Where to begin? 1. Ask yourself the following questions:

Career Services Center
Guide for the Job Search
Where to begin?
1. Ask yourself the following questions:
What type of job am I looking for?
What have I dreamed of doing?
What skills do I want to use?
What skills do I have?
What are my hobbies, interests?
What is my passion?
What can I do with my degree?
Should I go back to school?
How can I improve/update my
Why am I looking for a job?
Who do I know? (Network!)
If many of these questions are difficult to answer, you may want to complete a
Career Assessment.
Also, check out the College and Career Information Collection in the College of
DuPage Library for Career Exploration Resources.
2. Create a Resume!
See our “Guide to Resume Writing:”
COD Career Services Center Guide to Resume Writing.pdf
Sample Resumes:
Anne Mickelson Sample Functional Resume.pdf
John T Sample Resume Equally distributed header.pdf
Resume Content Fill In.pdf
3. Begin Your Search: Online, in-person, letter of inquisition, network
4. Find postings interested in applying for.
5. Tailor resume for EACH job you apply to. Be sure all information is
relevant for the employer.
Read the job description closely.
Identify the skills needed.
What tasks will need to be completed for the job?
List skills that you have which match what the job is looking for.
Create impact statements that relate those skills to the job of interest.
Career Services Center
Guide for the Job Search
6. Create a Cover Letter
COD Career Services Center Guide to Cover Letter Writing.pdf
Job Boards and Job Search Websites
1. COD Career Services Center Electronic Job Board Information:
Select: Students, Alumni, or Community
If you are a new user: Register
Create your own access ID and Password
Search for Jobs Posted to My School
Search for Jobs posted to the entire College Central database
Search for Internship Opportunities
If you do not have a resume, take advantage of the *Resume Builder option.
*Note: This will not be a polished/ready-to-send resume. Be sure to improve and edit.
2. Indeed.com
3. Flipdog.com
4. Careerbuilder.com
5. Rileyguide.com
6. Monster.com
7. Http://us.jobs./
Resources for Individuals with Specialized Needs
And/or a Disability
1. Diversity Job Board www.diversityworking.com
Click the Organizations tab and select “Person with a Disability” on the left
side of the page.
2. Job Board for people with disabilities. Assists individuals in connecting
with inclusive employers and offers a resume posting resource.
3. Employer information for hiring individuals with disabilities:
4. To find accessible places check out: ableroad.com
This website may be useful to not only find accessible locations but can
help a person with a disability identify companies who tend to be more
accessible and open to assisting those with a disability.
Career Services Center
Guide for the Job Search
5. Information regarding employment issues for individuals with
6. Assist and guide technology usage for individuals with disabilities. A
resource to assist with the adjustment to assistive technology.
www.donkainc.org Services are free to DuPage County residents.
7. Americans with Disabilities Acts: Information regarding the rights
and responsibilities of a person with a disability in the workforce and
Phone numbers:
800 - 514 - 0301 (voice)
800 - 514 - 0383 (TTY) (Text)
(for ADA information, materials, and/or to learn how to file a complaint)
8. Department of Human Services: Disability and Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation Information: http://www.dhs.state.il.us
Disability Disclosure Information for Employment
COD Disability Disclosure In the Workforce.pdf
(Will need Adobe Reader to view presentation)
COD Career Services Disability Disclosure Practice.pdf
How well do you know your disability?
Disability Disclosure Self-Evaluation Sheet.pdf
Resources for Veterans
1. Department of Veterans Affairs: Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment: http://www.vba.va.gov/bln/vre/
2. Job Listing Site: Search by City, State, Country. http://veterans.jobs/
3. College of DuPage Veteran Services: Offers assistance to veteran
students at the College of DuPage.