.. · DII; • International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 1989/G: 1 Report of Activities DEHERSAL FISH COHHITTEE by Vaughn C. Anthony 1988 • - 2 - ~., l BELGIUM (R. Oe Clerckl Recording of densities and growth rates of the 1987 and 1988 year classes of sole, plaice, dab, flounder, cod and whiting was carried out. Two cruises were therefore undertaken according to the criteria of the International Oemersal Younq Fish Survey. The groundfish survey was continued in order to estimate the stock size of adult flatfish in the southern North Sea by means of a beamtrawl fishery in August. This was part of an international survey in collaboration with the Outch Institute. The market sampling was continued covering cod (North Seal, whitinq (North Seal, haddock (North Seal, plaice and sole (North Sea-Enqlish Channel-Celtic Sea and Irish Sea. (see following tablesl. No. of samples Area SOLE IV Season measured aged 9 12 10 8 840 1,150 1,296 210 220 303 200 8 4 5 7 764 350 395 685 230 139 230 160 1 2 3 4 5 1 448 70 140 70 1 2 3 3 1 1 4 2 210 70 70 160 210 70 70 160 1 2 3 4 VIIf,g 1 2 3 4 VIIa VIId,e Res. Vessels No. of fish Market e ,- I • • - 3 - No. of samples Area PLAICE IV Season Res. Vessels No. of fish Market measured aged 1 2 3 4 9 12 10 8 562 758 1,428 524 140 130 263 140 VIIf, k 1 2 3 4 8 4 5 7 490 244 252 440 130 100 180 80 VIIa 1 2 3 4 5 1 286 40 100 40 VIId, e 1 2 3 4 3 1 1 2 150 50 50 80 150 50 50 80 COD IV 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 280 353 350 433 280 280 350 390 WHITING IV 1 2 3 4 9 9 18 11 336 475 610 531 200 175 310 285 HADDOCK IV 1-4 2 100 100 - 4 - DENMARK (Henrik Gislason) The Danish sampling for in the fo11owing tab1es. 1988 from the commercia1 catches is given Sampling 1 NO. I I I ISAMP-I I INO. MEAS. 1 NO. AGED I L. 1 1----------------------------+----------+----------+-----I ISPEeIES IAREA 1QUARTER I I 1 I 1--------+--------+----------1 1 1 I Plaice INorth 11 I 32571 32031 121 ISea 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.IV 12 I 19751 19461 101 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 I 15261 15041 61 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 ISkager- 11 I 13371 12711 101 Irak 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.lllal2 I 13831 13091 71 IN 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 I 14051 13171 51 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 14 1 11571 10691 41 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 IKattegatl1 1 15661 15131 121 IDiv.lllal----------+----------+----------+-----1 IS 12 I 10541 10141 101 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 1 11231 10841 71 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 14 I 14111 13381 71 • - 5 - SAITBE Sampling 1 I NO. I ISAMP-I 1 1 1 INO. MEAS. I NO. AGED I L. 1 ----------------------------+----------+----------+-----I ISPECIES IAREA IQUARTER I 1 I 1 1--------+--------+----------1 1 1 1 saithe INorth 11 I 7001 6961 31 ISea 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.IV 12 I 4881 4851 31 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 I 2501 2501 31 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 14 1 971 971 21 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.IIlal1 I 1631 1601 41 IN 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 ISkager- 12 I 1581 1581 31 Irak I---------~+----------+----------+-----I 1 13 I 1401 1391 31 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 14 I 881 881 31 Sampling I I NO. I 1 1 ISAMP-I INO. MEAS. 1 NO. AGED I L. I ---------------------------------------------------------ISPECIES IAREA IQUARTER I I 1 INorth 11 I 14101 13991 191 ISea 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.IV 12 I 3831 3801 61 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 I 7931 7911 41 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 14 1 4551 4541 51 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 ISkager- 11 1 5401 5361 161 Irak 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.lllal2 I 5491 5481 71 IN 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 13 I 7381 733( 71 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 14 1 7041 7021 51 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 IKattegatl1 I 81 81 41 IDiv.lllal----------+----------+----------+-----1 IS 13 1 11 11 11 I--------+---~----+----------I IHaddock I 1 1 I I I - 6 - NORWAY POUT 5amp1ing 1 I NO. I 1 1 I 15AMP-1 I INO. MEA5. 1 NO. AGED 1 L. I 1----------------------------+----------+----------+-----I 15PECIE5 IAREA I QUARTER 1 I 1 I 1--------+--------+----------1 1 1 1 INorway INorth 11 I 12381 11941 161 IPout 15ea 1----------+----------+----------+----_1 1 IDiv.IV 13 1 3431 3431 31 I I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 ! I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 !;k;;~;:-7i---------7-------i~;7-------i~;7---1~1 Irak 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.IIIaI2 I 171 171 11 IN 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 13 I 31 31 21 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 14 1 91 91 11 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 IKattegatl1 1 31 31 31 IDiv. lIla 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 15 13 1 51 51 11 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 14 1 791 791 21 COD 5ampling 1 I NO. I 1 1 15AMP-1 1 INO. MEA5. 