FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdams July 1, 1965 For immediate release Fayatteville, N. C.—Sixty-six Methodist College students have been named on the Dean's List for the second samastar of the 1984-65 academic year. To qualify for this recognition, a student must earn a "B" average or better on 15 or more semester hours. Those named for this honor from Fayetteville are: Wanda Carter, Blaise Comelld'Echert, Linda Dept, Lewis Keith, Sarah Vessia, Patricia Waterfield, Larry Bordeaux, Ava Campbell, Lawrence Davison, Claudia Dudley, Mary Hall, Jean Hutchinson, Bruce Jones, Carolyn Kinser, Gary Miller, Constance Parks. Peggy Roberson, Mary Segesky, Patricia Zahran, Doris Beard, Ella Rose Hall, Roger Hobgood, James Link, Wade Mart, Peter Petroutsa, Madeleine Schoenbom, FranJdin Tunstall, Susan Burbage, Eugene Coats, Gary Graham, Barbara Jones, Mar/ Packer, Mary Raynor, Doris Rulnick, and Glenda Scott. Other North Carolina Students who qualified for the honor are: Jean Berkley, St. Pauls; Michael Culpepper, Elizabeth City; Jean Fort, Henderson; Grover French, Kinston; Amelia Harper, Rutherford College; Richard McPeters, Raleigh; Myra Satterfield, Hope Mills; Michael Shay, Ft. Bragg; Laura Smith, Wade; Myres Stanfield, Dunn; Ethel Warren, Wads; James Davies, Ft. Bragg; Tom Matthews, Wade; James Yearby, Dunn; Emilie Askew, Snow Hill; Trena Barfield, Tabor City; Henry Grant, Rocky Mount; Jerri Graves, Clinton; Eva Helms, Ft. Bragg; Nancy Best, Franklinton; Rebecca Kiinball, Lemon Springs; Roberta West, Mt. Olive; Martha Wilson, Sdenton; and Virginia Wood, Hope Mills. < Methodist College Page 2 Out-of-state students named for this honor are: Sonya German, Growder, Oklahoma; Cabell Luck, Ashland, Virginia; Anne Butler, Marion, S. C.; Emory Pollard, Chantilly, Va.; Anita Wiggs, Cherry Hill, N. J.; Wayne Autry, r Florence, S. C.; Gordon Dixon, Mathews, Va. -. \ • • • * . . . - • • • • ' • - FLORENCE CORNING NEWS Methodist College For iaaediate roleaae Fsyettev tile. North Caro J J n* By: Charles K. McAdaas> Director of Public Relation* July 12, 1965 Feyettevi J le, N, C<-Stephen W, Hopkirs*, th® »on of Mr. and Mr», E, B. Hopkins of Laks City, h*a bean olected president of the sophomore etas* at Matbod5at Coli090. His election to this office automatically places hi» on the Judicial Council of the collage's Student Governiaent Association. RAXEIGH TIMES Methodist College For immediate release Fayettovilla, N. C. By: Charlas K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.—-TWO Raleigh students have been elected class officers at Methodist College. They are: John W. Handy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Handy, and Donna Marie Davis, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Davis. Handy has been elected vice president of the 1965-66 senior class. HQ has previously served as the captain of the college tennis team and has bean a member of the Monarch Club—a club for these who have lettered in sports—-for two years. In addition to serving as vice president of Ms senior class, Handy will be a student residence hall counselor next year. Miss Davis has been elected treasurer of tho 1955-66 sophomore class. Last year she served as tha treasurer of tha following campus groups: freshman class, Young Democrats' Club and Methodist Student Movement. Sha was a member of tha Methodist College chorus arid Spanish Club. FAYETTEVILLE OBSERVER Methodist Collage For immediate release Fayetteville, N. C. By: Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.—Five Fayetteville students have been elected class officers at Methodist College. • Three we»e elected officers of the 1965-66 senior class. They are: Charles P. Bris-Bois, Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bris-Bois, has been elected president; Ella Rose Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Hall, secretary; and Daisy McKay Bryan, daughter of Revarand and Mrs. StedmanB. Bryan, treasurer. Bris-Bois was the vice president of his junior class and has served as the president of the campus Circle K Club. Miss Hall was secretary of her junior class, a member of the 19S5 Carillon-the college yearbook-staff and vice president of last year's Student Educational Association. She has been elected president of the 1965-66 Student Educational Association. Miss Mary L. Lancaster, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Lancaster, Jr., has been elected secretary of the junior class. She is an Elementary Education major. David M. Holmes, tha son of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Holmes, has been elected vice-president of the 1965-66 sophomore class. Hs is a business administration major. DAILY ADVANCE Methodist Collage For immediate release Fayetteville, N. C. By: Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.