ADP1047/48 Evaluation Software Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide GENERAL DESCRIPTION This user guide describes the various controls and indicators of the ADP1047/48 Evaluation Software. It gives the details of what each button on the GUI does in terms of the register that is being updated, along with a brief description. Figure 1. GUI Main Interface Window Rev. A Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS General Description ......................................................................... 1 Power settings - ADP10478 ...................................................... 13 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 PWM settings - ADP1047 ......................................................... 14 GUI Controls..................................................................................... 3 PWM settings - ADP1048 ......................................................... 16 Link................................................................................................. 3 VFB settings - ADP1047/48 ...................................................... 18 Structural navigation.................................................................... 3 General settings - ADP1047/48 ................................................ 20 Windows navigation .................................................................... 4 Filter settings - ADP1047 / 48 .................................................. 22 Tools ............................................................................................... 4 Flag settings - ADP1047 / 48 .................................................... 24 Dashboard ..................................................................................... 5 Trim settings - ADP1047 / 48 ................................................... 26 Setup ................................................................................................... 6 Smart Voltage settings - ADP1047 / 48 ................................... 27 Main - ADP1047 ........................................................................... 6 Monitor ............................................................................................ 28 Main- ADP1048 ............................................................................ 7 Main - ADP1047 / 48 ................................................................. 28 Soft Start settings - ADP1047 / 48.............................................. 8 Flags and Readings - ADP1047 / 48 ........................................ 29 VAC settings - ADP1047 / 48 ..................................................... 9 Scope - ADP1047 / 48 ................................................................ 35 Current settings - ADP1047 / 48 .............................................. 11 Register Access ................................................................................ 36 Power settings - ADP1047......................................................... 12 Main - ADP1047 / 48 ................................................................. 36 REVISION HISTORY Rev. A | Page 2 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG GUI CONTROLS LINK 1 2 3 4 5 R/W Description This number shows the last three digits of the ‘‘USB to I2C interface’’ connected to ADP1047/48. This number is also physically printed on the ‘‘USB to I2C Interface’’. This number shows the address of ADP1047/48 the GUI is connected to. 6 7 Figure 2. 8 9 Table 1. Referring to Figure 2. No. Name “USB to I2C interface” Number 1 REG Bits 3 ADP ADP1047/48 Address Communication link 4 Scan The GUI scans for all the ADP1047/48 connected to the computer. This helps in connecting and disconnecting devices once the GUI is already running. 5 Save/Load Options This control opens the Tools window. 6 Dashboard This control opens the Dashboard window. 7 Update EEPROM 8 Spy 9 Lock / Unlock 2 This animated indicator shows if the GUI is communicating with ADP1047/48. 0x5E 0x7B [7:0] This control writes the contents of the registers to the EEPROM of ADP1047/48. This is done by writing 0h twitce to register 0x5E, followed by writing 0h to 0x7B, wait for 40ms and followed by writing 1h to 0x5E. W This control opens the Spy window. 0xD6 [7:0] W 0xFE37 [7:0] R/W This control locks or unlocks write-access for Trim registers. STRUCTURAL NAVIGATION 1 2 Figure 3. Table 2. Referring to Figure 3. No. 1 Name Device – Window Info 2 Structural Navigation REG Bits R/W Description This indicator shows the device address and the window name of the window which is currently open. If you have only one device connected to the GUI, then clicking on the buttons opens the respective windows. If you have multiple devices connected, then clicking on the buttons opens the window for the device selected in the ‘‘Link’’ section shown above in Figure 2. Rev. A | Page 3 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide WINDOWS NAVIGATION 1 2 Figure 4. Table 3. Referring to Figure 4. No. 1 Name Arrows 2 Tabs REG Bits R/W Description The arrows move the tabs in the respective directions. The tabs open the window whose name and device address is displayed on it. TOOLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 5. Table 4. Referring to Figure 5. No. 1 Name Save Register Settings REG Bits R/W Description This control saves the contents of the register map of the device selected in the ‘‘Link’’ section shown above in Figure 2, to either a “.47r” file or a “.48r” file. This control loads the contents of the register map to the device selected in the ‘‘Link’’ section shown above in Figure 2, from either a “.47r” file or a “.48r” file. This control saves the information about the extrenal components required by the GUI to either a “.47b” file or a “.48b” file. This control loads the information about the extrenal components required by the GUI from either a “.47b” file or a “.48b” file. This control will load the factory trim settings to the part. 2 Load register Settings 3 Save Board Settings 4 Load Board Settings 5 Load Factory Trim Values 6 EEPROM Access This control opens a page where you can access page 4 to 15 of the EEPROM. These pages can be used to save any information that the user wants to. 7 Update GUI This control connects to”” and redirects you to the page which has the latest version of the GUI. 8 Reference Guide This control opens the GUI Reference Guide. 9 Datasheet This control opens the ADP1047/48 datasheet. Rev. A | Page 4 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG DASHBOARD 1 2 5 3 6 4 7 Figure 6. Table 5. Referring to Figure 6. No. 1 Name PS ON REG 0x01 Bits [7] R/W R/W Description This switch sets the device response to the operation command. 2 IPV 0x88 [15:0] R This indicator displays the input volt (V) in VIN linear mode format. 3 IPP 0x89 [15:0] R This indicator displays the input current (A) in current linear mode format. 4 OPV 0x97 [15:0] R This indicator displays the input power (W) in power linear mode format. 5 VOUT OV 0x7A [7] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT. 6 VIN UV 0x78 [3] R Red = General Input undervoltage fault. 7 IIN OC 0xFE99 [2] R Red = The input current measured on the CS ADC is larger than the value in IIN_OC_FAULT_LIMIT. Rev. A | Page 5 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide SETUP MAIN - ADP1047 2 1 Figure 7. Table 6. Referring to Figure 7. No. 1 2 Name ADP1047 Setup Blocks REG Bits R/W Description The grey block represents ADP1047 and the blue blocks represent the various setup blocks of the ADP1047. These blue blocks can be clicked to open the corresponding windows for settings. ILIM absolute value 0xFE3E [7] R/W This sets either Sense or Source by clicking on this control. Rev. A | Page 6 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG MAIN- ADP1048 2 3 1 Figure 8. Table 7. Referring to Figure 8. No. Name ADP1048 Setup Blocks REG Bits R/W Description The grey block represents ADP1047 and the blue blocks represent the various setup blocks of the ADP1047. These blue blocks can be clicked to open the corresponding windows for settings. 2 ADP1048 operation 0xFE14 [4] R/W This sets either bridgeless PFC operation or interleaved PFC operation. 3 ILIM absolute value 0xFE3E [7] R/W This sets either Sense or Source by clicking on this control. 1 Rev. A | Page 7 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide SOFT START SETTINGS - ADP1047 / 48 1 3 2 4 Figure 9. Table 8. Referring to Figure 9. No. 1 Name Inrush set REG 0xFE2E Bits [2:0] R/W R/W Description This button sets the inrush signal delay time after the BROWN_OUT flag goes low. 2 Soft start delay time 0xFE2D [5:3] R/W This button sets the delay time between the inrush signal and the origin of the soft start. 3 Soft start time 0xFE2D [2:0] R/W This button sets the soft start time. 4 Enable fast loop during soft start 0xFE24 [1] R/W This sets either ‘Fast Voltage Loop’ or ‘Normal voltage Loop’ enable by clicking one of the buttons. Rev. A | Page 8 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG VAC SETTINGS - ADP1047 / 48 1 2 9 3 4 5 6 10 7 8 Figure 10. Table 9. Referring to Figure 10. No. 1 2 3 4 5 Name Max Range OV Fault Exponent-N REG 0x55 0x35 0x36 0x58 0x59 0x55 Bits [15:0] [15:0] [15:0] [15:0] [15:0] [15:11] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R [10:0] R/W Description This sets the exponent for the input voltage. This sets the upper volt measured at the PFC input voltage that causes an overvoltage fault condition. High and low bits Super High Line 0xFE4B [10:0] R/W This sets the input voltage value as a super high line limit. Hysteresis 0xFE4D [7:0] R/W High Line 0xFE35 [7:0] WO This sets the voltage hysteresis of the super high line voltage for the smart output voltage operation. This sets the high line limit. When the input voltage is higher than this value, the current loop filter for high line input is used. Low Line 0xFE36 [7:0] WO UV Warn Exponent-N 0x58 [15:11] R [10:0] R/W This sets the low line limit. When the input voltage is lower than this value, the current loop filter for low input is used. This sets the upper volt measured at the PFC voltage that causes an undervoltage warning condition. High and low bits Rev. A | Page 9 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide Table 10. Referring to Figure 10. No. 6 Name VIN On Exponent-N 7 High and low bits UV Fault Exponent-N 8 High and low bits Vin Off Exponent-N 9 High and low bits OV Fault Delay REG 0x35 0x59 0x36 0x56 Bits [15:11] R/W R Description This sets the value of the input voltage to start power conversion. [10:0] R/W [15:11] R [10:0] R/W [15:11] R [10:0] R/W [2:0] R/W This sets the number of delay time units. [7:6] R/W This sets the device’s response to an input overvoltage fault condition. [5:3] R/W This sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. [2:0] R/W This sets the number of delay time units. [7:6] R/W This sets the device’s response to an input undervoltage fault condition. [5:3] R/W This sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. This sets the upper volt measured at the PFC input voltage that causes an undervoltage fault condition. This sets the value of the input voltage to stop power conversion. Response Retry UV Fault Delay 0x5A Response 10 Retry AC Line Loss Time 0xFE2E [4:3] R/W This sets timer for the VIN_LOW_FLAG measurement. Max Period 0xFE28 [7:0] R/W This sets the maximum AC line period of the input voltage. Min Period 0xFE27 [7:0] R/W This sets the minimum AC line period of the input voltage. Rev. A | Page 10 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG CURRENT SETTINGS - ADP1047 / 48 1 5 2 3 4 Figure 11. Table 11. Referring to Figure 11. No. OC Warn REG 0xFE39 0x5C 0xFE3D 0xFE00 0x5B 0x5D 0xFE3E 0x5D Bits [10:6] [7:0] [4:0] [7:4] [15:0] [15:0] [6:5] [15:11] [10:0] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R R/W This sets the accurate overcurrent threshold measured at the PFC input current that causes an overcurrent warning condition. 