Quantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency. II. Continuous-time The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Tsang, Mankei , Jeffrey H. Shapiro, and Seth Lloyd. “Quantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency. II. Continuous-time limit and state-variable approach to phaselocked loop design.” Physical Review A 79.5 (2009): 053843. (C) 2010 The American Physical Society. As Published http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.79.053843 Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Wed May 25 23:11:06 EDT 2016 Citable Link http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/51033 Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 Quantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency. II. Continuous-time limit and state-variable approach to phase-locked loop design Mankei Tsang,1,* Jeffrey H. Shapiro,1 and Seth Lloyd1,2 1 Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 共Received 17 February 2009; published 21 May 2009兲 2 We consider the continuous-time version of our recently proposed quantum theory of optical temporal phase and instantaneous frequency 关M. Tsang et al., Phys. Rev. A 78, 053820 共2008兲兴. Using a state-variable approach to estimation, we design homodyne phase-locked loops that can measure the temporal phase with quantum-limited accuracy. We show that postprocessing can further improve the estimation performance if delay is allowed in the estimation. We also investigate the fundamental uncertainties in the simultaneous estimation of harmonic-oscillator position and momentum via continuous optical phase measurements from the classical estimation theory perspective. In the case of delayed estimation, we find that the inferred uncertainty product can drop below that allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty relation. Although this result seems counterintuitive, we argue that it does not violate any basic principle of quantum mechanics. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.053843 PACS number共s兲: 42.50.Ct, 42.50.Dv, 03.65.Ta I. INTRODUCTION Optical phase measurements at the fundamental quantum limit of accuracy are an important goal in science and engineering and crucial for future metrology, sensing, and communication applications. While the single-mode case has been extensively studied, less attention has been given to the quantum measurements of a temporally varying phase. Theoretically, the temporal-phase positive operator-valued measure 共POVM兲 describes the optimal quantum measurements 关1兴, but it is difficult to perform such measurements in practice. Adaptive homodyne detection 关2,3兴 is a much more feasible approach, and Berry and Wiseman 关4兴 proposed the use of a homodyne phase-locked loop to estimate the phase when the mean phase is a classical Wiener random process 关5兴. On the other hand, we have recently shown in Ref. 关1兴 how homodyne phase-locked loops can be designed using classical estimation theory to perform quantum-limited temporalphase measurements when the mean phase is any stationary Gaussian random process. The main purpose of this paper is to unify and generalize the two distinct approaches undertaken by Berry and Wiseman 关4兴 and ourselves under the common framework of classical estimation theory. In Sec. II, we first extend our discrete-time theory proposed in Ref. 关1兴 to the continuoustime domain. In Sec. III A, we generalize the results of Berry and Wiseman 关4兴 to a much wider class of random processes using the Kalman-Bucy filtering theory 关6,7兴. The KalmanBucy approach guarantees the real-time estimation efficiency provided that the phase-locked loop operates in the linear regime. Our approach also significantly simplifies the design of phase-locked loops, compared to the more computationally expensive Bayesian state estimation approach suggested by Pope et al. 