Microreactor for High Yield Solution Deposition of ZnO Nanowires Kevin M. McPeak and Jason B. Baxter Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia PA Results from Batch Reactor Case Study Intensity [a.u.] Microreactor Deposition has similar morphology for both reactors Vial Reactor Solution deposition is a simple deposition method requiring only that a substrate be placed in a vessel containing a heated aqueous solution of common precursors. Advantages of solution deposition include low cost, operation at low temperature and atmospheric pressure, and scalability to large area substrates. One of the major drawbacks of solution deposition is inefficient utilization of reactants and significant waste solvent generation. Deposition on the substrate is limited by competing precipitation in solution and deposition on the reactor walls. Careful design of the reactor geometry is critical to efficient utilization of reactants and minimization of waste solvent. Raman shows equal quality nanowires from microreactor Microreactor’s faster growth rate did not alter E2 peak position Indicates no excess stress in the deposition Differences in E2 peak height due to void fraction differences Nanowires Seeds (x10) (100) 30 31 (101) (002) 32 33 34 2θ [deg.] 35 36 37 Vial Reactor Hexagonal Dense, well-aligned from seeding 80-100 nm diameter We report on the use of a microreactor to deposit ZnO nanowires and films from a sub-millimeter reaction channel with the following results: Order of magnitude increase in yield 60% increase in deposition rate Improved bulk crystal quality 30 min 4h 2h Bulk Reaction Adsorption onto surface Deposition Traditional reactors have low surface-to-volume ratios Bulk reaction dominates → massive precipitation → low yield ZnO Deposition Rate [(µg/mm )/h] Surface Reaction 0.5 0.25 0 0 Time [h] 0.5 1 Microreactor Vial Reactor 0 2 Precipitation [µg/mm2] Mass of ZnO Deposition [µg/mm2] Diffusion to surface Speciation Microreactor’s fast heating increases growth rate Microreactor reduces induction time Microreactor results in 60% higher deposition rate Vial reactor’s large volume deposits more 0.75 2 1 0.75 Vial Reactor 200 300 Glass Substrate 400 500 Raman Shift [cm-1] 600 700 The batch microreactor’s small bath volume limits the deposition thickness. To overcome this limitation we have developed a continuous flow microreactor for solution deposition. Fundamentals of Solution Deposition (Metal Salts/Complexing Agents) Microreactor Continuous Flow Microreactor Measuring deposition volume from SEM images results in errors due to non-uniform morphology Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) analysis of acid digested ZnO deposition gives precise ZnO deposition mass Aqueous Precursors E2(high): 438 4h 2h Microreactor 15 min Microreactors offer the following advantages over traditional reactors: High surface-to-volume ratio suppresses homogeneous reactions Low thermal mass → precise temperature control Scale up without re-engineering the reactor Results from Batch Reactor Case Study (cont.) Intensity [a.u.] Background & Motivation Removes deposition thickness limitation Bath concentration constant at fixed position i.e. plug flow reactor Allows for further investigation of growth mechanisms Preliminary Results from Continuous Microreactor Interference fringes highlight changes in deposition thickness as reactants are depleted Microreactor 0.5 Vial Reactor ZnO nanowire length vs. position downstream 0.25 00 1 2 3 4 Time [h] 5 6 Microreactor for Solution Deposition Microreactor provides high yield deposition Contact heater Plexiglass ZnO[moles]deposited %Yield = × 100 Zn[moles]initial Substrate 1mm ZnO deposition Deposition channel Microreactor gives order of magnitude better yield than vial reactor Slower heating rates result in higher yield Sub-millimeter reaction channel Contact-heated substrate forms one wall of reaction channel 50 Microreactor (8 °C/min) Microreactor (34 °C/min) Vial Reactor 40 % Yield Gasket Aluminum Clamp 30 20 10 Batch Reactor Case Study 00 1 2 3 Time [h] 4 5 6 We compared ZnO nanowires deposited using a traditional vial reactor and microreactor by investigating: Flow rate affects deposition uniformity Morphology of deposition ZnO deposition mass 2+ Bath [Znaq ] Crystal quality Slow flow → graded deposition Fast flow → more uniform deposition * C6H12N4 + 6 H2O − ) − 6 HCHO + 4 NH3 – + * NH3 + H2O − NH + OH ) − 4 * 2 OH – + Zn 2+ − ) − ZnO(s) + H2O Nanowire Length (normalized) What species control the ZnO deposition rate? 4 h growth at various flow rates 1 2.88 mL/h 0.75 0.5 0.72 mL/h 1.44 mL/h 0.25 pH range during deposition 100 Substrate Seeding Method Aqueous Precursors Bath Volume Temperature Vial Reactor Microreactor Soda lime glass Dip coat in Zinc Acetate, Ethanol, MEA then anneal 0.025 M Zn(NO3)2 & 0.025 M Methenamine (HMT) 27 mL 0.8 mL 90 ◦C 90 ◦C at interface + 0.1 ZnOH Zn(OH)3- 0.01 0.001 0.0001 Zn(OH)2(aq) 2 3 4 5 6 7 pH 8 − 9 [OH ] initially limiting 2+ Initial excess Zn Slow thermohydrolysis of HMT → − OH – 2+ Becomes [Zn ] limited pH gradually rises throughout reaction 2+ Zn is depleted 10 11 12 13 1.5 ln(ZnO Deposition Rate) Experimental conditions for the batch reactors Zn is the predominant zinc species at deposition conditions. We examined the deposition rate as a 2+ function of [Zn ] in the bath. 1 ZnO Deposition Rate [(µg/mm2)/h] ZnO Properties ZnO Applications II-VI semiconductor Transparent conducting oxides Wide band gap (3.37 eV) Nanostructured photovoltaics Large exciton binding energy (60 meV) Gas sensors UV Lasers 2+ Zn(OH)42- 10 % Zn Solution deposition can be used to deposit oxides & chalcogenides (CdS, CdSe, etc.), we chose ZnO because: ZnO(s) Zn2+ 1.25 1 0.75 Microreactor Vial Reactor 0 -1 -2 [Zn2+] limited -3 -4 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 Zn2+(aq) [mol/L] 2+ 8 12 16 20 24 Distance from Inlet [mm] 28 Conclusions Nanowire morphology equivalent in both reactors Microreactor increased deposition yield by order of magnitude Deposition rate increased by 60% in microreactor Raman shows equal crystal quality in microreactor Batch microreactor’s small bath volume limits deposition thickness, continuous microreactor lifts this limitation Flow rate in continuous microreactor affects deposition uniformity [OH ] limited References 0.25 0 4 - [Zn ] limited 0.5 [OH-] limited 00 0 0.005 0.01 2+ 0.015 Zn (aq) [mol/L] 0.02 0.025 1. McPeak, K.M.; Baxter, J.B., Microreactor for High-Yield Solution Deposition of Semiconductor Nanowires and Films. I&EC Research, Accepted. 2. McPeak, K.M.; Baxter, J.B., Drexel University (2008) Microreactor for Solution Deposition and Method of Use, Prov. U.S. Pat. 61,054,911.