3 Fast OC Fault 0xFE3E [6:5] R/W This sets the ILIM absolute value. 4 OC Fault 0x5B [15:11] [10:0] R R/W This sets the accurate overcurrent threshold measured at the PFC input current that causes an overcurrent fault condition. 5 AOCP Fault Delay Response Retry FOCP Fault Debounce Response Blanking 0x5C [2:0] [7:6] [5:3] R/W R/W R/W This sets the number of delay time units. This sets the device response to an input overcurrent fault condition. This sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. 0xFE3D 0xFE00 [4:3] [7:6] [5:4] [2:0] R/W R/W R/W R/W This sets the CS OCP debounce values. This sets the device response to a fast overcurrent protection condition and the number of switching cycles. This sets leading edge blanking time. 1 2 Name Max Range 0xFE3D Description This control sets the exponent for the input current. Rev. A | Page 11 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide POWER SETTINGS - ADP1047 1 2 3 Figure 12. Table 12. Referring to Figure 12. No. 1 2 3 Name Max Range REG 0xFE39 0x6B 0x6B 0xFE32 Bits [2:0] [15:11] [10:0] [7:0] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Description This sets the exponent for the input power so that you can increase and decrease the maximum range of input power. Before you change this value, you need to make sure that those two ‘Over Power Warning’ and ‘Low Power Threshold’ values should be less than the ‘Max Range’ value you want to set. Otherwise, it gives a warning message on the top left side of the window and the value will not change. Over Power Warning 0x6B [15:0] R This sets the value of the input power, in watts, that causes a warning that the input power is high. [10:8] R/W [7:0] R/W Low Power Threshold Hyst 0xFE4E [7:0] R/W This sets the power hysteresis for low power mode operation. Low Power Threshold 0xFE32 [7:0] R/W This sets threshold value of the lower power operation detection. Rev. A | Page 12 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG POWER SETTINGS - ADP10478 1 2 3 4 Figure 13. Table 13. Referring to Figure 13. No. 1 2 3 4 Name Max Range REG 0x6B 0x6B 0xFE32 Bits [15:11] [10:0] [7:0] R/W R/W R/W R/W Description This sets the exponent for the input power so that you can increase and decrease the maximum range of input power. Before you change this value, you need to make sure that those two ‘Over Power Warning’ and ‘Low Power Threshold’ values should be less than the ‘Max Range’ value you want to set. Otherwise, it gives a warning message on the top left side of the window and the value will not change. Over Power Warning 0x6B [15:0] R This sets the value of the input power, in watts, that causes a warning that the input power is high. [10:8] R/W [7:0] R/W Low Power Threshold Hyst 0xFE4E [7:0] R/W This sets the power hysteresis for low power mode operation. Low Power Threshold 0xFE32 [7:0] R/W This sets threshold value of the lower power operation detection. Phase Shedding 0xFE4F [4] R/W This enables or disables phase shedding. Rev. A | Page 13 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide PWM SETTINGS - ADP1047 2 1 7 4 5 3 6 10 8 11 12 13 9 14 15 Figure 14. Table 14. Referring to Figure 14. No. 1 Name Delay REG 0xFE4C Bits [15:0] R/W R/W Description This sets the additional delay of the synchronization reference clock to the rising edge of PWM. 2 Sync 0xFE4C [15:0] R/W This sets the additional delay of the synchronization reference clock to the rising edge of PWM. 3 T”X” < > OUTA [0] [0] [0] [0] [7:0] [3:2] [7:0] [3:2] [7:0] [3:2] [7:0] [3:2] [2] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W This control increases or decreases the corresponding edge timing in t1. 4 0xFE0D 0xFE0F 0xFE11 0xFE13 0xFE0C 0xFE0D 0xFE0E 0xFE0F 0xFE10 0xFE11 0xFE12 0xFE13 0xFE14 [1] R/W OUTB 5 Disable Both the rising and falling PWM edges can be clicked on and dragged to move to the desired position to set the positive and negative edge timings. This enables or disables PWM or PWM2. Rev. A | Page 14 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Table 15. Referring to Figure 14. No. 6 Name Modulation REG 0xFE0D 0xFE0F 0xFE11 0xFE13 7 Radio button 8 PWM Frequency 0xFE1B [5:0] R/W These radio button set between rising edge modulation and falling edge modulation. This sets the switching frequency. 9 Minimum On time 0xFE15 [7:4] R/W This sets the minimum on time. [3:0] R/W This sets the minimum off time. Minimum Off time 10 Bits [1] [1] [1] [1] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Radio button None Description This checkbox enables or disables PWM modulation. None of the below options. Smart Frequency 0xFE4F [3] R/W This enables smart switching frequency. Sync 0xFE4F [1] R/W This enables PWM synchronization. Frequency Dithering 0xFE4F [0] R/W This enables frequency dithering. Smart Frequency 0xFE1C [5:0] R/W This sets the PFC switching frequency as the PFC is running under low power mode and the smart switching frequency operation is enabled. 12 Freq Division 0xFE1E [1:0] R/W This sets the frequency division between the switching frequency and external sync clock. 