关5兴. In Sec. III B, we show that the Wiener filtering technique used in our previous paper 关1兴 is equivalent to Kalman-Bucy filtering at steady state. In Sec. IV, we *mankei@mit.edu 1050-2947/2009/79共5兲/053843共10兲 point out that results of Berry and Wiseman are not optimal if delay is permitted in the phase estimation process, and postprocessing can further improve the phase estimation performance beyond that offered by Kalman-Bucy or Wiener filtering. We illustrate these concepts by considering the specific cases of the mean phase being an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck random process as well as the Wiener process studied by Berry and Wiseman 关4兴. Apart from the theoretical importance of our results in the context of quantum estimation and control theory, they should also be of immediate interest to experimentalists and engineers who wish to achieve quantum-limited temporal-phase measurements, as we expect our proposals to be realizable using current technology. In Sec. V, we investigate the fundamental problem of simultaneous harmonic-oscillator position and momentum estimation at the quantum limit by continuous optical phase measurements. The problem can be cast directly in the framework of classical estimation theory for Gaussian states. The use of Kalman-Bucy filtering for real-time position and momentum estimation has been proposed by Belavkin and Staszewski 关8兴 and Doherty et al. 关9兴, who have shown that the quantum state of the harmonic-oscillator conditioned upon the real-time measurement record is a pure-Gaussian state. Here we show that the inferred position and momentum estimation errors according to classical estimation theory can be further reduced below the Heisenberg uncertainty product if delay is allowed in the estimation. While counterintuitive, we explain in Sec. V C why this result does not violate the basic principles of quantum mechanics. II. PHASE IN THE CONTINUOUS TIME DOMAIN For completeness, we first review the continuous-time limit of our discrete-time theory of temporal phase 关1兴, as previously described in Ref. 关10兴. Consider the optical envelope annihilation and creation operators Â共t兲 and †共t兲, respectively, in the slowly varying envelope regime, with the time-domain commutation relation 053843-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 TSANG, SHAPIRO, AND LLOYD 兩共t兲典 ⬅ 冋 兺 exp i 兺j dn共 j兲共 j兲 dn共t兲 = 冋冕 兺 exp dn共t兲 ⬁ i 册 兩dn共t兲典 册 dtI共t兲共t兲 兩dn共t兲典. −⬁ 共2.9兲 In terms of the temporal-phase states, a temporal-phase POVM can be defined as FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 A realization of the continuous-time discrete-photon-number random process. 关Â共t兲,†共t⬘兲兴 = ␦共t − t⬘兲. 共2.1兲 ⌸̂关共t兲兴 ⬅ 兩共t兲典具共t兲兩, which is the continuous limit of the one defined in Ref. 关1兴 and can be normalized using a path integral with the paths restricted to a range of 2, 冕 Let dn共t兲 be a continuous-time discrete-photon-number random process, a realization of which is depicted in Fig. 1, and j be the times at which dn共 j兲 is nonzero. A Fock state with a definite dn共t兲 can be defined as 兩dn共t兲典 ⬅ 再兿 j 1 冑dn共 j兲! 冎 关†共 j兲冑dt兴dn共 j兲 兩0典, 共2.2兲 I共t兲 ⬅ 共2.3兲 dn共t兲 = 兺 dn共 j兲␦共t − j兲. dt j 共2.4兲 The Fock states form a complete orthogonal basis of the continuous-time Hilbert space, 兺 兩dn共t兲典具dn共t兲兩 = 1̂, dn共t兲 P关dn共t兲兴 = Tr兵ˆ 兩dn共t兲典具dn共t兲兩其, 兺 P关dn共t兲兴 = 1. D共t兲 ⬅ lim 兿 ␦t→dt j d共t j兲 , 2 p关共t兲兴 = Tr兵ˆ ⌸̂关共t兲兴其, 冕 D共t兲p关共t兲兴 = 1. 共2.12兲 It is difficult to analytically calculate p关共t兲兴 for most quantum states of interest, so perturbative or numerical methods should be sought. For the design of homodyne phase-locked loops, the Wigner distribution is of more interest. For a Gaussian state with uncorrelated quadratures, it can be written as 冋 W关1共t兲, 2共t兲兴 ⬀ exp − 1 兺 2 j=1,2 冕 where j共t兲 are quadrature processes, 1共t兲 ⬅ A共t兲e−i共t兲 + Aⴱ共t兲ei共t兲 − 具A共t兲e−i共t兲 + Aⴱ共t兲ei共t兲典, 共2.14兲 共2.6兲 冋 N̄ 兩A共t兲典 = exp − + 2 N̄ ⬅ 冕 ⬁ dt兩A共t兲兩2, 冕 ⬁ 2共t兲 ⬅ − i关A共t兲e−i共t兲 − Aⴱ共t兲ei共t兲兴 册 − 具− i关A共t兲e−i共t兲 − Aⴱ共t兲ei共t兲兴典, dtA共t兲 共t兲 兩0典, † −⬁ Â共t兲兩A共t兲典 = A共t兲兩A共t兲典, 共2.7兲 冕 where A共t兲 is the mean field. The photon-number probability density is then P关dn共t兲兴 = lim e ␦t→dt 兿j 关兩A共t j兲兩2␦t兴dn共t j兲 t j ⬅ t0 + j␦t, dn共t j兲! 共2.15兲 A共t兲 is the complex field variable in phase space, is an arbitrary phase, and K−1 j 共t , 兲 is defined in terms of the covariance functions K j共t , 兲 as −⬁ ¯ −N 册 dtd j共t兲K−1 j 共t, 兲 j共兲 , 共2.13兲 dn共t兲 For example, a coherent state is defined as 共2.11兲 The temporal-phase probability density is thus given by 共2.5兲 where the sum is over all realizations of dn共t兲. For a quantum state ˆ , the photon-number probability distribution is D共t兲⌸̂关共t兲兴 = 1̂, 0共t兲 ⱕ 共t兲 ⬍ 0共t兲 + 2 . which is an eigenstate of the photon-number flux operator †共t兲Â共t兲, †共t兲Â共t兲兩dn共t兲典 = I共t兲兩dn共t兲典, 共2.10兲 duK j共t,u兲K−1 j 共u, 兲 = ␦共t − 兲, K j共t, 兲 ⬅ 具 j共t兲 j共兲典. 