OCCURRENCE OF STUNF CALLUSING IN SECOND-GROWTH DOUGLAS-FIR (PSEUDOTSUGA ]YENZIESII (MIRB.) FRANCO) by ROBERT PAUL SCHULTZ A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1963 APPROVED: Signature redacted for privacy. i 1 I - - Professor and Head, Forest Management Department In Charge of Major Signature redacted for privacy. ChairmaL of School Graduate Committee Signature redacted for privacy. Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Nancy Kerley AC }O'TOWLEDGNT The author wishes to express his appreciation to the many people who aided very substantially the progress of this study. First a special word of appreciation is due to Mre A. B. Berg for providing much valuable data and for his constant and enthusiastic help throughout the course of this investigation. Othermembers of the Oregon State University faculty who were of great help were Dr J0 R. Dilworth, Dr. W. K, Ferrell, Dr. D, J. Jensen, and Mr. J. F. Bell. The writer is indebted to each of these men for their interest and helpful suggestions. Sincere appreciation is also extended to the Oregon State University Forest Research Laboratory for providing the pictures represented in Figures 1, 17, and l. The writer is especially indebted to the South Santiam Education and Research Committee for making funds available for the completion of this work. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . . . REVIEWOF LITERATURE. STUDYAREA . . , o . . , a METHODSANDPROCEDURES. . . a , o a a . . . 1 . 3 a 19 22 . Examination of Stumps and Trees Measuring Increased Growth . Determining the Ability of Rootgrafts to Transmit Solutions . . . . . . RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . , . , . 24 . . 27 . . . . General Observations Total Percent of Stump Callusing . . . Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Month of Cutting Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Length of Time Following Cutting Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Crown Class of the Severed Tree Relation Between Stump Callusing and the DBH Class of the Severed Tree . . Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Crown Class of the Nearest Living Tree Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Number of Trees Per Acre . . Relation Between Stump Callusing and .he Basal Area Per Acre , . Relation Between Stump Callusing and Type . . . and Density of Thinning . Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Soil Series Relation Between Stump Callusing and the . . . . . Percent of Slope . Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Subsequent Growth of Grafted Trees . . . Movement of Materials in Solution through . . . . D, . , . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Rootgrafts . 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Movement of Poria weirii through Root. . . . . . . . grafts . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 23 . . 27 33 36 3 4l 43 45 49 53 55 61 63 69 Page SUIVIMARY AND CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 2 Page Map of the black rock forest research area showing the management thinning plots . . . . . The application of acid fuchsin to a . . root-graft . . . . . , . . 20 25 . A Douglas-fir stump with a callus on one side 4 . . . a . Old-growth stump callus with a bowl . shaped center . . . . . . . . . 29 . 31 5 A callused stump after mechanical damage 32 6 A callused stump root-grafted to a live tree 34 7 Relation between the percent of stump callusing and the year of cutting . . Relation between the percent of stump callusing and the diameter class of the severed tree .,, . , . 9 A regression relationship between the percent of stump callusing and the number of trees per acre . . 51 A regression relationship between the percent of stump callusing and the basal area per acre . . , . 54 . 10 13 . . . . Four root-grafts which were treated with . . . . . . acid fuchsin . . . . 12 . . . . 11 44 . . 39 . , . A root-graft between a tree,, blown over following Poria weirii infection, and a "living stump." A callus can be seen on the "living stump." A section of a root-graft (Figure 12) showing included bark and acid fuchsin transmis$ion between roots . . . . .. . 71 72 . 74 Figure 14 Page An active root-graft showing mechanical root damage, and the application of acid fu c h Sin 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 The cross-sectionof a root-graft showing the fusion area, oval shaped roots due to grafting pressure, and erratic growth rings . . following grafting . 7 . 16 . . . . . . . . A root-grafted area under 70X magnification. The central area showing a cross-sectional trend is the fusion area. The upper and lower cells are xylem from the roots of two different trees oriented in different directions . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 17 Root wash area showing a grid system used for mapping. Poria weirii rot can be seen in each of the stumps l Root wash area (Figure 17) following mapping. The dark areas are infected , , . with Poria weirii, . . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1 2 The number of stumps from which the bark was removed and the number of hidden $ . . . . calluses found , , .. . 37 . . test of independence relating the amount of callusing to the month of cutting . 4 35 Relation between stump callusing and the monthofcutting. 3 . . . . . . . . . Relation between stump callus ing and the yearof cutting . . . . . 39 . . test of independence relating stump callusing to the year of cutting . , . . 40 Relation between stump callusing and the crown class of the severed tree 41 . . 2 6 7(2 7 test of independence relating the amount of stump callusing to the crown class of the severed tree . . 42 Relation between stump callusing and the diameter class of the severed tree . . . . 43 . 9 10 . 12 46 2 test of independence relating the amount of stump callus ing to the crown class of the nearest tree , . Relation between stump callusing, the crown class of the severed tree, and the crown class of the nearest living tree . . 46 . Regression analysis relating the amount of stump callusing to the crown class of thenearesttree. 13 . Relation between stump callusing and the crown class of the nearest living tree . 11 . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Regression analysis relating the amount of stump callusing to the basal area per acre- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Table 14 Page Relation between stump callusing and the type of thinning. . . . 15 .56 Relation between stump callusing and the soil series . , 59 test of independence relating the amount o± stump callusing to the soil series . . o 59 . 16 . 17 . a a Relation between stump callusing and the soil series with similar slopes . . . 60 test of independence relating the amount of stump callusing to the soil series with similar slopes . . . 60 Relation between stump callusing and the percent of slope on Hembre soil . 61 . . 19 22 . . . I'- test of independence relating the amount of stump callusing to the percent of slope 21 . . . 20 e 62 . The effect of stump callusing on the subsequent growth of root-grafted trees . 64 Root-grafts which were treated with an aqueous solution of acid fuchsin . 70 e . OCCURRENCE OF STUI' CALLUSING IN SECOND-GROWTH DOUGLAS -FIR (PSEUDOTSUGA MENZIES II (MIRB,) FRANCO) INTRODUCTION Descriptive references have been made concerning natural root-grafting since before the birth of Christ (15). However, until recently such grafts were considered principally as botanical curiosities to which the occasional continued growth and healing over of stumps could be attributed. During the latter half of the nineteenth century, it became necessary for European foresters to employ intensive management practices. The use of continuous thinnings brought to the attention of foresters greater amounts of visible stump callusing (42, p. 4). Some interested scientists began to probe into this phenomenon in an attempt to discover the biological factors or relationships that might be involved. These preliminary studies raised a good deal of controversy. Most of the early researchers believed that "living stumps" were the visual effects of rootgrafting. Others hypothesized that the overgrowths were due to accumulated food reserves in the stump an roots. It was also believed by some that once the callusing-over had taken place, the stump could continue 2 to carry on photosynthesis and subsequent food production through chlorophyll located within the cortex of the callus (13). The results of these early superficial studies proved very little. However, they did bring to light the possibility that trees do not always grow as single individuals in direct competition with one another. There may exist a direct interrelationship of many trees that could react in various ways upon the stand as a whole. As more and more knowledge accumulated and scientific techniques were improved, it became evident that group interrelationships of trees combined with the interference of man in nature was resulting in many changes within the forest. Not only was there the possibility of increased stability and nutrient passage from one tree to another, but it became evident that numerOus diseases were also finding their way from tree to tree via these same channels. The present state of our intensive forest practices demands that as much as possible be learned about the positive and negative effects of this phenomenon so that future steps can be taken to achieve the best possible results from root-grafting, one of nature's most interesting, phenoniena. 