13 Switching Frequency Update Rate 0xFE1D [6:0] R/W This sets the period for updating the switching frequency. 14 Reset This button loads the settings programmed in the ADP1047/48 connected to the software. 15 Apply Settings This control programs all the PWM settings to the part. 11 Rev. A | Page 15 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide PWM SETTINGS - ADP1048 2 1 4 3 6 12 8 13 14 9 10 7 5 15 11 16 17 Figure 15. Table 16. Referring to Figure 15. No. 1 Name Delay REG 0xFE4C Bits [15:0] R/W R/W Description This sets the additional delay of the synchronization reference clock to the rising edge of PWM. 2 Sync 0xFE4C [15:0] R/W This sets the additional delay of the synchronization reference clock to the rising edge of PWM. 3 T”X” < > OUTA [0] [0] [0] [0] [7:0] [3:2] [7:0] [3:2] [7:0] [3:2] [7:0] [3:2] [2] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W This control increases or decreases the corresponding edge timing in t1. 4 0xFE0D 0xFE0F 0xFE11 0xFE13 0xFE0C 0xFE0D 0xFE0E 0xFE0F 0xFE10 0xFE11 0xFE12 0xFE13 0xFE14 [1] R/W OUTB 5 Disable Both the rising and falling PWM edges can be clicked on and dragged to move to the desired position to set the positive and negative edge timings. This enables or disables PWM or PWM2. Rev. A | Page 16 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Table 17. Referring to Figure 15. No. 6 Name Modulation 7 Radio button 8 PWM Frequency 0xFE1B [5:0] R/W These radio button set between rising edge modulation and falling edge modulation. This sets the switching frequency. 9 Minimum On time 0xFE15 [7:4] R/W This sets the minimum on time. Minimum Off time 0xFE15 [3:0] R/W This sets the minimum off time. 10 IBAL Enable 0xFE43 [7] R/W This enables or disables and resets the IBAL integrator. 11 IBAL Gain Setting 0xFE43 [6:0] R/W This sets the gain which can vary from 0 to 127. 12 Radio button None 13 REG 0xFE0D 0xFE0F 0xFE11 0xFE13 Bits [1] [1] [1] [1] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Description This checkbox enables or disables PWM modulation. None of the below options. Smart Frequency 0xFE4F [3] R/W This enables smart switching frequency. Sync 0xFE4F [1] R/W This enables PWM synchronization. Frequency Dithering 0xFE4F [0] R/W This enables frequency dithering. Smart Frequency 0xFE4F [3] R/W This enables or disables smart switching frequency. 0xFE1C [5:0] R/W This sets the PFC switching frequency as the PFC is running under low power mode and the smart switching frequency operation is enabled. 14 Freq Division 0xFE1E [1:0] R/W This sets the frequency division between the switching frequency and external sync clock. 15 Switching Frequency Update Rate 0xFE1D [6:0] R/W This sets the period for updating the switching frequency. 16 Reset This button loads the settings programmed in the ADP1047/48 connected to the software. 17 Apply Settings This control programs all the PWM settings to the part. Rev. A | Page 17 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide VFB SETTINGS - ADP1047/48 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 16. Table 18. Referring to Figure 16. No. 2 Fast OV Fault Rise REG 0x20 0x21 0x40 0x42 0x44 0xFE2F 0xFE30 0xFE2F 3 Accurate OV Fault 0x20 [2:0] R/W 0x40 [10:0] R/W 0x20 [2:0] R/W 0xFE50 [7:0] R/W 0x20 [2:0] R/W 0x42 [10:0] R/W 1 Name Max Range Accurate OV Hyst 4 Accurate OV Warning Bits [2:0] [11:0] [10:0] [10:0] [10:0] [6:0] [6:0] [6:0] R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Description This sets the exponent for the output voltage so that you can increase and decrease the maximum range of output voltage. Before you change this value, you need to make sure that every other value should be less than the ‘Max Range’ value you want to set. Otherwise, it gives a warning message on the top left side of the window and the value will not change. This sets the accurate overvoltage threshold measured at the PGC output that causes an overvoltage fault condition. This sets an analog comparator at the OVP pin input. This sets the mantissa hysteresis for VOUT_OV_FAULT condition. This hysteresis only applies when the disable output option is selected as VOUT_OV_FAULT_RESPONSE. The PFC output will be enabled when the output voltage is lower than the VOUT_OV_LIMIT minus this hysteresis. This sets the accurate overvoltage threshold measured at the PFC output that causes an overvoltage warn condition. Rev. A | Page 18 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Table 19. Referring to Figure 16. No. 5 Name Fast OV Fault Fall REG 0xFE30 Bits [6:0] R/W R/W Description This sets an analog comparator at the OVP pin input. 6 VOUT 0x20 [2:0] R/W This sets the VOUT to the commanded value. 0x21 [11:0] R/W 0x20 [2:0] R/W 0x44 [10:0] R/W 0x41 [2:0] R/W This sets the number of delay time units. [7:6] R/W This sets the device response to an overvoltage fault condition. [5:3] R/W This sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. 0xFE31 [1:0] R/W This sets the OVP debounce time. 0xFE01 [7:6] R/W This sets the device response to a fast overvoltage condition. 0x45 [2:0] R/W This sets the number of debounce time and delay time units. [7:6] R/W This sets the device response to an undervoltage fault condition. [5:3] R/W This sets the number of attempts following a fault condition. 7 8 UV Fault AOV Delay This sets the accurate undervoltage threshold measured at the PFC output that causes an undervoltage fault condition. Response Retry FOV Delay(Debounce) Response UV Fault Delay Response Retry Rev. A | Page 19 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide GENERAL SETTINGS - ADP1047/48 1 4 3 5 2 7 8 6 9 16 10 11 12 13 17 14 18 15 26 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Figure 17. Table 20. Referring to Figure 17. No. 1 Name Control Pin Polarity REG 0x02 Bits [1] R/W R/W Description This sets polarity for the control pin. 2 Operation 0x01 [7] R/W This sets the device response to the operation command. 