共2.16兲 共2.17兲 The covariance functions must satisfy the uncertainty relation , 冕 共2.8兲 which describes a Poisson process, as is well known 关11兴. A temporal-phase state can be defined as the functional Fourier transform of the Fock states, duK1共t,u兲K2共u, 兲 ⱖ ␦共t − 兲, 共2.18兲 which becomes an equality if and only if the state is pure. In particular, the covariance functions for a coherent state are 053843-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 QUANTUM THEORY OF… . II. CONTINUOUS-TIME… 具z共t兲z共兲典 = Z共t兲␦共t − 兲, FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 A homodyne phase-locked loop. LO denotes local oscillator. K1共t, 兲 = K2共t, 兲 = ␦共t − 兲. 共2.19兲 III. PHASE-LOCKED LOOP DESIGN A. Kalman-Bucy filtering Consider the homodyne phase-locked loop illustrated in Fig. 2. The output of the homodyne detection can be written as ¯ 共t兲 − ⬘共t兲兴 + z共t兲, 共t兲 = sin关 共3.1兲 ¯ 共t兲 is the mean phase of the optical field, which where contains the message to be estimated, ⬘共t兲 is the localoscillator phase, and z共t兲 is the quantum noise. For a phasesqueezed state with squeezed quadrature 2共t兲 and antisqueezed quadrature 1共t兲, z共t兲 can be written as z共t兲 ⬅ 1 ¯ 共t兲 − ⬘共t兲兴 + 2共t兲cos关 ¯ 共t兲 − ⬘共t兲兴其, 兵1共t兲sin关 2兩A兩 冤冥 x1共t兲 x2共t兲 , x共t兲 ⬅ ] ¯ 共t兲 − ⬘共t兲 + z共t兲, 共t兲 ⬇ 共3.3兲 with the mean phase proportional to the first one, C共t兲 ⬅ 关,0, . . . ,0兴. 共3.4兲 In the Kalman-Bucy formalism, x共t兲 is modeled as zeromean random processes that satisfy a set of linear differential equations, dx共t兲 = A共t兲x共t兲 + B共t兲u共t兲, dt 共3.5兲 where A共t兲 and B共t兲 are n ⫻ n and n ⫻ m matrices, respectively, and u共t兲 is a vector of m zero-mean white Gaussian inputs with autocorrelation 具u共t兲 丢 u共兲典 = U␦共t − 兲. ¯ 共t兲 − ⬘共t兲兴2典 Ⰶ 1. 具关 共3.9兲 The threshold constraint ensures that the phase-locked loop is phase locked. If the canonical measurements characterized by the temporal-phase POVM can be performed, we can instead modulate the phase of the incoming field by −⬘共t兲 and perform the canonical measurements, producing an output ¯ 共t兲 − ⬘共t兲 + z共t兲…, c共t兲 = f„ 共3.10兲 where f共兲 must be a periodic function, such as a sawtooth function, 共3.11兲 ¯ 共t兲 and z共t兲 is the quantum phase noise and independent of ¯ and ⬘共t兲 for any quantum state. Because 共t兲 may exceed the 2 range, it is still necessary to use the phase-locked loop to perform phase unwrapping. The following analysis can be applied to canonical temporal-phase measurements and arbitrary quantum states if c共t兲 is linearized as ¯ 共t兲 − ⬘共t兲 + z共t兲 c共t兲 ⬇ 共3.12兲 and z共t兲 is approximated as a white Gaussian noise. The same threshold constraint given by Eq. 共3.9兲 ensures that the periodic nature of c共t兲 can be neglected and the linearization is valid. The linearization allows us to use Kalman-Bucy filtering to produce the real-time minimum-mean-square-error estimates of x共t兲 关6,7兴, which we denote as x⬘共t兲, dx⬘ = Ax⬘ + ⌫ . dt 共3.6兲 We focus on coherent states, so that z共t兲 can be modeled as an independent white Gaussian noise according to its Wigner distribution, 共3.8兲 when the following condition, called the threshold constraint in classical estimation theory 关1,6兴, is satisfied: f共兲 = 关共 − 兲mod 2兴 − , xn共t兲 ¯ 共t兲 = C共t兲x共t兲, 1 ប0 , 共3.7兲 = 4兩A兩2 4P where 0 is the optical carrier frequency and P is the average optical power. The additive white Gaussian noise allows us to apply classical estimation techniques directly. Coherent states should also be of more immediate interest to experimentalists and engineers, as they are easier to generate and more robust to loss compared to nonclassical states. For a ¯ 共t兲 phase-squeezed state, the statistics of z共t兲 depend on − ⬘共t兲, but one may still wish to approximate z共t兲 as an independent Gaussian noise by neglecting the antisqueezed quadrature 1共t兲 in order to take advantage of classical estimation techniques 关1兴. The purpose of the phase-locked loop is to make ⬘共t兲 the ¯ 共t兲, using the measurement record of optimal estimate of 共兲 in the period t0 ⱕ ⱕ t, such that we can linearize Eq. 共3.1兲, 共3.2兲 ¯ 兲 is the mean field. For generality, where A ⬅ 具Â典 = 兩A兩exp共i we let the message be a vector of n random processes, Z共t兲 ⬅ 共3.13兲 This is called the Kalman-Bucy estimator equation. is called the innovation, defined in terms of a general vectoral observation process y共t兲 as 053843-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 TSANG, SHAPIRO, AND LLOYD ⌫共t兲 = 4P ប0 ⌺共t兲. 