--George John Pearce, the sen of Mr. and Mrs. George James Paarce, has been elected vice-president of the 1965-66 Junior class at Methodist College. Pearce has served as Treasurer of his sophomore class and became v a member of the Monogram Club his freshman year. Ha is a biology major at Methodist College. • • . . • ••'. • • , ' - DAILY TIMES NEWS Methodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N, C.—Anna Gail Dixon, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Dixon, Sr., has been elected secretary of the 1965-65 sophomore class at Mathodist College. During her freshman year, she served as class secretary, varsity cheerleader and secretary to the campus Methodist Student Movement group. She was a delegate to the National Student Movement Conference. NEWS & OBSERVER i Methodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, N. C. By: Charles K. McAdains, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 . ' . Fayettevillet N. C.—Tv/o Raleigh students have bean elected class officers at Methodist College. They are: John W. Handy, the son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Handy, and Dorasa Marie Davis, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, D. I. Davis. 1 Handy has bean elected vice president of the 1965-66 senior class. He has prsviously sorved as the captain of the college tennis team and has bean a member of tha Monarch Club^-a club for those who have lettered in sports -for two years. In addition to sarvtog as vice president of his senior class, Handy will be a student residence hall counselor next year. Miss Davis has bean elected treasurer of the 1965-66 sophomore class Last year she served as the treasurer of tha following campus groups: freshman class, Young Democrats' Club and Mathodist Student Movement. She ssaas a.member of the Methodist College chorus and Spanish Club. THE SANFORD HERALD Methodist CoMage For immediate release FayettevI iIe, North Caro i i n* By: Charies K. MeAdaws, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 FayetteviHe, N. C.»Georgo W. Parker, the aon ©f .fe/«B. Parker of Sanford, has been elected president of the 1965-66 junior class at Methodist Co!leg*. His at sot ion to this office automatical iy buske® him a member of the college's Judicial Council of the Student Govern* . Bent Association. Porker has previously servod os the vice-president of his ciass for both the frosh^en and sophomore years. FAYETTEVILLE OBS2RV2R Methodist College For immediate release Fayette villa, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.—Larry M. Barnes, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Barnes of Fayetteville, has been elected editor of the Methodist College newspaper, "SMALLTALK". Barnes is a senior at Methodist College and is a history major. He has served on the SMALL TALK staff for three years. He has been a member of the Young Democrat, Young Republican, Westminster, and Circle K Clubs. Last year he was president of the junior class. In addition to being editor of SMALL TALK next year, Barnes will be the chief justice of the Judicial Council of Methodist College's Student Government Association. LAKE CITY NEWS Method!at Co)log® For immediate release Fayottevi1le, North Carolina By: Cherles K. MeAdes©, Director of Public gelations July 12, 1965 FayetteviIle, N. C.-Stephen W. Hopkins, the son of . Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hopkins of Lake City, has been elected president of the sophomore class at Methodist College. His election to this office automatically places hia on the Judicial Council of the collage's Student Government Association. . . DUFLIN TIMES PROGRESS SENTINEL Methodist CoI lego For imediate re I Fayettev 111e, North Caro) i na By; Char lea 1C, McAdaas, Director of Public Re tat ions July 12, 1965 Fayettevi11e, M, Co-Bradley B, Minahew, the son of Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Minahew of Warsaw, haa been elected treasurer of the 1965-66 junior claaa at Methodist . Coltege. fcinshaw haa keen active in intra^yral athletics, participating on the bowling and football HENDERSON DAILY DISPATCH Mftfchodiftt Ce) leg* For iRsaediete release Fayettevi!le, North Caroline 3y: Charles K. McAdasas, Diroetor of Public Rotations JuJy 12, 1965 Fayettevi I ie, N. C.-Jean 0. Fort, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, C* B. Fort of Henderson, is one of th® 66 students who qualified for the D&an's List at Methodist CfeHucje for the spring seoieiBter, Miss Fort, a math piajor, was a fr&shmar at Methodist College this year and achieved the honor of being on the doan's list both To qualify for the Dean's List a student taust receive at least a "B" avera9© on arainieawsaof f iftecnHjours. - o 0 <S o *o « 4» 4> a O Q£ § — 4> « *O O 0 u. — O. JD ^ & 1 S. 1* O £. 4J *C SfrJ OS:** O 4> O O-w 0Wv —. y _ 4>~-^CJ > 5. % 0 X3 x X »— CJ a) ® «O O o. 4>* (9 O .