3 Command enable 0x02 [3] R/W This controls how the device responds to the operation command. Ping enable [2] R/W This controls how the device responds to the value on the control pin (PSON). Power-up control [4] R/W This sets the device power-up response. 4 PSON Delay 0xFE06 [3:2] R/W This sets the time from when the PSON signal is set to when soft start begins. 5 PSOFF Delay 0xFE06 [1:0] R/W This sets the time from when the PSON signal is cleared to when it is turned off. 6 Read Update Rate 0xFE3A [2:0] R/W This sets averaging window for the PWR current and voltage reading. Rev. A | Page 20 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Table 21. Referring to Figure 17. No. 7 Name VOUT OV Fault Flag REG 0xFE0A Bits [7] R/W R/W Description The switch for VOUT OV Fault Flag is always closed. 8 Fast Loop Flag 0xFE0A [0] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore Fast Loop flag. 9 OT Fault Flag 0xFE0A [1] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore OT Fault flag. 10 IIN OC Fault Flag 0xFE0A [2] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore IIN OC Fault flag. 11 Fast OCP 0xFE0A [3] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore Fast OCP flag. 12 OLP 0xFE0A [4] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore OLP flag. 13 Fast OVP 0xFE0A [5] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore Fast OVP flag. 14 VOUT OV Warning Flag 0xFE0A [6] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore VOUT OV Warning flag. 15 VOUT UV Fault Flag 0xFE0A [7] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore VOUT UV Fault flag. 16 Debounce 0xFE05 [3:0] R/W This sets debounce for the POWER_GOOD# pin. 17 Inrush Flag 0xFE0B [0] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore Inrush flag. 18 Brown Out Flag 0xFE0B [1] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore Brown Out flag. 19 AC Line Period Flag 0xFE0B [2] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore AC Line Period flag. 20 Fast OCP Flag 0xFE0B [3] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore Fast OCP flag. 21 IIN OC Warning Flag 0xFE0B [4] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore IIN OC Warning flag. 22 IIN OC Fault Flag 0xFE0B [5] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore IIN OC Fault flag. 23 VIN UV Warning Flag 0xFE0B [6] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore VIN UV Warning flag. 24 VIN UV Fault Flag 0xFE0B [7] R/W If the switch is open, then it will ignore VIN UV Fault flag. 25 VIN OFF 0x36 [15:0] R/W This switch for VIN_OFF is always closed. 26 Debounce 0xFE05 [7:4] R/W This sets debounce for the AC_OK pin. Rev. A | Page 21 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide FILTER SETTINGS - ADP1047 / 48 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 4-1 4-2 4-3 8 Figure 18. Table 22. Referring to Figure 18. No. 1 Name Current Loop Low Line REG 0xFE29 Bits [7:0] R/W R/W Description This sets the current loop digital filter gain of the PFC current loop. 2 Current Loop High Line 0xFE2A 0xFE2B [7:0] [7:0] R/W R/W This sets the current loop digital filter zero of the PFC current loop. This sets the current loop digital filter gain of the PFC current loop under the high line input voltage. 0xFE2C [7:0] R/W This sets the current loop digital filter zero of the PFC current loop under the high line input voltage. 3 Voltage Slow Loop 0xFE20 [7:0] R/W This sets the digital filter gain of the PFC voltage loop. 4 Voltage Fast Loop 0xFE21 0xFE22 [7:0] [7:0] R/W R/W This sets the position of the digital filter zero of the PFC voltage loop. This sets the digital filter gain of the PFC fast voltage loop. 0xFE23 [7:0] R/W This sets the position of the digital filter zero of the PFC fast voltage loop. 0xFE24 [0] R/W This enables or disables the fast loop filter with a delay. 4-1 Enable with delay 4-2 Fast Filter to Normal Filter delay [4:2] R/W This sets fast filter to normal filter time delay after VOUT is inside the regulation band. 4-3 Normal Filter to Fast Filter threshold [6:5] R/W This sets the threshold of the regulation band limit for switching from normal filter to fast filter. Rev. A | Page 22 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Table 23. Referring to Figure 18. 5 Vin Low Line Vin High Line These values are related to ‘Power Stage Filter’ transfer function. As they change, the shape of the gain and phase graph of power stage filter would change. 6 Enable Plot If the checkbox is enabled, then the corresponding graph will be plotted. 7 Green dot This green dot can be moved left, right, up and down which sets frequency and dB values depending on what you have set with the radio buttons on the top of the screen. 