A *+ P^ "7~—^ -f- (/ ^^ ^-w^ ^ 0^ (?) y/ 0 I/ I/ // I/ f //£/ '^-^7^:. — 7'^ '"-"if fc. > ^ ^ KN-J (A C^> ^ R ^5i xl' CA X ^U 0, » 1: - MAILING Co. AREA NEWS MEDIA _Fayetteville Observer " _X_Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU/ Spring Lake Times 1 AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office Q AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES I HOMETOWN NEWS PA PER(S) a SELECTED COLLEGES a SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA | | STATE NEWS MEDIA j | OTHER Methodist College Fagetteville, North Carolina Feb. 2 , 1971 For Fayetteville Observer Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office 488-7110, Ext. 228 METHODIST COLLEGE TO HOST CUMBERLAND STUDENTS Cumberland County and Fayetteville City high school students will be guests of honor Saturday at Methodist College here. Students will convene at 2:00 p . m . in the Reeves Auditorium of the fine arts building on campus for two hours of activities planned by the college admissions office. "Prospective Student Day" will begin with a campus tour. College deans,administrators and instructors will lead discussions of the academic program, financial assistance available, the athletic program and social life on campus Refreshments will be served and students will have an opportunity to chat with college personnel and students enrolled at Methodist. Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina NEW F e b . 2, 1971 For local radio stations Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office 488-7110, Ext. 228 METHODIST COLLEGE TO HOST CUMBERLAND STUDENTS Saturday is high-school-student day at Methodist College. Cumberland County and Fayetteville City high school students will be guests of honor on the local campus. Students will convene at 2:00 p . m . in the Reeves Auditorium of the fine arts building on campus for two hours of activities planned by the college admissions o f f i c e . Saturday's "Prospective Student Day" w i l l being with a c a m p u s t o u r . College d e a n s , a d m i n i s t r a t o r s a n d instructors w i l l lead discussions of the academic program, financial assistance available, the athletic program and social life on c a m p u s . R e f r e s h m e n t s w i l l be served and s t u d e n t s w i l l have an opport u n i t y to chat w i t h c o l l e g e p e r s o n n e l a n d . s t u d e n t s e m < > | | e d a t M e t h o d i s t . MAILING AREA NEWS MEDIA *y 's Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES I HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER(S) D SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER J-.a CT MAILING AREA NEWS MEDIA 2£Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES I HOMETOWN NEWS PA PER(S) D SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA DOTHER Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina Feb. 3, 1971 Faith and Life Week article Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office 488-7110 ,Ext .228 DONALD WELCH TO SPEAK AT METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE- ---"Difficult, But Nbt Impossible" is the theme of Faith and Life Week, to be held at Methodist College Feb. 1 5 - 1 9 . Guest for the week is Donald J. Welch, Dean of Students at Wofford College. Welch is former assistant dean of the Duke University Divinity School in D u r h a m . A 38-year-old native of A r ; h l , m d , K y . , W o l c h is a Union College (Ky.) and Duke D i v i n i t y School graduate. He has pursued graduate studies in psychology at the University of Kentucky. Welch has served as a m i n i s t e r , teacher and administrator. From 1957 to 1961 Welch was dean of men at Union College and a member of the faculty. He also served for three years as minister of First United Methodist Church in Berea , Ky. , and as director of the Wesley Foundation, Berea College. Welch assumed administrative responsibilities at the Duke Divinity School in 1965. While there, he taught in tho area of campus i n l i i l . ' i l i y . U K ! Rpokt 1 mi morn M i . i n .'