Together we learn, together we succeed, and together we will

Together we learn, together we succeed, and together we will
make a positive difference!
Second Grade News​
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Nov. 13 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher workday
Nov. 25-27 - NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
Reading/Writing Workshop
Doreen Cronin, author for the Diary of ___ and Click Clack series has been the focus of our author study this week. Students
have been using higher level questioning skills to compare her stories and to delve into her writing style. Students also have
done a great job with returning reading logs on Wednesdays and we are all reaching for the goal of 120-140 minutes a week.
Friendly Letters have been introduced during writing workshop. The students realize this form of writing has a very exact
placement of the date, heading, body, closing and signature. We celebrated Veterans Day with composing notes to our guest
speaker and others that have served in the armed forces​
Students began learning about subtracting two-digit numbers. We began by doing subtracting without any regrouping. Towards
the middle of the week, we moved onto subtraction with regrouping. We will continue to work on both addition and subtraction
of two-digit numbers until Thanksgiving break. Please make sure to review with your child and create story problems for them
to solve for both addition and subtraction. We are learning what keywords to look for when answering a story problem. The unit
test will be on ​
Friday, November 20th.
Word Study
This week in Word Study, 12 new words were introduced. This list focuses on the following: commonly misspelled high frequency
words (people, know, truck, many, won’t, didn’t) collective nouns (group, bunch, crowd), and compound words (airplane, doghouse,
everywhere). We enjoyed making connections with these words to help us spell other words. For example, the word know helped
us spell the following words: snow, knowledge, knowing, and knight. Your child will be tested on these words on Friday, November
ScienceSecond graders concluded our introductory Weather Unit on Thursday with an assessment. Students were asked to answer a
variety of multiple choice questions about weather (how wind is formed, what tool measures temperature, etc.), as well as look
at a weather forecast and determine the temperature and wind speed. They were also asked to compare two weather journals
(AM/PM) and identify the changes throughout. Please check Progress Book for grades. We will be transitioning back to Social
Studies, and beginning our “Then and Now” unit next!
Specials Schedule
Monday: B (PE)
Tuesday: C (Music)
Wednesday: D (Art)
Thursday: A (Library)
Friday: B (PE)
We, the students of Thomas Elementary, proudly practice the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. 1. Be Proactive
Think Win WIn ​
Synergize 2. Begin with the End in Mind ​
Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood 3. Put First Things First ​