共3.22兲 The variance equation can be solved analytically, − ⌺共t兲 = ⌺ss FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 A phase-locked loop that implements Kalman-Bucy filtering for angle demodulation. ⬅ ␥/k + 1 exp关− 2␥共t − t0兲兴 ␥/k − 1 , + exp关− 2␥共t − t0兲兴 ␥/k + 1 + ⌳⌺共t0兲 , ␥/k − 1 − ⌳⌺共t0兲 共t兲 ⬅ y共t兲 − C共t兲x⬘共t兲, y共t兲 ⬅ C共t兲x共t兲 + z共t兲, 共3.14兲 where z共t兲 is a vectoral Gaussian white noise with mean 具z共t兲典 = 0 and covariance 具z共t兲 丢 z共兲典 ⬅ Z共t兲␦共t − 兲. For phase-locked loops, the homodyne output 共t兲 can be used directly as the innovation, so z共t兲 = z共t兲 and Z共t兲 = Z共t兲. ⌫ is called the gain, given by 冤冥 ⌺11 4P ⌺21 , ⌫ = ⌺CTZ−1 = ប0 ] ⌺n1 ⌺共t兲 → ⌺ss ⬅ 1 ⌳ ⌺ss ⬇ ⌳ +1 k 冉 冊 k⌳ 共3.17兲 共3.18兲 共3.20兲 ⌺共t兲 = ⌺ss t − t0 Ⰷ −1 , ⌳ Ⰷ 1, k 1/2 , 1 , ␥ 共3.25兲 共3.26兲 共3.27兲 共3.28兲 − exp关− 2␥共t − t0兲兴 , + exp关− 2␥共t − t0兲兴 ⌫共t兲 = 4P ប0 ⌺共t兲, 共3.29兲 ⌺ss = 1 2 冑N , ⬅ ␥ ⬅ 2冑N, 1 + 2冑N⌺共t0兲 1 − 2冑N⌺共t0兲 N⬅ P ប 0 , 共3.30兲 . At steady state, ⌺共t兲 → ⌺ss = 2 and the gain is 1/2 we can either follow the same procedure as before to derive the Kalman-Bucy filter or take the results for the OrnsteinUhlenbeck process to the limit k → 0. Either way, assuming  = 1 for simplicity, we find The variance equation becomes ⬅ B 2U 共3.24兲 , dx = Bu, dt Apart from phase estimation, Kalman-Bucy filtering can also be used to simultaneously estimate other parameters that depend linearly on the phase. The instantaneous frequency, for instance, can be estimated by defining x2 ⬀ dx1 / dt. The phase-locked-loop implementation of Kalman-Bucy filtering for general angle demodulation is depicted in Fig. 3. For example, consider the message as an OrnsteinUhlenbeck process, 4 P 2 d⌺ = − 2k⌺ − ⌺ + , dt ប0 , When the message is a Wiener random process, ⌺共t0兲 = 具x共t0兲 丢 x共t0兲典. 共3.19兲 dx = − kx + Bu. dt 1/2 ⌳ Ⰷ 4 . k 共3.16兲 and the initial conditions are x⬘共t0兲 = 具x共t0兲典 = 0, 冊 and the threshold constraint is Equations 共3.13兲–共3.17兲 are much simpler to solve than the conditional probability density equation suggested by Pope et al. 关5兴 for phase estimation. The threshold constraint becomes 2⌺11 Ⰶ 1, ប 0k ⌳ +1 k 冋冉 冊 册 which satisfies the variance equation, d⌺ = A⌺ + ⌺AT − ⌺CTZ−1C⌺ + BUBT . dt 4  2P 冉 where the subscript ss denotes the steady state, 共3.15兲 and ⌺ is the estimation covariance matrix, defined as ⌺共t兲 ⬅ 具关x共t兲 − x⬘共t兲兴 丢 关x共t兲 − x⬘共t兲兴典, ⌳⬅ ␥⬅k 共3.23兲 共3.21兲 1 , 2 冑N ⌫共t兲 → 2冑N, t − t0 Ⰷ 1 . ␥ 共3.31兲 The threshold constraint is 053843-4 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 QUANTUM THEORY OF… . II. CONTINUOUS-TIME… 4P 4N = ប 0 Ⰷ 1. 共3.32兲 These results for the Wiener process agree with the result of Berry and Wiseman 关4兴. B. Wiener filtering In addition to the Kalman-Bucy state-variable approach, Wiener’s frequency-domain approach can also be used to design the phase-locked loop 关1,6,12兴. Defining ¯ 共t兲 + z共t兲, y共t兲 ⬅ 共3.33兲 FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 A phase-locked loop implementation of Wiener filtering when the mean phase is an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. it can be shown that Kalman-Bucy filtering is equivalent to the integral equation 关6,7兴 x⬘共t兲 = 冕 Sxy共兲 ⬅ 冕 ⬁ dtKxy共t兲exp共− it兲 = −⬁ dH共t, 兲y共兲, 共3.34兲 the Wiener filter in the frequency domain is 冋 册 t dH共t, 兲Ky共, 兲, 共3.35兲 t0 Kxy共t, 兲 ⬅ 具x共t兲y共兲典, Ky共, 兲 = 具y共兲y共兲典. 共3.36兲 If x共t兲 and y共t兲 are stationary and we let t0 → −⬁, Eq. 共3.35兲 becomes the Wiener-Hopf equation, Kxy共t − 兲 = 冕 t dH共t − 兲Ky共 − 兲, 共3.37兲 Kx共t, 兲 ⬅ 具x共t兲x共兲典 = Kx共t − 兲, S x共 兲 ⬅ 冕 ⬁ dtKx共t兲exp共− it兲 = −⬁ 共3.38兲 . 2 + k2 冕 S y共兲 ⬅ 冕 冉 冊 4P d Sxy共兲 exp共it兲 = ⴱ 2 H +共 兲 ប0 −⬁ H共兲 = ⌫ss , i + ␥ x⬘共t兲 = 共3.39兲 ប0 4P 冕 ⬇ 1/2 ␥−k .  共3.45兲 t dL共t − 兲共兲 共3.46兲 冕 t dL共t − 兲关y共兲 − x⬘共兲兴, −⬁  ប0 . 2 2 + 4P +k 冉 冊 ⌫ss ⬅ −⬁ 共3.47兲 L共兲 = H共兲, 1 + L共兲 To solve for H共t − 兲, we rewrite Sy共兲 as H +共 兲 =  关U共− t兲e␥t + U共t兲e−kt兴, ␥+k To implement the Wiener filter in the phase-locked loop shown in Fig. 4, the loop filter that relates the homodyne output 共t兲 to the estimate x⬘共t兲 is 共3.40兲 Sy共兲 = H+共兲H+ⴱ 共兲, 1/2 where U共t兲 is the Heaviside step function. The realizable part is then obtained by multiplying Eq. 共3.44兲 by U共t兲 and performing the Fourier transform. After some algebra, we obtain 2 dtKy共t兲exp共− it兲 = 共3.43兲 共3.44兲 The power spectral density for y共t兲 is then ⬁ , + where the subscript + denotes the realizable part. To calculate the realizable part, first perform the inverse Fourier transform, −⬁ which can be solved by a well-known frequency-domain technique 关1,6,12兴. For example, if x共t兲 is an OrnsteinUhlenbeck process, its power spectral density in the limit of t0 → −⬁ is 1 Sxy共兲 H+共兲 H+ⴱ 共兲 H共兲 = where H共t , 兲 is called the optimum realizable filter and satisfies the integral equation 冕 共3.42兲 t t0 Kxy共t, 兲 =  , 2 + k2 L共兲 = H共兲 ⌫ss = . 1 − H共兲 i + k 共3.48兲 i + ␥ , i + k 共3.41兲 where ␥ is given in Eq. 