Document 11941389

News from Room 112 Week of September 12 Sight Word of the Week-­‐“and” The students worked on writing and recognizing the word “and”. They practiced writing it in their sight word notebooks and circling the word in a poem. Reading-­‐ The students are listening to lots of alphabet books. Then, they are helping me make a class ABC book. We are talking about beginning sounds of words and pictures that go along with each letter. Writing-­‐ The students are writing about what they like to do at home. First, they draw a picture. Then, they are trying to write several words to go along with their pictures. Other Information-­‐ ***This week, we went to the Library on Friday. Look for one book to come home next week. Please return the book every Friday so your child can get a new book. **Every Friday, we will have Share Day. Your child can bring one item to share with his/her classmates. **Third parent teacher conference date is Friday, Oct. 21 from 8:45 am to 12:00 p.m. Please e-­‐mail me or send in a note if you haven’t signed up for conferences yet. ** Parent volunteers will start the 1st week in October. Make sure you have gone to Central Office so you can participate in the required background check and fingerprinting. Once you are approved, you can come to volunteer at your scheduled time. Some Books Read This Week-­‐ Alphabatics by Suse Macdonald On Market Street by Anita Lobel Have a great day! Kim Akers/ 