• Advicewillbetoo generictobe useful. • Reviewersaren’t writingexperts. • Reviewersaren’t investedenough tobother. Before this course I was never able to give insightful feedback. I always gave vague and minimally useful feedback. This vague feedback is shown in the first peer review I completed in this course. I answered the questions, but provided very little information the reader could use to better their document. • Criticalfeedbackis hurtful,nothelpful. • Criticizingsomeone else’sworkmakes meseemrude. In the beginning of the semester I struggled giving concrete advice to my peers. I didn't want to hurt their feelings or give bad advice. Throughout the semester, I learned that giving constructive advice won’t hurt their feelings. • • • • notsureIunderstandtheassignmentwellenough notagoodenoughwritertojudgeothers’work can’tthinkofanythingtocritique nottheprof–howshouldIknowwhatshe“wants?” I never thought of myself as a strong writer, which is why when it came to peer reviews I never thought anyone would take me seriously. • accurateorthoroughfeedback • ahighergrade • provideconstruc5vecri5cism • evaluateaccuracyandappropriatenessofothers’feedback • competentlycri5queandreviseyourowndocuments Project 1: Email First Draft Peer Review Final Draft Project 2: Business Letter Situation Analysis Draft Situation Analysis Peer Review First Draft Peer Review Final Draft Project 3: Persuasive Letter First Draft Peer Review Final Draft Project 4: Proposal 4.1 Situation Analysis Individual First Draft Individual Peer Review Group Final Draft 4.2 Research Individual Database Articles Individual Research Notes Individual Visual Aid 4.3 Writing Group First Draft Individual Peer Review Group Peer Review Group Final Draft Monday, February 29 Thursday, March 1, 11:00 am Wednesday, March 2 5 10 20 Week 5 Wednesday, March 2 Thursday, March 3, 11:00 am Wednesday, March 9 Thursday, March 10, 11:00 am Monday, March 14 5 10 5 10 40 Weeks 6, 7 Wednesday, March 16 Friday, March 18, 11:00 am Monday, March 28 5 10 40 Week 8 Monday, April 4 Tuesday, April 5, 11:00 am Monday, April 11 5 10 20 Week 9 Monday, April 11 Monday, April 18 Monday, April 25 15 45 10 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Wednesday, April 27 Friday, April 29, 11:00 am Monday, May 2 Wednesday, May 4 5 15 -60 Week 13 Doing peer reviews several times this semester has helped me give more constructive feedback to my peers. I mainly struggled with giving enough detail. I would be vague with my explanations in the beginning of the semester. It helped seeing the peer reviews for my assignments and practicing several times throughout the semester. The way that the peer reviews were guided by small prompts was largely the reason for my improvement. Those prompts and questions, combined with a minimum word limit forced me to examine deeper ways the message and delivery could be improved upon such as tone, clarity, and neutrality. • Workcreativelywithinlimits. • Makeedits. • Workcollaboratively • Acceptandreceivecriticismand feedbackgracefully. • Developself-schedulingandselfdiscipline Throughout this course, my feedback has definitely improved. In the beginning I would answer the peer review questions minimally. As the course went on I realized how useful and helpful feedback was not just to my classmates, but me as well. While I was reviewing other documents, I was able to compare them to, learn, and improve my own by breaking them down and critiquing them. With the career choices I plan to make, providing ethical feedback will be very important to work my way up in a company. Throughout this semester I have realized that individuals in my classes actually will take me seriously, especially because the peer reviews were anonymous. I noticed that individuals truly deserved accurate feedback and suggestions, and that I do know more than what I would give myself credit for... In future assignment or jobs, if anyone asks for me to review or edit anything I will do my best to give accurate, logical feedback because I know they will take my suggestions seriously. [Because] I utilized feedback for every assignment, I realized how important it is and transformed my own review to be much more useful. I will always be able to utilize this skill in everyday life and professionally, being able to give quality feedback is a necessary skill when leading or managing people. I received a lot of negative feedback but when looking further into it, it all made perfect sense. I took the negative feedback and implemented the changes into the document… I changed the formatting and addressed the fact that it looked like I wrote the document in 5 minutes. After making changes, the document looked and sounded more professional.