共3.24兲 and H+共兲 and 1 / H+共兲 are causal filters. Defining The resulting phase-locked-loop structure is equivalent to that obtained by Kalman-Bucy filtering at steady state, as both approaches implement the optimum realizable filter. The mean-square error of Wiener filtering is given by the well-known expression 关1,6,12兴 053843-5 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 TSANG, SHAPIRO, AND LLOYD ⌺= = ប0 4  2P 1 ⌳ 冕 ⬁ −⬁ 冋 42PSx共兲 d ln 1 + 2 ប0 冋冉 冊 册 ⌳ +1 k 册 1/2 共3.49兲 −1 , which obviously must be the same as the steady-state error ⌺ss obtained by Kalman-Bucy filtering. The interested reader is referred to Ref. 关6兴 for an excellent treatment of Wiener filters. The advantage of Kalman-Bucy filtering over Wiener filtering is that the former can also deal with a wide class of nonstationary random processes that can be described by a system of linear equations 关Eq. 共3.5兲兴 whereas Wiener filtering works only for stationary processes. In the special case of a Wiener process, however, we can first design a Wiener filter for an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process and take the limit k → 0. The result for  = 1 is L共兲 → ⌫ss , i ⌫ss → 2冑N, ⌺→ 1 , 2 冑N 共3.50兲 side of Eq. 共4.3兲 to zero and using the steady-state ⌺ss as ⌺. Again using the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process as an example, the steady-state smoothing error, also called the “irreducible” error 关6,12兴, is given by ⌸ss = Both Kalman-Bucy filtering and Wiener filtering provide real-time estimates of x共t兲 based on the measurement record up to time = t. If we allow delay in the estimation, we can use the additional information from more advanced measurements to improve upon the estimation. In the following we consider the optimal estimation of x共t兲 given the full measurement record in the interval t0 ⱕ t ⱕ T, also called smoothing in classical estimation theory 关6,7兴. 共4.5兲 This result is identical to that derived in 关1兴 using a frequency-domain approach. In the limit of ⌳ Ⰷ k / , ⌸ss → 冉 冊 1 2 k⌳ 1/2 1 ⬇ ⌺ss , 2 共4.6兲 which is smaller than the error from Kalman-Bucy or Wiener filtering by approximately a factor of 2. For the Wiener process, the smoothing error is ⌸ss = 1 1 = ⌺ss , 4 冑N 2 共4.7兲 which is smaller than the filtering error by exactly a factor of 2. which is again the same as the steady-state Kalman-Bucy filter. IV. SMOOTHING . 2k共⌳/k + 1兲1/2 B. Two-filter smoothing An equivalent but more intuitive form of the optimal smoother was discovered by Mayne 关14兴 and Fraser and Potter 关15兴, who treated the smoother as a combination of two filters, one running forward in time to produce a prediction x⬘共t兲 via Kalman-Bucy filtering using the past measurement record, as specified in Eqs. 共3.13兲–共3.17兲, and one running backward in time to produce a retrodiction x⬙共t兲 using the advanced measurement record, dx⬙ = Ax⬙ − ⌼ , dt 共4.8兲 d⌶ = A⌶ + ⌶AT + ⌶CTZ−1C⌶ − BUBT , dt 共4.9兲 ⌼ = ⌶CTZ−1 , 共4.10兲 A. State-variable approach Given the output x⬘ of the homodyne phase-locked loop designed by Kalman-Bucy filtering and the associated covariance matrix ⌺, the optimal smoothing estimates of x共t兲, which we define as x̃共t兲, can be calculated using a statevariable approach, first suggested by Bryson and Frazier 关7,13兴. x̃共t兲 and the smoothing covariance matrix, ⌸共t兲 ⬅ 具关x共t兲 − x̃共t兲兴 丢 关x共t兲 − x̃共t兲兴典, ⌶−1共T兲x⬙共T兲 = 0, 共4.1兲 can be obtained by solving the following equations backward in time: dx̃ = Ax̃ + BUBT⌺−1共x̃ − x⬘兲, dt with final conditions 共4.3兲 ⌸共T兲 = ⌺共T兲. 共4.12兲 ⌸ = 共⌺−1 + ⌶−1兲−1 . 共4.13兲 −1 −1 −1 ⌸ss = 共⌺ss + ⌶ss 兲 . 共4.4兲 In the t0 Ⰶ t Ⰶ T limit, we can calculate the steady-state smoothing covariance matrix ⌸ss by setting the right-hand x̃ = ⌸共⌺−1x⬘ + ⌶−1x⬙兲, The steady-state smoothing covariance matrix ⌸ss can be calculated by combining the steady-state predictive and retrodictive covariance matrices, with the final conditions x̃共T兲 = x⬘共T兲, 共4.11兲 The smoothing estimates and covariance matrix, taking into account both the prediction and the retrodiction, are given by 共4.2兲 d⌸ = 共A + BUBT⌺−1兲⌸ + ⌸共A + BUBT⌺−1兲T − BUBT , dt ⌶−1共T兲 = 0. 共4.14兲 C. Frequency-domain approach For stationary Gaussian random processes and in the limit of t0 Ⰶ t Ⰶ T, a frequency-domain approach can also be used 053843-6 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 QUANTUM THEORY OF… . II. CONTINUOUS-TIME… FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 A homodyne phase-locked loop with a postloop filter F共兲 that realizes optimal smoothing. FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 Position and momentum estimation by optical phase measurements. to obtain the optimal smoother 关1,6,12兴. The optimal smoothing estimates can be written in terms of y共t兲 as 关6,7,12兴 x̃共t兲 = 冕 ⌸= T dG共t, 兲y共兲, 冕 冋 ⬁ −⬁ 共4.15兲 册 兩Sxy共兲兩2 d S x共 兲 − = , 2 S y共兲 2k共⌳/k + 1兲1/2 共4.22兲 t0 where G共t , 兲 obeys 冕 Kxy共t, 兲 = T dG共t, 兲Ky共, 兲. 