1 NO. AGED 1 L. I 1----------------------------+----------+----------+-----I 15PECIE5 IAREA 1QUARTER 1 1 1 I 1--------+--------+----------1 1 I 1 ICod INorth 11 I 8161 8161 161 I 15ea 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 l i D i v . IV 12 I 5941 5941 91 I 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 1 13 I 3971 3971 121 I 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 1 14 1 5091 5081 51 I 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 I ISkager- 11 I 7121 7051 241 Irak 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.IIIaI2 1 5031 5031 12 1 IN 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 1 2991 2981 41 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 14 1 3421 3421 51 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 IKattegatl1 1 11521 11511 231 IDiv.IIIal----------+----------+----------+-----1 15 12 I 3681 3641 121 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 I 2231 2231 71 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 14 1 3431 3411 71 ~. - 7 - SANDEEL Sampling I I NO. I ISAMP-I I I INO. MEAS. I NO. AGED I L. I 1----------------------------+----------+----------+-----I ISPECIES IAREA IQUARTER I I I I 1--------+--------+----------1 I I I Sandeel INorth 11 1 29171 29161 221 ISea 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 IDiv.IV 12 I 82191 48431 651 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 13 I 7391 6431 71 I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I 14 I 1121 1121 11 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 ISkager- 12 I 4481 4481 SI Irak 1 I I I 1 IDiv.lllal 1 I I / IN I I I I 1 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 IKatte- 12 I 2391 1 11 Igat I 1 I 1 I IDiv.lllal I 1 I I I IS I 1 I I 1 WHITING -sampling I 1 NO. I I 1 1 ISAMP-I I INO. MEAS. I NO. AGED J L. I 1----------------------------+----------+----------+-----I ISPECIES IAREA 1QUARTER I I 1 I 1--------+--------+----------1 I I I IWhiting INorth 11 I 3101 2111 261 I ISea 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I IDiv.IV 12 1 91 91 SI I 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I I 13 1 304/ 3041161 1 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 I 14 1 105/ 1051 111 I 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 1 ISkager- 11 I 16221 16201 24/ I Irak 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I IDiv.IIlal2 1 1941 1861 81 I IN 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I I 13 I 151 151 41 I I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I I 14 1 801 801 11 I 1--------+----------+----------+----------+-----1 I IKattegatll I 5531 5521 231 I IDiv. lIla 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I IS 12 I 1121 112/ 101 I I 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I I 13 I 5061 50611 2 1 1----------+----------+----------+-----1 I I I I 14 I 5251 5251 51 - 8 - EAE.QrS (J. Reinerl) The sampling programme for commercial calches of sailhe, cod and haddock was eonlinued in 1988. SampIes of lusk and redfish were also laken; se lable for more delails. The followjog research cruim look pIace in 1988 In January-February r/v Magnus Heinason earried oul a lrawl survey in deeper walers around Ihe Faroes, espeeially for redfish, blue Iing and sailhe. In February-March r/v Magnus Heinason conlinued Ihe Faroese Groundfish Surveys to get informalion on the ~Iock sizes of saithe, cod and haddock; see lable for more delails. In April r/v Magnus Heinason earried out a trawl survey for pelagie beaked redfish in the Irminger Sea especially to investigate relationship with beaked redfish from other areas. ]n April-May and August a commercial vessel~ Jlerona, was chartered to carry out surveys 8t the Faroes with gill nets for flalfishes. In May r/v Magnus Heinason earried out a eombined acouslic and trawl survey to get information on the distribution of silver smelt in Faroese waten. In May-July a commercial longliner, Hans Erik, was charlered to carry out a survey wilh long line in deeper waters around the Faroes and in the Batlon Bank area; the target species were grenadier, black scabbard fish and sharks. In June r/v Magnus Heinason continued the O-Group Surveys in Faroese Walers 10 get informalion on Ihe year-class strenglh of cod, haddock, norway pout and sandeel. In June-July r/v Magnus Heinason carried out a trawl survey in deeper waters around the Faroes for blue Iing, grenadier and black seabbard fish. In June and August a commereial vessel, Lgir, was chartered to carry on seleclion sludies in Ihe Faroese summer fishery wilh botlom trawl inside the 12 nautieal mile zone; the melhod Was alternale hauls wilh 40, 100 and 135 mm mesh sizes in the codend. In September-Oclober seteclion studies on sailhe, eod and haddock were carried out wilh r/v Magnus Heinason using alternale hauls wilh 40, 135 and 155 mm mesh sizes in the codend. In Oetober-November r/v Magnus Heinason carried out a combined acouslic and trawl survey around the Faroes as a parI of a sampling programme to get more information on Ibe population dynamies elc. on redfish (S. marinus, S. menlella and S. viviparus); in addilion, seleclion studies for redfish were earried out using alternale hauls wilh 40, 135 and 155 mm mesh SilOS in the codend. In November-Deeember r/v Magnus Heinason carried out a trawl survey in deeper walers around Ihe Faroes for sailhe and redfish. On all cruises with r/v Magnus Heinason biologieal sampIes are taken as a rouline for most fish species from almost every haul and the measurements are enlered ioto Ihe vessel computer automatically. As a11 da la have not been edited yet. the number or sam pIes aod measurements by speeies for Ihe year 1988 can not be given al this poinl ucept for the Faroese Groundfish Surveys. - 9 SAMPLING DATA FOR COD RESEARCH VESSEL ARE'" SEASON No of fish No of fish No of S8!'