8 Apply Settings This control programs all the above values to the corresponding registers and bits. Rev. A | Page 23 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide FLAG SETTINGS - ADP1047 / 48 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Figure 19. Table 24. Referring to Figure 19. No. 1 Name VOUT OV Fault Response REG 0x41 Bits [7:6] R/W R/W Description This control sets the device response to an overvoltage fault condition. [5:3] R/W This control sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. [2:0] R/W This control sets the number of delay time units. [7:6] R/W This control sets the device response to an undervoltage fault condition. [5:3] R/W This control sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. [2:0] R/W This control sets the number of delay time units. [7:6] R/W This control sets the device response to an overtemperature fault condition. [5:3] R/W This control sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. [2:0] R/W This control sets the number of delay time units. Delay Retry 2 VOUT UV Fault Response 0x45 Delay Retry 3 OT Fault Response 0x50 Delay Retry Rev. A | Page 24 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Table 25. Referring to Figure 19. No. 4 5 6 7 Name VIN OV Fault Response Bits [7:6] R/W R/W Description This control sets the device response to an input overvoltage fault condition. Delay [5:3] R/W This control sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. Retry [2:0] R/W This control sets the number of delay time units. [7:6] R/W This control sets the device response to an input undervoltage fault condition. Delay [5:3] R/W This control sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. Retry [2:0] R/W This control sets the number of delay time units. [7:6] R/W This control sets the device response to an input overcurrent fault condition. Delay [5:3] R/W This control sets the number of retry attempts following a fault condition. Retry [2:0] R/W This control sets the number of delay time units. 0xFE3D [4:3] R/W This control sets the CS OCP debounce values. 0xFE00 [7:6] [5:4] R/W R/W This control sets the device response to a fast overcurrent protection condition and the number of switching cycles. Blanking 0xFE3D [2:0] R/W This control sets leading edge blanking time. Fast OVP Debounce 0xFE31 [1:0] R/W This control sets the OVP debounce time. 0xFE01 [7:6] R/W This control sets the device response to a fast overvoltage condition. VIN UV Fault Response IIN OC Fault Response Fast OCP Debounce REG 0x56 0x5A 0x5C Response 8 Response 9 OLP Fault Response 0xFE02 [7:6] R/W This control sets the device response to an open loop fault condition. 10 VDD OV Debounce 0xFE03 [1] R/W This control sets the VDD OV debounce time. [0] [2] [6] R/W R/W R/W This control set either ‘Ignore flag’ or not. This control set either ‘Reload EEPROM’ or not. This control set either ‘Save the first-flag ID to EEPROM when shut down’ or not. [7:0] R/W Setting this checkbox means that corresponding flag is ignored until the end of the soft-start ramp time. Response 11 12 Blank Flag During Soft Start Apply Settings 0xFE08 This control programs all the above values to the corresponding registers and bits. Rev. A | Page 25 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide TRIM SETTINGS - ADP1047 / 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 Figure 20. Table 26. Referring to Figure 20. No. Name Gain Trim Value REG 0xFE42 0xFE7E Bits [7:0] [7:0] R/W R/W R/W Description This sets the CS current sense gain (for 500mV range). This sets the CS current sense gain (for 750mV range). Offset Trim Value 0xFE53 0xFE7F [7:0] [7:0] R/W R/W This sets the CS current sense offset (for 500mV range). This sets the CS current sense offset (for 750mV range). Gain Trim Value 0xFE8F [7:0] R/W This sets the power meter gain under the high line input voltage. Offset Trim Value 0xFE8E [7:0] R/W This sets the power meter offset under the high line input voltage. Gain Trim Value 0xFE34 [7:0] R/W This sets the power meter gain under the low line input voltage. Offset Trim Value 0xFE33 [7:0] R/W This sets the power meter offset under the low line input voltage. 4 Gain Trim Value 0xFE40 [7:0] R/W This sets the VAC voltage sense gain. 5 Gain Trim Value 0xFE41 [7:0] R/W This sets the output voltage sense gain. 6 Gain Trim Value 0xFE18 [7:0] R/W This sets the RTD sensing gain. Offset Trim Value 0xFE16 0xFE17 [7:0] R/W This sets the amount of offset trim that is applied to the RTD1 ACD reading. 1 2 3 Rev. A | Page 26 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG SMART VOLTAGE SETTINGS - ADP1047 / 48 1 2 7 3 4 8 9 5 6 Figure 21. Table 27. Referring to Figure 21. No. REG 0xFE4F Bits [2] R/W R/W Description This button enables or disables the smart output voltage. 2 Name Smart Output Voltage Enabled VOSH 0xFE4A [10:0] R/W This sets the output voltage when the input voltage VAC is higher than the value set in Register 0xFE4B as the smart output voltage function is enabled. 3 VOHL 0xFE48 [10:0] R/W This sets the output voltage under high power operation with high line input. 4 VOLL 0xFE46 [10:0] R/W This sets the output voltage under low power operation with low line input. 5 VOP1 0xFE44 [11:0] R/W This sets threshold value of the lower power operation as the smart output voltage function is enabled. 6 VOP2 0xFE45 [11:0] R/W This sets threshold value of the high power operation as the smart output voltage function is enabled. 7 VOHH 0xFE49 [10:0] R/W This sets the output voltage under high power operation with high line input. 8 VOLH 0xFE47 [10:0] R/W This sets the output voltage under high power operation with low line input. 9 Max Power 1 This sets the maximum range of power. Rev. A | Page 27 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide MONITOR MAIN - ADP1047 / 48 1 2 Figure 22. Table 28. Referring to Figure 22. No. 1 2 Name Flag and Readings Scope REG Bits R/W Description The grey block represents ADP1047 or ADP1048 and the blue blocks represent the various monitor blocks of them. This blue block can be clicked to open the corresponding window for monitor. This blue block can be clicked to open the corresponding scope window. Rev. A | Page 28 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG FLAGS AND READINGS - ADP1047 / 48 1 3 2 6 7 5 4 8 9 11 10 12 Figure 23. Table 29. Referring to Figure 23. No. 1 Name I/P Voltage REG 0x88 Bits [15:0] R/W R Description This indicator displays the input volt (V) in VIN linear mode format. 