report Schedule of all investment including liquid assets with rate of return Both dollar amount and percentage rate of return or loss Listing of Authorized Depositories of COD funds Listing of Investment Banks, any and all firms used to manage COD funds Any contractual agreements with Investment Banks, firms used to manage funds Cash flow report Investment Policy Investment Procedures Board Policy approval of restricted funds projects, purchases, expenditures COD Policy and Procedure for deleting, or removing previously approved restricted projects, purchases, or any designated expenditures Dollar amount, description, approval date for total dollar amount restricted funds Surety Bond Company - Treasurer's Bond, Amount insured for, and cost of Bond Names of individual(s) covered by the Bond Cash & Investment reserves as a percentage of operating expenditures Collateral agreements with all banks, savings banks, investment banks, other firms External audit firm audited comprehensive annual financial report Management letter issued by the COD external audit firm Cost of the annual audit with listing of services rendered for the annual audit 58 9/17/14 Jeff Cooper All invoices and copies of checks for Franczek Radelet for 2012-2014. All invoices & bills, receipts, checks for any payments to the gun club 2014. All invoices and copies of checks for Roger Marquardt & Co. for 2012-2014. 59 9/19/14 John Kraft Copy of the results, including all data, in a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ("IBM SPSS Statistics") (.por) format, of the survey of campus was conducted. Administered by an outside agency". Joseph Moore referenced this survey/study. Copy of the same as number 1, above, for any and all previous years the survey was conducted. Copy of the code book and all survey questions for item numbers 1 and 2, above. 60 9/22/14 John Kraft Copy of all e-mail addresses that the College manages or maintains, student, faculty, staff, volunteer 61 9/29/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of any payments reimbursing COD by Dr. Breuder during his term of employment. Copy of all documentation pertaining to any of those payments during his term of employment 62 9/22/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of all financial tracking pertaining to expenses incurred responding to FOIA requests for the last 9 months Copy of any compensation contract for Dr. Breuder that outlines membership to Max McGraw's Wildlife Foundation is a part of his compensation for employment at COD 63 9/23/14 Christy Gutowski Any and all records detailing the names of all sworn police officers- and/if available their full-time police agency- who have been paid to work as intructors at College of Dupage's Suburban Law Enforcement Training Academy for fiscal years 2012, 2013 and 2014 64 9/29/14 Kirk Allen Illinois Leaks Copy of invoices submitted for payment to COD from a company using the name “Broadcast Technologies "since 1999. Information on John Valenta 65 9/29/14 John Kraft Copy of the audio and video from the regular Board of Trustees meeting in August 2014 Copy of the audio and video from the regular Board of Trustees meeting in Sept. 2014 66 10/1/14 Edward Franckowiak Electronic copy of all invoices, receipts, and physical copy of payments (checks) to Heritage Wine Sellers, 1 Heritage Wine Sellers, Heritage Wine Sellers 1 for the period January 1, 2009- October 1, 2014 inclusive. Electronic copies requested. 67 10/1/14 Kevin Schiller Spring Book Adoptions 68 10/6/14 John Kraft 1. Copy of all communication between any trustee, administrator of the college (to include the president), or any other person to personnel of the College IT Depart. Computer Use Department, or any other department, entity or individual that had/has access to the necessary resources to affect the deletion/blocking of certain emails/data from the College servers/email accounts. The time-frame for this is Friday, October 3, 2014, between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. 2. Copy of the COD policy referencing computer use, internet use, filtering of content. 3. Copy of the COD policy referencing computer use, internet use, and deletion or blocking of emails or certain email addresses/domains. 4. List of all email addresses domains (within the past 21 days) that were added to a "blocked", "filtered", or other list that may restrict its delivery to COD email accounts. 5. Copy of all information/data that is what I refer to as the "Citizen Hit List", or the link referenced in this September 15, 2014 "Message to the President": 69 10/6/14 John Kraft 1. Credit card statements for COD for Breuder and Glaser since 2009 2. All audits performed by any outside agency for COD since 2009 3. All audits performed by any internal auditors employed by COD or contracted to perform an internal audit since 2009 4. Copy of the developed procedures to implement the policy pertaining to the authorization for the use of credit cards by appropriate College Personnel 70 10/6/14 Phyllis Kernick Copy of the contracts between College of DuPage and US Bank for student refunding, campus banking and ATMs. 71 10/6/14 Grant Sabo Any email from the account of Robert Weber in which the word "Sabo" appears. 