-C a x c a CU IJ '~* c. o £. o tu Q. •g s. & 1 & ^ W (9 t a. O o «-. > •p o u. •o-o ae 9« O M- «*" er o a » ® s. "" t t^. »n « a ON 6 A 3 1 Q O 0) S. © 4* JC 0 •o o X c 9 © T3 c is 4* 3 f Lf O 0 e <*• o O 3 4> ts c 0 c O o «Je S 1 ° C O ©3 a, — c © o C 3 i S § a. o \ O c — o © TJ C @ S c' 0 JC 9 y. 0 a. 0 •"• O CD ^ 4> «9 <S % > "1 .- O TJ ® 1? C ® x X 8 e . jij « Q • W .- «5 f SO o 3 er o a C. *"** 9 4» T5 O «f> 4* Q O <9 iJCe 3 « ^ •o 'O v» © 3 ^> «s «tST — -I €5 — —w C 0 o f» 5) » JZ C »•«» o © O o « X 4* JC 3 JC U DTJNN DISPATCH Methodist College For Immediate release Payetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdains, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, North Carolina—James S. Yaarby, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Yearby , and Myres Tarry Stanfleld, the son of Dr. and Mrs, W. W. Stanfield, are two of 65 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring semester. To qualify for tho Dean's List a student must receive at least a "B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. THE HERALD PROGRESS Methodist College For immediate release Fayottaville, North Carolina 3y: Charles K. McAdarns, Director of Public Relations July 12', 1965 Fayetteville, M. C.—Cabell Luck, Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gabell Luck of Ashland, is one of the 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring semester. To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must receive at least a "B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. Mr, Luck has achieved this distinction for the past two semesters, TABOR CITY TRIBUNE Methodist College For immediate release FayattavillQ, North Carolina By: Chari33 K. McAdaais, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1955 f Fayetteville, M. C.—Trena H. Barfield, tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L. Barfield of Tabor City, is one of 65 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring semester. To qualify for this honor, a student must make at least a "B" average on a rainimum of fifteen semester hours. / Miss Barfield is a history major. EVENING TELEGRAM '.1st Collage For immediate release FaysttevUle, Worth Carolina By: Cuarles K. McAdamp, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 FayettavillQ, N. C.—Henry B. Grant, Jr., the son of Dr. and Mrs, >-.•, F. Grant, 333 Briarcliff Road, is one of 68 students v/ho qualified for the Dean's List at Mathodist Collage for the spring soraestar. Ha also achieved this distinction the pracaeding semester. To qualify for the Dean's list, a student, must receive at least a r 'B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. Hanry is an English major at Methodist Collage. GREENE COUNTY LEDGER Mothodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdamB, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1985 Fayetteville, N. C.—Mrs. Roy L, Graves, Jr., the former Jerri Hoffman of Snow Hill, and Emilie Deloros Askew of Route 2, Snow Hill, aro two of 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for tho spring semester. To qualify for the Dean's list, a student must receive at least a "B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. Both of these students are primary education majors. RALEIGH TIMES Methodist College For innediate release Fayetteville, N. C. By: Charles K. McAdaras, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.—Richard B. McPeters, the son of Mr. and Mrs A. L. McPeters of Raleigh, is one of 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring semester. McPeters was a froshman at Methodist College this year and achieved the distinction of boing on the Dean's Its I: both semesters. GREENE COUNTY LEDGER Mothodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdamB, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1985 Fayetteville, N. C.—Mrs. Roy L, Graves, Jr., the former Jerri Hoffman of Snow Hill, and Emilie Deloros Askew of Route 2, Snow Hill, aro two of 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for tho spring semester. To qualify for the Dean's list, a student must receive at least a "B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. Both of these students are primary education majors. DAILY RECORD Methodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdans, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.--James S. Yearby, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaraes T. Yearby, and Myres Tarry Staafield, the son of Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Stanfield, are two of 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring semester. To qualify for the Dean's List a student mugt receive at least a "B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. • . • . FRANKLIN TIMES Methodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: C&arias X. McAda:ns, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1955 Fayetteville, N. C.