2 I/P Current 0x89 [15:0] R This indicator displays the input current (A) in current linear mode format. 3 I/P Power 0x97 [15:0] R This indicator displays the input power (W) in power linear mode format. 4 O/P Voltage 0x8B [15:0] R This indicator displays the output volt (V) in VOUT linear mode format. 5 I/P Frequency 0xFE85 [7:0] R This indicator displays the measured frequency on the VAC pin signal. Rev. A | Page 29 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide Latched Flags - 1 Table 30. Referring to Figure 23. No. 6 7 Name AC OK REG 0xFE81 Bits [0] R/W R Description Red = The output of AC_OK pin is low. PGOOD Fault 0x79 [11] R Red = This refers to the condition of the output voltage. This sets the PGOOD pin. The PGOOD# flag is an inverted version of the PGOOD pin. PSON Fault 0x78 [6] R Red = The PSON signal (H/W or S/W) is active. MFR Fault 0x79 [12] R Red = Manufacturer – specific fault or warning = 0xFE80, 0xFE81, 0xFE82 Unknown 0x79 [8] R Red = A fault or warning is not listed in bits [15:1]. Temperature 0x78 [2] R Red = Temperature fault or warning. OT Fault 0x7D [7] R Red = The measured temperature is above the OT_FAULT_LIMIT threshold. OT Warning 0x7D [6] R Red = The measured temperature is above the value in OR_WARNING_LIMIT. INRUSH SYNC Lock 0xFE80 0xFE81 [0] [1] R R Red = Inrush is off. Red = The PWM is not synchronized with external clock. Soft Start 0xFE80 [1] R Red = The system is in soft start sequence, soft start filter is used. Min Modulation 0xFE80 [6] R Red = Minimum modulation limit is reached. Max Modulation 0xFE80 [7] R Red = Maximum modulation limit is reached. Fast Loop 0xFE82 [4] R Red = The fast loop compensation filter is in use. I2C Address 0xFE81 [4] R Red = The resistor on the ADD pin has a value that can cause an error in the address assignment (falling too close to the threshold). EEPROM CRC 0xFE81 [5] R Red = The EEPROM contents downloaded are incorrect. EEPROM Unlocked 0xFE81 [6] R Red = The EEPROM is unlocked. VDD 3.3 UV VDD 3.3 OV 0xFE82 0xFE82 [1] [2] R R Red = An undervoltage condition is present on the VCORE rail. Red = An overvoltage condition is present on the VDD rail. CML 0x78 [1] R Red = The system is in soft start sequence, soft start filter is used. Brown Out 0xFE80 [2] R Red = VAC is lower than the value stored in VIN_ON. LO Line 0xFE81 [3] R Red = The line is higher than the high/low line threshold. VIN UV Warning 0x7C [5] R Red = The fast loop compensation filter is in use. VIN UV Fault 0x7C [4] R Red = The input voltage on VAC is smaller than the value in VIN_UV_FAULT_LIMIT. VIN Low 0x7C [3] R Red = VAC is lower than VIN_OFF. This signal shuts down the power supply. VIN UV 0x78 [3] R Red = General Input undervoltage fault. VIN OV Fault 0x7C [7] R Red = The input voltage on VAC is larger than the value in VIN_OV_FAULT_LIMIT. 8 Rev. A | Page 30 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Latched Flags - 2 Table 31. Referring to Figure 23. No. 9 10 Name Input REG 0x79 Bits [13] R/W R Description Red = Input voltage, input current, or input power fault or warning. = 0x7C[7:0] Fast OCP 0xFE81 [2] R Red = The threshold set for this comparator has been reached. IIN OC Fault 0x7C [2] R Red = The input current measured on the CS ADC is larger than the value in IIN_OC_FAULT_LIMIT. IIN OC Warning 0x7C [1] R Red = The input current measured on the CS ADC is larger than the value in IIN_OC_WARNING_LIMIT. AC Period 0xFE80 [3] R Red = The controller is not able to detect the AC line period; the maximum value of the period is used and this flag is set. PIN OP Warning 0x7C [1] R Red = Input overpower warning. Reserved R Reserved Reserved R Reserved Red = An overvoltage condition is present on the VCORE rail. VCORE OV VOUT 0xFE82 0x79 [5] [15] R R Red = Any fault on output voltage (OV, UV, Fast or Slow) VOUT OV 0x78 [5] R Red = General output overvoltage fault. VOUT OV Fault 0x7A [7] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT. VOUT OV Warning 0x7A [6] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_OV_WARNING_LIMIT. VOUT UV Warning 0x7A [5] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_UV_WARNING_LIMIT. VOUT UV Fault 0x7A [4] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT. Fast OVP 0xFE80 [4] R Red = The programmable comparator threshold has been crossed. OLP 0xFE80 [5] R Red = Signals a difference of more than 100 mV between the VFB and OVP signals, indicating that probably one of the two voltage dividers is disconnected or malfunctioning. R Reserved Reserved Rev. A | Page 31 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide Debug Flags - 1 Table 32. Referring to Figure 23. No. 6 7 8 Name AC OK REG 0xFE96 Bits [0] R/W R Description Red = The output of AC_OK pin is low. PGOOD Fault 0xFE96 [1] R Red = This refers to the condition of the output voltage. This sets the PGOOD pin. The PGOOD# flag is an inverted version of the PGOOD pin. PSON Fault 0xFE96 [2] R Red = The PSON signal (H/W or S/W) is active. MFR Fault 0xFE96 [3] R Red = Manufacturer – specific fault or warning = 0xFE80, 0xFE81, 0xFE82 Unknown 0xFE96 [4] R Red = A fault or warning is not listed in bits [15:1]. Temperature 0xFE96 [5] R Red = Temperature fault or warning. OT Fault 0xFE96 [6] R Red = The measured temperature is above the OT_FAULT_LIMIT threshold. OT Warning 0xFE96 [7] R Red = The measured temperature is above the value in OT_WARNING_LIMIT. INRUSH 0xFE9B [0] R Red = Inrush is off. SYNC Lock 0xFE97 [0] R Red = The PWM is not synchronized with external clock. Soft Start 0xFE97 [1] R Red = The system is in soft start sequence, soft start filter is used. Min Modulation 0xFE97 [2] R Red = Minimum modulation limit is reached. Max Modulation 0xFE97 [3] R Red = Maximum modulation limit is reached. Fast Loop 0xFE97 [4] R Red = The fast loop compensation filter is in use. I2C Address 0xFE97 [5] R Red = The resistor on the ADD pin has a value that can cause an error in the address assignment (falling too close to the threshold). EEPROM CRC 0xFE97 [6] R Red = The EEPROM contents downloaded are incorrect. EEPROM Unlocked 0xFE97 [7] R Red = The EEPROM is unlocked. VDD 3.3 UV 0xFE9B [1] R Red = An undervoltage condition is present on the VCORE rail. VDD 3.3 OV 0xFE98 [0] R Red = An overvoltage condition is present on the VDD rail. CML 0xFE98 [1] R Red = The system is in soft start sequence, soft start filter is used. Brown Out 0xFE98 [2] R Red = VAC is lower than the value stored in VIN_ON. LO Line 0xFE98 [3] R Red = The line is higher than the high/low line threshold. VIN UV Warning 0xFE98 [4] R Red = The fast loop compensation filter is in use. VIN UV Fault 0xFE98 [5] R Red = The input voltage on VAC is smaller than the value in VIN_UV_FAULT_LIMIT. VIN Low 0xFE98 [6] R Red = VAC is lower than VIN_OFF. This signal shuts down the power supply. VIN UV 0xFE98 [7] R Red = General Input undervoltage fault. VIN OV Fault 0xFE99 [7] R Red = The input voltage on VAC is larger than the value in VIN_OV_FAULT_LIMIT. Rev. A | Page 32 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Debug Flags - 2 Table 33. Referring to Figure 23. No. 9 10 Name Input REG 0xFE99 Bits [0] R/W R Description Red = Input voltage, input current, or input power fault or warning. = 0x7C[7:0] Fast OCP 0xFE99 [1] R Red = The threshold set for this comparator has been reached. IIN OC Fault 0xFE99 [2] R Red = The input current measured on the CS ADC is larger than the value in IIN_OC_FAULT_LIMIT. IIN OC Warning 0xFE99 [3] R Red = The input current measured on the CS ADC is larger than the value in IIN_OC_WARNING_LIMIT. AC Period 0xFE99 [4] R Red = The controller is not able to detect the AC line period; the maximum value of the period is used and this flag is set. PIN OP Warning 0xFE99 [5] R Red = Input overpower warning. Reserved R Reserved Reserved R Reserved Red = An overvoltage condition is present on the VCORE rail. VCORE OV VOUT 0xFE99 0xFE9A [6] [0] R R Red = Any fault on output voltage (OV, UV, Fast or Slow) VOUT OV 0xFE9A [1] R Red = General output overvoltage fault. VOUT OV Fault 0xFE9A [2] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT. VOUT OV Warning 0xFE9A [3] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_OV_WARNING_LIMIT. VOUT UV Warning 0xFE9A [4] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_UV_WARNING_LIMIT. VOUT UV Fault 0xFE9A [5] R Red = The output voltage is above the VOUT_OV_FAULT_LIMIT. Fast OVP 0xFE9A [6] R Red = The programmable comparator threshold has been crossed. OLP 0xFE9A [7] R Red = Signals a difference of more than 100 mV between the VFB and OVP signals, indicating that probably one of the two voltage dividers is disconnected or malfunctioning. R Reserved Reserved Rev. A | Page 33 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide Table 34. Referring to Figure 23. No. 11 Name Radio button Latched Flags Debug Flags 12 Auto Clear Fault REG 0xFE80 Bits [7:0] R/W R 0xFE81 [7:0] R 0xFE82 [7:0] R 0x78 [7:0] R 0x79 [7:0] R 0x7A [7:0] R 0x7C [7:0] R 0x7D [7:0] R 0xFE82 [7:0] R 0xFE96 [7:0] R 0xFE97 [7:0] R 0xFE98 [7:0] R 0xFE99 [7:0] R 0xFE9A [7:0] R 0xFE9B [7:0] R Ox03 S Description If this button is set, Latched Flags are shown. If this button is set, Debug Flags are shown. This clears all fault bits in all registers, simultaneously. Rev. A | Page 34 of 37 Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG SCOPE - ADP1047 / 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 24. Table 35. Referring to Figure 24. No. 1 Name Start button 2 Stop button This can be clicked to stop drawing a graph. 3 Sampling Interval This sets the sampling interval. 4 Time Scale This sets the time scale. 5 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 This scope has 5 channels and each of them can measure either one of the 5 readings or one of the 45 flags. 6 7 8 9 REG Bits R/W Description This can be clicked to start drawing a corresponding graph on the coordinates. Rev. A | Page 35 of 37 EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG Reference Guide REGISTER ACCESS MAIN - ADP1047 / 48 1 2 6 7 5 3 4 8 Figure 25. Table 36. Referring to Figure 25. No. 1 Name Register Map REG 0x01 – 0xFE9B Bits R/W Description This control displays the complete ADP1047/48 register map, Selecting any particular register will display the data contained in that register, and will allow this register to be read and written to. 2 Register Details These set of indicators display the selected register’s (selected in 1 ) Command Name, Code and its value in hexadecimal and decimal formats. 3 Continuous Read If this checkbox is enabled then the GUI will continuously read the value of the register selected in control 1 . 4 Disable Automatic Read-Back The GUI automatically does a read operation after a write operation to verify if the write operation was successful. Enabling this checkbox disables this automatic read-back feature. 5 Bit Display This control / indicator displays the current value of the selected register, and can be modified by clicking on the individual bits. 6 Read This control reads the value of the register selected by control 7 Write This control writes the value to the register selected by control 8 Description This indicator displays the description of the selected register. Rev. A | Page 36 of 37 1 1 . . Reference Guide EVAL-ADP1047/48-GUI-RG ©2007 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D00000-0-1/07(A) Rev. A | Page 37 of 37