.ii uullngo . n n l mi i \/i -i .".it v uainpusos , --more METHODIST COLLEGE Release Page 2 Welch won the Hickman Preaching Award at Duke Divinity An annual event at Methodist, Faih and Life Week is a five-day program sponsored by Koinonia , the Christian fellowship group on campus. According to Larry Lugar, president of the ecumenical group, Koinonia's steering committee has planned discussions to interest students and adults. Dean Welch will speak at all events. Monday's 8:00 p . m . movie "Raisin in the S u n , " starring Sidney Poitier, begins a discussion on "Brotherhood." No admission will be charged for the movie which will be shown in Reeves Auditorium. "Business Ethics" will be discussed in Sanford Hall at 8:00 p . m . T u e s d a y , led by Fred Reardon, assistant professor of economics and business at M e t h o d i s t . Refreshments will be served. Dean Welch will speak in Wednesday's 11:30 a . m . assembly program in Reeves Auditorium . At 5: JO p . m . Wednesday the subtopic at a dinner meeting will be "Peace." Guests may dine at regular meal prices in dining rooms #1 and #2 of the college cafeteria. Fred Puryear, a freshman pianist, will entertain. Thursday evening's 8:00 o'clock concern will be "Living as a Christian on C a m p u s . " Dean Welch, students, faculty and guests will convene in Weaver Hall. A Hensdale Chapel service, led by Dean W e l c h , at 11:30 a . m . Friday will conclude Faith and Life Week at Methodist College. II II II II II II I! OUTLINE: Donald J. "VVelca, aaan :A students at Wofford College, will oe'the gu^st speaker at Methodist Collage, FJD. 1 5 - ^ 9 . MAILING AREA NEWS MEDIA <Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WAI, WFBS, WFLB, WNC, WIDU _ Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS _ Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER(S) D SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina February 2 , 1971 For Fayetteville Observer release Jean H u t c h i n s o n , Public Relations Office -- 488-7110, Ext.228 CAST ANNOUNCED FOR METHODIST COLLEGE PRODUCTION Three Fayetteville students have been cast in leading roles for "The Lark" to be staged at Methodist College in March. The two-act drama which depicts the life and trial of Joan of Arc was w r i t t e n by Jean A n o u i l h and adapted by L i l l i a n H e l l m a n . It was f i r s t presented by Kermit Bloomgarden in New York City in 1955. Parker W i l s o n , adviser of the c a m p u s drama c l u b , Green and Gold Masque K e y s , and director of the p l a y , announced the cast recently. (Jan. 27) Jim Lodford will play Cauchon, the j u s t French priest; Gary B u t l e r , Charles the D a u p h i n , petulant young heir to France'sthrone; Ronald Roegiers, domineering English Earl of Warwick. Ledford, a 1968 graduate of Seventy-First High School, is the son of M i . rind M i : ; , l.onnie J. Ledford oi Fayettovillo. Lcdford is a dean's list s t u d e n t , i n < l a j u n i o r class senator a t Methodist. Ill' M ' ' METHODIST COLLEGE Release Page 2 B u t l e r , son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Butler of Fayetteville, is a 1969 graduate of Terry Sanford High School. Butler's sister, Mrs . Cathy B . Alkis, a 1967 graduate of Terry Sanford I l i q h , will play Agnes Sorel in the p l a y . R o e g i e r s , son of Sgt/M and M r s . Vincent Roegiers of Fayetteville, is a 1967 graduate of Pacelli High School, C o l u m b u s , Ga . He is a dean's list student at Methodist. The role of Joan, inspiring maiden of France, will be played by Maurine Davidson, sophomore from Raleigh. Students cast in supporting roles include: Dale Dutcher, as Joan's brother, and Shirley Holt, as the Little Queen -- both Terry Sanford High graduates; Gary F a i r c l o t h , a Massey H i l l Fligh School graduate, plays the Archbishop of Reims. i^Other