!J!t~s rIle8Sured 8900 s8npl~s 150 Vb SAMPlINO OATA FOR MARKE! No of 7151 843 57 33 40 33 11959 7648 7797 6757 No of fish measurtd SEASON No of s8!!J)!es 150 Vb SAMPlINO OAlA FOR No of sBl!ptes ISO Vb No of fistl No of measured 8ged samles 647 9037 28 10 19 20 347 m 297 300 No of fiah No of No of fistl No of fis,", ,ged S8!!Jltu measur ed 'ged 5484 483 25 25 20 20 6193 7579 5521 5003 300 301 300 301 TUSK SEASON HARKET No of No of fish No of fish No of No of fisb No of flsh s!!!!J?les measul"ed 89ed sarrptes meesured 89ed 7493 SAMPlINO OAlA FOR REDFISH MARKET RESEARCH VESSEl ARE'" .sed No of fish llE'asured Vb • 8850 3738 7067 6482 No of fish MARKET RESEARCH YESSEl ARE'" 599 546 645 547 SAITHE SEASON SAMPlINO OAlA FOR 89ed MARKEr No of flsh RESEARCH YESSEL ARU No of fish HADDOCK RESEARCH VESSEL AREA No of fish fTle8Sured SEASON No of salTJlles No of fis,", measur!'d No of fish No of 8ged sarrptes Vb *) Not possible to quantffy at this point <see text). 15 No of ftsh measured 3114 No of ftsh 8ged - 10 - FINLAND (V. Sjöblom & E. Aro) No work was carried out on demersal fish other than that reported to the Baltic Fish Committee. NO report received. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY (G. Rauck) The biologlcal sampling programme of demersal specles on board research vessels, commerclal trawlers and on flsh markets has been continued. This sampling scheme, Including length frequency measurements, otolith sampUngs, single weights of flsh, tagging of flsh, stornach sampling, as weIl as studies on flsh denslty and distribution of demersal flsh specles were carried out durlng ground flsh surveys. The monthly bycatch analysis of the shrimp flshery as weIl as the joint Investigations In the Wadden Sea area of NIedersachsen and Schleswig-Holsteln (young flsh and brown shrimp surveyl have been continued In spring and autumn tagether wlth vessels frorn the Netherlands and Belglurn. Investigations on cod discards In the cornrnerclaI flsherles and cod seIectivlty studies using -different rnesh openings were carrled out In the German Bight. A North Sea groundflsh survey wlth special emphasls on the gadoid and pelaglc specles covering the area lVa and b has been repeated. Research vessel crulses related to the national sarnpllng scherne of the dernersaI specles were as follows: R. V. "Walther Herwlg" Months leES area ObJecttves January Febr./March March IVb lVabc VIab I\'b Groundflsh survey Wsh disease) IYFS Groundflsh and pelaglc survey Groundflsh survey Wsh disease) lVabc XIVb Groundflsh survey Groundfish survey IVb Groundflsh survey (flsh disease) MaYlJune JunelJuly August-October December • - 11 - R. V. "Solea" Months leES area Objectlves lanuary February !Vbc Groundflsh survey Groundflsh survey AprlVMay !Vb lune luly August IVb IVb IVb November IVbc !Vbc Groundflsh survey Sole beamtrawl survey Groundflsh and pelaglc survey Groundflsh survey Groundflsh survey lIe.earcll V.... l Sampie. Llarket Sampi .. N••• f Fi ob .species Arp8 Season ~ •• of Sampico Yessured No. Of Fieb Aged Racial Inve.tigationn Cod Groundfls lIa 11 111 111 /Va [ [Vb [ IIIIII 11 111 '" [V IVc I lIe8lured 1 1 1 459 356 434 Aged surveys [ Ilb No. of Sample. 234 169 221 2871) 10 54 51 2935 533 387 [90 22[ 2[6 10 60 2652 4236 5302 8531) 10403 1019 2 88 88 502 377 886 [386 Shrimp IIvcatch [nvestlga Ion Vb I 11 III IV 5 22 18 47 I) sampI 60 43 5[ , 228 taken on boar comme lai trawle .... '" I Species Area Seuson Cod IVb Veolel SUlUl'le .. VIa 1 Vlb I "'0. ol Sampies Ueasured No. Ol Flah Aged 78 111 Roeial Inveotig_ ationn No. ol Samplel Groundfls surveys 14 3 392 19 Aged 5 381 1 47 3 115 ldeosured 63 393 11 III rkot Somple. No. ol Floh Youngfls l and brown shrl p surve 11 III XIVb Il., 3899 11295 1272 1249 666 1814 I ..... w Research Vessel :;8mples Species Area ::leason ~o. of Sampie. Haddock Ha !Va Groundfls Ueasured Aged No. of Sample. I I Uea8ured Aged surveys 1 11/111 IV 51 37 9679 7526 997 464 60 35 546 495 I 4069 3864 4 Ivla I Ivlb I 15 8 1343 2448 486 360 III/IV 23 271 114 IVb Racial Inv •• UgaUonn 11 IV I Samplel No. Of Floh 1 lI/1II [Vb ~Iarket No. of F1.h I 420 435 384 234 222 201 I 277 135 , • .... • '" I Research Ve9sel ::>ample. Market Samplea No. or Flab No. or Fieb SJlecies Aren Season No. or Samplea Ueosured Aged Racial InveaUg- No. or Samplea WesEIured Aged 8 t100n WhltIng Groundfl h surveys IVa IVb I 47 7651 632 IIIIII 33 4268 418 436 I 193 16393 11 221 4925 III 170 20580 IV 60 1014 3 158 IVc I IVb 11 78 867 III 111 216 744 Youngflst and brown shrl np surve 5 ShrImp b catch InvestIgat on IVb I 3 14 11 57 470 '" 48 281 38 106 IV proundfIs la I 8 . surveys 597 182 ..... U1 I Itesearch Vessel SampIes Species Aren Season ~o. of Ssmplcs Market Sampies No. of Flab U'eosured No. Of Flab Aged Rad a I Inv•• tigationn No. of Sampies Aged Ueslured Blue Llng Vb I IV Vlb II Xli I XIV II III 1 1014 248 1 1014 321 I 168 168 IV 1 238 131 1 298 169 1 368 185 1 328 176 5 2120 1163 1 323 174 . , • arkot Samploa Ilest.'urch V('sscl SarnpleR Species ::ießson 1'0. No. Of Flah No. of Fish of Samplcs Art"R Me89ured Agod Racial lnve.tip;8 ti onn No. of Samploa L:l.ea8ured Agod Snlthe Ila I I II 1 1 5 4 12 9 10 5 1 111 IV lVa 1 II 1 1 1970 130 701 130 1 1 2725 374 632 57 III IV Via I Vlb I , 513 11571 303 2282 1825 5477 3725 4874 2377 565 267 220 160 1181 900 2748 2031 2504 1235 288 Research V.... ssel ::iampleR Market Samplea No, or Fish Specie" AreD Season Plaice (Vb o. of S8mple. Groundfls No, or Flah Aged Ueosured Raeial Invpatlgationn No, or Sampie. Meaeured Aged surveys I 151 5606 Il 221 7947 III 113 5493 IV 60 1381 2 107 2408 iVc I IVb Il 121 9235 120 III 111 18053 150 Youngflsh and brown shrl p surve hrlmp b, atch Investlgat pn Vb I 8 1058 Il 145 12929 III 139 13263 IV 84 10711 , ... '" I • I lesearch VC88cl Market Sample. ~8mples No. of FI.h Species Ses80n Areß Sole IVb No. of Samplco UeoBured No. Of Fhh Aged No. of Sampie. Measured 