3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Living stumps of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) were probably first described in Lamb (21) under the title of "root suckers." l99 by A subsequent study in 1913 (2) reported that Sequoia gigantea (Lindl.) Decne, Pinus heterophylla,. Mill., and Pinus palustris,. Mill., along with Douglas-fir, were "parasitic" and would form root-grafts with neighboring trees. This article also stated that the irregularity with which the wood is often deposited on the stump clearly indicates that the roots of only one side of the stump has joined those of the living trees. The first comprehensive study on root-grafting in the United States was carried out by Newins (29) in 1916. He cited a number of instances in which he proved by actual excavation that "living stumps" which were apparently isolated were, as a matter of fact, connected by natural root-grafts with standing trees. He also reported that natural root-grafting could be found in many localities in the Douglas-fir forests of the Pacific Northwest. Other findings by Professor Newins can be summed up as follows: Among the conifers the phenomenon of the "growing stump" appears to be most common in Douglasfir. In some areas,,whole stands of trees appeared to 4 be firmly united below the ground through root-grafts. These natural root-grafts, being a union of two or more roots, were noted to occur between the roots of one tree, or of two or more trees of a "similar species." Interspecific natural root-grafting is resisted. Because natural root-grafts are completed only between living trees of a "similar species," more grafts are likely to be found in pure stands. Professor Newins also stated that the large, superficial, 'and wide spreading roots of younger trees appear to graft most often. It was suggested by Newins that root-grafts originate through pressure exerted by opposing roots of a "similar species." This pressure, caused by the growing roots, forces away the cortex at the points of contact, thus exposing the cambial layers which subsequently unite; as long as an "affinity" exists between the roots. These grafted roots can transmit diseases or the effects of diseases, but can also be beneficial in that one partner can help to heal an injured portion of another. Newins reported that the result of this "conjunctive symbiosis" can be a living stump if one of the trees is cut or broken off. Living stumps were found as far as 20 feet from the nearest living trees. The exposed surface of a root-grafted 5 stump appears to heal in the same manner as any other wound on a tree. The wound is impregnated with resin as a protection from decay micro-organisms. Once the longitudinal ducts are closed by resin, the loss of food substances and water is halted and a healing tissue, "callus" is produced by the cambial cells. Professor Newins also stated that the greater amount of callus formation is on the portion of the stump nearest the grafted root. He subsequently reported that a stump will not actually begir to grow in diameter until it is completely healed over or "capped." Douglas-fir and Grand fir (Abies grandis, (Doug.) Lindl.) were noted to heal over rapidly, however, callusing occurred less frequently in the latter. Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa,. Laws.) appeared to heal over very slowly. In 1920 (34) and 1921 (35), Pemberton confirmed Newins theory that stump callusing was directly attributed to root-grafting, when heexcavated a small area and found that seven stumps were linked with one another and with one large tree. When this tree was felled the stumps died. A subsequent study of ten trees by McMinn in 1954 (27) showed only one root-graft between trees in Douglasfir, however, grafts between roots of the same tree were 6 very common. The author noted a tendency for grafts to occur where roots were deflected toward one another due to obstructions such as rocks, hardpans, or by the lack of rooting space. Thus he concluded that "on good sites where root depth is restricted by a high. water table, grafting will probably be more common than on poorer sites where roots are smaller or on areas where structural roots are well placed." In 1927, the Finnish forester Laitakari (22) made the first definite confirmation of rootgrafting in pine. Eight grafts were found on 31 excavated sample plots, however, no stump calluses were found. He believed that root-grafting commonly occurs in pine stands but not as frequently as in spruce stands. This study revealed that stump callusing will not necessarily occur in all species as a result of root-grafting. Laitakari (23) also found numerous root-grafts in Betula verrucosa, L. and Betula odorata,. L. He noted that trees of different sizes (36. cm. and 5 cm. dbh and 10.3 cm. and 1 cm. dbh) as well as different sized roots form grafts, and that these grafts are important for wind resistance and possibly for water and nutrient transfer between trees. A study was undertaken, by Page (33) in 1927, in eastern white pine (Pinus strobus, L.) and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis, (L.) Carr.). He found that two years after cutting in two separate areas, approximately 35 percent of the stumps had calluses, however, in large openings the percent of living stumps was much reduced. Subsequent examinations in later years showed a continued decrease in the percent of living stumps. The youngest pair of grafted roots found were 10 and 13 years old. The author suggested, in agreement with Newins (29), that root-grafting probably does not take place until roots are large enough to exert considerable pressure when they grow in contact. Page also believed that an increased rate of growth may occur in certain stands as a result of the increased absorptive system available through root-grafts. LaRue (24) found that eastern white pine trees grafted in stiff clay where they could not sway sufficiently to wear away bark by friction. It had previously been hypothesized that wind action was a possible cause of grafting. Subsequent studies in eastern white pine, by Graham (15 and 16) and Bormann and Graham (9 and 10), confirmed the previous investigations made in this species. 1)hite pine roots will grow and graft under a wide range of subsoil drainage conditions. Grafting occurs between the ages of 15 and 71 years which results in mature stands composed of many grafted unions of two or more trees, with an occasional interspersed ungrafted The authors believed that the degree of individual. grafting in any stand is probably related to age, density, and purity of the stands They also confirmed that materials in solution can move, through rootgrafts, from tree to tree and from callused and/or freshly cut stumps to trees. Some grafts, however, may not function at all in translocation as was shown by the failure of dye to move through certain grafts. In 1940, Adams (1) carried out a study on rootgrafting in Monterey pine (Pinus radiata, D. Don) in Australia. He reported that root fusion of neighboring trees in plantations are common, particularly between trees bounding open spaces. All grafts were observed in the layer of soil between six inches and two feet six inches from the surface. These fusions were all within ten feet of the host tree and very few were within two feet. It was noted that grafts involving three roots were not uncommon. Adams also reported that early thinnings are slow to respond while late heavy thinnings produce immediate and substantial growth increases. He suggested that this is possibly due to the increased number of root-grafts among the older 9 stands, which would thereby give the remaining trees an increased root surface. Armson and Driessche (3) found a definite increase in root-grafting ofred pine (Pinusresinosa, Ait.) where stands had been periodically thinned, however, no root-grafts were found in trees less than 15 years old. They suggested that foresters may increase the frequency of grafting through thinnings. They also stated, as has previously been mentioned by Newins (29) and Page (33), that pressure is the major factor favoring the formation of root-grafts and therefore it is possible that thinnings may result in increased diameter growth of the roots, which could subsequently cause the increased amount of root-grafting. Observations in northern Wisconsin during the summer of 19.59 (19) showed that natural root-grafting is very common in species indigenous to that area. Root fusions were found to occur in both saplings and older trees but were more common in the older trees. Cross sections of the grafted roots showed a common cambium and actual unions of vascular elements. Roots as small as l/-inch in diameter were found to graft and the small roots usually grafted to roots of considerably greater diameter. These same conditions had previously been found to exist by Kuntz and Riker (20) and 10 It was again suggested that the main Laitakari (23). requirements for intraspecific root-grafting is growth pressure. The authors found that feeder roots do not graft readily and that the angle of approach does not seem very important, as roots were found to graft at all angles. Instances where abrasions and callus development were observed at points of root contacts suggested that these points of contact would eventually graft as a result of the growth pressure. Kozlowski and Cooley also reported, in agreement with McMinn (27), that root grafting is common over or adjacent to sharp edged stones. Apparently this is due to diameter growth pressure of a root on another root which is lodged against a stone. They clearly stated however, that stones need not be present for grafts to occur. Some species also showed a greater tendency to root-graft than others. Through the use of radio-isotopes, Kuntz and Riker (20) carried out a study in 1955 to determine the role of grafting in the translocation of water, nutrients, and disease inducing organisms. They investigated hundreds of trees of 14 different species with the following results: 1. Root-grafting was common among northern pin oaks (Quercus ellipsoidalis, E. J. Hill), but was infrequent 11 among bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpaMichx.) and white oaks (Quercus alba,. L.). Only one interspecific graft was found; namely, a northern pin oak and a bur oak. Roots of all sizes, l/-inch or larger, were found grafted together. Trees in dense stands were united much more frequently than were those in open stands. Thus, trees of a forest stand might be considered as a united community rather than independent individuals. When dominant and suppressed trees were connected by root-grafts, isotopes and moisture moved both ways but usually from the dominant to the suppressed trees. Through investigations in natural pine stands in southern Finland in 1953, Yli-Vakkuri (43) demonstrated experimentally that nutrients and water may be trans- located from one tree to another via root-grafts. Other results obtained were that, in general, the frequency of root-grafts increased with increasing diameter classes in mature natural stands, and that 21 to 2a percent of the trees had root-grafts with other trees. In very young stands little root-grafting occurred. Grafting was found to take place mainly among trees 30-60 years old and among thin roots of approximately one to two centimeters in diameter. Most frequent 12 grafting was noted in the more vigorous, dominant, and! or trees in close proximity. Most of the trees investigated had root-grafts with one or two living trees or stumps. These in turn often were connected with other trees or stumps, thereby producing a network of ten or more interconnected trees and stumps. The majority of the grafts noted were between superficial roots. The author also stated that stumps of felled trees which are root-grafted to healthy living trees will remain sound for many years due to the heavy secretion of resin. Following the same general research pattern as Yli-Vakkuri, several Russian foresters reported that root-grafting increases growth and survival of individual trees, but suggested that it also increases the amount of disease infiltration. In 1952, Nikitin (30) cited several examples in which trees grown in dense grpups, with natural root-grafting, appeared to have increased vitality (as judged by survival) and growth compared to isolated individuals. During the same year Junovidov (la) reported that in Russia when natural stands of Pinus palustris and Larix sibirica,. Ledeb. were cut the remaining trees benefited by increased growth. Two years later Ljubic (26) concluded a study on the interrelationships of the root systems of 13 Quercus robur, Linn. sown on irrigated plantations. He noted that during the fourth and fifth years numerous root-grafts occurred between seedlings, and as the weaker trees died their roots were taken over by the survivors. Safar (3) reported that the proportion of living stumps is a function. of the distance from the nearest living tree and that more living stumps are found on soil overlying limestone than on soil overlying siliceous bedrock. Bezkaravainyi (4) studied the responses of Acer negundo,. L., and Pinus sylvestris, L. to root-grafting. He reported that if members of a root-grafted pair were of equal dominance both trees would grow faster than ungrafted trees, while a more dominant tree would suppress a lesser dominant tree of a pair. These conclusions appear to disagree with the previously mentioned findings of Kuntz and Riker (20). Beskaravainyi (5) also found that continued growth of a stump may reduce the amount of nutrients available to a root-grafted tree. A very interesting study was carried out by the same author (6) in l95,. showing that root-grafted pines had aconsiderably higher transpiration rate than isolated trees. Rahteenko (36) applied radioactive P to leaves of two to fifteen year old trees of Quercus, Acer, Tilia, 14 Picea, Larix, Betula, Fraxinus, and Pinus. Movement of this element, to trees of the same and of other species and genera, was noted up to two meters from inoculated trees. Movement occurred through natural root-grafts and also through root contacts. Possibly other transfers may have been carried out via soil solutions between roots in proximity. Two Russian authors (4 and 30) reported morphological changes in trees which had grafted interspecifically, These included changes in stem and crown form, needle length and the number of resin ducts. They hypothesized that this hybridization operates by means of substances in the sap of the trees. This theory of "natural vegetative hybridization" was originally brought to light by Michurin and was subsequently incorporated by Lysenko as one of the aspects of his doctrine on heredity. obtained i Thus far these results have only been the USSRO Many. investigators have studied the possibility of diseases being spread through root-grafts. Poria weirii, Murr., a laminated root rot, is known to spread from tree to tree through root-grafts attacking both vigorous and depressed trees (7 and 40). Investigations have been carried out (II,. 14, 17, and 44) which definitely show that one of the methods of oak wilt 15 (Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt) transfer is from "foci" to surrounding trees via root-grafts. It has also been demonstrated that Dutch elm disease (Ceratocystis ulmi (Buism.) C. Moreau) is transferred through natural root-grafts (39). Fomes annosus (Fr.) Cke. Recent research on (41, p. 45) has revealed that this pathogen can be spread through the root contact of diseased and healthy trees. The destructive capacity of these pathogens demonstrates that root-grafting is not necessarily a desirable occurrence. In the past few years the occurrence of "back-flash" in many stands has brought added attention to the importance of root-grafting. "Back-flash" is the transfer of a toxic chemical from a poisoned tree to an adjacent healthy tree via root-grafts. The resulting damage may be serious, killing large numbersof desirable trees or it may be inconspicuous and negligible. It was reported (10) that 43 percent of the untreated trees, in a 30-year old white pine plantation, were killed as a result of "back-flash" following a thinning with ammonium sulfamate. Molotkov (2) noted that poison solutions injected into the root collars of Faus sylvatica, L. and Populus trernula, Linn. killed trees of the same species at distances up to seven meters. Cook and Welch (12) also observed this phenomenon in Pinus resinosa stands. 16 Summary In the light of past investigations it appears that wherever a forest tree species occurs in groups, whether extensive pure stands or in small clumps, natural root-grafts are probably present, To date, root-grafts have been observed in nearly 70 tree species of the temperate zones and LaRue (25) states that a greater number of tropical species appear to root-graft. The forest therefore is not composed entirely of individuals occupying the same general area and depending upon the same physical factors, but contains numerous grafted tree unions capable of direct physiological interaction. The presence of root-grafting has been determined through the transfer of dyes, poisons, radio active isotopes, and by actual excavation, sectioning, and microscopic study of the interconnected vascular systems. The use of radio active isotopes has greatly facilitated the study of root-grafting. Even at low concentrations, their presence can be detected immediately and for long periods of time. As a result,, the movement of these isotopes can be mapped and only a minimum of excavation need be carried out to expose the desired root fusions. 17 Root-grafts appear to be capable of acting as transmission paths for water and nutrients. The extent of this physiological activity seems to vary among species and is not yet fully understood. The possibility that grafted trees may have an increased growth, over and above their ungrafted neighbors, has been suggested; however, no actual experimental evidence to this effect has been obtained thus far. The occurrence of "back-flash" and the incidence of transmission of several destructive pathogens suggests strongly that continued research on this subject will bring to light many more indications of undesirable transmissions via root-grafting. The possibility that thinning increases root-grafting may also compound this problem. Root-grafting occurs at all ages from seedlings to maturity, but appears to be most frequent in 15 to 60year old stands. Grafts occur most often on the larger lateral roots but have been noted in roots as small as one cm. in diameter. Most grafts occur between two and ten feet from the host tree with a maximum noted distance of 50 feet (34). It is possible that up to 50 percent of any one stand may be interconnected with one or more partners, depending upon age, density and purity of the stand. In the United States, Douglas-fir and eastern white pine appear to have the greatest ability to form root-grafts. This conclusion may be misleadingbecause the most work has been done in the root-grafting of these species. At present, due to a lack of research, it is not known how many of our indigenous species will root-graft. Interspecific grafting seems to be very rare in nature. With a very few exceptions, the only grafts between species which have been found in nature were noted among trees which readily hybridize. Inter- specific root-grafting appears to be the result of growth pressure of contiguous roots which have an "affinity," however, other suggestions have been offered as to the actual reasons for this phenomenon. The phenomenon of the "living stump" has quite definitely been connected with root-grafting. "Healing over" of a stump is the external effect of continuity between two or more trees. It results from cambial activity in the stump of the severed tree assisted by its grafted counterpart(s). 19 STUDY AREA All field data for this study were obtained from the Black Rock forest management research area, Township South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, Polk county, Oregon (Figure 1). This area consists of 500 acres of 45-50 year old. second-growth Douglas-fir. The site quality of the stand is mainly Site III. The aspect of the area is predominantly southern and the elevation extends from 700 to 2000 feet. The soil is composed of the Blachly, Hembre, and Melbourne series, of medium texture (with some stony areas), and a soil depth of approximately two to six feet. The slope ranges from 7 to 45 percent with an average of about 15 percent. The drainage is excellent with several small streams running through the area. In 1952, the State of Oregon allocated this area to the present Oregon State University Forest Research Laboratory for research in forest management and forest products. Since 1952, a total of 46 management research plots have been established throughout the area and thinned to different specifications. These plots range in size from one-fourth acre to one acre, with, 34 of the plots being of the latter size. Thinnings have been carried out in at least one of these plots during every 20 SILVICULTURAL STUDIES BLACK ROCK FOREST MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AREA TOWNSHIP & SOUTH RANGE 7 WEST WM. POLK COUNTY Scale: l6inches mile ContoM interval 100 feet Primary Road Secondary Road o - H TREATMENT, etocK UNOERDLANTING £NVIROINT STUDY PLOT 0 - Opie F- Finn C - Rep.edeetloe. CrieS II - LuSt thiele 2 - Control ID - Hieey tMeeleq Figure 1. Map of the Black Rock Forest Research Area Showing the Management Thinning Plots 21 month of every year since 1954, with some cutting also taking place in 1953. Several plots have had three thinnings, some two, and others have been thinned only once. Different types and densities of thinnings have also been carried out. Cutting was confined, for the most part, to merchantable stems seven inches dbh and over, however, many stems of from four to six inches dbh were felled and left. A few stems as small as two inches dbh were also cut while "brushing out" around larger trees. As a result stumps of widely varying sizes were available for study. A map was made for each plot on the forest, showing the exact location of every living tree. The diameter (to 1/10-inch) and the crown class of every tree were recorded when each plot was established. Remeasurements were made after each growing season. The basal area, Scribner volume, and number of trees per acre were determined after each thinning and/or growing season. Records were also kept on the dbh, crown class, and date of thinning for each tree removed. 22 METHODS AND PROCEDURES A total of 26 plots (control plots and plots thinned after January 1961 were omitted) covering 24.25 acres were inspected for stump callusing during December, 1961 and January,. 1962. A. Examination of Stumps and Trees The stump of every tree cut during a regular thinning operation (excluding salvage cuts) was examined for callus tissue. Those stumps which had no visible evidence of callusing but which had visible resin stains, or in any other way left doubt as to their status, were girdled at the root collar in an effort to record all callused stumps. Even though the callus was not actually visible to a casual glance, often a slight separation of the phloem from the xylem on an otherwise sound stump gave evidence of a callus a few inches below the stump surface. By inserting an axe blade into the crevice and prying the bark away the callus could be seen. All of the entirely hidden calluses were recorded to determine the percent of hidden calluses. Each callus was chipped to make sure it was still living. Due to the effective masking of callus development by resin flow on newly cut stumps, trees cut after January, 1961 were not included in this study. 