Policy Number: XXXXX Policy: Space Management

Policy Number: XXXXX
Date Adopted/Revised: 4/8/2015
Next Review Date: 4/8/2018
Responsible Office or Administrator:
References: xxxxxxxx
Space Management
Office of Administration and Finance
This policy sets forth the line of authority for the allocation of all university spaces and physical assets.
The principles to be used in making allocation decisions are also established.
Space: Interior building space allocation only.
Statement of Policy
1. The University is the owner of its spaces and physical assets, and not any group, individual or
department within it. In evaluating the assignment and use of space, the needs and desires of
current users and occupants shall not be lightly discounted when reaching space and physical
asset reallocation decisions.
2. The President, with consideration of recommendations made by the University Space
Management Committee, will decide the allocation of university spaces and physical assets.
3. All space is subject to assignment and reassignment to meet the overall needs and best interests
of the University and its programs. The President may delegate this authority, except for
assignment or reassignment of instructional spaces. By default, university executives, deans,
department chairs, and unit directors will assume this authority for non-instructional spaces and
physical assets that have been assigned to their entities
4. All instructional space (e.g., classrooms, instructional laboratories) will be scheduled through the
entity responsible (according to the Registrar and their process, recognizing special purpose and
donor intent) or the registrar’s office for the University course scheduling.
5. Only the President, with the advice of the Space Management Committee, may approve
conversion of existing instructional space to any other uses/occupancies. Requests to convert
existing instructional space to other uses/occupancies must be brought to the Space Management
Committee for recommendation to the President. Otherwise, the conversion of instructional
space is prohibited. The conversion of instructional space will generally be approved only if there
is adequate and appropriate classroom space available. Appropriate instructional space is critical
to the accomplishment of the institution’s mission and priorities.
6. Should any dispute regarding the use of university spaces and physical assets arise, it should be
resolved by the respective relevant Cabinet-level members. If these respective entities are unable
to resolve the dispute they may present the matter to the Space Management Committee for
recommendations or considerations and refer it to the President for decision.
7. The Space Management Committee will publish its governing rules as well as promote and make
known its principles, guidelines and procedures, as necessary, to meet the committee’s charge.
8. University executives, deans, department chairs, and unit directors are responsible for managing
and accounting for their allocated space in accordance with the principles, guidelines and
procedures established by the Space Management Committee. The membership committee
structure and membership has been defined and can be found on the University Committees web
9. The rental of interior space requires Presidential approval via Board of Regents policy 1003.6
Date Adopted/Revised
Next Review Date:
Statement of Principles:
1. Space is a University Resource: Space is a key university asset owned by the University of
Montana. Physical space is not permanently allocated to occupants or users, nor is it ‘owned’ by
those occupants or users. It is the University’s responsibility to allocate available space in
accordance with the strategic priorities of the University. All space is subject to assignment and
reassignment to meet the overall needs and best interests of the University and its programs.
The Space Management Committee is the delegated authority to perform review of university
space allocations and make final recommendation to the President.
2. Space assigned should facilitate the intended use: An objective of the Space Management
Policy is to match users to existing space attributes appropriate to their needs. Space functions
should be consistent with the intended use for the area (e.g., instruction occurs in classrooms
and labs, office space is maintained for office purposes, conference rooms are maintained for
larger group meetings, etc.).
3. Space Inventory Classification: The University of Montana uses the Postsecondary Education
Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual (FCIM) codification system. All space functional
use categories and space inventory codification will conform to these nationally accepted
4. Location of Authority: Space is always at a premium. All changes in a unit’s allocation of space
and physical assets will be considered at the institutional level. The conversion of instructional
space will generally be approved only if there is adequate and appropriate classroom space
available. Appropriate instructional space is critical to the accomplishment of the institution’s
mission and priorities. The Space Management Committee will review changes in unit level
space needs from a campus-wide perspective. The Committee will entertain proposals to
repurpose existing space to address new needs.
5. Periodic review is essential: A periodic review of physical space use at the University will take
place every five years. This will include a review of space allocations, actual space use, and
occupancies reconciled with institutional priorities.
6. Contiguous space is desirable: Whenever practical, adjacencies should be considered when
allocating space in order to optimize program outcomes and interdisciplinary activities.
a. Any change in use or space reassignment is to be reported to Facilities Services so that the
Facilities Space Inventory database can be updated.
b. The executive leadership of the requesting unit (e.g., Dean) is responsible for submitting all
requests for consideration to the Space Management Committee using the Space Review Form.
For example, any vacancy notifications, change requests, and additional space needs/requests
should be submitted through college/school or other appropriate sector channels through an
Executive Officer. The Space Management Committee will consider the proposals within and
outside the unit’s regular space use.
c. The Space Management Committee will invite input from the appropriate Dean, Director or Vice
President regarding space use and space allocation and consult with current and potential users
of spaces and physical assets before making recommendations to the president.
d. The Space Management Committee will convey recommendations to the President for final