3 1595 1595 I 212 212 Aged Groundfl h surveys II 111 IV IVb 164 3 I Youngfls II 121 111 111 2755 14 2 838 and brown shr ~p 3205 1599 Shrimp b catch Investlga Ion IVb Racial Inv•• tigationn I II 111 IV 8 142 114 27 235 5762 807 176 , surve s I Hespurch VCHsel ::iamples Species Season ro. Aren No, ot Samplcs Aged Ueusured Racial Invpstillationn Dab Groundfls surveys [Va fl 2 50 [Vb I 148 12312 fl 221 14202 1II 110 14020 IV 40 876 [Vc 1 2 88 [Vb fl 121 6438 1II 111 5410 50 5810 Youngflsh end brown shrl p surve fShrlmp b Vb Marke t 5ampleo NQ. o r Floh etch Investlget On I 7 301 fl 92 1250 III 76 2424 IV 86 11369 • , No. ot Sampie. MesBured or Fieh Aged • 11• • • V•• sel Samplt'"R _rket S.mpleo No. or Fish Sp("cit'"S1 J\rpß Season No. or Snmples Meosurpd No. or Fioh AI\.d Rßcial Invpstill- No. or Samplell Measured ationn Flounder lVb Groundfi. ~ surveys I IV 6 5 Youngfis [Vb 25 26 and brown shrl p surve II 121 3204 III 111 838 Shrimp b eateh investlgat on IVb I III 8 127 108 99 3552 547 IV 68 466 II Groundfis surveys Turbot lVb ßrlll , II 20 III I 80 37 IV I 2 II 20 26 27 182 371) fJreenland ~alibut PcIV II III 2 I) sampIe taken on board eommerclal trawler I 302 114 Aged Iteseurch VeRseI tiamples Market SampJe. No. o! Fish Species ArPR Season o. ot SamplcB Yeosured No. G! Fish Aged Racial I nv•• tl p;a ti oon No. of S.mples Measured I 8 2472 538 288 138 120 200 100 Aged S. marlnus Ha S. mentella Ha Vb I 4 H I IV 1 1252 349 472 H 2 2 607 615 4 4 1 4 1481 1021 221 1380 6 10 44° 1754 3374 14596 IV S. marlnus XIV I " III 114 8221 79 19627 657 IV f:). mentella [xIV , H IU III I) Samptes taken on board co ,335 453 343 merclal trawler • I I\) I\) • I Market Sampleo Itesearch Vessel :;amples Sp(lcie~ Season ~o. of Samplc9 Areß No. Of Floh No. ot Floh Lleu8ured Aged Racial lnvpotlg- No. of Sampleo ldes8ured Aged ationn Norway pout IVa I (Vb I 34 13 3482 153 , I '" W I - 24 - GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (L. Danke & E. Hahnke) Species Redfish (S.mentella) Cod Area IIa IIb Feb Feb Mar XIVa Apr May Jun IIa I Greenland Halibut Month SampIes No. of Research Commercial No. of Fish Vessels Vessels Measured Aged IIb 2 1 1 9 400 200 200 6142 5842 1069 Feb Mar Aug Sep 2 1 25 13 400 200 2508 1299 54 25 Jun Jul Aug 2 4 3 463 983 756 131 288 228 17 15 ICELAtJD No report received. 1400 1100 - 25 - IRELAND (R Graingerl Port sampling of commercial catches of cod, haddock and whiting in Divisions VIa and VIIb and of haddock from Division VIb was undertaken, as in previous years. Landings of cod, whiting and plaice from Division VIIa and discards of whiting from the VIIa Nephrops fishery also continued to be sampled. In addittion, sampling of hake, megrim and angler (~ piscatorius and ~ budegassal in Division VIa and Sub-area VII (except VIIal was carried out. Sole was sampled from catches of beam trawlers fishing in Division VIIa for the first time. A be am trawl survey for juvenile plaice in shallow water off the east coast of Ireland was carried out as usual in May. Groundfish surveys in the Irish Sea in June and September aimed at pre-recruit whiting and cod were conducted as they have been since 1984. • Species Div Quarter Cod VIa 1 2 3 4 15 21 18 VIIa VIIb Totals No. samples No. meas' d No. aged 14 946 2383 1449 1206 267 234 69 224 1 2 3 4 7 27 39 36 877 551 927 1936 219 257 325 256 1 2 3 4 1 12 18 12 75 949 1205 936 71 64 85 228 220 13440 2299 - 26 - Species Div Quarter Haddock VIa 1 2 3 4 VIb VIIb No. meas I d No. aged 12 9 24 15 995 1966 3915 2296 272 176 137 199 2 3 2 1 237 316 104 70 1 2 3 4 2 8 9 3 339 592 307 138 102 50 66 21 85 11101 1197 No. meas'd No. aged Totals Species Div Quarter Hake VIa 3 No. samples No. samples 4 76 8 0 0 0 0 0 VIIb 2 3 4 16 15 9 419 641 509 VIIg 2 3 5 14 182 277 0 0 10 5 206 1306 1294 424 0 0 0 97 5342 0 VIIj Totals 1 2 3 4 4 17 0 - 27 - Species Div Megrim VIIb 2 3 4 6 10 6 1049 2074 756 0 0 0 VIIg 2 3 4 5 907 432 0 0 Vllj 1 2 3 4 6 16 9 7 814 1857 1484 756 0 0 0 0 69 10129 Quarter Totals Species Div Quarter Plaice VIIa 1 2 3 4 2 3 Plaice ground fish survey VIIa Totals No. sampies • 2 No. aged No. sampies No. meas'd 7 21 45 1919 938 1480 4765 186 159 159 503 27 23 2794 2192 172 184 132 14088 1363 No. caught No. aged 9 No. of hauls Plaice beam trawl survey No. meas I d 41 2130 No. aged 188 - 28 - Species Div Quarter Whiting VIa 1 2 3 4 6 13 42 24 709 4137 9433 3000 126 136 59 132 VIIa 1 2 3 4 11 12 6 42 1412 2209 1184 7171 213 184 119 334 VIIb 1 2 3 4 2 8 15 20 462 1398 4600 4707 l'lhiting VIIa Discards 1 2 3 4 4 8 0 2 460 369 0 620 56 0 0 66 Ground fish survey 2 27 26 3721 3565 121 188 268 49157 2131 VIIa 3 TOTAL Species Sole Div VIIa Totals No. samples Quarter 1 2 No. meas'd No. aged 123 73 75 126 No. samples No. meas' d 4 1737 1177 9 2914 5 ---------- --- --------- - 29 - Species Div Quarter L. budegassa VIa 1 2 3 4 0 2 6 1 2 9 22 2 VIIb 2 3 4 7 11 205 600 160 VIIg 2 3 4 VIIj 1 2 3 4 Totals L.piscatorius No. sampIes 5 No. meas'd 9 1 3 4 9 9 4 121 637 498 111 66 2380 VIa 1 2 3 4 2 6 16 2 59 385 713 44 VIIb 2 3 4 12 18 7 380 791 490 VIIg 2 3 4 9 7 2 326 222 217 VIIj 1 2 3 4 5 11 9 4 103 451 972 64 110 5217 Totals - 30 - TIIE NETIIERLANDS (F.A. van Beek) In 1988 the market sampling of 1andings of the Dutch fleet from the Nonh Sea in The Netherlands was continued for the following species: brill (Scophrhalmus rhombus), cod (Gadus morhua), I>'lddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), plaiee (Pleuronectes plaressa), sole (Solea solea), turbot (Scophrhalmus maximus) and whiting (Merlangius merlangus). For roundfish the market sampling was stratified on an area basis. For the other species sampies were stratified by harbour. All sampies were also stratified by market