23 Other data recorded in the field included the crown class of the tree nearest to each stump, and the distance (in feet) from this tree center to the center of the stump. In a few instances where it could be determined that the actual union was with a tree other than the nearest tree, this actual distance was recorded. Various general characteristics such as the effect of mechanical damage on callusing, the irregular growth of calluses around the stumps, and the rapidity of stump rotting for both the callused and uncallused stumps were also recorded. B. Measuring increased growth From the 26 inspected field plots a group of 2 trees were measured to determine the relative effect of root-grafting on subsequent growth of the grafted trees. Callused stumps which showed definite signs of being grafted to neighboring trees were compared with It similarly situated stumps which were uncallused. was attempted to make these paired observations as similar as possible. The stumps were of approximately the same size and the distance from each stump to its living counterpart was approximately the same. The crown and diameter classes of the living trees of each pair and the severed trees of each pair were as nearly the same as possible, and the trees were cut at the same 24 The soil series and texture, slope and elevation time. were the same for each of the sample pairs. The fourteen pairs were obtained from six widely scattered plots ranging in elevation from 1000 to 1500 feet. They were also representative of the different soils and slopes. Each of the living trees had been measured prior to the cutting of its related stump and were again measured by the author in January, 1962. Both of the measurements were taken at a dbh paint mark with a diameter tape. C. Measurements were taken to 1/10_inch. Determining the Ability of Root-grafts to Transmit Solutions In an effort to determine whether or not materials can pass in solution through Douglas-fir root-grafts, one root of each of five apparent root-grafts was treated with a .4 percent aqueous solution of acid fuchsin for a period of fifty days during April and May, 1962 (Figure 2). All of the grafts were over ten years old and the roots ranged in size from L5 to 6 inches in diameters All of the grafts were within one foot of the ground surface while the trees and their grafted stumps ranged from a minimum of four feet to a maximum of seven feet apart. All five of the stumps : .1 i 2. 2. E pli. t-grL to a 26 showed well-formed calluses which were heaviest on the side facing the graft and living tree. From one to three holes (3/4-inch in diameter and from one to two inches deep), depending upon the root size, were drilled into one root of each p.air near the root-graft. Holes were drilled in the stump root of one graft and in the tree root of the other four grafts. An attempt was made to place the holes in the lower root of eachpair so the dye need not travel around the root to be translocated. Each hole was kept continuously filled with this red dye solution by means of a short length of rubber hose and a thistle tube (Figure 2). The grafts were removed from the ground on May 29, 1962 and they were subsequently sectioned to determine the extent of dye penetration into the second root of each graft. Cross-sections were made for visual observation of the grafted roots. Slides were also made on a microtome for microscopic study of the interconnecting cambiuxn systems, tracheids, and other tissues at the point of contact. 27 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION From all available literature it appears certain that stump callusing is a direct result of root-grafting between two or more trees of the same species. Therefore, in the preparation of this study, a direct reference between root-grafting and stump callusing is assumed. A. General Observations Most Douglas-fir stumps on this area show a heavy resin flow soon after felling. This situation often remains for up to one year even though there is no subsequent callus development. Bormann () also observed this characteristic in eastern white pine. It is quite possible that this is the result of food materials stored in the roots. After a period of one year nearly all the stumps which are root-grafted show a definite brownish callus protruding from between the xylem and the phloem. Callus tissue was observed, however, on several stumps which had been cut only three and four months earlier. If no callus tissue develops, resin usually ceases to flow by the end of one year and the stump subsequently begins to decay and lose its bark. Stumps with calluses usually remain sound for many years even though it takes several decades 28 for them to completely callus over. The bark of these stumps remains as firm as the bark on a live tree whenever callus tissue is located under it. Very few stumps show a unifoiiii callus dustribution around their perimeters. In many cases a definite one- sided effect was noticed as had been previously observed (2 and 29). Often, the callusing will be very heavy on the side where a large root leads directly to a nearby tree, while on the other side of the stump no visible callus is present (Figure 3). When the bark is removed from these stumps however, live tissue can usually be found around the entire stump. Callused stumps were observed up to 29 feet from the nearest living tree. In most cases where large distances separated a callused stump and the nearest tree, both the tree and the stump were over 15 inches in diameter. The actual capping over of stumps is a very slow process once the first layer of callus tissue has been formed. Calluses up to eight years old covered only about one inch of the sapwood around the stump and were rarely elevated more than one inch above the surface of the stump. Whenever a callus was observed it was noted that all superficial roots of that stump were active. In many cases a callus will never completely 29 r(j . DOI-iL ;t!iip b ide Wi a 11 r One 30 cover the surface of a stump (Figure 4). The very center of the stump will be left with a bowl shaped opening, which is probably the result of the continued presence of water. From this vulnerable point, the entire center of the stump will eventually rot and leave a hollow shell which continues to grow in diameter at an irregular rate. Callus tissue will not form on that part of a stump where the bark has been removed through logging damage or other mechanical action. A callus will, however, form under any bark which remains on the stump, if the stump is root-grafted to another tree. A close inspection of Figure 5 will show a callus at the root collar even though the bark has been removed above. It was observed that when all of the bark was removed from a stump or the stump was cut off at the ground line, a callus formed around the root collar and all of the roots remained active. It is therefore concluded that the entire root system of a callused stump remains active regardless of whether or not the callus is visible on all sides of the stump. Trees as small as six inches in diameter were noted grafted to stumps over 20 inches dbh. The opposite extreme was also found along with all variations in between. This suggests, as has previously been i; I ig rc L. ()±d-g awth Cen.t1r ip Gail s wilL e iilwl Shaped -a,- Id (ai1:SAd S ]rflp r ijchaiiica1 i)ariIae 33 reported (20, 23, and 31+) that roots of all different sizes as well as trees of all different sizes form grafts and a very small tree can support the "callusing over" on a much larger stump. It was observed on one occasion where the stump of an eight-inch second-growth Douglas-fir appeared to be grafted to a 30-inch residual old-growth Douglas-fir. These two trees were approximately five feet apart. The nearest other tree was over 20 feet from and approximately the same size as the callused stump. No mention has previously been made as to whether or not old-growth and second-growth trees have been observed grafted. As was previously mentioned, grafts of larger trees were noted up to 29 feet in this area. Therefore, it is possible that this stump is grafted to one or more of the more distant second-growth trees. Although this phenomenon of root-graftiig between two different generations has never been repQrted and is undoubtedly rare, the author believes that it can and does occur in nature. B. Total Percent of Stump Callusing A total of 2014 stumps were inspected on 26 plots scattered throughout the Black Rock research area. this total, 24.7 percent (49 living calluses (Figure 6). Of stumps) were observed with It was necessary to remove 3L r. ligure 6. A Cai1ed t rnp :'-gr8fd tD a Liv Tree 35 the bark of 203 of the 2014 stumps at the root collar (Table 1). These stumps had no visible calluses but left doubt as to their status due to a persistent resin Of these girdled flow or slightly protruded bark. stumps, 4.9 percent were noted to have hidden calluses. Approximately one-half of the stumps girdled had been cut only two to three years previously. These stumps usually had very little decay and tight bark. If any resin was visible on a stump, it was usually necessary to remove the bark to be certain no callus existed. The remaining girdled stumps consisted of doubtful cases which had been cut during the years 1953 to l95. Table I THE NUMBER OF STUMBS FROM WHICH THE BARK WAS REMOVED AND THE NUMBER OF HIDDEN CALLUSES FOUND Year Cttt 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 l95 1959 1960 1961 Total Stumps Girdled 30 14 15 29 11 47 44 Percent of Hidden Calluses Calluses Found 03.3 12.5 21.4 00.0 06.9 00.0 04.3 02.3 00.0 1 1 3 0 2 0 2 5 1 0 203 10 Avg. 04.9 36 Stumps cut after January, 1961 were not included in the study because, for the most part, they had not had sufficient time to develop a definite callus. It was therefore quite difficult to tell the difference between grafted and ungrafted stumps cut subsequent to this time. With only ten hidden calluses found from a total of 2014 stumps it is concluded that over 99 percent of the stump calluses on this area are visible with the naked eye. While it is possible that small root-grafts can form and result in no subsequent callus formation on the stump, it is deemed highly improbable that any root-grafts which persist as avenues of water and possibly nutrient transfer would show no effects above the ground level. C. Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Month of Cut t ing The thinnings on each plot were tabulated by the month of felling (Table 2). The most productive months had representative cuttings from several different years and plots, however, the months of March, September, and. December were represented by only small samples cut from single plots. With such small sample sizes, the results obtained from these months should be viewed with reservation. 37 Table 2 RELATION BETWEEN STUNP CALLTJSING MD THE MONTH OF CUTTING Month of Felling No. of Stumps Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. No. of Stump Calluses 14 2O 157 336 316 256 June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 21.9 2a.6 27.4 27.4 l,O 32. l 50 107 314 30 Total 2a.l 25 30 4 39 43 92 57 4 137 May Percent Callusing 36.0 27.1 22.3 23.4 29 70 7 2014 49 Avg. 24.7 A statistical analysis showed that there is a linear trend between the amount of stump callusing and the month of cutting (Table 3). The deviation from linear regression is large enough to reject the linear regression hypothesis at the five percent significance level but not large enough to reject it at the one percent level. This seems to suggest that there is a more than linear relationship between these two variables. However, due to the erratic sample sizes it is felt that no firm analysis can be carried out to single out periods which may have higher percentages of callusing, 3 Table 3 TEST. OF INDEPENDENCE RELATING THE AMOUNT OF CALLUSING TO THE MONTH OF CUTTING Source of Variation among sample regression dev. from linear regression SS DF 5.297 11 29.41 1.541 1 .56 3.4 24.72 6.63 3.756 10 2O.7 l.3l 23.21 l9.6 Y ( 1-!) D. Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Length of Time Following Cutting It was previously found (33) that the percent of stump callusing decreases with increasing age of the stumps. It would also be expected that the greatest natural decrease would occur after the first year due to false callusing caused by stored reserve materials. A somewhat similar situation was found on this study area (Figure 7 and Table 4). A significant difference in the percent of callusing was found to exist among the eight different stump ages (1961 was omitted due to an extremely small sample size). Table 5 also shows that the period 1957-1960 has a significantly higher amount of stump callusing than the period 1953-1956. 39 30 H Cl) o20 F-i 0 1953 Figure 7. 514. 55 56 57 5 YEAR OF CUTTING 59 60 Relation Between the Percent of Stump Callusing and the Year of Cutting Table 4 RELATION BETWEEN STUMP CALLUSING AND THE YEAR OF CUTTING Year Cut No. of Stumps No. of Calluses 1g4 157 143 373 216 131 37 35 20 77 64 1959 1960 1961 .471 143 79 Total 2014 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 l95 297 42 Percent Callusing 20.1 22.3 14.0 20.6 29.6 26.0 30.4 26.6 21.4 34 9 49 Avg. 24.7 40 Table 5 2 - '' TEST OF INDEPENDENCE RELATING STUMP CALLUSING TO THE YEAR OF CUTTING Source of Variation SS among sample 1953-56 vs 1957-60 11.3212 4.9400 DF x2 7 1 x2 27.44 14.07 62.9 3.4 6.63 The main reason for tl. is significant difference probably was the occurrence of succeeding thinnings on these areas. Many of the plots studied were thinned several times at two or three year intervals. It was found on many occasions that when a tree near a callused stump was cut the latter died soon after. It was also noted in several instances that when the tree nearest a callused stump was cut it developed a callus and the older callused stump continued to live. From this it is concluded that if the root-grafting connects three or more trees, one tree can be cut every few years or several at one time without affecting the stump calluses, as long as one of the grafted group remains alive. If root-grafting connects only two trees and one is cut, any resulting callus will live only as long as the second tree remains alive. 41 E. RelationBetween Stump Callusin and the Crown Class of the Severed Tree The amount of stump callusing appears to be directly related to the crown class of the severed tree (Table 6). The X2 test of independence shows that there is a significant difference in stump callusing among the different crown classes, between the two upper and the two lower classes, as well as within the two upper and the two lower classes (Table 7). There appears to be very little physical difference in the percentages of callusing between the dominant and codominant classes. However, it should be kept in mind that percentages are not directly comparable unless the sample sizes are equal. Also, the amount of callusing was analyzed rather than the percent. Table 6 RELATION BETWEEN STUIVIP CALLIJSING AND THE CRO1/N CLASS OF THE SEVERED TREE Crown Class of the Severed Tree dominant codominant intermediate overtopped Total No. of Stumps No. of Stump Calluses Percent Callusing 233 49 30.4 29.9 22.6 931 71 149 210 352 6 2014 49 19.3 Avg. 24.7 42 Table 7 TEST OF INDEPENDENCE RELATING ThE AMOUNT OF STUIVIP CALLUSING TO THE CRGWN CLASS OF THE SEVERED TREE Source of Variation among sample DF x2 33 l9. 3.579 3 1.670 1 .323 1 dom. & codorn. vs. mt. & sup. dom. vs. codom. irit.vs. sup. 7(i-) 15.716 1 .lo 9.2 x2.05 x2.01 7.l 11.34 3.4 46,24 3.4 ?.3l 3.4 6.63 6.63 6,63 The intermediate and overtopped classes were similar to each other but showed much lower grafting than the two larger classes. This is probably due to the larger and wider spreading root systems of the dominant and codominant trees. The result is that most grafts will occur between the more vigorous dominant and codominant trees. This effect is shown quite clearly when one observes the large number of lower crown class trees which appear to remain separate from the surrounding trees. They are isolated, suppressed, and eventually succumb to competition from the sea of roots which engulf them yet do not appear to graft with them. 43 F. Relation Between Stump Callusing and the DBH Class of the Severed Tree The diameter classes of the severed trees, which are closely correlated with the crown classes, also show a steady increase in the percent of callusing (except for the class 16 inches and over) with an and Figure increase in tree diameter (Table ). These trees are all approximately the same age, therefore, the root size and root area appear to be the main factors for this increase in stump callusing. Table RELATION BETWEEN STUMP CALLUS ING AND THE DIAMETER CLASS OF THE SEVERED TREE Diameter Class (inches) 2 4 6 10 12 14 16+ Total No. oT Stumps Np. of Stump Calluses 23 39 174 101 231 103 75 2014 15.4 16.7 2 13 13 366 699 Percent Callusing 21.6 24.9 26.0 79 2.l 35.0 6 36 24.0 1 49 Avg. 24.7 44 30 z Cf) 20 C l0 C-) p-4 12 6 10 16-23 2 14 4 DIAMETER CLASS OF THE SEVERED TREE (INCHES) Figure . Relation Between the Percent of Stump Callusing and the Diameter Class of the Severed Tree. The lowest diameter class shown (two inches) was represented by only 13 stumps, however, it appears to correlate well with the succeeding classes and is possibly indicative of this size class. The root system of such small trees will undoubtedly be small and weak, and would not be expected to graft readily with larger and more vigorous individuals. On the other hand, the small suppressed trees which live for 40-50 years and are no bigger than two to four inches probably 45 have some external means of support to keep them alive. The four to fourteen-inch diameter classes are represented by from 100 to 700 stumps each. They show a steady increase in callusing to a peak of 35.0 percent at fourteen inches. The larger stumps consisted of 75 stems ranging in diameter from 16 to 23 These classes were combined because a inches. representative sample was not available for any one class. It would be expected that these larger trees would root-graft as often or more often than the smaller diameter trees. The inconsistency of the larest DBH class is unexplained. G. Relation Between Stump Cailusing and the Crown Class of the Nearest Living Tree It is realized that a callused stump will not be grafted in all cases to the nearest living tree. It is, however, felt that in the majority of cases this situation will previal due to the greater probability of root contact. In certain instances where it could be determined that the actual root-graft was with a tree other than the nearest tree, the crown class of the more distant tree was recorded and used for this analysis. 46 In contrast to the previously mentioned relation- ship between the amount of callusing and the crown class of the severed tree, the amount of stump callusing showed no definite correlation with the crown class of However, the nearest living tree (Tables 9 and 10). where the upper crown the trend, as shown in Table 6 classes appear to graft more often, still seems to hold true. Table 9 RELATION BETWEEN STUMP CALLUSING AND THE CROWN CLASS OF THE NEAREST LIVING TREE Crown Class of the Nearest Tree dominant codominant intermediate overtopped Total No. of Stump Calluses No. of Stumps 42 25 737 204 196 66 150 32 49 2014 Percent Callusing 24.2 26.6 23.2 21.3 Avg. 24.7 Table 10 TEST OF INDEPENDENCE RELATING THE AIVIOUNT OF STUMP CALLTJSING TO THE CROWN CLASS OF THE NEAREST TREE Source of Variation among sample SS .521 DF 3 X 2 2.9 2 2 .05 7.l .01 11.34 47 A tabulation of data by both the crown class of the severed tree and the crown class of its nearest tree (Table 11) also showed no conclusive evidence that a particular combination of trees (within each of the crown classes of the severed trees) root-graft to a greater degree (i.e. dominant with dominant, dominant with codominant, etc.). However, in three out of the four cases the codominant crown class of the nearest tree had the highest percent of callusing. The effect of this has already been seen in Table 9. One possible reason for the difference in the amount of stump callusing between the crown classes of the severed trees and the nearest trees is that the crown regime has been changed by the thinnings. The removal of crown trees through thinning will usually result in a change in the classification of many of the remaining trees. The crown classes of the severed trees were obtained prior to each thinning while the crown classes of the nearest trees were all obtained at one time following all the thinnings. The effect of this may have been sufficient to result in the difference obtained between Tables 6 and 9, especially for the dominant and codominant crown classes. It is also possible that the number of root-grafts related to the intermediate and overtopped crown classes are overestimated somewhat by Table 11 RELATION BETWEEN STUMP CALLUSING, THE CROWN CLASS OF THE SEVERED TREE, AND THE CROWN CLASS OF THE NEAREST LIVING TREE Crown Class of the Severed Tree Crown Class of the Nearest Live Tree dominant dominant dominant dominant dominant intermediate overtopped co dominant o odominant o odominant dominant codominant intermediate intermediate intermediate interme diate overtopped overtopped overtopped overtopped Total No. of Stumps No. of Stumps Callused 96 25 o odominant 33 27 16 5 63 61 62 17 39 9 204. Percent Callusing 26.0 35.2 29.6 31.2 29.9 32.3 27.0 23.1 codominant intermediate overtopped 192 dominant 357 339 156 24. 7 17 2l. 3 20.5 co dominant intermediate overtopped dominant o odominant intermediate overtopped l5 111 41 16 2014 23.2 25.4 19 15.4. 17.1 10 24.. 4 1 6.3 49 Avg. 24.7 LF9 arbitrarily picking the nearest living tree. If this is true, the actual percent of callusing by crown class would be much the same as the percent of callusing as related to the crown class of the severed trees (Table 6). From all indications this trend would be the most logical explanation. H. Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Number of Trees Per Acre Data were obtained from widely divergent plots in an attempt to show a direct correlation between the number of trees per acre and the amount of stump callusing. The number of trees per acre following thinnings ranged from a minimum of of 704. .55 to a maximum A statistical analysis using the F test showed a linear relation between the amount of stump callusing and the number of trees per acre (Table 12). From these data a regression line was drawn, as shown in Figure 9, from .5 percent callusing at 50 trees per acre to 46.0 percent callusing at 700 trees per acre. 50 Table 12 REGRESSION ANALYSIS RELATING TI-FE AMOUNT OF STUMP CALLUS ING TO THE NUMPER OF TREES PER ACRE Source of Variation treatment regression dev. from linear regression error total 33 DF 2022.62 l39.54 l3.O 3446.3 5469.00 1VIS F 404.52 5 1 l39.54 4 35 45.77 9,47 40 F05 F01 4.13 .46 7.43 2.64 3.92 It must be kept in mind that these figures are probably only accurate for Douglas-fir of approximately 50 years of age on site III. It has been shown in past studies of other species that most root-grafting is completed by age 60-70 (9 and 43), therefore it is quite possible that more grafting will occur in this species between the ages 50-70. As would be expected the plots with the smallest number of trees per acre also had the fewest calluses and the smallest percent of callusing. On the acre which had been reduced to 55 stems, a total of 171 trees had been cut, of which only nine stumps percent) revealed callus tissue. (5.3 The average distance from each of the 171 stumps to the nearest tree was 13 feet,. while the average distance of the callused stumps from their nearest tree was eight feet. These 50 S 3o C!) 0 114 z 20 10 100 200 300 400 500 600 NU1VER OF TREES PER ACRE Figure 9. Regression Relationship Between the Percent of Stump Callusing and the Number of Trees Per Acre. 700 52 figures are opposed to the same averages of six and four feet respectively for the entire Black Rock area. This is another indication of the fact that the fewer the stems remaining on an area, the fewer the actual number of calluses due to the greater average distance between stumps and the nearest living trees. It was on this area where a distance of 29 feet was noted between one callused stump and its nearest living tree. Numerous other distances of 20 feet or over were also observed. This again suggests the probability of multiple grafting. If a tree can root- graft at a great distance from itself,it probably will be able to form several grafts with surrounding trees. To the opposite extreme, the acre which had 704 trees left following cutting had 3.7 percent callusing. A total of 31 trees had been removed during January, of which 12 stumps had subsequently callused. The light cutting on this area resulted in a distance of only approximately three feet between the stumps and the nearest living trees, for both uncallused and callused stumps. The effect was that even though most of the trees cut were of the intermediate crown class, the percent of callusing was much greater than would normally be expected even for vigorous dominant trees. This again confirms the theory that the greater the 53 concentration of trees and roots, the higher the probability of the occurrence of root-grafting. Between the two extremes of 55 and 704 trees per acre, the percents of callusing for the other 24 plots were scattered in a rough regression order due to a multiplicity of causes. An attempt will be made to clarify some of these variables in the succeeding sections of this study. 1. Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Basalt Area Per Acre The percent of stump callusing shows a similar relation to basal area per acre as it does to the number of trees per acre. Statistical analysis reveals a direct linear regression relationship (Table 13) between the basal area per acre and the percent of stump callusing. Figure 10 shows that the percent of callusing ascends from zero percent at 70 square feet of basal area to 36 percent at 210 square feet. These results suggest that the basal area per acre and the total number of trees per acre will give similar estimates of the percent of root-grafting in even aged stands. This is to be expected due to the close relationship of the two measures for the same site and age. 50 40 H U) 30 H Cl) 020 H z cI 0 1J 10 BASAL AREA PER ACRE (SQ. FT.) Figure 10. Regression Relationship Between the Percent of Stump Callusing and the Basal Area Per Acre. 55 Table 13 REGRESSION ANALYSIS RELATING THE ANOUNT OF STUMP CALLUSING TO THE BASAL AREA PER ACRE SS DF 2476.61 5 Source of Variation treatment regression dev. from linear regression error total J. 113e63 662.9 266.11 5342.72 1 4 33 .05 495.32 ll363 F01 4.15 7.49 1.91 2.66 3.96 2O. 165.74 3 Relaton Between Stump Callusing and Type and Density of Thinning Three specific types of thinnings were carried out on this area (crown, low, and field choice). Field choice thinning consists of removing those trees which the marker believes should come out to better the stand, with no special emphasis being put on any one of the crown classes. of thinning, Within these different types appears to be a definite trend which is closely related to the crown classes of the severed trees, basal area per acre, and number of trees per acre (Table 14). All of the plots were similar in slope, elevation, soils, and drainage. In the crown thinning, over 70 percent of the trees cut were of the dominant and codominant classes; one-half of which subsequently showed callus formations. The trees cut Table 14 RELATION BETTEEN STUI Type of Thinning No. of Stumps CALLUSING AND THE TYPE OF THINNING No, of Calluses Percent Callusing B.A. Per Acre (sq. ft.) No. of Trees Per Acre 21 65 47. lO.4 low-light low-heavy 120 crop trees 100 crop trees 44 304 77 21.4 22 2.6 163.6 197.2 319 311 274 2l 134 44 20.2 12.7 123,0 135,3 172 133 Total 777 169 fied choice 17 Avg. 21. 57 were vigorously growing individuals which had large and widespreading root systems. As was shown in part E, the upper crown classes will show a significantly greater amount of root-grafting due to their greater vigor and size. The field choice thinnings had a somewhat lower percent of callusing than might be expected for thinnings which showed 60 percent dominants and codominants among the trees removed. Part of this effect may be the result of the substantial number of small trees on these plots, as shown by the relatively low basal area. In the low-light thinnings, only eight percent of the trees removed were of the two upper crown classes. The result was that a much smaller percent of callusing was found even though the basal area following thinning was the highest of the group and the number of trees per acre also quite substantial. The two instances of low-heavy thinning resulted in only 30 percent (120 crop trees), and 37 percent (100 crop trees) of the dominant and codominant trees being cut. This combined with the greatly reduced basal area and number of trees per acre resulted in low percentages of stump callusing. Several different densities of thinning (based on basal area per acre) are being carried out on this area at the present time. Due to the necessity of a slow reduction in basal area to avoid excessive opening of the crown and the resulting exposure and windthrow, most of these plots have not as yet been reduced to their desired densities. However, the available information on these plots substantiates the previous results that as the basal area and number of trees per acre are reduced, the subsequent amount of stump callusing is also reduced. No one factor can determine the percent of rootgrafting, however, the three most important factors which appear to regulate this phenomenon are the basal area per acre, number of trees per acre, and the crown class and vigor of the trees. The type of thinning will invariably determine the crown classes which will be cut while the density will determine the basal area and number of trees left. K. Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Soil Series There are three soil series (Blachly, Hembre, and Melbourne) located within the Black Rock forest management area. Of the 26 plots studied, 20 were of the Hembre series, four Melbourne, and two Blachly (Table 15). TheX2 test of independence revealed a significant difference in the percent of stump callusing for the different soil types (Table 16). It is, however, believed that this conclusion is misleading 59 because the vast majority of the plots were located on Hembre soil which covered a wide range of slopes. In. contrast, the Melbourne and Blachly soils were quite homogeneous throughout. Table 15 RELATION BETWEEN STUMP CALLUSING AND THE SOIL SERIES No. of Stump Calluses No. of Stumps Soil Series Blachly Melbourne Hembre 323 290 1401 64 375 Total 2014 49 Percent Callusing l.3 59 22.0 26.g Avg. 24.7 Table 16 TEST OF INDEPENDENCE RELATING THE AIVIOUNT OF CALLUSING TO THE SOIL SERIES Source of Variation among sample SS 2.14 DF 2 X2 11.7 2 .05 5.99 X 2 .01 9.21 The slope of the plots on Blachly and Melbourne soils never exceeded 15 percent while the plots on Hembre soil ranged from 10 to 45 percent and also encompassed some rocky areas. Table 17 contains all of the Blachly 60 and Melbourne plots plus the Hembre plots which were located on slopes of 15 percent or less. TheX2 test of independence for these data resulted in a nonsignificant difference in the amounts of callusirig for It is therefore the different soils (Table l). concluded that there is no essential difference in the amount of root-grafting for these three soil series. Table 17 RELATI0N BETWEEN STUMP CALLUSING AND THE SOIL SERIES WITH SIMILAR SLOPES Soil Series Blachly Melbourne 323 290 590 59 64 11 1203 241 Heinbre Total No. of Stump Calluses No. of Stumps Percent Callusing l.3 22.0 20.0 Avg. 20.0 Table 1 TEST OF INDEPENDENCE RELATING THE AMOUNT OF CALLTJSING TO THE SOIL SERIES WITH SIMILAR SLOPES Source of Variation SS among sample .22 Y(l-Y) .16 DF x2 2 l.3 x2 5.99 X2.ol 9.21 61 Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Percent of L. Slope The 20 plots located on the Hembre soil were divided according to the percent of slope on each plot (Table 19). TheX2 test of independence showed a significant difference in callusing between the different percents of slope (Table 20), The data show that the plots with the smLlest percent of slope have the least amount of stump callusing. It is believed that this effect is mainly the result of the greater soil depth on these plots. The deep loamy soil combined with very little slope and/or rocks undoubtedly allows the roots complete freedom to spread out and penetrate deeply. grafting Consequently the chance of roots meeting and is greatly reduced. Table 19 RELATION BETWEEN STU CALLUSING AND THE PERCENT OF SLOPE ON HERE SOIL No. of Plots 4 5 3 Total Percent Slope Soil Depth (inches) 10-15 60+ 25 37-60 21-36 37-60 30-35 40-45 No. of Stumps 590 l7 377 256 1401 No. of Stump Calluses 11 60 124 73 Percent Callusing 20.0 3307 32.9 2.5 375 Avg. 26. 