Pointer Partnership Advisory Board Agenda for February 19th, 2016 1:15 PM, DUC Room 378 I. II. Call to Order a. Meeting called to order at 1:20pm Roll Call a. Present: Matt Grutza, Amy Vida, Andrew Glazner, Jeffrey Behselich, Matt Welz b. Absent: John Peralta, Max Trzebiatowski c. Quorum set 5-2 d. 1:30 John and Max added to quorum, quorum reset 7-0 III. Approval of the Agenda a. Approved by general consent IV. Public Forum for Non-Agenda Items (3 min. each) V. VI. Review of DRAFT Project Revenues Considering General Allocations between Advising, Bottleneck Courses and Financial Aid a. Discussion surrounded around how best to prioritize funding, especially within the first year considering the staggered implementation. Various perspectives and concerns were brought up and considered. The majority of the discussion focused on whether it is best to prioritize the advising and financial aid portions out of the three funding areas considering that first and second year students will be paying into the program fully in the first year and these portions will most directly affect those student populations. Others brought up the idea that better advising, especially at the beginning of a student’s college career may help with some of the bottleneck issues moving into the future. To provide a counterpoint, other members wanted to stress that when discussing differential tuition with students, many seniors especially were particularly interested in funding bottlenecks, and this should be considered when deciding how to divide the funding. One difficulty the campus currently faces is that there currently is no software in place to help campus comprehensively evaluate the entirety of the bottleneck issue, enrollment management is currently collecting data regarded to bottlenecks but these efforts will be improved as Peoplesoft is introduced on campus over the next year. One other aspect of the advising conversation that must be considered is whether differential tuition money can be used to fund program assistants within the advising centers, and if so what does that structure then look like. The committee elected to wait until Enrollment Management is able to provide more comprehensive data related to student enrollment projections to provide a more accurate projected budget. This estimated is scheduled to be done by March 1st. The committee will determine funding priorities at that time. In the meantime, committee members continue to consider the various perspectives related to funding priorities. VII. Review Academic and Career Advisor Position Description a. Committee members received the draft position description created proposed by Academic Affairs. Committee members will receive the next week to consider the position description and any changes they feel are necessary. At the next meeting, the committee will also consider opening the search for the academic and career advising positions. VIII. IX. Further discussion/planning for the semester a. Committee requested a presentation by Sue Kissinger about the new Academic and Career Advising Center and how that transition is working. b. Committee also requested information related to financial aid and student demographics related to financial need. Adjournment a. Committee adjourned at 2:15pm