category. The tables below indicate the level of sampling. In January a survey was carried out with the RV. "Isis" (I week) using a 8 m. beam trawl in order to test a panel in the front of the net whieh is used in some areas during the Beam Trawl Survey (BTS). In February R.V. "Tridens" (4 weeks) participated in the International Young Fish Survey (lYFS). These surveys, carried out since 1965, estimate the relative abundance of I and 2 year old herring and roundfish. In the period January-March R.V. "Tridens" (4 weeks), RV. "!sis" (6 weeks) and a chartered vessel (2 weeks) carried out egg-surveys on cod and plaiee in the Nonh Sea. The aim of these surveys is to estimate the egg production and stock size of these spedes in this area. A combined egg survey in the second quarter on sole, mackerei and horse mackerei was carried out by RV. "Tridens" (6 weeks), R.V. "!sis" (4 weeks) and achartered vessel (2 weeks). in the southem Nonh Sea. In June 3002 flounders (Plarichrh)'s flesus) and 1975 dab (Limanda limanda) were tagged along the Durch coast and in the Scheldt Estuary by R.V. "Isis" (2 weeks) On board of R.V. "!sis" 2564 young plaice (range 15-24 cm) were tagged along the Danish coast with the Peterson mini tag in July (2 weeks). Part of the tagged fish were injected with tetra-eycline. In August a survey was carried out on R.V. "Tridens" (I week) in the southem and central Nonh Sea wirh the standard GOV trawl in the framework of the leES multispecies program. In September·October RV. "Tridens" (3 weeks), R.V. "Isis" (4 weeks), R.V. "Stern" (4 weeks) and R.V. "Schollevaar" (2 weeks) panicipated in the Demers.l Young Fish Surveys (DYFS). These surveys estimate the relative abundanee of brown shrimp and juvenile plaice and sole in the continental nursery areas. The surveys are carried out sinee 1969 in collaboration wirh Belgium and the Federal Republic of Germany. In ,------ - 31 - April a DYFS survey was carried out on a reduced station grid by R.V. "Tridens" (4 weeks). In August a Beam Trawl Survey (BTS) was carried out by R.V. "Isis" (5 weeks) in the southem North Sea in collaboration with Belgium in order to investigate the abundance and distribution of adult plaice and sole in these areas. A similar survey on a reduced station grid was carried out by R.V. "Tridens" in April in combination with the DYFS survey. In October-November R.V. "Tridens" (3 weeks) and R.V. "Isis" (3 weeks) carried out a survey in the southem North Sea with the GOV trawl directed to roundfish. This survey is held since 1980 (Duteh Groundfish Survey). - 32 - 1988 SAMPLINGDATAFOR: COD NETHERLANDS NUMBERSOFHSHSAMPLED AREA measured I Northern Nonh Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Res. Vessel MARKET PERIOD - 122 - aged aged - 91 14 - 2 Central North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 178 - - 3 North \\'estern North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter - . - 30 Ist quarter 2nd quaner 3th quarter 4th quarter 177 63 39 - 79 - Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 49 392 215 34 - 11 Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 3544 1620 2507 2755 Ist quarter 2nd quarler 3th quaneT 4th quarter 4 Western Nonh Se. - -5 South Western North Sea 6 Southern North Sea - 50 50 41 - 341 290 - 21 - - 11 - 167 - 310 350 458 686 - - - 44 - 11617 1432 1568 -7 Eastern Nonh Sea - -Total Annually - 33 SAMPLINGDATAFOR: HADDOCK 1988 NETHERLANDS NUMßERSOFHSHSAMPLED AREA • 1 Northern North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 2 Central North Sea 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 3 North Western Nonh Sea 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 4 Western Nonh Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 5 South Western Nonh Sea Ist quarter 2nd quaner 3rd quarter 4th quarter 6 Southern Nonh Sea 7 Eastern North Sea Total Annually MARKET PERIOD Res. Vessel measured aged aged 139 88 255 - - - - - - - 12 91 118 32 47 - - - 185 - - - 174 55 - - - - - - Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 139 233 738 105 - 1 100 150 2 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter - - 40 - 1929 385 455 65 . - - - - - - 34 - SAMPLING DATA FOR: WHITING 1988 NETHERLANDS NUMBERS OF f1SH SAMPLED AREA PERIOD MARKET measured Res. Vessel aged aged - 137 - - I Nortbern Nonb Sea Ist quaner 2nd quaner 3rd quarter 4tb quarter - - 2 Central Nonb Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3tb quarter 4tb quarter - - 122 3 Nortb Western Nonb Sea Ist quaner 2nd quaner 3th quarter 4th quarter - -- 147 4 Western Nonb Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 5 South Western Nonh Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 92 242 117 50 50 50 6 Southern Nonh Sea Ist quaner 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 2647 2246 2477 2427 300 300 250 250 - . - - 10525 1200 1983 - 114 78 35 - - 23 - - - . - - 33 - - 78 - - - - 1 81 - 482 780 7 Ist quarter Bastern 2nd quarter Nonh Sea 3th 4th quarter quarter Total Annually --. - - 35 SAMPLINGDATAFOR: NORWAY POUT 1988 NETHERLANDS NUMBERSOFflSHSAMPLED PERIOD AREA MARKET measured • 1 Northern North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 2 Central North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 3 North Western North Sea Ist 2nd 3th 4th 4 Western North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 5 South Western North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 6 Southern North Sea Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 7 Eastern North Sea Total Annually quarter quarter quarter quarter Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter - - - - - - Res. Yessel aged aged - 62 - - - - - 50 