Every qualified student should discover for himself the many opportunities for personal growth and development at Methodist College. As its investment in the future leaders of our churches and communities, Methodist College offers scholarships, loans, tuition remission, campus employment and grants-in-aid as a supplement to the financial program of those students whose families, after some sacrifice, are unable to provide all the necessary funds. Approximately 45 academic scholarships are available. All scholarships are awarded for one year and are to be used exclusively for payment of college fees. Application for renewal must be filed each succeeding academic year. Interested students should read thoroughly the scholarship section of the current catalog. In addition to taking the scholarship examination, students should submit an application for admission, verify actual need, have good high school records, and have good recommendations. = ~ J..-I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C'l=: \0 } ~ = t~ cu J..-I d = ~~ l"'""I 0\ l"'""I ~ ~ 0\ ~ ~ S Bulletin of Second Class Postage Paid Fayetteville, N. C. 28301 ;1ttlU.lJ~lsl, ulUqtl Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Vol. 14 October No.7 1973 Published Semi-Quarterly By The Public Relations Office SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT schools and churches, please post SCHOLARSHIP COMBETITION for High School Seniors January 19, 1974 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Scholarship interviews and examinations January 26,1974 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Scholarship interviews and examinations 11'Jlp%iHla~lll'tIf S (JJlaH~S aH~ sJ.tJlAJlsl.ips a~1l aoailA6u .. n •• LHa~~ll.i~H I.tJLMHS aH~ ealHplfs ",tJ~lt-sbf~ ~11'tJ~lMHitlI.S. Planning to attend Methodist College? Return This Form Immediately. ------'------'----------- --- -- --- --- - - - -- --- ---- - - - ---------------TO: DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS, METHODIST COLLEGE, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. 28301 Iwish to take the Scholarship Examination on January 19 January 26 _ (Check Preference) Need overnight accommodations for Friday night. -_,·.;.;H.;.;" _ IDate} (Overnight accommodations on campus, when necessary, are limited to those coming from distances of over 150 miles, and are given on a first-come, first served basis.) Name, Street or Box _ City .~ '"",, State "'-_ Tel. no., Parent's Name __ '"_'• _ Name of High School ')"''';, ~, ' ,. , '. U4"'or_ ••• ,. _7 'Z-'Major interest: (Indicate 1st and 2nd choices) Art Elementary Teaching ----History .,~.:~ :....•. , •.'''_ .L ..• Biology . 'w' J"" '" 3-2 Engineering _ Math _ l ~: English _ Music Chemistry Political Science ----_Religion ~ French .. Economics & Bus. Adm .• 1l Spanish _ Sociology Interested in high school Teaching? If you need transportation Time of arrival -. (Name the Subject) t6 the campus from point of arrival, please indicate: Point of arrival