Grade Review Subcommittee 2015-2016 2/2/2016 Meetings: as needed Name Michael Estanich Antonio Wright Rayven Wolske Chelsey Gruetzmacher Dejan Kuzmanovic Jodi Olmsted Richard Hauer Category Representing: Chair Student Student Student Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty member elected by the Student Government Association Temporary member for each case Unit/Department Theatre and Dance SGA SGA SGA English Health Care Professions Forestry/CNR Term 2015-2016 1st sem. 2nd sem. 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 2015-2016 Alternate faculty member appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate to serve whenever it is necessary to maintain the condition of three faculty members representing three distinct academic departments The GRS chair is appointed by the AAC chair for a one-year term; with the exception of the student representatives (appointed by SGA), GRS members are appointed by the GRS chair for one-year terms. GRS procedures are outlined in the University Handbook. Membership Information: