High-resolution pollen as an indicator of fire severity during the Populus Period, 2000 - 4000 cal yr BP Vachel Carter, Andrea Brunelle, Simon Brewer, Thomas Minckley Department of Geography Abstract Previous Research • Carter et al., 2013 identified a unique vegetation transition period from a logdepole pine dominated system to a lodgepole pine/ quaking aspen mixed forest between 3000-4000 cal yr BP. They coined this period the ‘Populus period.’ (see figures below) 1. Quantify the changes in pollen abundance after 12 fire events that occurred between 2000-4000 cal yr BP to determine the severity of each fire event. Quaternary Research 80 (2013) 406–416 • Quantify the ecological response to determine low severity vs. high severity fire • Quantify the changes from a lodgepole pine system to a quaking aspen mixed forest Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Quaternary Research journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/yqres Regionalization of fire regimes in the Central Rocky Mountains, USA Vachel A. Carter a,⁎, Andrea Brunelle a, Thomas A. Minckley b, Philip E. Dennison c, Mitchell J. Power d a 410 i n f o Keywords: Charcoal Fire Pollen Vegetation Climate Climatic boundary Lake sediments Paleoecology 2. Determine the potential drivers of ecological change between 2000-4000 cal yr BP. Climate Climate (2013) 406–416 a b s t r a c t Fire is one of the most important natural disturbances in the coniferous forests of the US Rocky Mountains. The Rocky Mountains are separated by a climatic boundary between 40° and 45° N, which we refer to as the central Rocky Mountains (CRM). To determine whether the fire regime from the CRM was more similar to the northern Rocky Mountains (NRM) or southern Rocky Mountains (SRM) during the Holocene, a 12,539-yr-old sediment core from Long Lake, Wyoming, located in the CRM was analyzed for charcoal and pollen. These data were then compared to charcoal records from the CRM, NRM and SRM. During the Younger Dryas chronozone, the fire regime was characterized as frequent at Long Lake. The early and middle Holocene fire regime was characterized as infrequent. A brief interval from 4000 to 3000 cal yr BP, termed the Populus period, had a frequent fire regime and remained frequent through the late Holocene at Long Lake. In comparison to sites from the NRM and SRM, the fire regime at Long Lake was most similar to the SRM during the past 12,539 cal yr BP. These results suggest the disturbance regime in the CRM has a greater affinity with those of the SRM. © 2013 University of Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction Vegeta-on Vegeta-on Fire defined here as the geographical location also known as the Wyoming Basin that separates the NRM and SRM (Baker, 2009) (Fig. 1). In this Driven by factors such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind context, the CRM can be viewed as the transition zone between the and fuel availability (Westerling et al., 2003), fire is a dynamic force Great Basin, the Great Plains, the NRM, and the SRM (Brunelle et al., shaping forest composition and is considered one of the most important 2013). The CRM is of particular interest because currently precipitation natural disturbances in the coniferous forests of the western United in the CRM and NRM is influenced from westerly storms originating States (US). Understanding these variables is important for determining from the northern Pacific Ocean in the winter, and both experience how fire regimes may vary in response to climate change (Dale et al., summers that are relatively warm and dry (Mock, 1996; Shinker, 2001). One of the few ways we can learn about the interactions between 2010; Wise, 2010). However, it is unclear whether the CRM has been fire and climate is to look at past fire regimes as a baseline against which influenced by these same precipitation patterns through time or how to measure modern changes. Fire histories obtained through the examdifferent precipitation patterns may influence fire regimes in the CRM. ination and quantification of charcoal preserved in lake sediments are The SRM typically experience precipitation patterns out of phase particularly useful because of their long temporal span. Unlike tree with the NRM; based on the observation that when the NRM are anomrings, which offer annual resolution but are generally age-limited to alously wet, the SRM are anomalously dry (Dettinger et al., 1998; Wise, the past few hundred years, charcoal records preserved in lake sedi2010). Within this dipole, the CRM historically has followed the moisments have the ability to reconstruct a fire history over millennia ture patterns of the NRM (Mock, 1996; Baker, 2009; Shinker, 2010). (Long et al., 1998). Charcoal records are also useful in that they can The dipole fluctuation in precipitation between the NRM and SRM is asidentify long-term shifts in fire regimes during periods of major climate sociated