—Nancy best, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bast, 110 Chavis Street, is one of the 66 students named on the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring semester. Miss Best has previously qualified for the Dean's List during her sophomore and junior years. To qualify for this honor a student must make at least a "B" on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. The members of the college's Methodist Student Movement elected Miss Best as its 1964-65 president. She is listed in Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. Miss Best graduated from Methodist College on May 31, 1965. CHOWAN HERALD • Methodist College For jw^ediate release Fttyett-sv I I I e, North Care I i ne Dy: Charles K. McAdaras, Director of Public Ha I at i ens July 12, 1965 . " Fsyetteville, M. C«-Mr», Guy R. Vtiisor^ Jr., daughter ®F Mr*, and Mr«. C. 0. Tyson of Edenton, is one of 66 students who q u a l i f i e d for the Deen's List «t fcfethodist College for* the spr i rig sesncater. She has prev i ous • y ach i ©ved th i s d i si; i net i on * To q u a l i f y for this horror, a student must make at least « *B" average on a minitayra of fifteen s©raeatee» hours. Mrs. W i l s o n is an Elementary Education major. STANDARD LACONIC ::hodi?3t College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K . McAdams , Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.—Mrs. Roy L. Graves, Jr., the former Jerri Hofinan of Snow Hill, and Emilie Delorao Askew of Itoute 2, Snow Hill, aro two of 65 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist . College for the spring semester, To qualify for the Dean's List a student must, receive at least a . "B" average on a minimum of ficteen semester hours, Both of these students are primary education majors. PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER Method J at C o l l ecj© For i ~w»ed i ate re i ease F a y o f i i a v i I i e , North Caroi ina 3y: Ciiaries Si. kicAdains, Director of P u b l i c Relations July 32, 1965 FayetteviISe, N. C.-Mjss A^ita Elisabeth WIssa, daughter «v for. and Mrs. W» D. W'iggs, Jr. of Cherry H i H , B. J«, is on® of 66 students who q u a l i f i e d for the Dean's List at Motbcdist College for the spring To qualify for this honor, a student Jaust aak© at least a "B" average on a ©aniraura of fifteen semester howra. • n I sa W i sgs i s a hi story ma j or at tlothod s st Co H &g&. i • SANFORD HERALD f-iechodiat College For indued!-at© re3ease FayetteviIle, North Carolina By: Charles K. i^cAdasis, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayettevi 1 le, N. C.-Rebecca Ann Kioiball, th© daughter of ?4r. and Mrs. Jasaea K i s u b a l l of Lesion Springs, is one of the 66 stedents who q u a l i f i e d for the Dean's List at Metho.diat College for the spring semester. To q u a l i f y for this honor, a student tauat aiake at laast a "S" average on a minirauffl of f i f t e e n seaiester hour*. ivlisa K i ^ b a i i graduated frora Methodist College on May 31, 1965 with a Bachelor of Arts decree in French. MABJON STAR For immediate release Methodist College of PU.UO July 12, 1955 <•• Fayetteville. N . C.~Anne Butler, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. « .E. Butxer of Marion, was «. "65 Chief Marshal! at Methodist CoUe3e. She is also one of the 66 students who qmliiisd for the spring tester D^s Ust. She has achieved this distinction previously. To qualify for the Dean's Ust a student must receive at least a r hours •B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester 1 Miss Butler is an English major. • FLORENCE MORNING NEWS Methodist College FOP jajsiediate rel®a»« Fayettevi I le, North Carol ina By: Charles K. McAda^s, Director Of P u b l i c Relations J u l y 12, 1965 I l o , H- C,,~DobLjy Wayrso Asj'iry, iac cot,} ov &4ra end Mrs. T. T. Atrtry, 1323 Sowann© Street, is on© of the 66 students nosaed on the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring se^ies'ier. To q u a l i f y for this honor a student must asake at least a "B" average on a Biinisnura of fifteen seoester hours• In addition to being listed in Who's _ W h o i n American C.O.I.I ecieQ _an,d Un i vera i t i es, f4r« Autry waa editor of th© 1965 edition of the Carl I Ion, the college yearbook. GIOUCESTER-MATHEWS GAZETTE JOURNAL Methodist College For immediate releasa Fayetteville, North Carolina Ey: Charles K. iviaAdaiuc, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N . C.