72 10/9/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books Request for a copy of the following records: A copy of all contracts and agreements for compensation with Roger C. Marquardt & Co. since 2000. 73 10/9/14 Adam Andrzejewski Open the Books A copy of the Legislative Reports and Legislative Agendas since 2009 including any correspondence from any lobbyist to any employee of the College of DuPage or board members and their responses to the lobbyist. 74 10/9/14 Roger Kempa All Items for, or related to the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014: 1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2. Management Letter issued by external auditor 3. COD Replies to the Current year, as well as the prior year Management Letter issued by external auditor 4. Any and all additional reports issued by external auditor 5. All communications (letters, emails, informal notes, etc. anything) sent to or from the external auditor by or to the Board Chairman, COD President and COD CFO/Treasurer. 6. Typed comments issued to COD by the Government Finance Officers' Association pertaining to the June 30, 2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 7. Cost of external audit for past five fiscal years 75 10/13/14 Adam Andrzejewski A copy of all invoices/expenditures for the campus hill fountain/waterfall. This should include all expenditures reports (including account #'s used for payments with payment amounts and description of payments), also maintenance and upkeep payments of the fountain/waterfall. 76 10/14/14 Adam Andrzejewski A copy of all documents related to the SRC South Plaza (Project #16). The documents should include the complete expenditure report from Jan 1 2011 to present for Bond Referendum #2 Site and Grounds budget #03-90-36804-5802001. This should include a breakout of what fund the payment was made from, name of vendor or supplier name Included should also be a listing of all College of DuPage fund numbers including the names of all funds. And a listing of all Bond Referendum project budget #'s and names. 77 10/15/14 John Kraft Request a copy of Broadcast Technologies invoices 78 10/16/14 Glen Shine - AT & T Copy of current internet provider Comcast RFP for internet services 79 10/20/14 Edward Franckowiak Electronic copy of all of the Presidents exemptions (board policy 15-95 & 15-351) to allow outside employment since 2009 period January 1, 2009 October 17, 2014 inclusive. 80 10/21/14 Adam Andrzejewski Copy of video for the Board of Trustees meeting on December 11, 2013 81 10/21/14 Edward Franckowiak Copy of W-9 and Mercury Commerce information for Broadcast Technologies 82 10/22/14 Christy Gutowski Copy of records detailing the names of all sworn police officers and if available their full-time police agency - who have been paid to work as instructors at College of DuPage's Suburban Law Enforcement Training Academy for fiscal years 2012, 2013, 2014 83 10/24/14 Art Perez College of DuPage Furniture Relocation for Construction Renovation 84 10/27/14 Kirk Allen Copy of any letters sent by Dr. Breuder to any Illinois State Representative in the last 60 days. Copy of all purchase orders and invoices for any weapons (guns, knives, tasers) purchased in the last 5 years. 85 10/28/14 Jodi Cohen Copy of all records regarding Broadcast Technologies 86 10/30/14 Kirk Allen Copy of all receipts for any items purchased and presented as bonus’s, gifts, etc. to any executive staff members or faculty between October 1st of 2012 to current date Copy of all receipts for meals at the Waterleaf paid for by COD for COD Trustees, Executive staff members, and Faculty for the last 12 months. Copy of all receipts for hotel stays at the Inn at Waters Edge at College of DuPage in which those stays were paid for by either COD or the Inn at Waters Edge for any employee of College of DuPage to include the President of COD. Copy of all e-emails sent and received by all board members for the last 6 months. Copy of any documentation to support Mr. Glaser’s claim to the Daily Herald that COD payments to the shooting club was in Dr. Breuders compensation package Copy of any documentation to support Mr. Glaser’s claim to NPR that the membership to the shooting club belongs to the office of President and not to Dr. Breuder himself. Copy of all invoices from Hurricane Graphics Inc. for the last 5 years. 87 10/31/14 Kirk Allen Copy of all minutes from meetings held at Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation since 2009 Copy of all fundraising documentation to include public announcements, advertisements, expenditures, and revenues earned from all fundraising events held at Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation since 2009 88 10/31/14 Kirk Allen Copy of return on investment documentation pertaining to the expenditure of COD funds at Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation. Copy of COD Protocol used for the expenditure of funds at Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation Copy of all funds raised over the last six years because of COD expenditures at Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation 89 10/31/14 Info@Open the Books Request for a copy all invoices from John Medwedeff of Medwedeff Forge & Design checks to John Medwedeff and/or Medwedeff Forge & Design. Request all drawings/plans, estimates, e-mails, etc. for the APEX. Also included should be any invoices, drawings, e-mails, checks for payment for all statues/sculptures on the campuses (examples include APEX, deer,Chaparral, etc). The Chaparral statue was made by Matthew Placzek. So this request would include all invoices, e-mails and checks work performed by Matthew Placzek also. 90 11/3/14 Info@Open the Books Copy of August 26, 2010 Board Packet 91 11/3/14 Info@Open the Books Request for a copy of the following records: A copy of all contracts for Medwedeff Forge and Design/John Medwedeff and Placzek Studios, Inc./Matthew Placzek. 