共4.16兲 which is the same as the smoothing error derived by the state-variable approach in Eq. 共4.5兲 as expected. The interested reader is again referred to Ref. 关6兴 for an excellent treatment of optimal frequency-domain filters and smoothers. t0 For Kxy共t , 兲 = Kxy共t − 兲, G共t , 兲 = G共t − 兲, and Ky共 , 兲 = Ky共 − 兲 and in the limit of t0 → −⬁ and T → ⬁, we can solve Eq. 共4.16兲 by Fourier transform, G共兲 = Sxy共兲 . S y共兲 共4.17兲 G共兲 is called the optimum unrealizable filter 关6兴. For an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, G共兲 is G共兲 = 4P . ប0 + ␥2 共4.18兲 2 To implement this filter, one can use the homodyne phaselocked loop designed by Wiener filtering and a postloop filter given by k+␥ G共兲 = . F共兲 = H共兲 − i + ␥ V. QUANTUM POSITION AND MOMENTUM ESTIMATION BY OPTICAL PHASE MEASUREMENTS A. Quantum Kalman-Bucy filtering So far we have assumed that the mean phase of the optical field contains classical random processes to be estimated in the presence of quantum optical noise. In this section we investigate the estimation of inherently quantum processes carried by the optical phase. Specifically, we revisit the classic problem of quantum-limited mirror position and momentum estimation by optical phase measurements. First we review the problem of optimal real-time estimation by Kalman-Bucy filtering, previously studied by Belavkin and Staszewski 关8兴 and Doherty et al. 关9兴. We model the mirror as a harmonic oscillator, as depicted in Fig. 6, f共t兲 ⬅ 冕 −⬁ = 再 d F共兲exp共it兲 2 共k + ␥兲exp共␥t兲, t ⱕ 0 0, t ⬎ 0, 共5.1兲 2Mប0 cos dp̂ 2 x̂ + = − mm Î, dt c 共5.2兲 共4.19兲 The postloop filter impulse response is ⬁ dx̂ p̂ = , dt m 共4.20兲 冎 共4.21兲 which is anticausal, so one must introduce a time delay td Ⰷ 1 / ␥ for F to be approximated by a causal filter. The optimal smoother designed by the frequency-domain approach is depicted in Fig. 5. The variance of the optimal frequency-domain smoother is 关1,6,12兴 where x̂共t兲 and p̂共t兲 are quantum position and momentum operators, m is the harmonic-oscillator mass, m is the mechanical harmonic-oscillator frequency, the last term of Eq. 共5.2兲 is the radiation pressure term, M is the number of times the optical beam hits the mirror, is the angle at which the optical beam hits the mirror, and Î共t兲 is the optical flux operator, consisting of a mean and a quantum noise term, Î共t兲 = P ប0 + ⌬Î共t兲. 共5.3兲 The constant force term can be eliminated by redefining the position of the harmonic oscillator, so we shall neglect the constant radiation pressure term from now on. ⌬Î共t兲 is ap- 053843-7 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 TSANG, SHAPIRO, AND LLOYD proximately a white Gaussian noise term for a high-power optical coherent state, 具⌬Î共t兲⌬Î共兲典 ⬇ P ប0 ␦共t − 兲. 共5.4兲 The Gaussian approximation neglects the discreteness of photon number and is valid if the number of photons within the relaxation time of the filter impulse response is much larger than 1. We can then write the quantum system model as 冋册 冋 0 1/m d x̂ = 2 0 dt p̂ − mm 册冋 册 冋 册 x̂ p̂ + 0 1 具p̂共t0兲典 = 0, 共5.6兲 ,  ⬅ 2Mk0 cos . 冋册 x̂ p̂ 具ẑ共t兲ẑ共兲典 = Z␦共t − 兲, 共5.8兲 共5.9兲 + ẑ, ប0 . 4P 共5.10兲 Our linearized model is consistent with the general model of continuous quantum nondemolition 共QND兲 measurements 关8,9,16兴. To apply Kalman-Bucy filtering to the estimation of mirror position and momentum, let us define ⌬x̂ ⬅ x̂ − x⬘, 具⌬x̂2典 1 具⌬x̂⌬p̂ + ⌬p̂⌬x̂典 2 ⌬p̂ ⬅ p̂ − p⬘ , 1 具⌬x̂⌬p̂ + ⌬p̂⌬x̂典 2 具⌬p̂2典 ប0 共5.16兲 . 共5.17兲 ប1 关共1 + Q2兲1/2 − 1兴, 2Q 共5.18兲 共⌺22兲ss = បmm 冑2 关共1 + Q2兲1/2 − 1兴1/2共1 + Q2兲1/2 , 2 Q 共5.19兲 where Q⬅ Z⬅ 4  2P ប 冑2 关共1 + Q2兲1/2 − 1兴1/2 , 2mm Q 共⌺12兲ss = 共⌺21兲ss = ŷ = 关 0 兴 冤 共5.15兲 共5.7兲 The mirror position is observed via optical phase measurements using a phase-locked loop. In the linearized regime, we can define the quantum observation process as ⌺= d⌺22 2 共⌺12 + ⌺21兲 − V⌺12⌺21 + U, = − mm dt 共⌺11兲ss = 2 0 共5.14兲 The steady state is given by the condition d⌺ / dt = 0. After some algebra, 具û共t兲û共兲典 = U␦共t − 兲, U⬅ d⌺12 1 2 ⌺11 − V⌺11⌺12 , = ⌺22 − mm dt m V⬅ and radiation pressure acting as the quantum Langevin noise, ប P 共5.13兲 共5.5兲 û, with initial conditions, 具x̂共t0兲典 = 0, d⌺11 1 2 , = 共⌺21 + ⌺12兲 − V⌺11 dt m 共5.11兲 冥 冑UV 2 mm = 2  2P 2 m 0 m is a dimensionless parameter that characterizes the strength of the measurements. The position uncertainty 具⌬x̂2典ss = 共⌺11兲ss is squeezed due to the continuous QND measurements, while the momentum uncertainty 具⌬p̂2典ss = 共⌺22兲ss is antisqueezed due to the radiation pressure. These results have also been derived by various groups of people 关8,9兴, although here we have shown how one can realistically implement the optical measurements of a mechanical oscillator. The Kalman-Bucy gain is ⌫= . 