—Gordon Dixon, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper E. Dixon, is one of the 66 students students who qualified for the Dean's list at Methodist College for the spring semester. To qualify for this honor, a student must make at least a "B:1 average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. Dixon served on the Judicial Council of the Student Government Association and as a section leader in the college chorus during his junior year. He is a senior and a history major. During the 1965-66 academic' year, he will serve as a Student Government Association Senator from the senior class. THE DAILY ADVANCE Methodist College For immediate release Fayettaville, North Carolina By: Charles K, McAdams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville/ N. C.—Lee Culpepper, the son of Mr. and Mrs. "Wilbur A. Culpepper of Elisabeth City, achieved the honor of being one of the two freshman Marshalls for the 1965 graduating exercises at r/Jethodist College. He is also one of the 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List for the spring semester. He was also named to this group at the end of the fall semester. ROBESONIAN thodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina 3y: Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C . — Jean Elizabeth Barkley, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John £. Barkley of St. Pauls, is one of tha 66 students ^v"ho qualified for the Dean's list at Methodist College for the spring semester. She achieved this distinction both semesters of her freshman year. To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must receive at least a "8" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. ST. PAULS REVIEW Methodist College For immediate release Payettevllio, North Carolina 3y: Charlss K. McAdanis, Director of Public Relations July 12, 19 G5 Fayetteville, N. C.—Jean Elizabeth Barkley, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E, Barkley of St. Pauls, is one of the 65 students who qualified for the Dean's List at .vTethodist Collage for the spring semester. She achieved this distinction both semesters of \^f freshroan year. To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must receive at least a "B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. THE VALDESE NEWS Methodist Co)lego For immediate release Fayettev511&t North Carolina 3y: Charles K. McAda^s, Director of Public Relations July, 12, 1965 FayetteviHe, N. C.-^rs- Amelia M a l t Harper, the daughter of Mr,, and Mrs. P. F. Ball of Rutherford College, is on© of the 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Mothodist College for the spring semester. • Vo,, Sl-lav-pcr' achieved the distinction or bos no on the Dean's List both semesters of her freshman year . at Methodist College. She was also the recipient of the Crump|er Foundation and Hugh M. Cunnings scholarships. DUNN DISPATCH Methodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K.. McAclams, Director of Public Relations July 12, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.—Five of the 66 students who qualified for the Dean's List at Methodist College for the spring semester were from the Dunn area. Two of those are from Dunn. They are: James S. Yearby, the son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Yearby, and Myres Tarry Stanfield, the son of • Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Stanfield. Three students from Wade qualified for this honor. They are: Thomas Harvey Matthews, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Matthews; Mrs. J. Nolan Smith, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grady F. Hill; and Mrs. James Hoyt Warren, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gainey. To qualify for the Dean's List a student must receive at least a "B" average on a minimum of fifteen semester hours. ENROLLMENT 1965-66 FIRST SEMESTER Full Time Day W 59 7 1 67 Part-time Dormitory Total T W M T W M T 115 133 147 280 189 206 395 18 12 8 20 23 15 38 5 4 3 7 8 4 12 138 149" 158 307 220 "22T 445 New Freshmen Returning Freshmen Transfer Freshmen Total Freshmen M 56 11 4 7T Returning Sophomores Transfer Sophomores Total Sophomores 56 4 60 38 94 3 7 4T 101 59 40 99 2 3 5 61 43 104 115 78 193 6 6 12 121 W 205" Returning Juniors Transfer Juniors Total Juniors 18 3 21 20 38 2 5 22 43 19 15 34 0 2 2 19 17 36 37 35 72 3 4 7 40 39~ 79 Returning Seniors Transfer Seniors Total Seniors 24 1 25" 17 41 1 2 IS 43 14 1 15 8 22 0 1 8 23 38 25 63 2 1 3 40 26 66 Post Graduates M 1 0 1 7 Day W 0 2 1 3" Grand_ Total T M "T T 1 190 206 396 2 23 17 40 2 9 5 14 F H2~I28~ 450" 0 1 1 115 79 194 £ 1 1 _Ji _§. 15 0 4 4 121 88 209 3 0 3 40 1 £ i 4 0 4 Jt Jt JL 4 4 3 9 "83 0 38 3 3 £0 £3 3£ 244 226 470 421 374 795 9 10 19 28 66 _?. _L _i 40 29 69 3 0 3 TotaKCredit courses )177 148 325 35 75 3 0 3 430 384 814 Special Students (non-credit courses) 2 2 4 432 386 /818, Grand Total RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS Cumberland Co. 96 Fayetteville 190 Fort Bragg 13 N. C. Counties Albemarle Alamance Beaufort B laden Brunswick Burke Carteret Catawba Cleveland Chatham Columbus Craven Dare Davidson Duplin Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Gaston Granville Guilford Halifax Harnett 1 8 1 6 5 3 8 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 5 18 1 16 1 3 21 1 19 . Haywood Hoke Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln Mac on Mecklenburg Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Ons low Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Person Pitt Rutherford Randolph Rowan Richmond Robe son Rockingham Sampson Stanley Vance Wake 1 3 3 2 14 9 1 1 15 4 5 -, Watauga Wayne Wilson Yadkin 1 10 180 Out of State x Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois 2 2 4 3 2 1 4 Indiana Maryland 1 8 1 8 3 4 1 4 2 12 8 6 23 1 2 29 New Jersey New Mexico New York Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Virginia 24 1 11 1 10 25 2 84 Religious Preferences Methodists 393 150 Baptists Episcopalians . 35 Christian Science Congregationalists 5 Catholics Jewish Lutherans Others No Pref. 29 5 10 40 44 M ENROLLMENT 1965-66 FIRST SEMESTER Full Time 24 1 25- Returning Seniors Transfer Seniors Total Seniors 18 3 21 Returning Juniors Transfer Juniors Total Juniors 56 4 60 Returning Sophomores Transfer Sophomores Total Sophomores 56 11 4 7T New Freshmen Returning Freshmen Transfer Freshmen Total Freshmen Day W 59 7 1 67 T 115 18 5 138 38 94 3 7 41 101 Dormitory Total -:; M' W T M " W ~T 133 147 280 189 206 395 12 8 20 23 15 38 4 3 7 8 4 12 149 158" 307 "220" 225" 445 59 40 99 115 78 193 2 3 5 6 6 12 61 43 104 T3T M 205" 14 1 15 17 41 1 2 18 43 19 15 0 2 19 17 20 38 2 5 22 43 34 2 36" 8 22 0 1 8 23 37 3 40 38 2 40 35 72 4 7 39 79 25 63 1 3 26 66 Post Graduates . Part-time - Day M W 1 0 0 2 1 1 7 3" Grand Total T M~ IT T 1 190 206 396 2 23 17 40 £ 9 5 14 5 222 228 450 0 1 1 115 79 194 £ _3 1 6 _i 15 0 4 4 121 88 209 38 28 66 2 _1 __3 40 29 69 0 3 3 0_ £ 0_ 0 3 3 Jt _! JL 44 39 83 3 0 3 1 £ 1 4 0 4 3 0 3 TotaKCredit courses )177 148 325 244 226 470 421 374 795 9 10 19 40 3 35 0 75 3 430 384 814 Special Students (non-credit courses) Grand Total 432 386 ,/818 (818 RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS 1 Haywood Hoke Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln Macon Mecklenburg Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Ons low Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Person Pitt Rutherford Randolph Rowan Richmond Robe son Rockingham Sampson Stanley Vance Wake Cumberland Co. 96 Fayetteville 190 Fort Bragg 13 N. C. Counties Albemarle Alamance Beaufort Bladen Brunswick Burke Carteret Catawba Cleveland Chatham Columbus Craven Dare Davidson Duplin Durham Edgec ombe Forsyth Gaston Granville Guilford Halifax Harnett 1 8 1 6 5 3 8 3 2 1 3 2 1 •i 5 18 1 16 1 3 21 1 19 Watauga Wayne Wilson Yadkin 3 3 2 14 9 1 1 15 4 5 1 10 1 2 Out of State 180 Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Maryland New Jersey New Mexico New York Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Virginia •J 1 4 4 1 8 3 4 1 4 2 12 8 6 2 2 4 3 2 8 24 1 11 1 10 25 2 84 Religious Preferences 23 Methodists 393 1 Baptists 150 2 Episcopalians . 35 29 Christian Science 1 Catholics Jewish Lutherans Others 29 5 10 40 ENROLLMENT 1965-66 FIRST SEMESTER Full Time Day Part-time Dormitory Total New Freshmen Returning Freshmen Transfer Freshmen Total Freshmen M 56 11 W T 59 115 7 18 M W T M ~~W T 133 147 280 189 206 395 12 8 20 23 15 38 71 67 138 119 158 307 Returning Sophomores Transfer Sophomores Total Sophomores 56 4 60" _3 7 41 101 Returning Juniors Transfer Juniors Total Juniors 18 3 21 20 38 2 5 22 43 19 is 0 2 19 17 Returning Seniors Transfer Seniors Total Seniors 24 1 2T 17 41 1 2 18 43 14 1 8 38 94 12 Day Grand Total M ~W~ T T W " f 1 0 1 190 206 396 0 2 2 23 17 40 1 1 2 220 "22? 445 2 3 5 99 115 78 193 _2 _3 5_ 61 ¥3 104 6 121 6 12 84 205 0 1 1 115 79 194 £ 1 1 _JL 9 15 0 4 4 121 88 209 59 is- 40 34 2 36 37 35 72 4 7 3 40" 39 79 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 0 4 40 35 75 4 4 8 44 39" 83 8 22 0 1 8 23 38 25 63 1 3 2 40 26 IF 0 0 0 38 28 66 2 1 3 40 29 69 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 0 3 Post Graduates TotaKCredit courses )177 148 325 222 228 450 244 226 470 421 374 795 9 10 19 3 3 430 384 814 2 Special Students (non-credit courses) 0 2 4 432 386 ,-818,' Grand Total RESIDENCE OF STUDENTS Cumberland Co. 96 Fayetteville 190 Fort Bragg 13 N. C. Counties Albemarle Alamance Beaufort B laden Brunswick Burke Carteret Catawba Cleveland Chatham Columbus Craven Dare Davidson Duplin Durham Edgecombe Forsyth Gaston Granville Guilford Halifax Harnett 1 8 1 6 5 3 8 3 2 1 3 2 1 1 5 18 1 16 1 3 21 1 19 Haywood Hoke Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Lincoln Macon Mecklenburg Montgomery Moore Nash New Hanover Ons low Orange Pamlico Pasquotank Person Pitt Rutherford Randolph Rowan Richmond Robes on Rockingham Sampson Stanley Vance Wake 1 3 3 2 14 9 1 1 15 4 5 1 1 4 4 1 Watauga Wayne Wilson Yadkin 1 10 1 2 180 Out of State Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Maryland New Jersey New Mexico New York Oklahoma Pennsylvania South Carolina Tennessee Virginia 2 2 4 3 2 1 8 24 1 11 1 10 25 2 84 8 3 4 1 4 2 12 Religious Preferences 8 6 23 Methodists 393 Catholics 150 Jewish 1 Baptists 2 Episcopalians . 