actors includlfChris Bryan-JSpringfield, Va . , Joan's father; Becky Estes^Richmond, Va . , Joan's mother^ ul BaugesTs^ Kernersville, N. C . , Brother , N. C . , the Inquisitor; pq?fhUne^y--r-'Beaufort, S . C . , the Promoter. Also, J(jjn Wolffbrandt_^jS4^ssboro , N. J . , Robert de Beaudricourt; arlene Wagnejv'Kings P a r k , N. Y., Queen Yolande; Cartel WhiteXSanford, N. C . , Monsieur de ia Tremouilie; Greg Roonan, New Shrewsbury, N. J . , Captain La HirefHank Austin/ High Point, N. C. , the English Soldier and Scribe. Technical director for the drama is John W i l l i a m s , a senior from Oceanport, N . ] . Kay Walker from Raleigh will coordinate costumes. Martha White, D u n n , will assist with m a k e - u p . more MCTHODIST COLLEGE Release Page 3 Evening performances for "The Lark" have been scheduled for 8:00 o'clock on March 4 and 5 in Reeves Auditorium on campus . No admission will be charged. o OUTLINE: LEADING ROLES in 'Tne Lark" will be played ay Gary Butler, Charles the Daupnin; Ronald Roegiers, Earl of Warwick; Jim Ladford, Cauchon; anci Ma urine Davidson, Joan of Arc. Tne Metuodist College productions will oe stayed on March 4 ana 5, directed by Parker Wilson, drama ciub adviser. (M. C. pnoto — Curis Drew) DiiDurhunfSun Elizabeth City AJvance Faycttevillc Observer CAST MEMBERS — Leading roles in "The Lark" will be played by, from left: Gary Butler, Charles t h e Dauphin; Ronald Roegiers, the earl of Warwick; Jim Ledford, Cauchoa; and > Maurine Davidson, Joan of Arc. The Methodist College production will be staged on March 4 and 5, directed by Parker Wilson, drama dub adviser. (Photo by Chris Drew). .• j V, Local Students In Leading Roles In 'The Lark' Drama Three Fayetteville students have been cast in leading roles for "The Lark" to be staged at Methodist College in March. ^^ The two-act drama, which depicts the life and trial of Joan of Arc, was written by Jean Anouilb and adapted by Lillian Bellman. It was first presented by K e r m i t Bloomgarden in New York City in 1955. Parker Wilson, adviser of the campus drama club, Green and Gold Masque Keys, and director of the play has announced the cast. Jim Ledford will play Cauchon, the just French priest; Gary Butler, Charles the Dauphin, petulant young heir to France's throne; Ronald Roegiers, domineering English Earl of Warwick. Ledford, a 1968 graduate of Seventy-First High School, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lpnnie J. Ledford of Fayetteville. He is a dean's list student and a junior class senator at Methodist. • Butler, son of Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Butler of Fayetteville, is a 1969 graduate of Terry Sanford High School. Butler's sister, Mrs. Cathy B. Alkis, a 1967 graduate of Terry SanCord High, will play Agnes Sorel in the play. Roegiers, son of Sgt. M. and Mrs. Vincent Roegiers of Fayetteville, is a 1967 graduate of Pacelli High School, Columbus, Ga. He is a dean's list student at Methodist. The role of Joan, inspiring maiden of France, will be played by Maurine Davidson, sophomore from Raleigh. Students cast in supporting roles include: Dale Dutcber. as Joan's brother, and Shirley Holt, as the Little Queen — both Terry Sanford High graduates; Gary Faircloth, a Massy Hill High School graduate, plays the Archbishop of Reims. Other actors include Chris Bryan, Springfield, V a . , Joan's father; Becky Estes, .Richmond, Va. J o a n ' s mother; Phil B « u g e s s , Kernsville, Brother Ladvenu; Richard Bass, Jacksonville, the Inquisitor; Don Whitney, Beaufort, S. C., the Promoter. Also, J i m Wolffhrandt, Glassboro, N. J., Robert de B e a udricourt; Karlene Wagner, Kings Park, N. Y., Queen Yolande; Carter White, Sanford, Monsieur de la Tremouille; G r e g Roonan, New Shrewsbury, N . J ., Captain La Hire; H a n k Austin, High Point, the English Soldier and Scribe. Technical director for the drama is John Williams, a senior from Oceanport, N. J. Key Walker f r o m Raleigh