2014-2015 Sargis Award Timeline Sargis committee makeup: one representative from each of the four divisions, (Executive office, Business Affairs, Student Affairs, and Academic Affairs with a minimum of 10 years of service.) January 2 Request the list of names of classified employees eligible to receive the Sargis Award from Human Resources. Eligibility: 25 years or more of UWSP service including LTE and project appointment service, as of December 31 for the current year award and currently in permanent status. Remove past winners from this list; previous winners are not eligible to receive the award a second time. Request a list of classified staff with 10 years or more of service from each of the four divisions from Human Resources to create the committee. January 20 Send out a Campus Announcement and an email to all faculty and staff (request permission from the chancellor’s office or a vice chancellor to send via CSC email) seeking nominations; include the link to the forms on CSC website and attach the nomination form and the list of those eligible. Send a paper copy of the forms, the list and message to the custodial staff supervisor and food service supervisors to post for those that do not have frequent access to email. Allow two weeks for nominations to be submitted. Send the list of eligible classified staff for the make-up of the committee to the head of each division (Chancellor and Academic, Business, and Student Affairs Vice Chancellors, cc their assistants). They will choose one person to represent their division on the committee. January 27 Send a (one week) reminder seeking nominations. February 3 Deadline for nominations and committee member names from division heads. Send the nominee form to all that were nominated, with a two week deadline to return the form. Send the names of the Sargis Committee members to the CSC co-chairs. February 10 Send a (one week) reminder to nominees that have not yet returned their form. February 17 Process the nominee forms. Follow through with sending recommendation forms. Give a two week deadline. March 2 After the letters of recommendation deadline has passed, make one set for each Sargis committee member or scan a set to each member. Include all information received for each nominee. Committee members should review the packets of each nominee prior to the meeting to select the recipient of the award. Arrange a meeting with the Sargis committee to select the recipient of the award. March 16 The Sargis committee selects a recipient. Arrange for a “surprise visit” (ideally the next day) with the Sargis committee members in attendance to give the recipient a bouquet of flowers ($15 limit) and inform them that they have won. Give the winner the official congratulations letter. Be sure the following are copied on the official letter: University Relations, University Events Coordinator (Brittany Rossman), Academic Affairs (Barb Grasamkee), Human Resources, Budget office, Supervisor, the nominators. After the recipient is notified, send the letter to the others. March 17 Send thank you letters to all that were nominated but didn’t win. Send thank you letters to the Sargis committee members for the hard work and participation in the process. Send the name of the winner to the CSC member in charge of the CSC newsletter. March 20 The University Events Coordinator will take the single name plate from the Sargis plaque (outside of HR office, 133 OM) and get the name of the winner and the year inscribed as well as get the individual plaque from Point Trophy. The coordinator will contact the recipient with the details of the University Awards ceremony, protocol, etc.