冋 册 4P ⌺11 . ប0 ⌺21 The estimator equation becomes 冋册冋 共5.12兲 In the linearized model, the Wigner distribution remains Gaussian and non-negative provided that the initial Wigner distribution is Gaussian, so it can be regarded as a classical phase-space probability distribution, x̂共t兲, p̂共t兲, ⌬Î共t兲, and ŷ共t兲, can be regarded as classical random processes with statistics governed by the Wigner distribution, and we can apply classical estimation theory directly. The off-diagonal components of the variance matrix are written in terms of symmetrized operators to ensure that they are Hermitian and also obey Wigner-distribution statistics. The Kalman-Bucy variance equations hence become 共5.20兲 − V⌺11 1/m d x⬘ = 2 p dt ⬘ − V⌺21 − mm 0 共5.21兲 册冋 册 冋 册 x⬘ V ⌺11 + y, p⬘  ⌺21 共5.22兲 where y is the measurement record of ŷ. The filter relaxation time is on the order of tf ⬃ 1 1 = , V共⌺11兲ss 冑2m关共1 + Q2兲1/2 − 1兴1/2 共5.23兲 which decreases for increasing Q, so the steady state can be reached faster for a larger Q. For Q → 0, t f → ⬁, and a steady state does not exist. The photon number within the filter 053843-8 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 QUANTUM THEORY OF… . II. CONTINUOUS-TIME… 共⌶11兲ss = 共⌺11兲ss, relaxation time is much larger than 1, and the assumption of white Gaussian radiation pressure noise is valid when Pt f ប0 ⬃ mm Q Ⰷ 1. 2 关共1 + Q2兲1/2 − 1兴1/2 冑 2 2 ប 共5.24兲 On the other hand, the threshold constraint, which ensures that the linearized analysis of the phase-locked loop is valid, is 2ប 关共1 + Q2兲1/2 − 1兴1/2 Ⰶ 1. 2共⌺11兲ss = 冑2mm Q 共⌶22兲ss = 共⌺22兲ss , 2 兲ss = det共⌶ss兲 = 共⌶11⌶22 − ⌶12 After some algebra, 共5.25兲 共⌸11兲ss = 冋 and satisfies the Heisenberg uncertainty principle for all Q, as one would expect. Furthermore, the covariances satisfy the following relation for pure-Gaussian states 关8,9兴: 册 共⌸12兲ss = 0, 共⌸22兲ss = 共5.35兲 បmm 关共1 + iQ兲1/2 + 共1 − iQ兲1/2兴. 8 共5.36兲 共⌸11兲ss共⌸22兲ss = 冋 册 1 ប2 1+ , 32 共1 + Q2兲1/2 共5.37兲 which is smaller than the Heisenberg uncertainty product ប2 / 4 by four to eight times. 共5.27兲 indicating that the harmonic oscillator conditioned upon the real-time measurement record becomes a pure-Gaussian state at steady state. B. Smoothing errors From the classical estimation theory perspective, we should be able to improve upon Kalman-Bucy filtering if we allow delay in the estimation and apply smoothing. Here we calculate the steady-state smoothing errors using the twofilter approach described in Sec. IV B. The steady-state smoothing covariance matrix is −1 −1 −1 + ⌶ss 兲 , ⌸ss = 共⌺ss 共5.33兲 1 1 ប + , 共5.34兲 8mm 共1 + iQ兲1/2 共1 − iQ兲1/2 共5.26兲 ប2 , 4 ប2 . 4 These results can be confirmed using the frequency-domain approach outlined in Sec. IV C. The position-momentum uncertainty product becomes ប2 2 关1 + Q2 − 共1 + Q2兲1/2兴 4 Q2 2 兲ss = det共⌺ss兲 = 共⌺11⌺22 − ⌺12 共5.32兲 and also satisfy the pure-Gaussian-state relation This condition, apart from a factor of 4, is the same as the large-photon-number assumption given by Eq. 共5.24兲 and ensures that the linearized system and measurement model is self-consistent. The mirror position-momentum uncertainty product at steady state is 具⌬x̂2典ss具⌬p̂2典ss = 共⌺11⌺22兲ss = 共⌶12兲ss = − 共⌺12兲ss , 共5.28兲 where ⌺ss is the steady-state forward-filter covariance matrix, already solved and given by Eqs. 共5.17兲–共5.19兲. The backward-filter covariances obey the following equations: d⌶11 1 2 , = 共⌶21 + ⌶12兲 + V⌶11 dt m 共5.29兲 d⌶12 1 2 = ⌶22 − mm ⌶11 + V⌶11⌶12 , dt m 共5.30兲 d⌶22 2 共⌶12 + ⌶21兲 + V⌶12⌶21 − U. = − mm dt 共5.31兲 The steady-state values for the backward filter turn out to be almost identical to the ones for the forward filter, C. Discussion While counterintuitive, the sub-Heisenberg uncertainties given by Eqs. 