will coordinate c o s t u m e s . Martha White, Dunn, will assist with make-up. Evening performances for "The Lark1' have b e e n scheduled for 8 o'clock on March 4 a n d 5 in Reeves Auditorium on campus. No admission w i l l be charged. Gcildsboro News-Argus Greensboro Daily News Greensboro Record FEB 7 1371 MAILING AREA NEVIS MEDIA Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES J HOMETOWN NEWS PA PER (S) (D, j SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER /77/ Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office Feb. o, 1971 Parts in College Play will be playing the role of in a March production of "The Lark" at Methodist College in Fayetteville. A cast of T& actors and assistants nas oeen announced for the drama, a two-act depiction of the life of Joan of Arc, written by Jean Anouiih and adapted by Lillian Hellman. Auditions were neid Jan. 2 7 . Parker Vvilson, assistant professor of history and adviser for tne drama club, Green and Gold Masque Keys, announced tne cast. Evening performances are scheduled for March 4 and 5 on campus. Methodist "'College is a coeducational, liberal arts, senior college with a capacity for 1200 students. It opened to students in 1960. It is fully accredited. ####### Methodist College Fagetteville, North Carolina Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office Feb. 6, 1971 Parts in College Play e playing tne roie of in a March production of "The Lark" at Methodist College in Fayetteville . A cast of £6 actors and assistants has oeen announced for the drama, a two-act depiction of the iife of Joan of Arc, written by Jean Anouiih and adapted by Lillian Hellman. Auditions were neid Jan. 27. Parker Vvilson, assistant professor of history and adviser for tne drama ciuiD, Green and Gold Masque Keys, announced tne cast. Evening performances are scheduled for March 4 and 5 on campus . Methodist ""'College is a coeducational, liberal arts, senior college with a capacity for 1200 students. It opened to students in 1960. It is fuliy accredited. ####### Methodist College Faijetteville, North Carolina Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office Feb. 5, 1971 Parts in College Play will be playing the role of in a March production of "The Lark" at Methodist College in Fayetteville. A cast of 215 actors and assistants has oeen announced for the drama, a two-act depiction of the life of Joan of Arc, written by Jean Anouiih and adapted by Lillian Hellman. Auditions ware neid Jan. 27. Parker Vvilson, assistant professor of history and adviser for tne drama cluD, Green and Gold Masque Keys, announced tne cast. Evening performances are scheduled for March 4 and 5 on campus . Methodist ^College is a coeducational, liberal arts, senior college with a capacity for 1200 students. It opened to students in 1950. It is fully accredited. MAILING AREA NEVIS MEDIA X- Fayetteville Observer Local radio stations, WAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES JHOMETOWN NEWS PAPER (S) </) D SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA | | STATE NEWS MEDIA j | OTHER 6//U Fsb. 4, 19 71 For release on Feb-. 3 Pnoto Exhibit at College F?,r FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER J-an Hutcrunson, Public Relations Office - 488-7110, Ext 228 METHODIST COLLEGE PHOTOGRAPHERS SCHEDULE- EXHIBIT A three.-man student photo exhibit is now snow ng at Methodist College. Trie snow includes color and o .ack-and-white photographs of various suojects and may oa viewWed by the public on weekdays from 9:00 a . m . tiii 5:00 p . m . , Feb. d - 26, n the fine arts building on .campus. Photographers are Chris Drew, a junior from Winston-Salem: D.m "Wnitney, a sophomore from Beaufort, S. C ; and Charles Bradsnaw, a senior from Raieigh. CO CO o o 3 oo CD G AREA NEWS MEDIA P _ Fayetteville Observer _ Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU _Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS _ Department _ Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES :j HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER (S) €Z ( f^-e_ SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER ro f~j^ 6^ ) Feb. 10, 1971 Prospective Student Day OUTLINE Jean Hutchinson, Public. Relations Office —BRENT STROUD (second from right), an Erwin High S6hool senior and the son of Mr..and Mrs'. Arden Stroud, talks with Mike Safley, a Methodist Coilega junior from Durham, and Carmen Evans, a Lexington Senior High senior, at Prospective Student Day held at Methodist Collage in Fa yetteville, Saturday, Feb. 6. A; so-shown are Gene Clayton, Methodist College basketball coach, and Kathy Gaiacia, a Loris (S. C.) High S9hooi senior. Methodist College enrolled 78i stuaents for second semester. (M.C. pnoto - Cans Drew) -J FeJD. 10, (971 Prospective Student Day OUTLINE Jean Hutc.iunson, Public Relations Office '-—CARMEN EVANS (center), a Lexington Senior High sanior, talks witn Brent Stroud from Srwln High School and Mike Saflcjy, a Methodist College junior at Prospective Student Day neid at the Fayetteville iioerai arts coilec-se Saturday, Feu. o. Also shown are Gene Clayton, Methodist College basketball coach; and Katay Galacia, a Loris (S . C.) High School senior. (Methodist opened to students in i960 and is fully-accrediteciO Carmen's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Evans of Lexington. (M. C. photo - Chris Drew) Feb. 10, 1971 Prospective Student Day Jean Htsichinson, Public Relations Office OUTLINE: KATHY GALACIA (second from left), a Loris High School senior and the daughter of Mrs, G-adys Gaiacia of Loris, calks witn Gene Clayton, basketoaii coaca at M-thodist College m Fayetteviile. She.and otheraiigh school students attanded Prospective Student Day at Methodist, Saturday, Fea. 6, nearing deans ancl administrators explain college afe and social events ana participating .m a campus tour. A^so snown are Carmen Svans, a Lexington ( N . C . ) S jruor Hig.h student; B .ent Stroud, aa Erwin (N. C.) High School sanior; ana 'Mike Saflay, a Methodist Coilega junior trom Durham, N . C . Mataodist College is a coeducational, fully-accredited, liberal arts institution that opened to students in 1930 . C . pnoto - Cnris Drew Fob. iO, i'$7i Prospective Student Day Jean Hatci-unson, Public Relations Office 486-7110, Ext. 223 OUTLINE: DSBBIS DIXON(ieft), a junior at Frankli'nton Hign School and trie dauvji'iter of Mr .-and Mrs. J. 3. Dixon, J r . , talks wita participants in th«s M^tnod-St College Prospective Student Day program held Saturday, Fdb. 6 / o n trie Fayetteville campus . Otaars snown are Duooia Signer, a junior at Dunn Hign Xcaooi Dr. Fred C. McDavid,. professor of education and' psycho ;Ojy at Mtetnoaisc d&andra Mattuews", admissions oit'icj counselor; and aMika Lesdford, a senior at Seventy-First Hijii SchoOi m Cumberland County. (M. C . pnoto - Chris Drew) F.Jo. 13, 1971 Prospective Student Day Jeaii Hutchinson, P Uiat.ons Off.ce 483-7110, Ext. 223 OUTLINE: DEBBI SIGNOE/, A JUNIOR AT DUNN HIGH SCHOOL, is shown with other participants in M-sthod st College's Prospective Student Day held Saturday, .FJD. 5, on the Fayatteviiiti campus Also shown are Dr. Fr-ad C. McDavid, professor of c-ducatuh and psycnology at M^taodist, Sandra Matthews, admissions off.c^ couhseior; and Mike L^dford, a senior from 71st High Scaooi ,.n Cumoerland County. Dodoie's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William E. Signor of Dunn. (M . C . photo - Chris Drew) ^ jv~~^ CUTLIN,E: Prospective Student Day participants on the Methodist College/Saturday includedDebbie SigoorDixon,/Franklinton High XJchool; Debbie Signer, Dunn High School; Dr. Fred MCSDavid, (Chairman , "Education "S^pattment; Sandra Matthews, admissions counselor; and Mike Ledford, ^Seventy-First High School., (second from left) > CTULINE: Kathy Galacia^ a Loris High School senioy, chats with Gene Clayton, basketball coach at Methodist College in Fayetteville. She and other high school students attended Prospective Student Day at Methodist Saturday, Feb. 6, hearing deans and mxfecactEK administrators explain college life and social events and particpating in a campus tour., Methodist College is a coeducational, /iberal arts college which opendd to students in 1960. fully-accredited Ml So ' XA*- - Carmen Evans ?