HEALTH CLINIC INFORMATION 2015­2016 Dear Parents, As the end of the school year quickly approaches, there are a few very important changes we would like to share for our next academic year. It is our goal to provide the information now so you will be able to use the summer months to make the necessary accommodations and be ready to start our school year with little stress and much excitement. Dublin City Schools employs 6 Certified School Nurses who rotate between assigned schools. For daily care and medication administration, there is a full­time trained Clinic Aide in each school clinic. Please notify the School Nurse if your child has a heart condition, asthma, diabetes, life­threatening allergy, seizures, wheelchair dependency, or any other special health care need. An individual health care plan will be created in order to ensure your child’s safety and health care needs are met while at school. Also, Required by the Ohio Department of Health, vision and hearing screenings will be conducted in the Fall for all preschool, kindergarten, first, third and fifth graders. Emergency Medical Authorization (EMA) Form on the Parent Dashboard : ● Please go to Parent Dashboard and update your student’s Emergency Medical Authorization Form by the first day of school. ● In the event of an illness or emergency, we will release your child ONLY to those people listed on the current EMA. This form MUST be completed each school year. ● Your child will not be able to attend field trips or participate in sports without a completed EMA. Contact the building secretary for login information. Please update contact information, medical concerns, and medications as changes arise throughout the year. Illness or Injury: ● Students will be evaluated in the clinic if they become ill or injured at school. Clinic personnel must speak with the parent/guardian prior to discharging home. ● The student must remain home with any symptoms of fever, diarrhea, or vomiting and cannot return until symptom­free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication. ● If communicable disease is suspected, clearance to return to school will need to come from a clinician. NEW MEDICATION PROCEDURE FOR 2015­2016 SCHOOL YEAR ● ALL medication to be administered by school personnel, including non­prescription/over the counter medications (cough drops and ointments included), requires a parent/guardian authorization AND an Ohio licensed prescriber ’ s or doctor’s signature on Dublin City School District’s “ Request for Administration of Prescription and Nonprescription Medication by School Personnel” form . (Form 5330 F1) A new form must be completed and on file each school year for each medication. ● Parents must provide the desired medication to the clinic and it must be transported to and from the clinic by an adult. ● All medication to be administered by school personnel must be in it’s original container as dispensed by a physician, pharmacist, or manufacturer and will be stored in a locked compartment in the school clinic. ● All medications must be picked up on or before the last day school. Any medication left in the clinic will be discarded. ● Students may self­carry emergency medications according to their medical needs: ○ Asthma ­ Student may self­carry a prescribed inhaler with “Request for Student to Carry and Administer Own Prescription Medication by Inhaler” (Form 5330 F2) completed and on file in the school clinic. Forms can be found at ○ Anaphylaxis ­ Student may self­carry a prescribed Epinephrine auto­injector with “Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Orders and Care Plan” (Form 5330A E F1) completed and on file in the school clinic. Please note, a second epinephrine auto­injector must be supplied to the school clinic. Forms can be found at ● To access any of the above required forms, go to ○ select “ Forms/Links ”, then ○ select “ Forms for Parents and Students”, then ○ select “ Medical/Health Services Forms” , then ○ under “ Medication Forms ” select the appropriate form. Form 5330 F1 ( Request for Administration of Prescription and Nonprescription Medication by School Personnel ), Form 5330 F2 (Request for Student to Carry and Administer Own Prescription Medication by Inhaler), and Form 5330A E F1 (Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Orders and Care Plan).