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 112 - 36 - SAMPLINGOATAFOR: 1988 PLAICE NETIIERLANDS NUMBERS OF FlSH SAMPLED AREA PERJOD MARKET aged aged - 1314 1069 1080 1079 1399 586 2044 - - 237 - - 175 - 4542 4441 measured Nonh Sea Wadden Sea estuarium Zeeland estuarium Ist quarter 2nd quaner 3rd quarter 4th quarter Ist quarter 2nd quaner 3th quarter 4th quarter Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter Total Annually SAMPLING DATA FOR: BRILL Res. Vessel - 1988 - - NETHERLANDS NUMBERS OF FlSH SAMPLED AREA Nonh Sea Zeeland estuarium Total Annually PERJOD MARKET Res. Vessel measured aged aged Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 557 717 602 461 39 111 72 97 21 43 11 Ist quarter 2nd quaner 3th quarter 4th quarter - - - - 2337 319 75 - - 37 - SAMPLING DATA FOR: SOLE 1988 AREA NUMBERS OF ASH SAMPLED-MARKET PERIOD measured North Sea Irish Sea Wadden Sea estuarium NETHERLANDS Res. Vessel -- aged aged 577 430 613 Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter - 849 1504 809 700 Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter - 50 50 Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter · - Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter - - - . - - . - 58 f-- Zeeland estuarium Total Annually SAMPLING DATA FOR: · - 92 - 3962 1770 - - FLOUNDER 1988 - - l\r:THERLANDS NUMBERS OF FISH SAMPLED AREA PERIOD _. North Sea Total MARKET measured Annually --------- Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter · - Res. Vessel aged 363 140 . 503 aged - . 48 - 48 -- - - - 38 - 1988 SAMPLING DATA FOR: DAS NEHIERLANDS NUMBERS OF FISH SAMPLED measured North Sea Wadden Sea estuarium Zeeland estuarium Total 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Ist quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3th quarter 4th quarter Annually Res. Vessel MARKET PERIOD AREA aged - - - · - - - · ag~~ - 757 215 1230 - 260 - - - 92 - - 1582 SAMPLING DATA FOR: TURSOT 1988 NEnlERLANDS NUMBERSOFFISHSAMPLED AREA North Sea 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Zeeland 1st quarter 2nd quarter eSluarium 3th quarter 4th quarter Total Annually MARKET PERIOD Res. Vessel me asured aged aged 801 1137 1260 717 80 145 77 96 29 113 94 . · - - - - 3915 398 - - - - 23-~ -- • - 39 - ~ (T. Jakobsen. O. Smedstad) Sub-areas I end 11 The research activities at sea were slightly increased compared to 1987. The research vessels. however. carried out virtually the same programme as in 1987. The distribution end abundence of young cod end haddock end of redfishes in the Barents Sea were investigated during a combined acoustic end stratified bottom trawl survey in January March. The distribution end abundence of spawning cod was investigated during en acoustic survey of the Lofoten area in March. Combined with shrimp investigations. the distribution of young cod end haddock was studied in the central Barents Sea in April - May end in the Svalbard area in July - August. The distribution end abundence of cod. haddock. redfishes. catfishes, end Greenland halibut were investigated in the Svalbard area in September - October. Part of this survey was included in a multi-species acoustic survey carried out during the same period, when the distribution and abundance of cod, haddock end redfishes were investigated also in the Barents Sea. Cod were tagged in the Lofoten northeastern Norway in June. area in March end haddock off The spawning progress of cod end haddock in the Lofoten area was monitored by sampling of eggs end larvae from February to May. Investigations on cod larvae and post-larvae were carr1ed out in June end July. In August - September the annual international O-group survey, aimed primarily at cod, was carried out in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. Investigations on distribution end drift of haddock eggs were carried out in April - May, end the distribution of O-group haddock was charted in August - September during the international O-group survey. Investigations on distribution end drift of saithe eggs were carried out in February - April.oAn O-group (post-larvae) s~rvey for saithe in the area from Stad (62 N) to north of Lofoten (69 N) was carried out in May. end an asoustic survey for saithe on the coastal banks from North Cape to 62 N was carried out in November-December. The distribution of silver smelt during a survey in April - May. was studied on the coastal banks The sampling programme rar commercial catches cf cod. haddock. saithe. redfish and Greenlend halibut was continued. Sub-area IV The distribution end abundance of 1- end II-group gadoids were studied in February as part of the International Young Fish Survey. In April en investigation on post-larvae of saithe was undertaken in Norwegian waters. In February, the distribution and abundence of saithe were investigated during acoustic surveys in the northern North Sea. The distribution and abundance of sandeel in the Norwegian economic zone were investigated during an acoustic survey in April. The sarepling of commercial catches cf sandeel, Norway pout, end saithe was continued. - 40 _ RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Measured Aged Measured No. Of;\NO' of No. of ,INO' of No. Of, INO' of No. of ,INO' of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish 1 2 3 4 42 1 2 29 839 40 68 945 205 211 263 284 16965 10614 15695 16997 7 16 HA 1 2 3 4 41 2 1610 79 2 71 301 308 192 190 30694 21330 9586 11118 HB 1 2 3 4 2 3 15 3 96 61 615 163 10 80 290 88 1125 12082 25491 9992 1VA 1 2 3 4 11 223 25 10 1 28 233 56 3 90 1VB 1 3 4 9 58 12 8 2 75 94 16 I 2058 tagged in 1st quarter in Division 11a. 4 931 1965 319 68 2 2 1 5074 166 321 32 46 35 1 8624 6503 355 127 15 3 6 7336 3162 696 1007 