( center) , a Lexington Senior High senior, chats with Brent Stroud from Erwin High School and Mike Safley, a Methodist College juniorat Prospective Student Day held at the Fayetteville college Saturday, Feb. 6. Also shown are Gene Clayton, Methodist College basketball coach' •«SF'fl Kathy Galacia/, a Loris High School senior' / Methodist College is a coeducational, /liberal arts institution fully-accredited that o p e e d to students in 1960. Brent Stroud/second from right), an Erwin High School senior/talks with Mike Safley (right), a Methodist Colleges, junior from Durham, and fix Carmen Evans, a Lexington Senior High senior, at Prospective Student Day held recently on the Methodist College campus in Fayetteville. Also shown are Gene Clayton, Methodist College basketball coach, and Kathy Galacia, a Loris (S.C.) High School senior. Methodist College is a coeducational, fully-accredited liberal arts institution that opened to students in i960. Debbie Dixon (left), a junior at Franklinton High School and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dixon, J r . , talks with participants in ihe Methodist College Prospective StudSent Day held on the Fayetteville campus XKX Saturday, Feb. 6. Others shown are: Debbie Signor, a junior at Dunn High; Dr. Fred McDavid, chairman of the education department; Sandra Matthews, admissions counselor; and Mike Ledford, a senior at Seventy-First High (School in Fayetteville. Mthoditst College is a coeducation, fully-accredited liberal arts institution that opened to students in 1960. Deb o Feo. 9, i-371 Fuiiow-up on Prospective Student Day Jdan Hutchinson, Public delations Office 438-7110, Ext. 228 OUTLINE: PROSPECTIVE STUDENT DAY participants on tna Methodist College campus Saturday included Debbie Dixon, a junior from Frank lint on High School; Debbie Sighor, a junior from Dunn High School; Dr. Fred C. McDavid, professor of education and psychology; Sandra Matt news, admissions counselor; and Mike Ledford, a senior at Seventy-First Higa School. (M.C. pnoto - Chris Draw) MAILING AREA NEWS MEDIA X Fayetteville Observer ( 7o j Local radio stations, WFAI, WFBS, WFLB, WFNC, WIDU Spring Lake Times AREA HIGH SCHOOLS Department Office AREA COLLEGES AREA METHODIST CHURCHES HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER(S) ($ D SELECTED COLLEGES SELECTED STATE NEWS MEDIA [ | STA STATE NEWS MEDIA OTHER Methodist Fagetteville, North Carolina foan Hutchinson, Public K< Nations < >li ice 488-7110, E x t . 228 I )< M I I ' : ; I , i s - 1 FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER 70 FAYi:TTi:viU,r, S T t l H E N T R ON M E T H O D I S T COLLEGE DEAN'S LIST Seventy Fayetteville students q u a l i f i e d for the first semester Dean's List at Methodist College. To be named to the List a student must earn a "B" or better average on 15 or more semester h o u r s , according to D r . S a m u e l J . W o m a c k , Academic Dean. Fayetteville . I P M students a t t a i n i n g the honoi include: Seniors Frances Bunch, l i . i m m < m < i Chandler, Susanne Cleary, Robert D'Alessandro, Jeannie Evans, Jean Hcsketh Gore, Catherine McDaniel H a l l , William Hall, Donnal Harriett, Audrey Hellier, Lynn Herndon, Thomas Jones, Margaret Martin, Jerold Mayes, Randall Meares, Mary M o l v i n , C a r o l i n e Milner, Nancy Monroe, Timothy Morton, Elizabeth Odom, Leonard Parker, Frances Pilond, Jeanne McLcod P i t t r n a n , K e n n e t h Reeves, Ronald Roegiers , B/i r h . i r . i Sevald, A n g e l , i V u i l u i k c : ; , , i ml l i n i 1 1 y W i 11 i.nn :; . - ID .. .: M I T I K