MATH 1010-Section 5 (Fall 2009) Intermediate Algebra (4 credits) Instructor: William Malone

MATH 1010-Section 5 (Fall 2009)
Intermediate Algebra (4 credits)
M W 6:00-7:45pm in JWB 335
Instructor: William Malone
Oce: JWB 105
Phone: 801-585-7663
Website: (All course material will be posted here.)
Oce Hours: 4:45-5:45pm on Monday and Wednesday or by appointment
TEXTBOOK: Larson, Intermediate Algebra 5th ed., Brooks/Cole Pub, 2010.
COURSE: Rapid review of elementary algebra; linear equations and inequalities,
systems of linear equations; exponents, radicals, complex numbers, exponentials, logarithms; solving polynomial, rational, radical exponential and logarithmic equations;
applications throughout these topics. The course will cover chapter 1 through chapter
9 in the text .
PREREQUISITE: Math ACT score of 18-22 or a passing grade in MATH 950
GRADING POLICY: The course grade will be based on:
WebWork Homework
Handwritten Homework
Midterm 1
Midterm 2
A 100%-92%
B+ 89%-86%
B- 82%-79%
D+ 69%-66%
D- 62%-69%
HOMEWORK: Homework will have two components.
1. The rst component will utilize the math department's WebWork system to
grade homework. The way the system works is that for each assignment the
computer generates a worksheet of similar problems for each student. Student's
then input the answers that they obtain and the computer instantly grades the
result. This has the advantage of letting a student rework a problem multiple
times until they obtain the correct answer. A new Webwork assignment will be
posted before each Monday class period and be due on the Wednesday of the
following week. Assignments will vary in length but students can expect around
80-100 problems per week.
2. The second component of the students homework grade will be based upon
the solution to a problem of their choosing. Every day I will write up several
dierent problems on the board (also posted on my website). Each student
will choose exactly one problem and write up the solution. Each solution will
be graded equally on the correctness of the solution as well as clearness of
presentation. By clearness of presentation I mean that all solutions should be
laid out in a clear and step by step manner, every step must be shown, and if a
mathematical identity is utilized you must reference this identity. I will try to
mimic the approach that I am looking for in my lectures.
QUIZES: Every day there will be a quiz at the beginning of class on homework that
was assigned the previous week. Specic details about what to study for a given quiz
will be posted on my website at least 24 hours before a quiz. The lowest 6 quiz
scores will be dropped at the end of the semester, therefore no makeup
quizes will be given.
EXAMS: 2 midterm exams will be given. The exam dates will be October 7th and
December 2nd. The exams will be an hour long so after the exam we will cover
solutions to the more dicult problems. If you think you might miss an exam or have
a valid reason for being away from school on the test day please tell me as soon as
possible before the exam so that we can schedule a time for you to take the before
you leave.
TUTORING: The Rushing Math Center Oers free drop-in tutoring, a computer lab,
and study areas for undergraduates. The Rushing Student Center is adjacent to LCB
and JWB. The hours for the Fall semester are: 8a.m.-8p.m. Monday-Thursday and
8a.m.-6p.m. on Friday. The tutoring center will open Monday, August 31st.
CALCULATORS: No calculators will be allowed during exams or quizzes. Thus
students are highly encouraged to do all homework assignments without the use of a
calculator when possible.
ADA STATEMENT: The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that reasonable
accommodations be provided for students with physical, cognitive, systemic learning,
and psychiatric disabilities. Students need to contact the instructor at the beginning
of the semester to discuss any such accommodations that they may require for this
September 2nd
Last day to drop the class
Septermber 7th
Labor Day (No Class)
October 12th-17th
Fall Break (No Class)
October 23rd
Last Day to Withdrawl
December 14th
Final (6:00-8:00pm in JWB 335)
CHANGES: I reserve the right to change this syllabus at any time during the semester.
All changes will be announced in class as well as on my website.