with El Nino–Southern Oscillation cycles (Wise, 2010), which change (Brunelle and Whitlock, 2003). To understand the fire ecology are known to influence wildfire occurrence and severity in particular of a system, sediment-based fire reconstructions are compared to regions in the United States (Westerling et al., 2003). determine how fire regimes respond as climate changes through time Past fire regimes in the NRM have been researched more heavily (Minckley and Shriver, 2011; Minckley et al., 2012). than those of the SRM, with even fewer fire reconstructions along the The and US macrofossil Rocky Mountain region is normally either transition between two regions et al., 2007, 2012; Figure 4. Pollen percentage data plotted against timedivided for Longinto Lake, WY. Gray shadingzone indicates 5× the exaggeration of(Minckley pollen percentage data. A ‘+’ symbol indicates the northern Rocky Mountains Range (NRM) or southern Rocky MounBrunelle et al., 2013). Based on climatic association, it is not understood presence of pollen at the trace amounts. Black circles indicate identified macrofossils. tains Range (SRM). The central Rocky Mountains Range (CRM) are whether the CRM has a distinct fire regime, or whether its fire regime is more similar to the NRM or SRM. Dettinger et al. (1998) proposed a climatic boundary that separates the NRM and SRM between 40° and ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: vachel.carter@gmail.com (V.A. Carter). N latitude,(4%) but this climatic boundary was stationary percentages of Poaceae (10%) and Amaranthaceae (~ 6.5%) pollen. 45°present but decreased to likely tracenotlevels through the zone. Fire Future Research Preliminary Results er ac ea e (I) As t ea e (I) (I ) Am Po ac Po pu lu s ar an th ia (I) (I) (I) To ta lP in e Age (cal yr BP) 0033-5894/$ – see front matter © 2013 Washington. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Cyperaceae pollen percentages were lowUniversity (3%).ofInitial forest constituCupressaceae (3%) pollen percentages also decreased. Populus pollen http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yqres.2013.07.009 ents include Abies bifolia, P. contorta-type and P. flexilis-type based on increased (1%) after 9000 cal yr BP. Artemisia pollen percentages (14%) macrofossils. along with Amaranthaceae (7%), Asteraceae (1%), Poaceae (2%) pollen percentages were all lower than previous. Cyperaceae (1%) pollen percentages, as well as riparian species, including Salix (b 1%) and Alnus Charcoal (b 1%) increased. Short-term increases of Artemisia pollen percentages Four fire episodes were identified with a mean fire return interval and those of aquatic pollen types were notable in the 7-cm thick organic (FRI) of 131 yr (Fig. 4). Peak magnitudes were variable between 0.1 layer (241–247 cm; 8600–8200 cal yr BP). Pinus flexilis-type increased and 58.5 and averaged 18.0 particles/cm2/episode. to 4% while Pinus contorta-type decreased to 2% during this shift. Abies pollen increased to 5% and Picea pollen decreased to 3%. Around LL-II: the early Holocene (depth 385–258 cm, 11,800–9400 cal yr BP) 9000 cal yr BP total Pinus pollen decreased to 36%, while Amaranthaceae (14%), Asteraceae (3%), Poaceae (2%), and Cyperaceae (4%) all increased. Pollen Aquatic and riparian species, including Salix (2%), and Alnus (b 1%) also Pollen percentages for subalpine species, Abies (5%) and Picea (7%) increased. increased during LL-II. Pinus pollen percentages also increased to 50%, with Pinus flexilis-type and Pinus contorta-type pollen abundances averaging 5% and 10% respectively. Shrub and herbaceous pollen abunCharcoal dances decreased in this zone with Artemisia pollen percentages LL-III had 21 fire episodes with a mean FRI of 320 years, which decreasing (18%), along with Cupressaceae (2%), Poaceae (4%), and was the least frequent of the record (Fig. 3). Peak magnitudes Asteraceae (2%). Cyperaceae pollen percentages increased to 4%. Abies for the 21 events ranged between 0.1 and 871.0 and averaged bifolia, Picea engelmannii and P. flexilis-type needles were present. 124.0 particles/cm2/episode. Two out of the 21 fires (5500 and 8230 cal yr BP) had peak magnitudes N500 particles/cm2/episode. Charcoal LL-II had 13 fire episodes with a mean FRI of 246 yr. Peak magnitudes ranged between 0.3 and 144.0 and averaged 48.0 particles/cm2/episode. LL-IV: the Populus period (depth 160–140 cm, 4000–3100 cal yr BP) • Charcoal results showing charcoal accumulation and background (red line), 12 fire events (+ symbol), fire return interval (FRI) and peak magnitude. • Pollen influx diagram showing the 6 most common pollen taxa and their responses to each individual fire (the horizontal lines) 2000 2050 2100 2150 2200 2250 2300 2350 2400 2450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700 2750 2800 2850 2900 2950 3000 3050 3100 3150 3200 3250 3300 3350 3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 3650 3700 3750 3800 