7 32 6 2084 fJ - 41 - RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKE:!' Measured ,I Aged Measured No. of ,INO' of No. of No. of No. of ,INO' of No. of ,INO' of samp1es fish samp1es fish samp1es fish samp1es fish I 1 2 3 4 25 4 1 13 590 258 5 364 162 166 151 227 17025 11916 6197 28789 5 8 18 7 302 498 1524 546 55 1 3 1 2028 139 388 216 IIA 1 2 3 4 31 1 997 22 228 17059 5735 1951 6230 26 23 5 2365 1372 413 4 225 154 88 117 123 9 3 2 5406 1294 394 190 IIB 1 2 3 4 2 1 39 25 2 20 68 24 32 161 471 119 2 47 21 16 4 17 3770 443 26 268 15 12 2 694 882 95 8 IVA 1 2 3 4 9 467 IVB 1 3 4 6 135 1800 tagged in 2nd quarter in Sub-area I • • - 42 - RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Measured Aged Measured No. of ,I No. of No. Of, INO' of No. Of,INO' of No. of ,INO' of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish I 1 2 3 4 IIA 1 2 3 4 1 1 55 100 7 218 IIB 1 3 4 IVA 1 2 3 4 28 1077 IVB 1 2 3 4 1 50 45 15 36 89 541 570 996 901 2 1 3 1 151 132 415 93 2 0 2 1 3 0 174 160 116 223 31 61 3763 13165 2084 2045 7 5 2 3 582 5106 284 123 6 2 1 814 247 88 2 8 1 3 22 1 16 18 3 31 84 227 207 351 6 8 6 9 438 692 590 750 2 2 2 78 3 14 GREENLAND HALIBUT RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Measured Aged Measured No. of ,INo. of No. of ,INO. of No. of ,INo. of No. of ,INo. of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish I IIA 1 2 3 4 88 83 89 44 797 1509 1726 221 1 2 43 34 15 8 876 1444 254 128 8 55 147 37 133 2504 4203 969 3 4 IIB 1 2 3 4 3 147 4 13 126 6 5- 550 73 1 2 2 84 117 213 8 - 43 - RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Aged Measured Measured I I No. of ,INO' of No. of .INO' of No. Of, No. of No. Of; No. of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish 1 2 4 3 4 35 56 1 2 3 4 24 1 5 18 53 IIB 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 2 1 IVA 1 3 4 1 1 5 3 I IIA 17 -2 1 16 61 1 6 MARKET RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged Measured Aged Measured No. of JNO' of No. of, INO' of No. of, INO' of No. of ,INO' of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish 3 5 3 3 3 58 247 26 14 5 25 1741 305 114 921 185 15 16 2 839 1358 21 I IIA 1 4 IVA 1 2 3 4 9 IVB 1 3 4 9 - 44 NORWAY POUT RFSEARCH VFSSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKE"! Measured Aged Measured No. of ~NO' of No. of ,INO' of No. Of, INO' of No. of ,INO' of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish I IIA 1 2 3 4 33 1 1 65 2483 1 2 3 4 73 2396 36 30 1254 IIB 3 4 IVA 1 2 3 4 IVB -6 303 37 11 1 2 215 9 1 3 4 21 13 1 50 1781 992 128 3519 2 9 2 18 820 185 1 1 50 50 1 3 6 4 100 127 0406 BLUE WllITING RESEARCH VFSSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKE"! Measured Aged Measured No. Of,INO' of No. of ,INo. of No. Of,INO' of No. Of,INO' of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish I 1 2 3 4 49 4 2 69 766 15 4 578 HA 1 2 3 4 80 3 21 23 2597 70 165 251 HB 1 1 IVA 7 6 45 4 5 37 1 2 3 4 2 3 3 2 30 3 52 156 1717 1 10 10 6- 879 780 - 45 LONG ROUGH DAB RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Aged Measured Measured No. Of,INO' of No. of ,INO' of No. of i INO' of No. of i INO' of sampies fish sampies fish sampies fish sampies fish 159 48 72 152 5408 1799 1540 7309 2 3 4 120 24 29 44 4597 729 426 1084 HB 1 2 3 4 8 24 152 53 599 699 5431 2874 IVA 1 2 3 4 18 14 1 37 175 455 4 394 1 6 3 4 11 72 268 38 I 1 2 3 4 • HA IVB 1 2 LING RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Measured Aged Measured No. of ,INo. of No. of, \NO' of No. of i \NO' of No. of ,INo. of sampies fish sampies fish sampies fish sampies fish 1 3 25 5 288 HA 1 3 4 10 2 7 23 10 7 HB 3 41 835 IVA 1 2 3 4 1 1 3 1 8 7 1 8 I IVB 3 1 4 - 46 SILVER SMELT RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Aged Measured Measured No. of ~NO' of No. of ~NO. of No. Of, INO' of No. Of, INO. of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish I 4 33 76 HA 1 2 3 4 36 7 3 23 863 14 6 241 1 4 3 4 31 27 13 314 4 1 5 J.VA 2 IVB • RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Measured Aged Measured No. of lNo. of No. of,INO' of No. Of, INO' of No. Of, INO' of sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish I 3 4 IIA 3 IIB 3 IVA 1 2 3 4 IVB 1 2 3 4 27 9 1259 153 7 3 4 133 4 4 430 1 1 1 3 50 32 176 17 4 3354 18560 848 435 50 50 50 100 48 88 59 32 5080 9273 6363 3416 - 47 - RESEARCH VESSEL AREA SEASON Aged MARKET Measured Aged Measured No. of ,INO' of No. of .INO' of No. of .INOo of No. cf .INO' cf sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish sampIes fish I • HA HB 1 2 3 4 178 65 21 164 7073 3145 613 6780 1 2 3 4 243 48 35 74 13484 2999 1978 2500 1 2 3 4 17 27 186 52 1628 1317 7603 2100 66 7 2 603 ------------------- _ 48 ~ (J. Janusz & M. Liwochl No biological sampIes were collected in the NE Atlantic area by Poland. PORTUGAL (F~tima In 1988 Cardadorl the market samp1ing of the Instituto Naciona1 de 'das Pescas (INIPl was continued at some fishing to provide lenght frequency distributions of the landings Investiga~~o ports for the most important commercial species. The INIP carried out a groundfish survey in October/November in the portuguese waters mainly to estimate distribution and indices of abundance and recruitment Qf hake and horse mackereI, on board of the R/V "Noruega". Seme other groundfish surveys ...ere also conducted to estimate the distribution and to develop biological studies of hake and monkfish. The following tables present the sampling data collected for hake (Merluccius merluccius), black-scabbard fish (Aphanopus carbo), seme species of seabreams (~baops. Pagellus ~ and Spondyliosoma cantharusl and monkfish (Lophius budegassa and L. piscatorius) . 