92 11/5/14 Edward Franckowiak 1. Electronic copy of all of the Presidents exemptions (board policy 15-270) to allow Administration outside employment since 2009 period January 1, 2009- November 4, 2014 inclusive. 93 11/5/14 Info@Open the Books Request for a copy of the following records: A copy of the list that contains all general ledger accounting codes and names(description) used in the budget. All codes and descriptions that would be need to understand a code such as 03-90-32758-5804001. 94 11/17/14 Kirk Allen Copy of all expense reimbursement documentation to include claim forms, receipts and all other documents pertaining to those reimbursements for President Breuder from date of employment to July 1, 2012 Copy of all announcements for bids on the projects performed by Hurricane Graphics during the last 5 years. Copy of all bid’s received for the above referenced projects. Copy of minutes where winning bids were declared and voted on. Copy of COD Foundation minutes approving payments to Hurricane Graphics - 5 yrs. 95 11/17/14 Kirk Allen Copy of current employment contract with any applicable amendments or addendums for President Robert Breuder. Copy of minutes where most recent amendment or addendum to his contract 96 11/20/14 Kirk Allen Copy of minutes where a “house account” was established and/or authorized for Dr. Breuder. This account shows up on receipts as House Account #10. Any policy created by Dr. Breuder regarding the use of public credit, either with credit cards or through an in house credit system such as but not limited to “house account” #10 or any other numbers assigned to such accounts. Copy of any records authorizing Dr. Breuder to have College of DuPage cover his hotel room expense at the Inn at the Water’s Edge. 97 11/26/14 John Kraft Copy of all FOIA requests (within the past 60 days) from anyone working for the Chicago Tribune. I am only interested in the request, not the responsive documents. 98 12/1/14 Kirk Allen Copy of all receipts for meals and or drinks at the Waterleaf paid for by COD for COD Foundation members for the last 24 months 99 12/1/14 Kirk Allen 1. All copies of the COD Presidents notification in writing to the Chairperson of the COD Board pertaining to boards notice of intent not to extend the Agreement. 2. Copy of minutes where a committee was formed by the Chairman of COD since 2008 for the purpose of assessing the Presidents Performance. 3. Copy of all committee meeting minutes by the committee established to assess the Presidents performance since 2009. 4. Copy of the Boards written evaluation of the President since 2009. 5. Copy of the President’s Job description 100 12/1/14 Kirk Allen Copy of minutes where discussion and/or votes were taken for all amendments or addenda to President Breuder’s contract since 2009. 101 12/3/14 Kirk Allen Copy of procedures developed by President Breuder or his/her designee for the issuance and/request is for the developed procedures to implement the credit card use policy or use of credit cards. 102 12/2/14 Open the Books A copy of the complete list of the account codes charged for all receipts for meals since inception(including but NOT limited to Waterleaf Account 10 and Account 30). 103 12/5/14 Adam Andrzejewski 1. Electronic copy of any and all internet router logs. The router logs include but are not limited to the following information: URL Name, Workstation Name/IP Address and Time/Date Stamp. This request is for the previous 90 days inclusive. 104 12/5/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all documentation to include agreements, contracts or any other documents that established Herricane Graphics as the COD design Consultant. 2. Copy of all minutes where a vote was taken to approve and establish Herricane Graphics as the COD Design consultant. 105 12/8/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all bid notices, publications, announcements and any other documentation that COD was seeking the hiring of a Design Consultant 106 12/8/14 Dennis Corbin Copy of the Women and Men - tennis team budget broken down 107 12/8/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of e-mails sent by and received by the COD Design Consultant outlined in the bid 2. Copy of all Vendor information for the following names: ASI signage Advantage Sign Installation Company, Inc., Advantage Sign Installation, Advantage Sign ASI Signage Innovations, Architectural Compliance Sign, Hurricane Graphics Inc. The vendor information I am seeking is all information in the possession of COD for those names provided to include but not limited to names, address’s phone numbers, e-mails etc. 3. Copy of bid packages provided to COD by any of the names listed in item #2 for the last 5 years. 