Procedure: University Operating Policies No. Date Adopted/Revised: Next Review Date: References:

Procedure: University Operating Policies No.
Date Adopted/Revised:
Next Review Date:
A. Responsibilities
Members of the campus community should identify institutional need for campus policy that
addresses accountability, resourcefulness, and efficiency in meeting the University's teaching,
research, public service, and compliance obligations.
Responsible Office or Administrator
a. Each Operating Policy must display the office or administrator responsible for ensuring
implementation, review, and revision of the policy in a timely manner.
b. Responsible offices and administrators must revise the policies and procedures for which
they are responsible to reflect their current institutional processes or guidelines.
Responsible offices must revise their policies and procedures whenever a change in
Montana University System (MUS) wide policy, state and/or federal law or regulation
affects current policy. All policies must be reviewed at least every three years. Revision
and review dates must be published at the top of each policy and applicable procedures.
Responsible offices or administrators should send proposed revisions to the Office of
Administration and Finance (A&F) [set up link for email &
phone number]. If upon the three-year review no revisions are necessary, responsible
offices must notify A&F in writing that the policy remains correct and current. A&F will
schedule the next review dates at three year intervals unless the responsible office
specifies a date sooner.
2. Office of Administration and Finance
A&F will administer the operating policies for University of Montana (UM) and Missoula
campuses. A&F will:
a. Ensure that published documents adhere to the style and format standards established for
UM policies.
b. Ensure that policies follow the steps outlined in this procedure.
c. Ensure the inclusion of definitions in a general index of terms.
d. Monitor compliance with the review schedules for each policy.
e. Communicate with campus about new and revised policies.
f. Ensure accessibility to policies and index of terms for all faculty, staff, and others
through a Web page.
B. Developing an Operating Policy
Anyone at the University of Montana may propose to the appropriate office or administrator a
new or revised operating policy.
1. Information to Include
a. Draft of the proposed policy and any related procedures.
b. When there is a proposed change to existing policy, show the changes by
underlining new and crossing out old language.
c. Identification of the responsible office or administrator.
d. Applicable references (and provide links) to federal and state laws and
regulations, BOR and UM policies.
e. Stated purpose of the policy.
f. Definitions of key terms if not already in the general index.
2. Language and Format
a. Use clear/concise language and avoid redundant or vague wording.
b. Avoid gender-specific pronouns.
c. For mandatory action use “must or will”; avoid “shall.” For
recommended actions use “should.” For permissive action use “may.”
d. Avoid Latin phrases; use the English equivalent: “for example” instead of
e.g. or “that is” instead of i.e.
e. Use the present tense when possible.
f. Use uniform, standard outline format after the references and any
introductory statement:
A., 1., a., i., aa.
g. It is important to consider online reading behavior and to use an
appropriate style within the outline format and throughout the document.
Use lists, indentations, bullets and the vertical arrangement of data
where possible to aid reading sequential topics.
Avoid long paragraphs. If the information can be placed in a visual
element, like a table or graph, will be more effectively
iii. Within the outline format, logically "chunk" information. Include
important facts near the top of the first paragraph where users can
find them quickly.
Avoid underlining; use bold to emphasize headings or key
Avoid italics; they do not read easily online .
Limit the amount of information under a heading to one screen
size. This helps the user retain navigational control of the
Use links for supplemental information, but do not construct a
sentence around a link phrase such as "click here for more
information." A sentence should be normally written and links
embedded on the most relevant word in the sentence.
viii. For lengthy documents, create a mini-menu at the top so the user
can jump to a desired topic.
h. References should include links to:
External sources, such as state and federal codes and regulations
Relevant MUS policies, directives, or letters. (If not available
online, some restatement may be necessary within an introductory
iii. UM policies, procedures, and related documentation.
3. Approval Steps
The following steps precede final approval of a new or substantially revised policy.
1. Responsible office or administrator reviews draft policy.
2. Office of Legal Counsel reviews and comments on draft policy. Office of Internal
Audit reviews and comments on draft policy.
3. Campus governance senates comment on draft policy and indicate whether or not
they approve the draft policy.
4. Responsible office or administrator either revises the draft policy in response to
the comments and/or provides written responses to comments received from
campus senates.
5. Responsible office or administrator submits any policy revisions and comments to
campus senates and legal counsel for additional comments and approval or
6. Responsible office or administrator submits final proposed policy, all comments,
and all responses to comments, together with outline of approval process followed
to President’s Cabinet.
7. At least two times per semester, the Cabinet will meet to review proposed new or
revised policies and will make recommendations to the President to approve the
policy, refer it for further revision, or dismiss it from further consideration.
8. The President will approve the policy, refer it for further revision, or dismiss it
from further consideration.
C. Review and Revision of an Operating Policy
1. Schedule for Review
The office or administrator responsible for implementation of the policy and procedures
must establish a regular review and revision schedule (at a minimum every three years).
The responsible office or administrator must identify the date (year and month) of the
review upon adoption of a policy.
2. Unscheduled Revisions
An operating policy may be reviewed at any time, not just during its normal review process.
Anyone with recommendations for revisions must follow the approval steps.
3. Minor or Routine Changes
The responsible office or administrator listed on the policy may make minor or routine
changes to policy without following these procedures. Minor or routine changes include
items such as updating a title or department name listed in a policy or correction of
typographical errors.
D. Record Retention
The Office of Administration and Finance must maintain an archive of policies, including
comments, responses to comments, and revisions in accordance with standard archival practices
and applicable University policies.