35 Lutherans 29 Christian Science 1 Others Congregationalists 5 No Pref. Presbyterians 83 29 5 10 40 44 Methodist College For immediate release Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles K. McAdams, Director of Public Relations August 4, 1965 Fayetteville, N. C.—More than 350 women of Eastern North Carolina are ; expected to attend the Wesleyan Service Guild 'Weekend of Study and the annual School of Christian Mission of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the North Carolina Conference August 7-13. For the second consecutive year, these two activities will be held on the Methodist College campus at Fayetteville. For many years previously they were conducted on the campus of Duke University. The Wesleyan Service Guild Weekend will begin Saturday morning and continue $,oncf<xy through noon on F**^sy. The Guild is made up primarily of women who are employed during the week and, consequently, find it more convenient to participate in a weekend activity. Miss Harriet Fralix, Fayetteville, Miss Virginia Jones, Gary, and Miss Juanita Stott, Raleigh, will serve as Chairman, Registrar, and Business Manager, respectively, for the Guild Weekend. Miss Fralix is Christian Conference Secretary for the Wesleyan Service Guild. The School of Christian Mission will begin with registration on Monday morning .11 close i andj will at noon on Friday. The staff for the School of Christian Mission consists of Mrs. H. C. Turlington, Dunn, Dean; Mrs. L. C. Vereen, Raleigh, Assistant Dean; Mrs. C. H. Boyd, New Bern, Co-Ordinator; Mrs. E. B. Fisher, Greenville, Registrar; Mrs. C. D. Barclift, Fayetteville, Treasurer and Business Manager. Page 2 Mrs. Turlington and her staff have secured an especially capable faculty for the School. Mine Instructors "The Witness of Every Christian" will be taught by Mrs. David Cathcart, Dr. Samuel J. Womack, Jr., and Mrs. E. L. Hillman. Mrs. Cathcart is the wife of a Methodist Minister of the Florida conference; past president of the Southeastern Jurisdiction Woman's Society of Christian Service; served in various district and conference offices; and past member-at-large of the Board of Missions of The Methodist Church. Dr. Womack is Dean of the Faculty at Methodist College. He is the former Area Chairman of Religion and Philosophy at the college where he has served on the faculty since the college's opening in 1960. Mrs. Hillman of Durham is past president of the North Carolina Conference and of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the Woman's Society of Christian Service. She was a member of the team invited to Korea for Christian mission to schools and colleges in 1962. The course, "Social Issues for the Christian" will be taught by Dr. E. Clayton Calhoun and Mrs . T . S. Newbold. Dr. Calhoun is a former missionary to China and since 1956 has served as President of Paine College, Augusta, Georgia, Mrs. Newbold is a former teacher in the North Carolina public schools, a teacher in Leadership schools and Schools of Missions, and is former State President of United Church Women. In 1963 she was appointed State Representative for UNICEF. She is also a member of the United States Committee for UNICEF. In 1965 she was elected vice-president of the WSCS Southeastern Jurisdiction of the Methodist Church. Page 3 The third application group "Outreach Through Missions" will be taught by Mrs. T. N. Alexander, Miss Helen Rosser and Mrs. J . Fount Tillman. Mrs. Alexander of Pompano Beach, Florida, has served as missionary teacher and Director of Collegio Americano, Porto Alegre, Brazil, for 5 years. She has also served as director of Christian Education and has held offices on the Conference and District levels in the "Woman's Society of Christian Service. She has taught in Schools of Missions in 5 states. Miss Rosser of Macon, Georgia, is a former missionary to Korea. After her capture and imprisonment during the Korean War, she returned home but went back to Korea and was instrumental in establishing a haven for orphaned boys in Pusan. Mrs. Tillman, a native of Tennessee, is past president of the Woman's Division of the Board of Missions and is now serving on the Commission on Structure of Methodism Overseas and the Commission On Ecumenical Affairs of The Methodist Church. She is a member of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches . The Bible Study each day will be conducted by Dr. J. Lem