Vol. XXXIII, No.3 September 1992 INSIDE: Summer Grads, Record Enrollment, Mentor Program, Planning Retreat, Lafayette Collection, 1991 Annual Giving Report ••• MOVING IN: ABIGAIL FINDLAY (L.) HELPS HEATHER TOMERUN (R.) MOVE IN TO GARBER HALL. NEW STUDENTS ARRIVED SATURDAY, AUGUST 22. CAMPUS NEWS Vol. XXXIII, No.3 September 1992 MethodistColiege Today(USPS 07+560) is published four times a year (April, August, September, and November) as a service to members of the Methodist College community and Methodist College alumni by the Public Relations Office and the Alumni Office of Methodist College, 5400 Ramsey Street, Fayetteville, NC 28311. Second Class postage paid at Fayetteville, NC 28302-9614. Postmaster: Send postage changes to: METHODIST COLLEGE TODAY 5400 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-1420 Alumni Association Offieers 1991-92 Roger Pait '85, President; Patric S. Zimmer '89, First Vice President; Janet Conard Mullen '72, Second Vice President, Terri Sue Moore Brown '85, Secretary. Directors: Cynthia Walker '65, Jerry Monday 71, Eugene Blount '77, Betty Jo Dent '77, Rachelle McCallum '82, Hennigan (Buddy) Kearns '84, Glen M. Hinnant '74, Mark Kendrick '83, William Kenneth (Kenny) Hall '84, Catherine (Katie) Bryant '68, June Davis Cass '89, Larry Philpott '73. Immediate Past President: Ray Gooch '72. Administrative Officers Dr. M. Elton Hendricks, President; Dr. Erik J. Bitterbaum, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Mr. Gene Clayton, Vice Presidentfor BusinessAffairs; Dr. William P. Lowdermilk, Vice Presidentfor Church and Community Relations; Mr. Beverly S. Pankey, Vice President for Development, Mr. Michael W. Safley '72, Vice President for Student Affairs. MC Today Staff Bill Billings '68, Editor Caroline Parsons, Assistant Editor Sylvia Williams, Sports Editor Kim Honan, Typographer Dr. Robett Perkins and Bill Billings, Photographers. Methodist College Today is produced with PageMaker software on a Macintosh Plus computer. Printed by Alliance Press, Fayetteville, NC. Circulation: 11,000 COpies. Methodist Collegedoesnot discriminate on the basis of race, color,sex, national or ethnic origin or religious denomination in the administration of its educational policies, scholarshipsand loan programs, athletics or any other college-administered programs. .A. Me 's HISTORY PROFESSOR WAS THE THIRD FACULTY MEMBER TO ADDRESS A GRADUATING CLASS. PARKER WILSON ADDRESSES SUMMER GRADUATES Speaking At Methodist College's final summer commencement August 30, senior faculty member R. Parker Wilson challenged 34 graduates to build upon the liberal arts foundation and to live positive lives. Mr. Wilson told the graduates that their diplomas represent the faculty's best efforts to give them a liberal arts foundation for a lifetime of learning. The history professor described several former faculty members he had known during his 30 years at Methodist. He cited the following as good examples of the liberal arts tradition of learning: Dr. Charles Ott, Mrs. Pauline Longest, Mr. Bruce Pulliam, Mrs. Georgia Mullen, Dr. John Tobler, Dr. Janet Caveno, and Dr. Joe Plyler. The speaker concluded his address by quoting from a popular song recorded by the late Bing Crosby: "Accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative. Latch on to the affirmative. Don't mess with Mr. In-Between." Mr. Wilson brought the house down with a quip he often tosses to new graduates as they walk through a cordon of faculty and staff following commencement. "Go forth and 1992: Me TODAY commencement. In the future, the college will hold commencement exercises in May and December only. The following is a list of August 1992 graduates: Bachelor of Arts Fayetteville: Jennifer Lynn Bell, art; JeanPaul Haire, French; Thomas C. Hiner, magna cum laude, Spanish; Anita Sheryl Mclaurin, sociology; Gregory Bruce Mulligan, political science; Sherry Lynn Overton, mass medial communications. Neighboring Communities: Antoneya F. Bond, Pope AFB, social work; Jennifer Ann Seamon, Linden, writing; Charles Roscoe Rhine, Jr., Raeford, Spanish. Bachelor of Science Fayetteville: James Gerald Adams, sociology; Mark Dean Carver, history; Wendy Lee Cline, sociology; Toni Ruth Goodloe, cum laudl!, accounting; Timothy Shane Gravitt, history; Terri Lynn Jarvis, magna cum laude, social work; Keith Webb Johnson, psychology; Patricia Sue McComas, business administration; Arvadia Diane Pittman, accounting; Laura Anne Schumacher, cum laude, biology. Neighboring Areas: Dale Glenn Briggs, Cameron, business administration with a concentration in professional golf management; Jonathan Eric Williams, Hope Mills, economics. Other Areas: Willard John Bloom, (Please see GRADS page 3) multiply," he said. "Send your children (money) and maybe I'll still be here." Four students were graduated with honors during Methodist's 19th and SEPTEMBER final summer 2 CAMPUS NEWS METHODIST ENROLLS 1,437; 548 IN RESIDENCE HALLS Methodist College began its 33rd academic year by enrolling 1,072 students in its regular day program. The new total breaks the college's previous record of 1,069, set in the fall of 1967. Another 365 students enrolled in the evening program at Methodist producing a total enrollment of 1,437, up 4.6 percent over last fall's 1,373. Evening enrollment was down seven percent from last fall's 391. Residential enrollment-the number of students living in the four residence halls-totalled 548. This is the largest number since the fall of 1968 and represents a 13.6 percent gain over last fall's 482. "Methodist College continues to grow both in size, reputation and national visibility, said Dr. M. Elton Hendricks, college president. "It is a pleasure to have so many new, wonderful students with whom to work. I am proud of the entire staff at Methodist college whose creative FALL OPENING ENROLLMENT METHODIST COLLEGE ~.< ...................... ............ ............. "" 1986-92 efforts and hard work made our progress possible." Methodist also enrolled a record 510 new students-302 freshmen, and 208 transfers. The Admissions Office reports that 292 of the new students are living on campus and 218 are commuters. The new students represent 33 different states and eight foreign countries. Sixtysix percent (335) of the new students are from North Carolina and 46 percent (235) are from Cumberland County. , --.------- _-------- --- - -.- -",- , , ", - , , ·1···.·.····.········.·· 1986 1987 1988 1989 1991 1990 1992 ~ ... ....... .... . . ....... ..••• , •..• q </ ···1·············································· ..•......•.....•......•......•...........•.•...•........ <1..··················l.J·······.·······.··.M<·.·N····.· ..·.•.····• .. ............ 1.527 . .. ···.•·.••· [)UEIdsPAeE 1,550 • ••••••••••• ~'~~l(L'Ifd.~:;E ••••••••• ' Cl..A$$I~II:l:)NEWS< 1,500 .............. ..... --.--,- 1,450 .. _----.-.-------- - . ....-.,.,., -- ,." """, "'.,." .. , , "", , ... . .·lf~PJI$INIf-lI""4~~<\ 1,400 '1'~'~~~~~H~~~~~ 1,375 1,350 Fli:.•.9Flfll ••• »1 .•.•.••• TIii:\ ••••••• • 1,300 ti()\I~Mr:liFl'AAIJ~P< 1,250 ~~~p"'H~< 1,255 1,200 1,150 ~ 1,100 ~. e 1,050 I ':i" 1,000 " , 950 , 900 850 ,'./ I ,072 1,013 • 955 // /' -e_ 969 / 982/ _e__ -e /' 831 800 700 650 600 550 484 500 450 44'- ••• 400 "' 350 ••• ALL 34 ••• STUDENTS EVENING ..; •• •• 492 Jli. ••••••••• . 434 ~~ DAy-----RESIDENT SEPTEMBER 548 • • •• ' •••••••••• 1992: Me CONTINUED GRADUATION-FROM PAGE 2 Milton, PA, business administration with a concentration in professional golf management; John H. Klein, Jr., Richmond, VA, business administration; Robert Edward Lee, Drakes Branch, VA, business administration. BACHELOR OF MUSIC 750 350 .••• G()~~ ••• ~s\Y~ ................... ••• ~~ •••IN0!••••••••• •• TODAY 3 Fayetteville: Stephanie S. Davisson, vocal performance. ASSOCIATE OF ARTS Fayetteville: Billy Canterbury, business administration; Johnnie A. Gleaves, general studies; Gregory Bruce Mulligan, business administration; James Glen Pairmore, general studies; Gerald Ray Wheeler, III, Persian studies. Neighboring Areas: Raphael LaMont Grose, Ft. Bragg, business administration. Other Areas: Adrian Yunson, Honolulu, HA, business administration. CAMPUS NEWS MC STUDENTS TOUR CANCUN ~ALlSDAIR MACDONALD Jose Cruz, Methodist College's adjunct instructor of Spanish, led a tour of 40 people to Cancun, June 25-28. Ten of the participants were full or parttime students in the Department of Foreign Languages and several were accompanied by their spouses. The amazingly low price of $300 for four days and three nights in two-star accommodations with all transportation included was an attractive feature. What no one knew ahead of time was that upon arrival the group was to be moved to a four-star hotel on the beach at no extra cost! For those who could tear themselves away from the sun and water, there were many interesting activities to fill their days and nights: trips to the Mayan ruins of T alum, the pyramid at Chicken Itza in the jungle, snorkeling for incredible views of corral and exotic fish, shopping in the bazaars, dancing and socializing at a popular resort town, and a performance of the Ballet Folklorico. No one could do all these things, but each one could chose whatever tour or activity he or she preferred. Jose Cruz, their leader, was a traveler's "dream"-a native speaker who could help with language or cultural snags. He looked after the traveling details that otten prevent the tourist from fully appreciating the native scene. Jose was a lot of fun! Post-trip comments from MC students who reflected upon their experiences attest to the positive impact and success of the trip, and help others to share some of their excitement: "Visiting those ancient Mayan sites was a dream-come-true for my husband and me. It was wonderful to get to use my Spanish. I never felt intimidated when speaking to taxi drivers, tour guides, waiters, 1m vmdadort!s. I can not begin to tell you what this has done for my selfconfidence." Mary Lou Herring, Spanish minor and K-6 certification completed in Summer '92. "I had a great time in Cancun-it was just too short. ,The guides were great and so were the people, the weather, and the food." Norma Garcia, Spanish major and K-12 certification completed in Fall '91. "The Mayan ruins are among the most interesting sights I've ever seen ... I (SECOND FROM LEFT) AND NEWLY MADE FRIENDS AT THE MAYAN RUINS OF TALUM NEAR CANCUN. wouldn't have liked being a prisoner during the war at T alum 900 years ago, waiting to have my heart cut out as a sacrifice to please their gods." Alisdair MacDonald, Spanish minor, Class of'96. "The trip was the kind of adventure I like: flexibility to do what I wanted without having to worry about the practical details. Going with the Methodist College group led by Jose Cruz took care of that." Tammy Rappold, Adjunct Instructor of Spanish. Others in the Methodist College family whose reactions were similar include: Carolyn Scoggins, Melody Lemons, Suzanne Taylor, Pam Johnson, Earl Button, and John Schuller. Mr. Cruz is already making plans for a trip to Spain next summer. Anyone interested in signing up should contact Mr. Cruz or Mrs. Elaine Porter in care of the Foreign Language Department. COLLEGE EXPANDS MENTOR PROGRAM Methodist College's mentor program for incoming freshmen will serve approximately 100 students this fall. Iflast year is any indication, almost nine out of ten participants will succeed academically in their first year of college. "We started the program last fall with 39 students," said Program Director Jesse Smith." "Using high school records and SAT scores, the Admissions staff required 39 students to enter the •. JESSE SMITH program as a condition of acceptance." Those assigned to the program,must take a two-semester "study skills" class which meets twice weekly for one hour. The class deals with subjects such as note-taking, time management, critical thinking, and building self-esteem. Instructors use a textbook entitled Stratt![;it!sfor Sucuss. Last year's class was taught by Jesse Smith and Mike Safley, vice president for student affairs. This year's instructors are: Dr. Wenda Johnson, Rev. Carrie Parrish and Alan Coheley. Smith is an Army veteran and a Methodist graduate (B.A. business administration). Before taking over the mentor program in the spring of'91, he worked as a marketing representative for Methodist at Fort Bragg. Mr. Smith enjoys working with freshmen, saying many need "someone to keep an eye on them academically and lend encouragement as they adjust to college life." "The best part of our first year was the feedback we received from the participants," said Mr. Smith. "We interviewed each one at the end of the class and most were very positive about the experience." Three sections of "study skills" are being offered this year in order to reduce class size and maximize individual attention. In (Please see STUDY SKILLS page 5) SEPTEMBER 1992: Me TODAY 4 LOOKING TO THE FUTURE RETREAT YIELDS IDEAS FOR IMPROVING THE COLLEGE During the second week in August, more The retreat was suggested by Vice President for Financial Affairs Gene than 120 Methodist College faculty and staff spent a "day apart" brainstorming about the • Clayton, who had participated in a similar planning activity conducted by the future of the college. Approximately twoFayetteville Area Chamber of Commerce. thirds of the college's full-time staff participated. College President Elton Hendricks Employees met in mixed groups of seven opened each day's retreat by speaking to all participants in the Science Auditoor eight to generate ideas for improving the rium. "This is the first time all members college, to prioritize ideas, and to hear group reports in a wrap-up session. of the college family have come together to think about where we are and where The planning retreat took place August 13 and 14; each day about half of the faculty we're going," he said. "I hope three and staff participated in group meetings things will result: 1) you will get to while the other half remained on the job. know some co-workers you might not A ALAN COHELEY RECORDS SUGGESTIONS OFFERED IN A GROUP MEETING AUGUST MENTORS TEACH STUDY SKILLSaddition, the criteria for placement have been broadened somewhat in an attempt to reach more freshmen who need academic support to make the transition to college work. "Our goals are to help students get off to a good start in college and continue to completion of a degree," notes the director. "Last year's mentor students had an average GPA (grade point average) of 2.05 at the end of first semester. To be released from the program, a student must achieve a 2.0 GPA by the end of the freshman year." Aside from teaching study skills, counseling, and keeping tabs on students' grades and class attendance, Jesse Smith 14. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 also directs a peer tutoring program, in which MC students are paid to tutor other students in various subjects. "There's a great demand for tutoring, especially in math," he noted. "Students needing tutors are usually refereed by faculty, but any student can request a tutor directly through me." In 1991-92 seven students tutored others on a full-time basis. On the average, students req'!esting this service receive two tutoring sessions a weFk. Jesse Smith and his boss Mike Safley are confident that the "study skills" class and "peer tutoring" will help the college retain more students by helping students succeed. SEPTEMBER 1992: Me TODAY 5 otherwise know, 2) you will begin to think more about the future of the college, and 3) you will better realize the importance of your role at the college." Dr. Hendricks said Methodist had made dramatic progress since 1984 in the areas of student recruitment, retention, visibility and reputation, facilities, and overall quality. He said Methodist's fall enrollment "may be the largest in the histoty of the college." The president said Methodist is staffed by "some very fine people" who have "helped bring us to the threshold of greatness." Saying the college needs daring spirits and entrepreneurs willing to do new things, he told those present, "Please do not hesitate to offer new ideas." Dr. Hendricks said ideas generated during the planning retreat would be compiled, discussed by the Administrative Committee, and forwarded to work areas where they could be implemented. After each group identified its top three priorities, the members discussed ways to implement their Number One goal. A spokesman for each group presented the group's top priority and means of implementation to all participants at each day's wrap-up session. The top suggestions presented by the 14 different groups, are: 1) Improve inter-campus relationships and communication. 2) Increase incentives to attract more academically talented students. 3) Increase funding for academic programs. 4) Construct a new academic building. 5) Enhance the quality of education. 6) Improve student life through better social and religious activities and by repairing the dorms. 7) Expand career planning and placement services. 8) Improve the Evening College program so evening students will feel a greater sense of belonging. 9) Improve retention of students. 10) Conduct a manpower study and provide more personnel and staff where needed to improve services. 11) Improve maintenance of buildings and campus lighting. NOTE· The list above was condensedto eliminate duplication. More than 500 ideas for improving the college were generated at the August planning retreat. CAMPUS IN DAVIS LIBRARY, MALLETT-ROGERS & COMMUNITY HOUSE LAFAYETTE COLLECTION REOPENS To THE PUBLIC Methodist College has reopened the Lafayette Collection in Davis Memorial Library and published a brochure describing its contents. "Now more people can learn more about the French general for whom Fayetteville is named," said Mrs. Elaine Porter, associate professor of French. "Our new brochure describing the collection is available through Davis Memorial Library." During the last year, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Susan Pulsipher, director of library services at Methodist, have spent many hours preserving, cataloging, and rearranging the 535 items in the collection. Now the Lafayette Collection has been reopened to the public for historical research. While the bulk of the collection remains in the Archives Room in Davis Memorial Library, a portrait and bust of the Marquis de Lafayette, a wool rug and four pieces of antique furniture have been moved to the second floor of the Mallett-Rogers House, the college art gallery. Last fall the MallettRogers House was added to the Historic Sites brochure published by the Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitors' Bureau. The oldest and most fragile documents (letters, maps, newspapers) have been deacidified, encapsulated and filed in special cabinets in the Archives Room. Vertical blinds have been installed on the front window to screen out the sunlight. A table and chairs have been added to accommodate researchers. "What used to be a museum display is now a valuable research tool," noted Mrs. Pulsipher. "Some of the most valuable artifacts-18 letters written by Lafayette, commemorative medals, postage stamps, books, plates-will become part of rotating displays in glass cases." The restoration of the Lafayette Collection was the result of a sabbatical project undertaken by Mrs. Elaine Porter, head of Methodist's Foreign Language Department. During the spring and summer of 1991, Mrs. Porter studied the collection and formulated a plan for its preservation and promotion as a historical resource. With help from Director of Library Services Susan Pulsipher, the N.C. Dept. of Archives and History, the staff of Fayetteville's Museum of the Cape Fear, the Lafayette Society, former college librarian Georgia Mullen, and others, she was able to completely reorganize the collection. A .A MRS. ELAINE PORTER ANSWERS A QUESTION FOR A FRENCHMAN. VISITORS INSPECT LAFA YETTE ARTIFACTS IN THE ARCHNES ROOM. ~ new brochure describing the collection was designed and printed last winter. Quite appropriately, the first group to see the "new" Lafayette Collection was a 40-member tour group from France. The group visited Fayetteville, and Methodist College Saturday, August 12 as part of an American history study tour of the eastern U.S. The visit to the college was arranged by the Fayetteville Area Convention and Visitors' Bureau which had sent the tour leader information about the Lafayette Collection. Mrs. Porter is currently working on a detailed user's guide to the Lafayette Collection which will be done in printed form and as an audio cassette. The guide will be made available to tour groups or individual research,ersby the library staff. As the college reopened the Wayette Collection to the public, Mrs. Porter was quick to give credit to outside supporters of the preservation project. "We are deeply indebted to the late Norma Womack (former director of SEPTEMBER 1992: Me TODAY 6 library services), Mrs. Martha Duell and the Lafayette Society, the N.C. Dept. of Archives and History, the Faymevilk ObsmJ(r- Tim(s, and all who have given money or artifacts to the collection," said Mrs. Porter. "We are proud that Methodist College is able to help preserve the memory of Fayetteville's namesake and the man who helped America win its independence." CAMPUS NEWS EDUCATION ALUMNI PLAN WORKSHOP, BUFFET The Methodist College Teacher Education Alumni Association has enjoyed a successful quarter. The executive board has been busy completing the organizational plans for the association. In May, MCTEAA sponsored a Luncheon/Fashion Show on campus with fashions presented by the J.c. Penney Store at Cross Creek Mall. Some exciting activities are planned for the Fall '92 quarter. First, the MCTEAA will host the Polaroid Education Program: Visual Learning Workshop. This workshop for teachers will be held on Saturday, Oct. 10. Two sessions are planned (9:00 a.m.