What’s new in Room 216? z

What’s new in Room 216?
z Ask A 3rd Grader In Our Class About... z
In Reading and Writing Workshop we continued to
focus on the relationship between the scientific concept
of a variety of ecosystems and using language that
pertains to cause and effect. We started a research
project and are using a checklist to keep our research
and finished product on track! Tell someone at home
who you are working with and what you have
discovered about your ecosystem so far!
“Queen Lily” & Mr.
Dramble brought in
“Shorty!” He is a robot
build by Dublin students!
Lily’s brother Will was a
welcome guest in our room!
Super cute!!!
We studied area and perimeter this week in Math!
We worked on solving real world problems involving
perimeter and finding the unknown side length of
polygons when a specific perimeter was given.
Many students shared great strategies (counting,
breaking apart, the distributive property) for finding
the area of a given shape. Can you draw a symmetrical
shape that has an area of 16 square units? Now try
drawing a polygon with a perimeter of 16 inches!
Tell someone at home what your pattern is for your
final Word Study List of the school year! Make a list of
words that fit your pattern (you can use books to help.)
Bring in this list and you can pick from the treat jar!
Upcoming Events &Reminders:
SPRING MAP ASSESSMENT: Our class will take the Math MAP
Assessment in the afternoon on Tuesday, May 10th.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES IN MAY: There will not be an official
classroom, volunteer schedule sent out for the month of May however we
will need lots of helpers to go along with us on the May 31st Field Trip as
well as for the Super Games event planned for Friday, June 3rd (3rd Grade
will be attending Super Games in the morning). Thank you for all you do!
BOOK FAIR: Our buying day for the Book Fair is, Thursday- May 12th.
MOMS & MUFFINS: May 11th & 12th from 8-9 in the commons.
FEILD TRIP: We will be going to the Columbus Museum of Art on Tuesday,
May 31st (9:20-1:30). Thanks to everyone for getting their permission
form and admission fee turned in on time!
Related Arts Schedule:
Monday: Music
Tuesday: PE
Wednesday: Art
Thursday: Library
Friday: Music
Happy Mother’s Day!