mii'.T ( : i > i . u : < ; i : Release Juniors I lean's Lisl Cathy Alkis , Mary Ar William Cash, Ben Gavin, Louis Clemmons, Johnny ( : Page 7. , Sarah Brady, Margaret Cook, Harry Davis, Benjamin Esquibel, Christina Garratt, Patsy H a l l , Laura Heinz, Gregory High, Bently Hill, Joseph Jordan, James Ledford, Margaret Pigott, Paul Re i n l i . u ( I , l u d i i h ;;i ,mi i( • lc 1 , Y . n i ' i C : | M Stanq, I ' . i i i i ' - W i f l m . i n , . i r i ' J Suzanne Zahran. Sophomores Jane B a l d w i n , C i e t u s Cronrath, Joseph George, Stephanie Haines, Donald Kelly, Nancy Kimbel, Billie-Ann M u m a u , John P o u l k , James Raupach, Marjorie Rynott, John Shoemaker, Kenneth W i l l i a m s , and Brenda Willis. Freshmen Carolyn Cooper, Frank E m e r y , Kevin Jorgenson, Rebecca McDiarmid, I', I i x . i h c t h Monroe, Carolyn M u l k / n . i x , Donna Parrous, and Juno Philbeck. Other North Carolina students who qualified for the Dean's List are: Karen Sessoms, Autryville; Ronald Roberts, Bahama; N a n c y S h a w , B e u l a v i l l e ; Richard Farlee and Wayne Rogers, Beaufort; Mary Leimone, Burgaw; Judith Carroll, Gary; Carolyn Hatch, Clinton; Janis Daddario, Frances Teer, Robert Hamilton, Kenneth Pickett and JoAnna W a l k e r , Durham; Margaret C o r b i n , Dunn; George Norris , V i r g i n i a A y d l e t t a n d Deborah B r i g h t , E l i z a b e t h C i t y , Kathryne Cook and Ellen Adams, Elizabethtown; Ada Andrews and Jennifer Leggette, Fairmont; Jean Guthery, Sallie King Hollis and LaRay Beale, Fort Bragg; Patricia Abernathy, Fuquay-Varina; Joselyn E v a n s , Graham; Peggy Hales, W i l l i a m Flowers and Harriet Flowers, Goldsboro. Also, Kathryn Armstrong , Hope M i l l s ; Gail Morton, Hubert; Anita Fisher and Elizabeth King, Jacksonville; Frances G r i f f i n , Louisburg; -more METHODIST COLLEGE Release Page 3 Nancy Hayes, Marietta; Penny George, Marshalburg; Earl Leake, M t . Gilead; Ji > i > c' l a y t o n , N ' - w London; W i l l i a m Landis , Oxford; J o h n Hughes, Pittsboro; J i m m y Elledge, Raeford; Thomas Reynolds, John Roberts, N a n c y Burke and M a u r i n e D a v i d s o n , Raleigh; Lois Hollowell Chenauit, Red Springs; Linda Bethea , Rocky Mount; Ann Wicker and Betty Burns , Sanford; Sandra Kay Jones and Maria Speranza , Spring Lake; Emily Averitte, Tar Heel; Robert P h i l l i p s , Warsaw; Wesley Brown, W i l l i a m s t o n ; James Gwyn a nd/W/^-<. Robert Johnson, Winston-Salem; and Jo Ann Merritt, W i l m i n g t o n . ( )u I -ol State 11' >i i' n Students are: S (' < h n l',r own , P i : : < Ml -\, i y , N . J . ; C h . i i l ' ' : ; I I . H i m . i n , M a i d e n , M < i : ; : : . ; l . m r a J o h n s o n , W y t h e v J l l o , \/a.;Alber1 Pierce, Florence, S. C.; Diana Rogers, Arlington, Va.; Jam Rusttaurg, Va.; Natalie Schwoyer, Reading, Pa.; Price Smith, Waynesboro, Va .; Bruce Stevens, Stockton, M d . ; Linda Stevens, S n c w H i l l , Md.; Guy Simpson, Norfolk, Va .; Tommy S m i t h , Sandston, Va.; Linda Carlson, Fanwood, N. J. Kathryn Clark, West Columbia, S. C.; Douglas N i c o l , R u t h e r f o r d , N . J . ; Yvette Rosa, B . i y s h o r o , N . Y . ; V i o l u W i l q u . s , T r a n k f o r d , D e l a . ; Mary Dix, V e r m i l i o n , O.; Harry H o l n i a n , I Kuldonfield, N. J . ; IJ Libra M a r n j i o n e , Murray Hill, N . J.; and Douglas Nunnally, Richmond, Va . • o Methodist College Fagetteville, North Carolina Feb. li, 1971 Dean's List For: Students' Hometown Papers Jean Hutchinson, Public Relations Office 488-7110, Ext. 228 FAYETTEVILLB, N.C. has been named to the 1970-71 fail semester Dean's List at Methodist College in Fayettevilie, N . C . Academic Dean Dr. Samuel J. "toomack stated that a student must earn a "B" or better average on 15 or more semester nours to qualify for the honor. From a student oody of approximately 800, 150 students were named to the List at tne coeducational, liberal arts institution. #####