共5.34兲–共5.37兲 do not violate any basic law of quantum mechanics. The reason is that we only estimate the position and momentum of the mirror some time in the past as if they were classical random processes with Wignerdistribution statistics, but it is impossible to verify our estimates by comparing them against the mirror in the past, which has since been irreversibly perturbed by the unknown radiation pressure noise. In classical estimation, x共t兲 and p共t兲 are classical random processes unknown to the observer but can in principle be perfectly measured or simply decided at will by another party, so it is possible to compare one’s delayed estimates against the perfect versions and verify the smoothing errors. In the quantum regime, however, one cannot measure the mirror in the past more accurately without disturbing it further, and the only way for us to obtain perfect information about the mirror position or momentum is to perform a strong projective measurement. Unlike the Kalman-Bucy estimates, which predict the mirror position and momentum at present and can be verified by performing a projective measurement at present, it is obviously impossible to go back to the past and perform a strong projective measurement on the mirror to verify our delayed estimates without changing our model of the problem. It is also impossible to perfectly reverse the dynamics of the mirror in time and recreate the past quantum state without introducing additional noise because quantum-limited optical phase measurements prevent us from obtaining any information about the optical power fluctuations, and the dy- 053843-9 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 053843 共2009兲 TSANG, SHAPIRO, AND LLOYD namics of the mirror subject to the unknown radiation pressure noise is irreversible. Thus, even though classical estimation theory indicates that we can achieve more accurate estimates than the Heisenberg uncertainty principle would allow, quantum mechanics seem to forbid one from experimentally verifying the violation. In this sense the apparent paradox is analogous to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox 关17兴 and may yet have implications for the interpretation of quantum mechanics. In practice, while one may argue from a frequentist point of view that delayed estimation of quantum processes is meaningless if it cannot be verified, smoothing should still be able to improve the estimation of a classical random process in a quantum system, such as a classical force acting on a quantum harmonic oscillator 关18兴. VI. CONCLUSION modyne measurement scheme for nonclassical states remains an open problem. Along this direction Berry and Wiseman 关4兴 recently suggested the use of Bayesian estimation for narrow band squeezed states when the mean phase is a Wiener process 关19兴. Generalization of their scheme to more general random processes is challenging but may be facilitated by classical nonlinear estimation techniques 关6,7兴. When we apply the same classical techniques to the quantum-limited estimation of harmonic-oscillator position and momentum, we find that the two conjugate variables can be simultaneously estimated with inferred accuracies beyond the Heisenberg uncertainty relation if smoothing is performed. Although quantum mechanics seems to forbid one from verifying the delayed estimates by destroying the evidence, this result remains counterintuitive and may have implications for the interpretation of quantum mechanics. In the general context of quantum trajectory theory 关20兴, quantum smoothing deserves further investigation and should be useful for quantum sensing and communication applications 关18,21兴. In conclusion, we have used classical estimation theory to design homodyne phase-locked loop for quantum optical phase estimation and shown that the estimation performance can be improved when delay is permitted and smoothing is applied. We have focused on coherent states, as it can be regarded as a classical field with additive phase-insensitive noise upon homodyne detection, and classical estimation techniques can be applied directly. The optimal adaptive ho- Discussion with Howard Wiseman is gratefully acknowledged. This work was financially supported by the W. M. Keck Foundation Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory. 关1兴 M. Tsang, J. H. Shapiro, and S. Lloyd, Phys. Rev. A 78, 053820 共2008兲. 关2兴 H. M. Wiseman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 4587 共1995兲. 关3兴 M. A. Armen, J. K. Au, J. K. Stockton, A. C. Doherty, and H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 133602 共2002兲. 关4兴 D. W. Berry and H. M. Wiseman, Phys. Rev. A 65, 043803 共2002兲. 关5兴 D. T. Pope, H. M. Wiseman, and N. K. Langford, Phys. Rev. A 70, 043812 共2004兲. 关6兴 H. L. 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