Hoggatt, C. Knight, P. Muench, E. Uchimoto, K. Zoellner, A.... Spika, J. Staub, A. Walker-Andrews, Members Present:

ASCRC Minutes 4/12/11
Members Present: M. Beebe-Frankenberger, B. Borrie, D. Dalenberg, C. Henderson, K.
Hoggatt, C. Knight, P. Muench, E. Uchimoto, K. Zoellner, A. Williams
Members Absent/Excused: S. Greymorning, M. Grimes, B. Holzworth, J. Sanders, K.
Spika, J. Staub, A. Walker-Andrews,
Ex-Officio Present: E. Johnson, S. O’Hare
Chair Knight called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
The minutes from 3/22/11 were approved.
The Committee was reminded of the faculty governance meeting with the
Commissioner of Higher Education and members of the Board of Regents
tomorrow at 1:10 in TODD 210.
A communication was sent to instructors of service learning courses informing
them that the three-year designation was due to expire fall 2011 and in order to
renew the designation a service learning form must be submitted to the Faculty
Senate Office late in September 2011. It appears that a current policy does not
exist, therefore a draft procedure for the service learning criteria and review was
sent to the Chair of the Service Learning Advisory Committee for consideration.
It should be added to ASCRC procedures once approved.
The Writing Committee plans to present its recommendations with regard to the
future of the UDWPA to ASCRC on April 26th.
Business Items:
Police Science
 The social science subcommittee requested follow-up information. There has not yet
been a response.
Accounting 498
A program modification form was submitted for the accounting program that changed
the number of credits allowed for ACCT 498. The department realized that it is
necessary to change the course description for ACCT 498 to be consistent. The
department would like to do this on the catalog copy this spring rather than submit a
course form. ASCRC approved the revision.
General Education Consent Agenda
 The General Education Committee approved the following courses early spring
semester after appropriate responses to concerns were received. It was an oversight
that they were not submitted to ASCRC earlier in order to be approved by the Faculty
Senate. The committee approved the items below.
Davidson Honors College
HC 122 E
Ways of Knowing
General Education Designation: Group
IX: American & European
Native American Studies
NAS 202
Oral and Written Traditions
General Education Designation Group V:
Literary & Artistic Studies
Film Studies Course Scheduling Guidelines
 ASCRC discussed, revised and approved the draft guidelines (appended). There is a
Film Studies course offered during summer session that does not meet the guidelines
or BOR policy 309.1. The course is offered in the first session (9 days and is 4.5
hours per day). This is not enough contact time, especially if films are viewed during
the regular scheduled class time. Traditional 3 credit courses meet for 2250 hours
and a course with a lab typically has lecture and lab sections for 1500 hours each.
One solution to meet the guideline for appropriate out of class time for compressed
schedules is to include pre- and post- work.
ASCRC sent a letter to deans and department chairs last spring bringing their
attention to compressed courses and the credit guidelines in BOR policy 309.1. Chair
Knight will draft a letter to send to the Chair of the English Department, the Director
of the Film Studies Program, and the Deans of the College of Arts and Science and
the School of Extended and Life Long Learning. An audit of summer and winter
session courses should also take place in order to identify other courses that do not
meet the intent of the policy. It seems there is a need for ASCRC to reiterate the
policy in order that corrective action may be taken. The faculty will also need to
recommend that the Regents reconsider the policy in order to accommodate blended
and alternative delivery to meet students’ needs.
Prerequisite Checking in Banner
 The Faculty Senate Chair asked ASCRC to consider whether it would support a
resolution requesting the administration to implement prerequisite checking during
Banner registration. The motion will indicate, in a formal way, that this function is
important to student success. Director O’Hare surveyed other campuses and provided
the results. Prerequisite enforcement is necessary to 1) protect under prepared
students; 2) protects prepared students; 3) prevent the need for non homogenous
instruction; and 4) prevent courses being filed with students that are not eligible to
take the course. The hope is that there will be a pilot prepared by spring 2012 that will
focus on core courses that it is important to have checked.
Registrar Johnson indicated that the function can be built into Banner. But it will take
time and personnel. Prerequisites will need to be coded in Banner. It will be
necessary to have an override function and appropriate validation information for
transfer students. Departments will also need to review curriculum to determine
valid prerequisites. It will be incumbent upon instructors to validate equivalences for
transfer students. A few years ago the School of Business testied the prerequisite
function, but found that it did not meet their needs because it didn’t work for transfer
students. The School currently has a full time staff person checking prerequisites
manually because it is required by their accrediting agency.
ASCRC unanimously supports a formal motion.
Dormant Course List
 Members were sent the dormant course list electronically. There has been no
response from departments; therefore the courses on the list (excluding the reserved
course numbers) will be removed from the catalog.
Experimental Course List
 The Registrar’s Office ran a second list and will provide this to the committee prior to
the next meeting.
Registrar’s Staff Concerns
The Registrar is working with the Provost’s Office in terms of how to address many
of the concerns. They mostly are related to common student appeal issues. The item
will be removed from the agenda until the Registrar’s Office staff are available and
the items are ready for consideration by the committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM.
Procedure Number:
Film Studies Course - Scheduling Guidelines
Date Adopted:
Last Revision:
Approved by:
Instructors teaching a course that incorporates the study of film are asked not to confuse
the time spent showing a film with time ordinarily spent on lecture and discussion. With
this in mind, it is recommended that those employing three credit film courses on a
regular basis in autumn and spring semesters seek the Registrar’s assistance in setting up
scheduling times along the lines of the following options.
1) two 80-minute sessions per week with an additional 160 minute session scheduled
(in the evening, most likely) for a film viewing;
2) three 50-minute sessions with an additional 160 minute session scheduled (in the
evening, most likely) for a film viewing;
3) two 160-minute sessions per week
Allow adequate time to view a film per week without cutting significantly into the
instructor’s contact time. However, an instructor might not choose to show a film a week
or might choose to show, for instance, two films one week and none another. Instructors
are encouraged to think of the additional class time (beyond the normal 150 – 160
minute schedule) as being available for their discretionary use, to be filled when needed
and to be shortened or deleted when not.