62 Table 20 2 TEST OF INDEPENDENCE RELATING THE AMOUNT OF CALLUSING TO THE PERCENT OF SLOPE Source of Variation among sample SS 5.05 DF 3 2 x2 25.77 2,05 7.l l3.2 .20 Y(l) The plots on a 25 percent slope showed moderately deep soil, however, the amount of callusing was greater than that shown by plots with much steeper slopes and less soil depth. These four plots were the only ones (with one exception) located on rocky soil. It has previously been reported (19 and 27) that root-grafting is common around stones due to deflections and growth pressure caused by roots being lodged against stones. From all indications it appears that an increase in rocks in the soil will effect a greater number of root-graftR, regardless of the soil depth and/or percent of sloper The plots located on least soil depth. 30-35 percent slope had the Although the areas were not rocky, the reduced soil depth apparently resulted in a lesser amount of space for roots to spread out. The resulting percent of callus ing was quite high as would be indicative of a shallow soil and high percent of slope. The plots located on the greatest slopes (LO-45 percent) had a moderately great soil depth. The steep slope would appear to result in a greater root concentrati..on but the moderate soil depth may have off- set this effect which would account for the somewhat lower percent of callusing. From all available evidence it is concluded that the percent of slope, depth of soil, and the rockiness of the soil have definite effects upon the amount of root-grafting which may occur in an area. The greater the slope and/or concentration of stones, the higher the percent of root-grafting. M. Relation Between Stump Callusing and the Subsequent Growth of Grafted Trees A total of 2 trees were measured and paired (Table 21) to determine the relative effect of rootgrafting between callused stumps and living trees (see field procedure). No significant difference in growth could be found by using the T-test for paired observations. Trees root grafted to stumps appeared to have no growth advantage over similar trees not grafted to stumps. Four similar paired observations, which had been cut in 195, showed a greater dbh growth for the trees near uncallused stumps in three cases and the same Table 21 THE EFFECT OF STUMP CALLUS ING ON THE SUBSEQUENT GROWTH OF ROOT-GRAFTED TREES SEVERED TREE LIVING TREE of Stump and DBH at Time of Thinnin Cut Tree (ft.) (inches Distance Pair No. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 DBH 7.7 7.5 7.E 5.5 10. 9.7 9.7 7.4 7. 7.4 6.5 10.1 9. 6.0 9.0 9 10 11 16.3 l.5 11.1 9. l2. 13.4 Stump Callus Present Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Date 11/53 11/53 Be twe en 1 1 2 4/55 3 3 3 4/55 4 4/55 4/55 6/56 9/56 6/57 7/57 9/57 3 2 4 2 2 4 2 2 2 9.7 9.6 7.0 7.1 9.9 10.6 9.4 .7 13.7 14.4 12.6 14.0 9.9 10.1 Present (in.) DBH 1.1 7.4 11.3 12.4 11.1 9.6 0.3 15.2 16.2 14.5 15.4 13.5 D I I D CD CD GD CD CD CD CD D D D D D D D I I D 1. 0 D D D D D D 2.1 14.1 1. D CD D D D 15.2 12.3 CD CD 1.7 1.3 1.2 14.0 5 1.4 1.7 .9 1.5 1.9 1.4 CD CD D 1.1 1 15.9 2.5 1,6 1.4 Present Crown Class 11.2 11.1 19.1 2 2 1.3 Crown Class at Time of Thinning CD CD CD CD 17.4 1 .2 (inches) 9.7 10.1 12.2 11.2 4 2 Increased Growth 19. 5 14.5 Continued on Page 65 1.2 1.0 D CD CD Table 21 (continued) SEVERED TREE LIVING TREE Distance Pair No. DBH 10.4 9.9 9.3 9.2 11.7 10.5 Stump Callus Present Date of Cut Yes No Yes No Yes No 9/57 4 9/57 3 9/57 2 B etwe en Stump and Tree (ft) 2 6 5 DBH at Time of Present Th inn in DBH (inches (in.) 6.7 6.g 12.6 12.3 11.4 10.2 6. 7.0 13.1 13.0 12.2 10.6 Increased Growth Crown Class at Time of (inches) Th inn in Present Crown Class 0 0 I I 0.7 0. I CD CD 0,4 CD CD CD CD CD 0.1 0.2 0,5 66 growth for the fourth pair. This growth reversal was probably due to the fact that the area was cut exceedingly heavily. Under such conditions a grafted stump may have a relatively deleterious effect on immediate response due to the sudden lack of competition among the trees, the increased efforts of the tree, grafted to a new stump, to stop water and nutrient loss, and & subsequent attempt to heal the wound. It has been suggested by some earlier writers (1 and 33) that one of the possible reasons for a substantial increase in the growth of certain stands following thinnings may be due to increased absorptive systems and stored food made available by the roots of severed trees. From the available data several poss- ibilities exist to explain the pattern of response obtained in this study: 1. A significant amount of nutrients are not passed from stumps grafted to healthy neighboring trees. 2. A period of from four to eight years is not long enough for a significant growth difference to be realized. 3. The usual response to release may overlap and mask any response resulting from additional nutrients and water passing through rootgrafts. L1. Callused stumps may be grafted to several nearby trees which would distribute any nutrient passage and possibly preclude a measurable advantage for 67 any one tree. 5. Inherent differences among the individual trees may mask any significant results. 6. Any combination of the above. The growth differences among these paired observations suggests that certain interactions among the trees themselves have a definite effect upon the utilization of increased growing space, root systems, nutrients, and water. It is well known that trees do not always respond immediately to thinning. It is often necessary for a tree to increase its crown size and adjust to its changed environment before it can fully utilize its site. It is therefore quite possible that the short period of four to eight years is not long enough for root grafted trees to show a significant growth increase over neighboring trees which may be grafted to each other, but have no greatly increased root system due to the complete loss of a grafted partner through cutting or breakage. These paired observations were obtained from different intensities of thinnings, but showed no definite correlation of growth increase with the length of time following thinning. Some sample pairs cut in 1957 showed as great an increase in growth as others cut in 1953. The inherent differences in the trees along with a higher reduction in basal areaon some plots probably accounts for this seeming paradox. The different crown classes do not appear to have any difference in subsequent response to growth following the cutting of their grafted counterparts. Table 21 shows that regardless of the present or past crown classes of the pairs, the resulting increase in growth varies little. It has been shown (29 and 34) that often times several trees are root-grafted together. If this situation is prevalent and only one or two of the group are cut, the additional support provided the remaining stems may be negligible. The necessity of immediate callus tissue formation on a severed tree may sufficiently reduce the vigor of a graIted tree so that it cannot take complete advantage of increased light and reduced competition. If this situation held for a few years, neighboring trees might have enough of an advantage to allow them to compete favorably with trees grafted to callused stumps. It was observed on many occasions that certain small overtopped trees continued to survive when the surrounding trees of similar stature succumbed within a few years. Douglas-fir is not of sufficient tolerance to withstand suppression for many years without external 69 support, therefore, the author believes that such situations are the result of root-grafting of these suppressed individuals with one or more of the surrounding trees which are in the crown canopy. This suggests that sufficient nutrients and water, to sustain life, must pass fromthe dominant tree(s) to these overtopped stems. The amount of this passage is undoubtedly small or else the overtopped trees would show sufficient growth increases over a period of years to put them in the crown canopy. N. Movement of Materials in Solution through Root-Grafts Five apparent root-grafts were treated with an aqueous solution of acid fuchsin for 50 days, as described in the field procedure. During the first few days a great deal of the solution was absorbed by each of the roots, After this initial consumption the intake was slowly reduced (due mainlyto pitch plugging the conducting tissues) to the point of little or no absorption by the end of 30 days. The roots (Figure 11) were subsequently sectioned in the laboratory with the result that two of the grafts showed a definite passage of the bright red dye between the two roots of different trees (Table 22). In both cases the dye had been applied to the root of the living tree rather than the stump root. 70 Table 22 ROOT-GRAFTS WHICH NERE TREATED WITH AN AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF ACID FUCHSIN Root-Graft No. Tree Root (in.) 1 2.5 2 5 3 4 4 4 5 6 Stump Root (in.) 6 3 3 4 1.5 Root of Dye Application Translocation of Dye Between Roots tree tree tree stump tree yes yes no no no In the first graft the dye was applied to a 2.5 inchroot of a tree which had fallen over following a high wind during March 1962 (Figure 12). All of the roots exposed by the upending of the tree were infected with Poria weirii to the point where the root tissue would crumble if any pressure was appli.ed to it. The root which was subjected to dye showed signs of Poria weirii but continued to have a strong sap flow even though the tree waslyingon the ground. The stump did not appear to be infected by the pathogen as yet. As can be seen in Figure 12, the root from thetree injected withacid fuchsin was solidly connected to a six-inch root immediately below the root collar of the stump. Close examination of this stump will show a definite, though small, callus formation around its 7' ure 11. Four cid graffE chsin ic Jre Tretod with 72 3 12. .D110 .V1Ig 'ria welrll li1 3lJf1, Over cti3n Ca11is Cart oe tg -, mp. &nd a 73 perimeter. This tree was cut in August 1957, with the result that four years was required to form this small callus. This slow callus formation mayhave been the result of the weakened condition of the root-grafted tree. When this union was sectioned for study in the laboratory, the dye could be seen in all parts of the graft. A close examination of the graft in the lower left hand corner of Figure 11 will show areas in the root of the stump where the dye had penetrated. A cross-section of the two connecting roots (Figure 13) revealed that acid fuchsin had passed along nine growth rings of the tree root into the same annual rings of the stump root. A curved area of included bark, about *-inch by 2-inches on the underside of the tree root at its intersection with the stump root, is also clearly visible. A short distance below the root- graft, the stump root separated into two main arteries. Dye stains were still very heavy in both of these roots where they disappeared below the shallow excavated area. A small area in the side of the grafted stump also showed the passage of dye toward the stump surface. The dye hadpenetrated the new callus to apoint about eight inches from the top of the stump. If more time had 7L. .ire 13. b'Dwau:''' ci a Iran5 mi3inn I : t-grai (ir 12) ded ak end Acid jchc1i 1nLu... 75 been allowed, the dye would undoubtedly have reached the stump surface. The tree root consisted of approximately 30 growth rings. Heavy Uye was noted throughout all of the annual rings except the heartwood center. This same root was only about i-inch in diameter at the point where it exited on the far side of the stump root. It also was completely stained with dye. The second root-graft (Table 22) which showed evidence of dye interchange is shown in Figure 14. Again the dye was visible in all segments of the grafted roots. Most of the dye going into the stump root made a 160 degree turn at the junction of the two roots, through 12 annual rings, and followed the stump root which lead away from the stump. This indicated that the live tree had taken over this stump root. The majority of materials were passing directly from the stump root to the live tree, thereby bypassing the stump itself. Avery slight trace of dye was noted going towards the root which again substantiates . direct relationship between the tree and its rootgrafted stump. A great deal of the dye was also noted passing throughout the tree root on both sides of the graft. 