Intro Slide Welcome to Indian Run Elementary School

Welcome to Indian Run Elementary
Intro Slide
Meet the Indian Run Office Staff...
Mrs. Schwanke, Principal
Mr. Hoover, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Maloon, Administrative
Mrs. Hamill, Attendance and Special
Education Secretary
Meet Indian Run Staff...
Mrs. Boerger, Teacher
Mrs. Osborne, Teacher
Mrs. Oren, Teacher
Mrs. Osada and Mrs. Chung,
Japanese Bilingual Aides
Ms. Aliaga, Spanish Bilingual Aide
Mr. Phillips, Guidance Counselor
Jane Doyle, PTO President
First things first...
Sign-up sheet coming around!
Placement preference sheet
School Hours
AM Kdg 9:10-11:50 a.m.
PM Kdg 1:00-3:40 p.m.
● Student Absences – call attendance hotline
Recess (Indoor/Outdoor)
Important Dates and Times - See school website
-Phase-In Dates
8/17 & 8/18
-All Kdg attend on 8/19
-AM/PM preference
-Classroom teacher
(Email in early August)
Safety and Security
Safety Drills
All exterior doors locked
throughout the day
At IRE, all Kindergarten students are offered bus transportation.
Check the Dashboard for your bus assignment.
*Drivers will contact you!
* A Transportation representative will be here at Walkthrough
Dublin Schools Transportation Department 614-764-5926
Fostering a relationship between
school, parents, teachers and the
Fundraising to support:
Student Support
Field Day
Teacher grants
Teacher appreciation
Books for the classroom
A Typical Kindergarten Day
● Arrival
● Unpack
● Class Meeting
● Math, Literacy, Science &
Social Studies
● Recess
Guidance Services
Classroom Lessons
Friendship Groups
How Will We Get to Know Your Child?
Summer Screening July 25
Make an appointment
We will send a reminder letter
More detailed explanation on the day of the assessment
Helps us develop class rosters and balance needs
Why don’t we discuss “results?”
What if you can’t make it to the summer screening?
Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
Given by the classroom teacher
Language and Literacy
Physical Well-being and Motor Development
Social Foundations
Most children develop in spurts. Do not be
alarmed if your child is not excelling in every
The Third Grade Guarantee
Students monitored closely to check reading
Parents notified if student is “on track” and “not on
track” in October.
What Will My Child Learn in Kindergarten?
Today kindergarten has a much greater focus on academics than ever before.
It includes hands-on learning and problem solving, independent reading,
writing, mathematics, science, social studies and health.
Additional information will be shared during curriculum nights.
Getting Ready
What can you do with your child to prepare for kindergarten?
Count objects to 100 and read numbers in the world around us
Learn to say their full name and write their first name
Learn their phone number and address
Name objects with a specific attribute, for example name something blue in
your house or something that is shaped like a square
Listen to a story and retell it in your own words
Put a puzzle together
Tie shoes, button buttons, zip zippers, snap snaps
Say the alphabet and practice capital and lower case letters
Mrs. Boerger, Mrs. Osborne, and Mrs. Oren
School/Home Partnership
Communication is key to a successful year.
Walkthrough (August 16)
Curriculum Night (August 30)
Conferences- Fall/Late Winter
Phone Calls/Voice Mail
School email/mass email
School/District website
ProgressBook- more information coming soon
What’s Happening at Indian Run...
building & district
weekly emails
Now what?
Leave your a.m./p.m. preference form with us
as you leave.
Look at the packet for pre-order information for
school supplies through our PTO
Bring your child to the assessment in July.
Rest and relax! We can’t wait for your little
one to join us at IRE!
Japanese questions to Mrs. Osada and Mrs. Chung, Spanish
questions to Ms. Aliaga.