3850 3900 3950 4000 4050 • When aspen pollen Influx increase, the FRI increases and the largest peak magnitude event occurs. Grouped Taxa • Examine grouped taxa Canopy vs. Understory responses to thresholds & Conifers, successional, using an LDA approach. deciduous, herbs, and shrubs • Analyze pre-fire and post-fire pollen taxa to examine the ecological responses after each fire event to determine the mechanism that altered the FRI. This will be done using a SEA approach. LL-III: the middle Holocene (depth 258–160 cm, 9400–4000 cal yr BP) Pollen Total Pinus pollen was the dominant pollen type during LL-III, averaging 68%. Abies pollen percentages averaged a peak of 4% around 9000 cal yr BP. Pinus flexilis-type (1%) and Pinus contorta-type (6%) pollen percentages decreased in this zone. Picea pollen was initially 10000 50000 100000 1000 2000 3000 500 1000 1500 200 400 600 800 250 Pollen From 4000 to 3100 cal yr BP, Populus pollen percentages increased from 1% to 31% and remained high for ~900 years. The increase in Populus pollen abundance was anomalous in western North America pollen diagrams, so these counts were verified by Carter, Brunelle and Minckley. All relative pollen abundances were lowered by the inclusion of Populus pollen percentages in the terrestrial sum. Pinus pollen 500 • LDA results indicating a threshold of 100 particles/cm2/episode using the 6 most common pollen taxa. Figures show pre fire samples and post fire samples (called the response). Group 0 indicates the 100 particles threshold. Group 1 indicates the 200 particles threshold. Methods Acknowledgements • • Charcoal c Article history: Received 24 January 2013 Available online 5 September 2013 Site Location Long Lake, Wyoming Pollen RED Lab, Department of Geography, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA Department of Geography and Program in Ecology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071, USA URSA Lab, Department of Geography, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA V.A. Carter et al. / Quaternary Research 80 d Utah Museum of Natural History, Department of Geography, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA b a r t i c l e Ar te m is This study attempts to analyze fire severity using lake sediments from southeastern Wyoming, during a unique period of time coined the ‘Populus period’ (Carter et al., 2013). The Populus period (3800-2800 cal yr BP) was a time when vegetation composition and fire regimes changed from a Lodgepole pine dominated ecosystem to Lodgepole pine/Quaking Aspen mixed ecosystem. This study investigates fire events between 2000-4000 cal yr BP to determine the ecological response associated with fire events and to identify top-down or bottom-up drivers. In order to determine fire severity, this study compares high-resolution charcoal and pollen data to peak magnitude, which is an output from a statistical treatment program called CharAnalysis. Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) was used to set a threshold by which individual pollen taxa and grouped pollen taxa are either associated with low or high severity fires. Based on the LDA results, the severity threshold for individual pollen taxa are fire events with peak magnitudes greater than 100 particles/cm2/episode. The LDA results indicate severity thresholds of grouped pollen taxa ranging between 100-200 particles/cm2/episode. Superposed epoch analysis (SEA) is used to model pollen behavior both pre and post fire events to determine the ecological response associated with each of the fire events. Statistical analysis using LDA and SEA can potentially be used in combination to determine fire severity, which will be beneficial to land managers and policy makers in the 21st century. Research Objectives Funding was made possible by Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, Great Basin Earth Science, Global Change and Sustainability Center, the Don Currey Scholarship, the David C. Williams Scholarship and the U.S. Forest Service. • • • Blarquez and Carcaillet.(2010) & Shriver and Minckley (2013) both successfully used the SEA approach to examine pre-and-post fire responses. This study examines the ecological response at a much higher resolution than previously used. Citations Blarquez, O., and Carcaillet, C., 2010. Fire, fuel composition and resilience threshold in subalpine ecosystem. PLoS ONE 5(8), e12480 Carter, V.A., Brunelle, A., Minckley, T.A., Dennison,P.E., Power, M.J., 2013. Regionalization of fire regimes in the Central Rocky Mountains, USA. Quaternary Research 80, 406-416. Minckley, T.A., and Shriver, R.K., 2011. Vegetation responses to changing fire regimes in a Rocky Mountain forest. Fire Ecology 7(2), 66-80. Shriver, R.K., and Minckley, T.A., 2013. Late-Holocene response of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) forests to fire disturbance in the Pine Forest Range, Nevada, USA. Quaternary Research 78, 465-473. .