76 Iigure 12+. n cti\r i. t-graft Shwing lIE chanic81 and the 'pplication of toot DarrlBge cid 'ochsin. 77 The other three root-grafts were also sectioned but showed no dye translocation between roots. In each case, however, several annual rings were noted encompassing both roots (Figure 15), which shows definitely that the two systems are connected. It was noted in all five grafts that the dye passed freely along the annual rings to which it was applied, but traveled around the root within a growth ring very slowly. The 50 days of application were not long enough to allow maximum movement around the rings from one small point of concentration. The result was that in grafts number 3 and 4 (Table 22) the dye was not able to work its way around the annual rings, and thereby go into the second root which was grafted on the lower side. Graft number five (Table 22) showed a direct connection between the roots which looked similar to the connection between the bole of a tree and one of its limbs. The core of a small (1.5-inch) root could be directly traced to one of the annual rings of the larger root. Several outer rings of the large root circled around the smaller root (as shown by dye movement) but appeared to have no direct connection with the smaller root. The hole drilled for the dye was not deep enough to reach the rings which were directly 7 1gre 1. The Oross-secio the cf a t-graft Showing r:a. Oa1 Sepd Roote due Gra±t.i'-g Rressur, and rratir GrowGh Jiogo olicwiiig Gratin.g 79 connected with the smaller stump root, consequently no dye was transmitted between the two roots. It was observed that the dye passed between annual rings only at the points of application. This was probably due tothe very heavy concentration of dye at these points. Throughout the rest of the exposedareas, the dye was not noted passing between annual rings. As would be expected, most of the dye spread via the sprLn wood due to the lesser density and greater concentration of materials in solution. This reduced dye transmission between annual rings may be due to a lack of pits in root tissue. If this is so, roots would be somewhat limited in their transmission of materials. The result would be that materials passed through annual rings formed prior to root grafting could not benefit a root-grafted partner. This probably would have a minimum effect however, because the central rings form a heartwood as the root gets older and the outer rings ultimately carry on most of the activity. A great deal of included bark and pitch pockets were noted in all of the grafts (Figure 13). This material, along with some dead cambium tissue, is undoubtedly trapped inside the graft when new cambium is formed as a result of pressure exerted by the growing roots. The pressure of the roots on each other prior to and during the fusion is great enough to cause the roots to take on an oval shape at the points of contact (Figure 15). A new cambium then joins the two root cambiums, which subsequently results in several eccentric growth rings which encircle both roots. Microscopic sections of the fusion areas were taken from three of the root-grafts. In every case there was a common cambium and actual union of vascular elements. The fusion area invariably could be easily viewed because of its different structure. The tracheids were short, often occluded with resin droplets, and were oriented in every possible direction. Figure 16 shows a grafted area under high magnification. The central area which appears to be a cross section is the actual fusion area. The upper and lower cells are from the two fused roots and as can be seen the celj.s need not be oriented in any particular directions for grafting to take place. Figure 16. Rootgrafted Area under 70X agnification.. tra1 Frea Showing a Cross-sectional Trend is tIne usion Area. The upper and Lower CelLs are X 1 from th Roots of Two Different Trees Oriented in Different Directions The C 0. Movement of Poria weirii through Root-grafts Poria weirii has been found, scattered in small pockets, throughout this study area. In one place where this disease was most serious, nearly all of the trees on i-acre succumbed during the past few years; allowing hardwoods and brush to take over. Numerous other small areas have trees which blow down each year with the result that this disease is becoming a serious challenge to the management of even-aged Douglas-fir stands. It is quite evident that aace Poria weirii is established in the roots of one tree, it spreads to neighboring trees via root-grafts, root contacts, and possibly even through the soil itself under ideal conditions Three small plots which were infected with this pathogen were root washed during l95 Figures 17 and l (32, p. 15). show one of these root wash areas. It is very difficult to observe many places where the disease could pass from one tree to another because washing or digging destroys most of the small grafts and/or root contacts. Root washing and/or digging will therefore uncover only the larger grafts and contact areas. Regardless of this drawback, a definite pattern of spreading in many directions from the focal point can be observed. LI -4 igure 17. Root 05h Lippi. of the S ea Showmg B ps sd fr Grid $yst Foria wirij Rot CBn be S i ir )FlA WEIRII ROOT WASH IAREA NO BLACK ROCK AUGUST- SEPJEMEER 1958 / .5m.f1 .. ,ff A \VL) yo 1 7 Figure 1. Ro3t Wash Area (Figure 17) Following f-lapping. Infected with Poria weirii. The Darl eas Are The focal point of the infection is probably the remains of an old growth stump. The disease spreads in several directions infecting some trees and not others. In one instance it was noted where a root of one nearby healthy tree was infected but the tree subsequently developed a callus which halted the disease before it reached the trunk. It therefore appears that some trees can develop a resistance to or have an inherent resistance to this pathogen. It is important to note that many of the small trees within these plots had no infection although they were literally surrounded by the disease. As has been previously mentioned and is further confirmed here, the less vigorous trees tend to have fewer root-grafts with the result that Poria weirii will find fewer avenues to spread to these suppressed trees. Through this root washing, it was determined that in second-growth Douglas-fir, at least 75 percent of the main roots must be infected with advanced decay before a tree will succumb. However, windthrow causes the death of trees in many instances before root rot has developed to this advanced stage. SU]YU4ARY AND CONCLUSIONS A total of 24.25 acres of 45-50 year old Site III Douglas-fir, scattered throughout a thinned 500 acre tract, were inspected for stump callusing. Of the 2014 stumps observed 24,7 percent (49) had callus formations. Removing the bark of 203 doubtful stumps revealed only ten hidden calluses. Statistical analysis showed that the amount of stump callusing decreases with time due to "false callusing" (food reserves stored in ungrafted stumps) and subsequent thinnings which remove trees root-grafted to callused stumps. The data revealed that stump callusing of felled trees increases from a minimum of 15,4 percent for the two-inch diameter class to a maximum of 35.0 percent for the 14-inch diameter class. A significant difference was also observed between the crown classes of the felled trees. The percent of callusing increased frQm :19.3 for overtopped stems to 30.4 for dominant stems. Correlations were found to exist between the amount of stump callusing and the basal area per acre, number of trees per acre, and the type of thinning. Regression analysis showed that callusing increased. from zero percentat 70 square feet of basal areaper acre to 3.7percent at 220 square feet per acre. Further analysis relating stump callusing to the number of trees per acre resulted in a minimum of E.4 percent callusing at 50 trees per acre and a maximum of 46.0 percent callusing at 700 trees per acre. from 12.7 to 47. Callusing increased percent for a low thinning of 100 crop trees percent for a light crown thinning. It was also noted that an increase in slope and/or rockiness of soil resulted in a statistically significant increase in stump callusing. No significant difference in callusing could be attributed to the different crown classes of the nearest living trees or to the three soil series studied (Blachly, Hembre, and Melbourne). Due to erratic sample sizes, no firm conclusions could be drawn relating the month of cutting and the amount of stump callusing. Other findings showed that materials in solution will pass through graftedroots of Douglas-fir. Of five root-grafts studied, two revealed a definite transfer of dye between grafted roots demonstrating conclusively that materials in solution and water do pass between trees of this species. As a result of sectioning and microscopic study, all five grafts revealed interconnected cambial systems and vascular elements. Through apaired T test, using 14 samplepirs, it was found that no significant growth increase could be attributed to root-grafting between a tree and a callused stump during the period of four to eight years following thinning. From the results of this study it appears that root-grafting can effect some water and nutrient transfer. However, no evidence could be found to substantiate the hypothesis that trees root-grafted to callused stumps have a growth advantage over trees not grafted to callused stumps. Numberous factors are involved which may have overlapped and masked any possible significant growth increase. BIBLIOGRApHY Adams, A0 J. S. 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