-12:00 and 1:30 p.m-4:30 p.m.). Each session will be limited to one hundred participants. Teachers will learn how to operate a Polaroid 600 instant camera which is theirs to keep at the end of the workshop. The cost will be $9 (non-refundable), and each participant is required to bring to the workshop one pack of Polaroid "600 Plus" film. If interested, please complete the form printed on this page and return to the address noted on the application. The second event planned for the fall is a Homecoming Breakfast Buffet on Saturday, Oct. 17 at 9 a.m. in the Berns Student Center. A guest speaker will be present for this event. The cost will be $7. The Methodist College Teacher Education Alumni Association is committed to the promotion of the Teacher Education Program at Methodist College and meeting the need for well-trained and dedicated teachers. Membership is open to all persons graduated and certified by the Methodist College Department of Education. If you meet this simple requirement, we invite you to join the group. Phone (919) 630-7060 for an application. POLAROID EDUCATION PROGRAM VISUAL LEARNING WORKSHOP CoST: $9 (NON-REFUNDABLE) PARTICIPANTS: PARTICIPANTS BRING TO THE WORKSHOP ONE PACK OF POLAROID RECEIVE: A POLAROID 600 CL "600 PLUS" FILM INSTANT CAMERA Name: _ Street Address: _ City: State: Zip: _ I WOULD LIKE TO ATTEND THE FOLLOWING SESSION (PLEASE CHECK ONE): __ SESSION #1 9:00 __ SESSION #2 1 :30 p.M.-4:30 A.M.-12:00 (NOON) P.M. All sessions will be conducted in the Science Building, Room 222 on the Methodist College Campus, Saturday, October 10, 1992. Please complete this application and return, along with your check for $9 to the following address: METHODIST COLLEGE TEACHER EDUCATION ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 5400 RAMSEY STREET· FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28311-1420 Please make checks payable to MCTEAA COLLEGE OPENS VVITH FACULTY MEMBERS Eighteen persons have joined the fulltime faculty at Methodist College. The new faculty are: Dr. Joan Bitterman, assistant professor of French and German; Mrs. Theresa P. Clark, assistant professor of business administration; Mr. Brian Cole, track and cross country coach; Ms. Jill Craig, head athletic trainer; Mr. Joseph F. Doll, professor of business administration and director of the Reeves School of Business; Ms. Juanita Heyward, assistant professor of elementary education. Also, Ms. Tracey Hubiak, cheerleading coach; Dr. George Maguire, assistant professor of chemistry; Mr. Robert McEvoy, instructor of physical education SEPTEMBER 1992: Me TODAY 7 18 NEW and men's basketball coach; Mr. James Peeples, instructor of physical education and assistant baseball coach; Mrs. Carla Raineri-Maldonado, instructor of biology; CPT Terry Sopher, assistant professor of military science (dept. head); Also Mr. James c. Sypult, instructor of physical education and football coach; Mr. John Topolski, instructor of physical education and athletic trainer; Dr. Theresa Warrell, assistant professor of business administration and director of professional tennis management; MSG Danny West, instructor of military science; Mr. Stephen Williams, assistant professor of elementary education; Todd Schayes, assistant basketball coach. WHAT'S NEW rm :::::::::::-:-:- :::::-::>:::::::::::::::::.:::::<::- De~tAJ.umsi ............. .. ................ . ••• i<lt:p~••• lbtJ.~tm.~~ye.f.im~.tc>m~~·.· •. .. ------- ,.-- "" - - -" , " ---." . " ,.--.- •••••• p~~~9.a~~4.'ft19m~pmmgf~~, ••••••• •...................................................... •• ·•· ~(:~Q~~r!.~.!~,.1JP~ •• p~#en~.mt:l1······ Y(j9~g9W~~~]i9Pw4"e~~$fc. .. •·.·.·~~~~*9~t~)fiy.n9m •~~ ••• •<tlI~ ••••••• 9Y.·.·. •••• ·.·~J9~g •••• ~~ OUT WITH THE OLD NEW! ••~~4~4ic!9 ••••••IN WITH THE ···watfh..tH~kias•• ror.afewdiw~•••• Oi •••• • V.P. •••••• y()~~~t1l~~riltl1~~d.r~#;siJt~¢ ••••••• ••••••• ~~f~~.~~pt~~~9f~f#it~••••••• weth< ............. ......... " . -.-.--., -.--_ ------- . - ." -- - .. ---.-" - -- HOST OF STUDENT ••••••••••••••• 'l'h~im.~ffiH(: •••• Wla~brt...• Jjtilit~... .. ·· ••••• ~f.~~~ •.• ••••••• vvil~lol~.I~I£I;~j ••••••• - ", -,., , ", ,., ,." , " ", " , " _- "" ..... ... ~ MIKE SAFLEY, BRIAN RAVENEL AND A .. . --., FOR STUDENT AFFAIRS , VOLUNTEERS SPENT •• ·•i:ltlrI~~J:i61:~.li~id.~riik~4~u:lr •• ..•••••• 28 500 OLD FRIDA y AUG. REMOVING yi~~lil~ ••• ••••· MA TTRESSES AND INSTALLING 500 NEW ONES IN THE FOUR RESIDENCE HALLS. p~~M@~~tt\~..J.~~i~6¢i~l·· 'ti9~)9Q~f9~~~9*~~mg¥9*,< ••••••• !lr~II.lka\ralB~'~B! ••••• •• W~a&rtd,> , , , ", "" , , " "", " ... .. ,." .. .. - - -.-.-, ",."." , .. ,., .. ".-- , .... • ••••••••••• $94(:)#'t4##y .•....tt1~tIt()$eg;tt~.····· ••• ····~mtlt9l<lqiS!lma.~~ •••••••••• aJ14plan· wbtWiffii:J$.i·········· . . ........ " ,- " ,,, . .......... ................ $ili¢erelyrd> .... " ·······························,,·.;;;;:.;;;;:······n················9······ ..................... . J ... ···Ch··· . lb· '·6•.•. ~mu·<l.i~.tyrow;n..(), ..... " "" "" .. """ - " -- " ··~ry~llilp9!!m'73 .. """ " -,,----- "., "' ,, . > . BOARD OF VISITORS FORMS COMMITTEES The Board of Visitors met July 22. Twenty-two members were present. Three committees were formed to facilitate board involvement in the life of Methodist College. The three committees met will address ways to enhance the public image of the college, to develop methods to improve recruitment and retention, and to explore new avenues to generate additional resources for the college. The new officers for 1992 are: Chairman Harvey Wright, II, ViceChairman David McCune, and Secretary Jerry Keen. Four new members of the board were introduced-John Cline, John H. Wheeler, Graham Blanton, and Jimmy Townsend. Each year Methodist College presents an award to one ofits business/economics graduates for outstanding entrepreneurial achievements. The award is presented at the College's Economic Outlook Symposium in November. I nominate Mr.!Mrs.!Ms. Company: Position Address City State The nominee graduated from Methodist in rently employed a~ of this person's entrepreneurial skills is enclosed. Signature of Nominator Address Zip (year) and is cur. Supporting evidence Phone CitY. State THE DEADLINE FOR NOMINATION IS OCTOBER Zig 15, 1991 PLEASE SEND THIS FORM TO: DR. SID GAUTAM, CENTER FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP, METHODIST COLLEGE, SEPTEMBER 5400 1992: Me RAMSEY STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, NC TODAY 8 28311. ANNUAL REPORT 1991 ANNUAL GIFT REPORT To FRIENDS OF· METHODIST COLLEGE To Friends of Methodist College: GIVING LEVELS TRUSTEES' ASSOCIATES $10,000 AND OVER PRESIDENT'S SOCIETY $1000-$9,999 MONARCH SOCIETY $500-$999 The United Methodist Church and its agencies; trustees; our alumni; businesses; friends and parents all contributed to make 1991 a year to be thankful for, considering the continued recession and Operation Desert Storm which severely impacted the local economy. The Independent College Fund of North Carolina, various foundations, and many other scholarship donors allowed the college to provide money in scholarships to bring students here who might not have been able to afford a fine private education. Your support enables Methodist College to continue to provide accountants, teachers, lawyers, ministers and many other professionals to the area, as well as empower adult learners to prepare for advanced positions while holding part or full-time employment. A large number of our graduates remain in the Cumberland County area; therefore, your financial support of the college constitutes an important investment in improving the cultural and business climate of the county, as well as the state and our nation. GREEN AND GOLD SOCIETY $250-$499 We appreciate your investment in Methodist College. We look forward to graduating future students with not only the knowledge and skills that prepare them for the job market, but also with a broad education in the liberal arts that will give them a richer life, with knowledge and Christian values that transcend marketplace values. We encourage you to continue to be a part of this great undertaking to bring students of all ages to development of their full potential. CENTURY CLUB $100-$249 BELL TOWER CLUB UP TO This Annual Gift Report recognizes the many fine supporters of Methodist College who gave so generously of their time, talent, and treasure during 1991. The college received $151, 221.52 in gifts within Cumberland County and $223,193.89 in gifts from outside sources. $99 Sincerely, M. Elton Hendricks President ALUMNI AND FRIENDS TRUSTEES' ASSOCIATES Independent College Fund Dr. and Mrs. W. Robert Johnson Dr. and Mrs. William Jordan Mn. Ruth H. Palmer Mr. and Mn. R. Dillard Teer North Carolina Conference UMC Mr. and Mn. John Wyatt. Jr. PRESIDENT'S SOCIETY Air Force Aid Soc. Ed. Grant R.v. James A.Awnan Ms. Frances J. Bass Mr. TerryW. Boo.e Mrs. Mary W. Browning Dr. Sid Gautam General Board of Higher Education and MinistryUMC Mr. Robert C. Hatfield Mr. Ralph F. Hoggard Mr. and Mrs. Harvey T. Wright. II Mr. and Mn. James Uigler MONARCH SoCIETY GREEN AND GOLD CIRCLE Antioch Baptist Church Mr. Michael Jam •• Alloway The R.verend Chester J. Andrews Mr. Jerry Hogge Dr. William E. Homer Mrs. Marie Murray Howard. J.J. Wiggim Memorial Trust The John 1. Hawkes Sohool Fund Dr. John Wesley Jones Mr. Jerry A. Keen Kiwanis Oub ofFayeueville The: Navajo Nation Mr. David R. Nimocks. Sr. Dr. I H. O'Hanlon Dr. Richard W. Pearce Fayer:teville Business and Professional Mr. aurtes Gaddy Mr. Robert H. Cooper R.v. Jerry W. Crihb Mr. and Mn. Neill A. Currie Mr. and Mn. Stephen M. Whilden Mr. David T. Woodard Buena Vista Coggin Women',Oub Mr. and Mn. Gene Clayton Highlander Chapter Hoffer ~main~ Annwty Trust Mn. Pauline Longest Dr. Bill Lowdermilk Mr. Murray O. Duggins Mr. and Mn. S. S. Dunn Edenton Street United Me Dr. Janette S. Rosenberg Mr. Robert H. Shott Mr. Louis Spilman Mr. Marlin M. Stewart Ms. Amy Swing Lt. Co!. and Mrs. Waher M. Swing Mr. Sherrill Williams Mr. Harrison H. Williamson Haymont UM Mens Church Dr. and Mr •. M. E. Hendricks Mr. F. D. Byrd. Jr. Mr. Walrer B. aark D •••.field Besch High School Mr. Chari •• M. Reeves. Jr. Mr. William D. Sherman St. John's Episcopal Church Dr. and Mrs. Frank P. Stout Dr. J. Richard Pratt The Priscilla Maxwdl Endicott Scholarship Fund Mr. Bruce R. Pulliam Fairmont Trinity United Methodist Church West Fayetteville Rotary Oub Educational Testing Service J. Green and J. Lewi. Sch. Prog. Mr. Jerry D. Daughtry Mr. and Mn. William P. Estes Fayetteville Roruy aub Fayetteville.fue2. Olapter National Nso. of Accountants Mr. Roy J. Haddock Mr. Thomas S. Hat6dd Mr. James Danid Highsmith Holt Oil Company Dr. Bert Ishee Army Emergency Relief Mn. Bernice P. Barrett James Townsend Fint Fiddity Dr. Stanley G. Griffin M •. Betry U. Fl •• ry Bass Air Conditioning Mr. Jam •• Allen Bled.oe Lafayette Society Mn. Barbara A. Lawson Help Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mn. Lehman Johnson Mn. Appie W. Bolton Mn. Linda Bruton Bourland Mr. Leslie J. Kauzitz Maine State Golf Association BuJlard Fumicure Company Mr. and Mn. James P. Butler Dr. Swan K. Cheek Pilot Club of Fayeueville ~. and Mrs. Charles R. Pittman Mr. Richard 1. Player, Richard D. McDonough Mr. and Mn. John F. Chilton. Mr. Jerome B. aark. Jr. Jr. Estate Mr. and Mrs. Marcus G. McKnight Lt. Col. Gary G. Miller Mr. Trevor G. Morris Mr. Alton C. Parker Mr. W. Danid Pate III Dr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Clark. III GolfSch. ~ Mr. Donald W. Jones Mr. Josepb Pereira Ms. Margaret Pierce Miss Katharine Purdie L Mr. Jo.eph E. Quion. Jr. SEPTEMBER 1992: Me TODAY 9 ANNUAL REPORT Mr. CharI •• G. Rote. Jr. Mr. Dean Ru ••dl Dr. Hal Hmschm Mr. Otari •• M. Speegle. Jr. Mn. Catherine Bryant Mr. Richard L. Heosdale Dr. and Mrs. Frank S. Shaw Mr. and Mn. David Herring Mr. and Mn. James Spiegd Mr. and Mrs. Dickie S. Spons Ms. Marie L. Bryant Mr. James C. Buie Mr. J•• ", C. Smith Mr. L. SDeed High Mr. Hmry Holl Mn. Thomas Hood Dr. Scott Stapleton Mn. Sandra J. Stolur Mn. Betty G. Buoce Mn. Kathryo G. Buody Mr. and Mn Jam •• S. Harpe< Rn. Claudia G. Harrelson M •. Ruby M. Strouse Mr. Harold J. Srurdivaot Mr. DanDY Burrouglu Ms. Elouise Burrus Mn. ADD C. Hatcher Miss Mary Lou Suddath Ms. Elizabeth O. Sweet Mr. and Mn. Murocy Burocy Mn. M •• edith S. Cade Mr. Quis Cammack Mn. Gayndle C. Haynes Mr. Henry Heatb, Jr. Ms. Carol L. Higy Mrs. Bonnie. L. Cannaday Mr. G. A. Cardell Mr. and Mn. Richard W. Higy Mn. Virginia R. Hildebrand Hiokamp·. Jewd ••• Mr. Rodoey F. Hobbs Mr. Paul Holland Mr. and Mn Jam •• Stanley Mrs. George C. Stewart, Mr. Joe Stilwdl Jt. Dr. William E. Howil •• , Jr. Mr. W. Lyndo Tippett Mr. and Mn. C. H. VODRo.mberg Wachavia Bank &Trust Company Mr. and Mn. Stephen Walker Mr. Robert T. WiI.oD. Jr. Mr. and Mn. J"'Y Huckabee Dr. Jack M. Hunter •. Mr. and .Mn. Arthur P. Hun Mrs. Margaret K Swink Mn. Lura S. Tally Miss Dorothy G. Hutaff Mrs. Wilson F. Yarborough, Sr. CENTURY CLUB M •. Emlyn W. Cart.,. Mr. R.v. Mr. Mr. EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE Mr. Maness I. Adcox THAT THIS REPORT IS COMPLETE AND Mr. Von Autry. Jt. Mrs. Thelma B. Avent CORRECT. Mr. William L. Aycock Mr. Billy Edward Bailey. Jr. Mr. Michad J. Bak ••• Jr. George E. Carter Theodore V. Cart.,.. Sr. and Mrs. Brian Ca.sh Curtis A. Carh Mn. Sarah Edge ~sna Mr. John Ot.arest IF WE HAVE OMITTED A NAME M •. Randy Otatc Mr. and Mrs. Pete M. Chason OR MISSPELLED ONE, WE APOLOGIZE AND HOPE YOU WILL LET US KNOW. Mr. and Mn. A Wilbur aark Mrs. Ann Y. Hampton Mr. Steven H. Hardee Mr. Robert L. Harmon Mrs. Marcia F. Hasie-Danids Ms.VerieHolt Mr. Stacy Honeycutt Mr. FJm •• C. Hubhard Mr. John W. Huriey Mr. C. C. IDgram Mr. ADthoDY G. Jernigan MrI. Lynda E. Beard Mr. and Mn. Robert M. BerlDett M •. Guyla D. Clark Mr. and Mn. J. V. J••• up John Stapl •• T ruckiDg Mrs. Brenda Johnson Dr. JoAnD Clark Judge aDd Mr •. EdwiD L. JOhn'OD Dr. and Mr •. John K. Bergland Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Bertschi Mr. W.A. Bissette Ms. Chariotte Coheley Mr. and Mn. D. J(,;th Cook Mr. Michael H. Johnson Mrs. Wenda D. Johnson R.v. Heory JOhnsrOD. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James R. JODes Mr. FrankA. Baaagan. Jr. Lt. Co!. M. Wilkey Blackwdl, (Rct.) Mr. and Mn. John V. Blackwell. Jr. Mr. Graham B. Blanton Mn. J"'epbiDe S. Boyd Judge aDd Mr •• E. Maurice Braswell Mn. Mary J. Breece Mr. Edwin N. Brower. Jr. Rev. Wesley Freeland Brown Mr. A. B. Bryant Mr. and Mn. John G. Buie. Jr. Mr. John W. Butl •• Mr. Hmry C. Campeo Mr. Robert J. OuffiD Dr. Suzan K. o,eek Mr. Quincy A. Hutson Dr. Bert Ishee James Townsend Real Estate and Mn. C. Franklin Jones, Jr. Wanda M. JODes l. B. Julian Rowie H. Kelly Mr. Jam •• M. Ki= Ms. Loi. J. Lambie Mr. Phil leviDe Mn. Bev •• ly D. Cleverley Q. Coffman Colli~ Dr. and Mr •. Charles Mr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Mr. RobertJ. ColliD' Mr. Robert O. McCoy Dr. and Mrs. Oscar L. McFadyen, Jr. M •. Grady P. McKeithan Miss Martha R. McLaurin Mr. Thomas R. Mclean Curoberland Couory School. D.K. Taylor Oil Compaoy. IDc. Dr. C. T. Daniel Dr. ADthoDY J. DeLapa Mrs. Diane L. Dennis Mr. and Mrs. G. Thomas Dent Mn. Mildred Deater-Ro.dl Mr. Percy R. Measamer Mr. Taylor M. Mdvin Mn. Betty H. Mes ••• Mn. Betty L. Milligan Mr. Richard B. MiDg •• Mr. and Mn. E. Ray Moore Mr. William T. Moore Mr. Frank M. Moorman Mrs. Louisa R. Duff Fayetteville Chapter orLinh, Inc. lX. and Mrs. Malcolm Fleisbman Mr. and Mn. Herbert Flci.hmaD Dr. Lormzo Plyl •• Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Poner Mr. DoD K Price Mr. Cari D. Ford. Jr. Dr. Loleta W. Foster Mr. and Mn. Arthur Frutchey Dr. and Mr •. E. C. Garber. Jr. Mr. F. Patterson Quantz Dr. and Mr •. F. S. GardDer. Jr. Mr. J. N. GibooD Mr. Robert G. Ray Mr. Riddick R.vdle Mr. John M. Gilli. Mr. Nat Robertson, Jr. Mr. aod Mn. Howard R.v. Ray T. Gooch F. Godfrey Mr. Owm A. Hag ••• II Mr. and Mn. Charies T. Haigh. Jr. Mr. Phil W. Haigh. Jr. Mr. Swayn G. Hamlet Haymouot VDited Methodist Mn. James R. Heff •• D Mr. TImothy A. Hdms Dr. John T. Hmley. Jr. Mr. Geoffrey Church Mn. Sue J. Smith Mr. and Mn. Alfred E. Smyntek TOWER CLUB Mn. Deborah B. Laili •• Mr. James B. Dillard Mr. and Mn. JotcphJ. Lassit •• Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Lee Mr. Robert Lapke Mr. Robert L. lartco Mn. Myrde A. LiDd.. Mr. and Mn. Roy S. Eck.,.t Mr. and Mn. Sam R. Edwards Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Gary W. Eiuinger Mrs. Jeanne Elks M •. Daphne Akridge Ms. Janice Akridge Mr. H. Ray Fann Miss Deborah. Farlee Mn. FJefteria Z. F.,ul Mr. and Mn. James M. Akridge Mr. D. J(,;th A11i.oD Mr. Mn. Mr. Mr. Mr. William F. Faulkner Mr. and Mn. Kurt Fedon Mr. OtarIes Unn Ferrdl Wylie Jam •• Bak ••• Jr. Carolyn Marie. BaldwiD Steve Barber and Mrs. Dan T. Barker Mr. Malvern Spencer Barrow, III Mr. and Mrs. Reginald M. Barton, Sr. Mn. Swan M. Bary Mrs. Lynda Buie Bawn Mn. DoD Beard Mr. and Mn. T ODYFendl Lt. Co!. Harold B. Fish ••• (Re<.) Mr. and Mn. Peter C. Fisher Ms. Paula Fitzpatrick Mr. Chris J. Flanagan Mr. William Freeman and Mn Roy L. LiDd••• Jr. and Mn. William M. LiDoberg•• John B. Lipscomb. Jr. and Mrs. Greg Lits Mr. David J. Little Lizzie Lamb Bible dati Mn. Kathryo Locey Mr. Frank R. Lopes. Jr. Mn. Margaret G. LougbliD Mn. Lillian L. Loyd Mr. and Mn. Larry Lugar Ms. Darlene M. Lyons Mr. and Mn. Howard Mabry Mr. Alfred E. Mariowe Mrs. Margaret:A. Martin Ms. Stephanie Y. Mayers Mr. D.P. FroDoberg.,. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Furr Mr. Bobby C. MeAlpiD Mr. and Mn. Floyd W. MeCail Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Gainey MsAlice H. GaJlimore McCuoe T ochnology Mrs. Ow1one M. McLaurin Mr. John H. Garda.,. Mr. Loche A. Mclean Mr. Manhail McMillan Mr. Gary Garner Ms. Martb..aAnne Garna' Or.~Garrett Mr. Tom D. Gill. Jr. Mr. J. D. Gilliam Ms. Marion Janet Graham Mrs. Winifred M. Grannis Mn. Mildred Y. Granl Mn. Kathy R. Borrdli Mr. Robert B. 8<»wdl. Jr. Mr. Alfred Paul Brill. III Mn. LyoD tegatskj M •. BdiDda A. Ldlock M •. Mary E. Earp Mr. David Hmry Adam •• Jr. Mrs. Teresa Poole Ak.amatsu Mrs Margaret Bled.oe M •. Sue L. Blizzllrd Mn. Gace E. BoDvik Mr. and Mrs. Roger R. Simmons Mn. IDgehorg Deot Mr. Jimmy Dickson Mn. ValarieE.Akrid Co!. Alfred Leroire. (Rct.) Mr. Jam •• C. Black Dr. Grant S. Shockley Dr. C. F. Siewers Mr. and Mn. Gary V. Kutsch Mr. and Mrs. Wilmur L. Kutsch ChapiaiD (Cpt.) J"'Y D. Lewi. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lewis Mr. William H. BiliiDgo Dr. ErikJ. Bitt.ro.um K Sherman Mr. Frederic J. Koch Ms. Doreen C. Dallas Mr. and Mrs. M.W. Davis Mr. John G. EagaD Mr. Cyrw P. EarDhard. Jr. Mr. Uristopner Wolters Mr. and Mrs. C. Flet~ Womble Mr. David T. Woodard Mr. Guy Bak •• Beattie. Jr. Richard C. Ryan R.v. Michad W. Salley Mr. John G. Shaw Mr. Stephen J. Kay The HODorable Beth Keev•• Mrs. Diane Klamke Mr. Sterling Duncan Mr. Edward L. DuoD Mn. Debbie Bright Beaver. Mr. Bryan Beckwith. Jr. Mr. Anhur Micbad Becton Dr. and Mrs. Otto Rogers Mr. D. P. Russ Mr. and Mn. Mike Jordao Dr. WddoD H. Jordan Mr. Thomas W. Williams, Jr. Mr. Jennifer L. Arrington Mr. and Mn. Harvey Oliver, Jr. Mrs. Virginia T. Olivet Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Parsons Mr. John C. Pate Dr. William H. Pearce Dwight Crihb William B. Crompton, III Oliv •• C. Cuibreth, (Ref.) and Mrs. Daniel F. Currie Mr. Chrisroph.. G. Drew Ms. Nell Duncan Mn. Julia ADde.SOD Mr. and Mn. Pbilip L. Mulleo Mr. Mitchell Nance Mr. and Mn. Robert E. Nimoclu Mr. Jimmy R. FJledge Mr. and Mrs. Burt Esworthy Mr. Robert Eauro. Jr. Mr. Mr. Co!. Mr. Mrs. Patricia Jones Dr. Thomas H. Jones Mr. M. E. Jordan Mrs. Ma~orie M. Jordan Mr. John H. Wheel.,. Mrs. Neill Wilkins Ms. Leslie J. Amo. Dr. aod Mr •. Ralph L. Mores. Ms. Gail Dickinson Mn. c.c. Dudl Mr. James R. Warner Mr. Charles E. Warren Mr. L Stacy Weaver, Jr. Mr. M. J. Weda Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wells BEll Mr. and Mn. Herman S. Minges Lois Dawson Mr. John T. Hmley Jr. Costin, Jr. Mn. Danid S. Curtie. Jr. Mr. and Mn. L. C. eurn •• Mr. Joe Mcleod R.v. Samud D. McMillan. Dr. LiDda C. McPhail Mr. Robert Crigler Mr. Russell C. Crowdl Calvary VDited Methodist Church Rev. ~neth. S. Valentine J. Mr. Eugene R. Cote Mrs. Duke B. Crane R.v. RaDdy L. Wall Dr. Jam •• X. Ward Mr. aod Mn. DoDald W. McCoy Mn. Mary Pride Clark Mr. R. Wayne Trousdale Mrs. Terri Union United. Methodist Women M •. Cynthia A. Walk •• Dr. Harold E. Maxwdl Dr. Robert S. Ou-istian Mr. William Mr. and Mn. H.,.bert H. Thorp Mr. David I. Trice Mr. Gleo R. Jernigan ~. George W. Johnson Mr. Mn. Mr. Mn. Woody R. Copeland Paulette Copening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Costin Mrs. Frances Graham Thorne Mr. J. K. Maxwdl Mr. James C. o,erry Mr. Ralph o, •• t ••• Jr. Mn. Isabel L. Chri.tian J. The Thomas G. Skinner Sch. Fnd Mr. Gilbert M. Thomason Ms. Mary F. t.wr •• Mr. Jam •• F. Lo.chiavo Mr. and Mn. Danid H. Maswdl Mn. LynD M. Carraway Mn. Sandra M. Carter Ms. Mn. Patricia D. Hutaff Mr. and Mn. David S. aark Mr. Glm E. Meade. Jr. Rev. Benjamin R. Melvin Mr. DoDald MdviD Dr. Assad Meymandi Mr. and Dr. George R. Mill ••• Jr. Mr. Jeffrey D. Mill •• Mn. UDda Mill •• Mr. and Mrs. E. Glenn Greene, Jr. Mn. Cdia A. GriffiD Mr. G. Ashford MilD". III Ms. Marlene S. Griffiths Mr. John MODagban, Jr. Mr. Graham A Monroe Mr. Paul D. Grove Mr. and Mn. John E. Gudawkas Mr. and Mn. John C. Mitchdl Broole. WddiDg Shop, IDc. Mrs. Jo Anna W. Brown Mrs T em S. Brown Mr. and Mn. Frank L. Guydes Mr. and Mn. Ray A. Mumch, Mr. and Mrs. Thad Mumau R.v. Wesley F. BroWD Mr. Jefferson D. Bruton M •. Margaret C. Haigh Mn. Loi. B. Hall Mrs. James Nance Mr. and Mrs. Laurence G. Nemer-ow Mrs. Kdso C. Hambright Mr. Jeff 0 •• and M •. Li.a 0 •• SEPTEMBER 1992: Me TODAY 10 Jr. ANNUAL REPORT Mynl.y. Penn Mr. and Mn. Claude Pigott CORPORATIONS Mrs. Valerie F. Pompa D. William C. Powdl AM Glass Company Aa: Pawn Shop Mr. Kdly D. Puryear Anan Realry, Inc. Anow Ezterminators Mn. Nancy J. Ramsey Mr. and Mn.John E. Raper, Jr. Mrs. EJaine W. Ratliff Mn. Mr. Mr. M •. Harriet C. Ray and Mn. John M. Rea Danid H. Reav •• Diana L. R.ichdderf •• Alhford & Company, 8ah.ia's, Inc. Ioc. M •. Ja<quclin. D. Rozzell. Mrs. Harri. M. Ru.lnick Gregory W. Rumsey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanden 1968 Gty of Newport Deerfidd Beach High School Devine Band Boo.ters Edenton Street United MC Mr. Malvern Spencer Barrow, II Mr. William H. Billings Mn. Kathy Richardson BolTdli Educational Testing ServicelJ. Green &J. Lewi. Sch. Program Billy Bill'. Grading Company North Carolina National Bank &.. Trust Company R..v. Sandy Saundcn M •. P"l!8Y G. Saun •• Mr. Jad Schur Mr. Franklin Twain Sessoms Northside OUropraaic Owen', Florist and MinistryUMC Harold Strasser Foundation HELP Scholanhip Fund Hoffer Remainder Annuity Trust Howton Endowment Inc. Oinie Patrick Ford-Isuzu, Inc. Player, Inc. J.J. Wiggin' Memorial Trust The John Hawk.. School Fund John P. Bud<e Metnorial Fund L Prescripc:ion Center Professional Women of Fay. Radng Legends, Inc. Ramada Inn JrlSr NCO Wives Association ~ny Novak Memorial Fund Lakewood High School The LoatJ Foundation, IDe. Cargill, Incorporated RdYigeration &. Heating Co. Carolipa T dcpbon. aDd T dcgraph Company Caviness and T olbtrt c..,tura Bank Rhudy's Inc. Rogers &. Breece, Inc. The Louisiana Land Exploration Lowe's Chari~ble and Ed. Foundation Cbcny, Mrs. Jeanette Singleton Coleman Sporting Goods, Inc. Collier Gas Company Bcka •• t Holland Community Concerts of Fay., Inc Concrete Service Co., Inc. The Com •• Caf. Cross Creek Merchants Assoc. Crowdl Constructors, Inc. Cumberland Furniture, Inc. Mr. and Mn. Robert T. Smi th, Jr. Mr. Thurman L. Smith Mr. and Mn. C. Warren Southerland D. K. Taylor Oil Co .• Inc. DaI ••• Seafood Mary R. Ewell MetDorial Scb. Mich.ad Terrence Foundation Molo: Incorporated Southeastern Hospiul Supply Southern Gin & Grain Company Southern National Bank Chris's Steak House of Fay. Mr. Michad A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Smith. Maine State Golf Association Roy Haddock Surveying Co. Russell Corporation Short Stop Food Man The Stale Bank of Fayettevill. Stereo World Stevcoknit Summit Cable Services Palm Beach Rotary Foundation Pilot International FOWldation Superior Piping Systel Bwi ness Equipment Tabor Gty Auto Pans T ~ Tile & Carpet National Society of Public Accountants The Navajo Nation Niagara Fall, Boys & Girl. Club. Inc. North Carolina Conference UMC Piqua Education Foundation The Priscilla Muwell Endicott Fund Richard D. McDoDough Thomas Realty Tile Inc. of Fayetteville Tim Newton Real Estate Mn. Fay. C. Huckah<e Mrs. Brenda Johnson Mrs. Diane KIamke Mrs. Barbara A. Lawson Mr. John B. Lipscomh, Jr. Mr. F. Patterson Quantz Mn. Baine W. Ratliff Mr. David K. Taylor, Jr. 1969 Mr. Wylie James Bak •• , Jr. Mn. Carolyn Mark. BaldwiD Mn. Appi. W. Boltoo Mr. Terry Wayne Boose Mrs. Linda Bruton Bourland Mr. Curti. A. Carh Mr. John F. Chilton, III Mrs. Brenda T. Chilton Mr. Jam •• B. Dillard Mr. Edward L. Dunn Mr. William P. Estes Scholarship Golf Sch. The Georg. Record School Fnd. The Thomas G. Skinn •• Sch. F nd Company Mrs. Catherine Bryant Mrs. Patrida B. Clayton Mr. John H. Garda •• Mr. R. Wayne Tousdale Mrs. Mary FtI'rmanides Wright Ready Mixed. Concrete Reed-Lalli •• Chevrolet Mr. and Mn. Harry S. Shipp, Jr. Dr. John Sill Mr. and Mn. J••• C. Smith Mn. 4'nn. D. Smith Mr. and Mn. Michad Smith Mr. Jam •• Uigl •• Genen! Board of Higher Education Mr. and Mn. C. W. Sasser Mr. George A. Small Mr. and Mn. B. Mayo Smith, Jr. Attorneys Lt. Co!. Gary G. Mill •• New Sanford Milling Company North Carolina Natural Gas Cape Fear Animal Hospital Cape Fear Supply Cape Fear Broadcasting Mr. and Mn. William R. Sbaq> & HudsoD Air Force Aid Soc. Ed. Grant Antioch Baptist Oturch Anny Emergency Rdicf Ownina~ Music Cub National Inlti. of Management New Rainbow Restaurant Bryan Pontiac·Cadillac Company Buie, Norman &.. Co. Bullard Furniture Company Buder Electric Supply of Fay. Cablevision of Fayetteville Rev. and Mr •. Jim Rowlette McGeachy Inc. Bass Air Conditioning Bdk H.nsdal. Company Branch Banking M •. Jean L. Roberts Mrs. lDuise H. Rouse Mwic Company Military Pawn Shop Molel Incorporated. Moonnan and Kizer, Inc. of Fay., Inc. Boulevard Pawn Shop Bragg Pawn Shop Mn. Jania: M. Rhuc Mr. and Mn. Edon D. Ricldl. Lumber Company, Mcfadyen M~ Force Temporaries Merrill Lynch Pierce Fermer and Smith Binswanger Glass Company Mr. Olarl •• Rhodes McDonald Mn. Jacki. J. Ealcl Mr .• Uarlcs Linn Ferrdl Mr E. Glenn Greene Mr. Steven H. Harden. Mrs. Marcia F. Hasie-Danids Mn. Jean B. Spivey Dickin,oD Buick-Dodge Dixie Pawn Sbop.Mili~ry Mr. and Mn. William Spraclley Dunn's Nuncry Mr. and Mn. Ivan Stangl Mn. H. L. Stegall E.I. Dupont DeNemoun Coimpany East Coast Fed. SaviDgs Bank Ed's Tire and Auto Shop Elliot Construction Company Ellis-Walker Builders, Inc. Tire King of Fayetteville Todd, Rivenbark and Puryear The Trophy House, Inc. Union Corrugating Company Wethersfield Cidzens Scholarship Fund Women's Auxiliary Mn. Sandra J. Stolzer Employee Benefit SystmJS, Inc. United Carolina Bank, Fayetteville United. Carolina Bank, T ahar ALUMNI 1970 Mr. Jefferson D. BnHon Mn. Sandra M. Carlet M,. Dor..., C. Dallas Mr. Mn. Mr. Mr. J. R. Stegall J. Bernard Stein Robert D. Stevens and Mrs. Robert D. Steven. M •. Yvonne R. Stob.lman Supp. & Garden Shop TomJ. Trinity United Metbodist-Fainnont UNCF Premedical Summer Inst. United. Metbodist Women Wellington H.S. Alumni Assoc. West Palm Beach Rotary Oub Keith &.Associates Eutaw Shopping u.nter Evergreen Lawn Care V-Point Grocery Express Stop Stores Faircloth Accol1Dting Service Valley Ey. Clinic Valley Motors, Inc. 1964 Mr. Richard P. Taylor T ••• and T opia Book auh Mn. Heid. H. T erlq> Mr. BobbyTcny Fayetteville Publishing Co. Finch Oil Company First Citizms Bank & T n.1StCo Vanstory-Exum Insuranct: Wachovia Bank &. Tn.1St Company West Manufacturers Co., Inc. Mr. Guy Bake< Beatci., Jr. Mn. Betry Graham Bunce First Union Foundation Mr. George E. Thomas. Jr. The Florence Rogers Ou.ritable General Business Services Whisper Knits, Inc. WIliams Printing WKML Mr. lloyd K Swaringen Mr. John H. Swope M •. Lardey J. Taylor Mrs. Wayne Thomson Mr. Archie L. Thome Green's Heating & Air Hawley', Camping u.nter, Rcbccc:a Thorne Mr. Wahl!' R. Turner United Way of die Piedmont Mn. Lilly F. VanStory Ms. Deana L. Vidxam IDe Mn. Cara V. Wagon •• Mrs. T eeoa Walker Wyatt, Early, Harris, Wheeler & Hawtl" Inc. Hayes Hobby Howe, Inc Healy Wholesal. Company HigbJand Ocaners, Ms. Jennifer Watkins Mr. and Mn. W. M. Wdl. Mrs. Bessie W. West M •. Ndli. M. Whit. Hubbard Pip. Hunt Annaho Mr. and Mn. Chari •• R. Whitley Mr. and Mrs. Thomu Wilkin. Fann Q.. Wb.innire Mr. and Mrs. James M. Williams Miss Marian William. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Wilson M •. Linda Wilson Mr. R. Parker Wilson Ms. Gail B. Wintet' Dr. Samud Womack Mr. Thomas M. Wootm, Jr. Mr. and Mn. Frank B. Wyatt Mn. Jean Young Brig. Gen. Norman Younghlood Mr. Patric S. Zimmer Mr. Loui. Spilman, Jr. MATCHING GIFT CO. 1965 Alcoa Foundation Mr. Alfred Paul Brill, III Mr. D. l«ilh Cook Burlington Industries Fnd. Carolina Power &. ught Carolina T depbone and Telegraph Mr. Jcny D. Daughtry Company Ggna Foundation The Equitable Life Insurance The Hanford Insurance Group Mrs. Doris Rulnick Mr. Waitti' R. Turner Hutson Typewriter Company I.C.I. Amtl'icas, Inc. The Image Men JdTerson Pilot Corporation Johnson-Sherman Company M,. Cynlhia A. Walk •• Mn. FraDces Abell Uigl •• Investors Management Corp. J. C. Penney Company James Townsend Real Estate Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. Mill iken & Company Nationwide FOWldation Jennigao & Warren Funeral Home Joe Strickland Realry The Proct •• & Supply. Inc. King FJoctrie of Fayetteville King. Point Mfg. Company Littl. & Pull<y Offia: Mrs. Grace Ellen Bonvik Fund Mrs. Ann Scott Cook RJR Nabisco. Inc. Sea-Land Service, IDc. State Farm Companies Fnds .• The First National Bank of Atlanta Warner-Lambert Mr. Murray O. Duggins R..v. Henry B. Granl, Jr. Mrs. Wanda Herring Mr. Jcny Huckah<e Mr. Arthur Michad Benton Company 1967 Machine Inc. SCHOLARSHIP FUND SEPTEMBER 1992: Me Mr. Carl D. Ford, Jr. Mrs. Ann Y. Mr. William Miss Martha Dr. Linda C. Hampton M. LiDeberg •• R. McLaurin McPhail Mrs. Valene F. Pompa Mn. T rodi J. Wat ••• Mr. Harvey T. Wright, II 1971 Mr. Michad Jam •• Alloway Mr. John W. Bud •• Mn. LynD M. Carraway Mrs. Anne Greene Mr. Owen A. Hager, II Dr. Thomas H. Jones Mr. Lsli.J. Kauzit% Mr. Frederi. J. Koch Mn. Sandra Lincbcrgcr L 1966 The Travelers Co., Foundation Wachovia Bank & T nut Co. LaFayette Motor Sales, Inc. Larry'. Sa..,agc L•••• Carper, Inc. Major Appliance Company, McCun. T echDology David Htrring Jcny A. Keen Phil Levine Lache A. McLean K-Man Corporation & Gambl. Mr. William F. Faulkner Mrs. Sue J. Smith Mr. C. Warren Southerland Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Joe Sugar', of St. Paul. The John H. Harland Company Miss Franca Woodhouse Mn. Bcny Neill Panons Mr. Thurman L. Smitb Yarborough Motor Company Inc. Higy Hardware, Inc. Hinkarnp'. Jewd ••• Hodges Associat~ Holt Oil Company Homemakers Furniture Interiors Howton Endowment Inc. Mrs. Trudi J. Waren Tn.1St Mr. Ralph F. Hoggard Dr. Jack M. Hunt •• Mr. Robert Lapke Mr. Henry Heath. Jr. Mr. Rodney F. Hobbs Mr. James F. Loschiavo Mrs. Janice M. Rhue Mn. Sharon Slade Sander. Mr. Thomas Sander. TODAY Mr. Jam •• Allen Bledso. Mn. CdiaA. Griffin 11 Mn. Margaret A. MarciD Mn. Mary Alia: Southerland Mr. Stq>hen M. Whilden Mn. Pam Whilden Mr. David T. Woodard 1972 Mn. Julia Anderson Mrs. Debbie Brighr: Bea'Ya" Mn. Lynn aatlt Mr. William J. Co.ciD, Jr. Mr. Christoph •• G. Drew Second Class Postage Paid at Fayetteville, NC 28311 Vol. XXXIII, No.3, Sept. 1992 5400 RAMSEY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28311 (USPS 074-560) Address Correction Requested Mrs. Brown Jr. MCharlotte •.Terri Gail Sue B. Winter Mr.•. Robert L. Cohdey Lan= Mr. Robert B. Boswdl, M Mrs. Lynne D. Smith Mr. Stephco Robert J. J. ColliD' Kay Mr. Mrs. Ouistopber Carol H. Wolter. Stout Mr. Jobo CharI", Rhodes Mrl. Ow-totte KenDeth Rea S. ValcotiDe Miss Marian Williams Ralph Ches,er, Jr. Mn. OurIotte M. Mclaurin Mrs. T cresa Poole Akamatsu Rev. Claudia G. Harrd Diane L. Denni:r Mt. T. WilsoD, Jr.Jr. Mn. uura L. Stanley Glco BenjamiD Jim Mary E.ly Rowlette M Rowlette •• R. de, MdviD Jr. Mr. Jobo M. Rea 1.. Wall mJr. Mr. Mr. Thomas Jam", Stanley S. Hat6dd William B. CromptoD, Rev. RaDdy Ch.plaiD Ms, Stephco Margaret Wanda (Cpt.) Walker M. Jerry L. Pierce D. Lewi. Bev Paul ••Char"'t D. D. Grove C1•••• ley Geoffiey K Sherman M •. Emlyn Philip W. L. Mullco Can ••. Mn. Sarah Edge CeolDa DoDald W. JODes AnthoDY G. Jeroigao Joseph E. QuiDD, Chri. J. Flanagan Mr. Roy J. Mn. Michad Lynda E. H. Beard Johosoo TImothy A. Hdm. Jesse C. Smith Heide H. T erfep David Hcory Adam., Mrs. Swan M. Bary Mr. LarryW. Panon. Mn. Betty Jo Dcot Lt. Co!. M. Wilkey Blackwdl Mn. M •. Margaret Jean Young C. Haigh Mr. Michad J.Haddock Baker,Jr. M •. Mrs. Ruby Lynda M. Strouse Buie Buam Ml"I. Je:mifer L. Arrington 1979 1977 1980 1976 1978 1982 1987 1983 1984 1985 1986 1989 1991 Rev. Ray T. Gooch GREATEST GIFT SCHOLARSHIP DONORS 1964 Esther Bouton O1ri.tian . Bruck GiANG Karco CHI Asbaft DANLEY Cynthia Lea Whettd loth ••AnD G. Suber DoDDaC. Balrer Be<ry Suuu Hages Jobo Wayne Alan Holden Jobo Brian Chappell Rebecca Sue Barnes Holdee Lori Fitzpatrick Carv ••. Tberoia Howtand Mask David Roll ••. Jeanene Lee EricW.Holie Karco let Williams Robert Marcus Jerry Tbaoid L. Bernardo Oemmon. WilsoD Danid C. Covdl MarioD Miebdle Duff ••. Lecchford Valerie L. Morri. Jennie Bro\llr'D. Aodrews Haumfelt Susan Anthony Cynthia Timothy Roy St. Thom Allen George Jernigan D. •• Bdflowen Horne Gooch Pduso Juanita Swan Marry Carl""" Van Thompson CaytOD Cox Rose RyaD Carmdita Long Lc:Iford Jesse Smith RobiD Baxley LoDg Dr. TonieA. Joseph Brum Neal JaneA. Mill ••. Bohby Anita Mathews, Louise (William.) Jr. DeGrasse DODald W. Phipps Kathryn Small-Offcoba •••••. Deborah c.."evco. Roll ••. Marilyn Vann 1.. Mullco St. PiClTe Philip Thomas 1.. Buile Donna Suzanne McNeill Barnette Lori A. Cribb Silvary Stepben.OD Mariam Dwight Cai.on Crumpler 1991 1983 1982 1979 1990 1974 1976 1981 1988 1977 1984 1985 Mr. Franklin Twain Sessoms Mn. Kathryn Locey George A. Small M •.Mn. Lordey J.S. Taylor Mr. Robert L. Hannon Mr. Patrie Zimmer Susao Walker Rev. Jerry W. Cribb M Mr. •. BdiDdaA. Billy Edward Ldlock Bailey, Jr. Mr. Ms, Maria Dwight Lisa Qibb Bryant Mn. Nancy J. Ramsey 1981 1990 1988 Many thanks to the following graduates who recruited students and awarded them Greatest Gift Scholarships during 1991. If you are a graduate interested in helping a prospective student and your alma mater, please phone the Alumni Affairs Office (919) 630-7167 and request a Greatest Gift Scholarship application. Dan Lawrence Margaret Farrior Pope CaIVioldte Susan Yost Jaeger Stanley Nancy Dotor Simmon. Moz.ingo Underwood James Timothy M. Niles Percberke Rebea:a L. Burleigh William Troy Hewtet. Tho""" let Strickland Kay Ehrig Ricky Hill Frazi••. 1980 1987 William Steven Parlett RoDaid D. COOU KenDeth Phipp' Dana Caulder 1986 1989