Counselor’s Corner Want some more ideas on helping your child

Want some more ideas
on helping your child
set goals and get
Children’s Books
Dare to Dream! 25
Extraordinary Lives
by Sandra MacLeod
Wilma Unlimited
by Kathleen Krull
by Tom Lichtenheld
Salt in His Shoes: Michael
Jordan in Pursuit of a
by Deloris and Roslyn
Parent Book
Smart but Scattered,
Boost Any Child’s Ability
to: Get Organized, Plan
Ahead, Use Time Wisely,
etc... by Peg Dawson, EdD
Counselor’s Corner
A Resource for Parents
Laurie Coon, Glacier Ridge School Counselor
(614) 718-8893
Guidance Lessons from September
The theme for third, fourth, and fifth grade students was
“learn how to get organized and be responsible for your own
learning.” Students talked about and practiced writing
assignments and activities in their planners. Students also took
a learning style inventory to find out how they learn best. Below
are some good questions to ask at the dinner table to reinforce
these important topics............
*Have you checked your planner, what homework or
activities do you have tonight or tomorrow?
*How do you learn best?
*What is the best way for you to study for a quiz or test
according to your learning stye?
*How can help you to study according to your
learning style?
Our first and second grade students focused more on
celebrating strengths and individual differences. Some of us can
read chapter books, tie our shoes, multiply 3 numbers, or ride a
two wheeler without training wheels. We all learn at different
rates and have many attributes in which to be proud!
Upcoming Projects and Events
Five Ways to Have a
Successful Year!
1. Plan for the week on
Sunday evening
2.Write down homework in a
3.Look at planner after school.
4.After homework is completed
put back into binder or folder
5.Have a set homework time
and read every night!
• Support Groups are organizing, if your child would benefit
from a social skills, anger management, changing families, or
friendship group, contact your child’s teacher.
• Leadership and Greeter meeting dates can be found on the
GRE guidance website
• Check out the GRE Newsletter for many social events!
Don’t forget to check out my Guidance Webpage for
more information about classroom lessons,
parent resources, student resources, and much more!