108 12/9/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all documentation pertaining to vendor #1082269-Advantage Sign Installation and the payments listed below. We are seeking bid packages, bid announcements, bid requirements etc. for those referenced payments, bids received, any communications, copies of invoices, copies of checks, any documentation pertaining to the approval of those payments to include minutes reflective of discussions and/or votes etc. V0085963, V0153230, V0158223, V0158226, V0185347 2. Copy of the same information requested in #1 above for Voucher numbers V0150952, V0279736, V0279734 1. Copy of all documentation pertaining to a Construction Management Services Contract with Herricane Graphics. We are seeking bid packages, bid announcements, bid requirements, bids received, notes, minutes and all other documentation related to the awarding of any and all Construction Management Services Contracts with Herricane Graphics. 109 12/9/14 Kirk Allen 110 12/10/14 Kirk Allen Copy of FOIA Log 111 12/11/14 Edward Franckowiak 1. This is from the COD board policy 15-30: As a general policy, alcoholic beverages are not to be served on College premises. Upon specific authorization by the College President, pursuant to exceptions to the general policy may be made. I am requesting any specific authorization by the College President. Any documents, emails, text messages and any board agenda dealing with alcohol sale on College property. 2. This is concerning board policy 15-27 Confidential Reporting of Wrongdoing. Electronic copy of any report/document that contain a record of raised concerns and related outcomes and any report the President has taken. Any complaints brought against the President. Any complaints brought against board members. This is for the period January 1, 2009- December 11, 2014 inclusive. 112 12/15/14 J.C. Kibby Contracted services for: security personnel, janitorial personnel and foodservice personnel. 113 12/15/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all documents handed out during the recent Legislative Breakfast at COD. If the name is different than what I called it, note that it is the recent meeting in which state legislature’s attended a meeting hosted by COD. 2. Copy of all documents pertaining to the lobbying contract recently put out for bid. This would include copies of all notifications sent to lobbying businesses, bids received, bids awarded, votes recorded in the minutes etc. 114 12/22/14 Kirk Allen Copy of any documentation pertaining to Herricane Graphics and/or Carl Burkhart being a licensed Architect for the purpose of exercising a contract for professional services (contract provided in previous FOIA). 115 12/22/14 Kirk Allen Copy of insurance certificates and policies, in form and substance as outlined in the contract provided between COD and Herricane Graphics. Specifically, item 2.6 of said contract outlines the requirement. I am seeking the records outlined in that section of the contract to include the certificates of insurance, insurance policy, and copies of the amendatory riders to any such policy for Herricane Graphics. 116 12/23/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of all technical submissions provided by Herricane Graphics under any contract they have had or have with COD. 2. Copy of all certified payroll records for all projects contracted to Herricane Graphics. 117 12/26/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of the legal notice published to include a copy of the website link for such notice. 2. Copy of the 2 inquires rendered from such publication 3. Copy of all documents to include cover letters, e-mails, etc. as well as any other communications pertaining to the direct solicitation for a RFP to 33 firms with lobbyists registered in Illinois 4. Copy of the 5 request for RFP that was obtained from the direct solicitation of the 33 firms outlined above. 118 12/29/14 Kirk Allen 1. Copy of any statement of qualifications and performance data filed with COD by any architectural, engineering, or land surveying services in the last 5 years. 2. Copy of any notice requesting a statement of interest in any COD project mailed or e-mailed to firms who have a current statement of qualifications and performance data on file with COD in the last 5 years. 3. Copy of any advertisement in a secular English language daily newspaper of general circulation throughout the COD district, requesting a statement of interest in any architectural, engineering, or land surveying project and further requesting statements of qualifications and performance data from those firms which do not have such a statement on file with COD in the last 5 years. 4. Copy of an advertisement for professional services on the COD website requesting a statement of interest in any above referenced services (architectural, engineering or land surveying services) in the last 5 years. 5. Copy of all evaluations, notes, and/or presentations in the possession of COD utilized to determine which professional service providers (architectural, engineering, or land surveying services) would receive contracts with COD in the last 10 years. 6. Copy of the ranking in order of qualifications for the evaluations used to determine who would be selected for professional services (architectural, engineering, or land surveying services) for COD in the last 10 years.