Stokes. Dr. Stokes, the son of missionaries, was born in Korea. Since 1953 he has served as President of Pfeiffer College . Conference officers of the Wo man's Society of Christian Service are: President, Mrs. Sam A. Dunn, Enfield; Vice-President , Miss Camille Staton , Bethel; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. E. Davis, Sanford; and Treasurer, Mrs. Harold Mann, Sanford . FAYETTEVIUE OBSEHftt Methodist College FayetteviIJe, North Carolina By: Charioa K* NcAdama August 6, 1965 MISSION SCHOOL FACULTY - These three persona w i l t serve a* instructors for the school of Christian Mission «t Methodist College, August 7-13, At left are Or. E« CIayton CaJhoon, who will teach "Social iaaues of the Chriatiafl"; ^na, £. I. HHliian, taochlna "The Witn««* of Every Christian," and Mr-s. T. N« Alexander who w i l l teach "Outreach Through Missions." Th<a school is sponsored by the Woo^m's Society of Christian Service, and the Wesley an Service Guild of tho North Carolina Methodist Conference. Methodist College Fayetteville, North Carolina By: C. K. McAdama Oirector of Public Relations For Immediate Release Criantation activities f-DT^tho new year at Methodist College will conclude Sunday afternoon, September 13, with a reception for new students and their parents given by President and Mrs. L. Stacy Weaver. The reception will be held in the Student Union at 3 o'clock. This annual reception has become one of the traditions of the college. They have been held each year since the college opened for the first freshman class of 83 students in 1960. ^ Approximately 430 freshmen and transfer students have been enrolled for the 1965-66 academic year. Methodist College , Fayetteville, North Carolina By: Charles X. McAdams Director of Public Relations |3 For Immediate Release The Public Occasions Committee at Methodist College announces a 13-program concert-lecture series for the 1355-56 academic year. Each program in the series is open to the public, and will be presented in the Student Union at 3:00 P.M. All programs except the Fayetteville Symphony and the Oratorio are without charge. TiM series wiilropeji Tuesday evening, October 5, with a lecture by Professor Richard V/alser of the English Department of North Carolina State University. Other programs during the first semester are scheduled as follows: October 20, • Dr. H. "Warner Kloepfer, Danforth lecturer on human genetics. Dr. Kloepfer has the reputation of being an outstanding speaker in laymen's language on critical genetic • problems of the nuclear age. November IS, Nathan Twining, pianist, will give a concert. The son of General • Nathan Twining, retired Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr. Twining is a young pianist who has experienced a unique and phenominal rise in the concert world. The Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Dr, Willis Gates will give their fall concert on December 11. The Fayetteville Symphony under Dr. Gates' leadership is rapidly becoming one of the leading symphony orchestras of the area. . On December 13, The Methodist College chorus under the direction of Alan M. Porter, instructor in voice at the college, will give their annual Christmas program. The 50-voice chorus has experienced unbelievable progress in the five years since the college opened for the first class. On January 12, Ursula Zollankopf, contralto, will be prasantad in concert. Miss Zollenkopf, who lives In West Germany, is one of the fine European singers. She has had successes all over Europe, including her performance under Stravinsky in the world's first presentation of his oratorio "Threni" in Venice. Seven programs will be featarsd during the second semester. A concert on Fabruary 15, will feature Ottomar Borwitzky, 'Cellist. Mr. Borwitzky is principal 'cellist of the Bsrlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Alan Porter, tenor, will give a concert on February 22. Portar, who is instructor in voice at Methodist College, has been received enthusiastically in previous recitals at the college and elsewhere. • On March 1, Dr. Jose Maria Chaves, Danforth lecturer on Latin American Affairs, will give a lecture. Dr. Chaves is a Colombian educator, lawyer, diplomat and authority on Cervantes. Alirio Dias, classic guitarist, will give a concert on March 3. Mr. Diaz, bom in Venezuela, was assistant to the great Spanish guitar-virtuoso Andres Segovia and was presented by him to the public as one of this century's leading practitioners on the guitar. On March 19 the ?ayett3*/ille Symphony Orchestra will present their spring concert. Ths Collage Chorus will present, their spring concert on April 5. The concluding program will be an Oratorio by the Methodist College Chorus, Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra and guest soloists. This program will be presented on May 14.