1. Sampling data for Merluccius merluccius Area Quarter No of sampies Research vessel 1 st 77 Market Measured Aged* 1297 sampies 194 224 3 rd 23 175 20599 23652 16272 4 th 74 216 27145 613 year 174 809 87668 2396 2 nd lXa No of fish * otoliths colected, not aged 31 455 • - 49 - 2. Sampling da ta for Aphanops carbo Area Quarter No of samples Research vessel Market Measured Agedt 3 rd 4 th 31 32 33 28 1543 2154 2684 2447 103 82 year 124 8828 375 Market Measured sampies 1 st 2 nd IXa * not No of fish 101 89 aged (vertebral 3. Sampling data for 800ps boops Area Quarter IXa 20 36 23 34 2407 1960 1179 1709 year 113 7255 Quarter vessel IXa ~ No of fish No of samples Research Market Measured sampies st nd rd th 26 44 31 38 3488 year 139 9395 1 2 3 4 Aged sampies 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 4. Sampling data for Pagellus Area No of fish No of sampies Research vessel 1670 2059 2178 Alled - 50 - 5.5ampling data for 5pondyliosoma cantharus Area Quarter No of sampies Research vessel IXa 6. No of fish Market Measured 1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th 25 32 29 27 708 726 862 762 year 113 3058 Sampling data for Aged sampies Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius and budegassa) Area Quarter No of sampies Research vessel 1 st 2 nd IXa 3 rd 4 th year * Market No of fish Measured sampies 42* 30 28* 100 surveys directed to shrimp and Norway lobster. 136 193 93 422 Aged ~ - 51 - SPAIN (Pilar Pereda) • During 1988 the Spanish Institute of Oceanography has continued with the sampling programme at the main fishing ports concerning length frequency distribution of the landings for the most impor- tant species. Groundfish surveys have been conducted mainly to estimate indices cf abundance, recruitment and selectivity factors cf the species. 'I'he following tables present the sampling data collected. commercial - 52 - SPEeIES: Pagellus bogaraveo. 1988 no. of fi shes no. of sampIes AREA SEASON res. vessels market meassured 1 • 2 VI 3 4 1 2 VII 3 4 VIllab 1 6 349 2 4 252 4 1 34 1 14 751 15 1020 6 133 11 505 3 2 VlIlc 49 3 4 1 2 IXa 3 4 47 e' - 53 - SPECIES; Merluccius merluccius. 1988 no. of samples AREA SEASON res. vesse1s 1 s no. of fi shes market 1 meassured 40 2 VI 3 4 VII Vlliab 1 20 5084 2 18 4825 3 25 5933 4 20 5097 1 19 2669 2 22 2378 3 33 5569 4 20 3258 1 36 3402 2 49 37 4981 3 5 41 4119 4 74 52 12118 VIllc 1 36 3604 2 31 3280 IXa 3 4 23 27 5501 16 1253 - 54 - SPECIES: Lepidorhombus wiffiagonis. 1988 no. of samples AREA VI VII VIIlab SEASON res. vessels no. of fi shes market meassured 1 1 2 - - 3 2 301 4 2 246 1 16 3207 2 19 4146 3 21 3596 4 21 3347 1 9 766 2 7 826 3 11 846 4 9 1620 1 16 16 996 49 14 3762 3 3 17 1247 4 71 27 5040 2 Vlllc 1 7 11 2 6 14 8 71 3 3 IXa 3 4 7 ---- ---- ---------1 - 55 - SPECIES: Lepidorhombus boscH. 1988 no. of samples AREA s VI VII SEASON res. vesse 1s no. of fishes market meassured 1 1 57 2 - - 3 2 1 4 1 98 1 13 456 2 17 661 3 15 256 4 19 703 1 9 253 2 7 29 3 11 44 4 7 43 1 16 1088 VIIIab 2 49 13 3561 3 6 17 1186 4 77 27 5590 12 1307 VIIIc 1 2 12 1261 8 1896 6 590 IXa 3 4 24 ! I r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------ ----- - 56 - SPECIES: Lophius piscatorius. 1988 no. of samples AREA SEASON res. vessels no. of fishes market meassured 1 2 VI 3 4 VII VIIIab 1 13 725 2 12 656 3 19 963 4 16 1020 1 7 555 2 7 457 3 15 1154 4 9 815 9 689 49 7 738 3 2 6 546 4 62 9 780 1 5 93 2 6 80 1 2 VIlIc IXa 3 4 4 5 38 7 191 - 57 - SPECIES: Lophius budegassa. 1988 no. of samples AREA •• SEASON res. vessels no. of fishes market meassured 1 2 VI 3 4 VII VII lab 1 14 1142 2 12 1065 3 19 1868 4 16 1327 1 7 431 2 6 476 3 15 1034 4 7 376 1 2 49 19 371 15 534 VlIIc IXa 3 3 14 200 4 65 26 522 1 6 593 2 6 474 5 171 7 331 3 4 7 - 58 - (B. Sjöstrand) Sweden took part in the International Young Herring Survey in the North Sea and Skagerrak. It had no other activities on which to report. UNITEP KINGpOM (England and Wales) (C.T. Macer) The market sampling programme was continued in 1988. The numbers of fish measured and otolithed are shown in the following tables. The following research vessel cruises took place in 1988: RV ·cirolana· participated in the North Sea International Young Fish Survey in February. Groundfish surveys were conducted in the North Sea in August/September, and in the Celtic Sea in March and November/December. Plaice fecundity was investigated from RV ·Corystes· in January/February in the southern North Sea and plaice telemetry trials took place in April/MaY. Sole spawning in the Bristol Channel was the cruise aim in April, while in the eastern Channel in August a groundfish survey for plaice and sole took place using a beam trawl. A survey for young fish was completed in the Irish Sea/Bristol Channel in September/October, and a cruise in October/November was devoted to a study of gastric evacuation and also the incidence of fish diseases. ,. NH - 59 - SAMPLING DATA FOR HAKE • Area Season No of Market SampIes No of fish Measured (market} VIa Qtr 4 3 722 VIIa Qtr 1 2 4 6 4 4 1427 882 807 VIIe Qtr 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 6 600 623 681 614 Qtr 1 2 3 4 2 1 3 2 241 153 357 200 VIIf VIIg Qtr 4 VIIh Qtr 2 3 4 VIIj Qtr 2 3 4 Aged 85 89 44 Research Vesse1s (Ag~d) 25 102 12 32 45 1 4 127 355 48 32 52 2 49 41 32 80 _ 60 - NH SAMPLING DATA FOR PLAICE Area Season IVa Qtr 2 3 4 IVb No of Market SampIes No of fish Measured (marketl Aged 9 9 3 2012 2140 732 176 201 73 Qtr 1 2 3 4 29 33 28 31 5858 8843 7783 7513 665 652 619 621 IVc Qtr 1 3 4 1 2 1 193 335 247 22 25 41 VIIa Qtr 1 2 3 4 14 20 17 17 2636 3444 2923 3133 196 187 217 163 Qtr 1 2 3 4 5 1 9 1053 92 717 57 150 25 109 Ctr 1 2 3 4 22 16 15 18 3598 2493 2822 3127 224 229 217 232 Qtr 1 2 4 3 2 508 375 VIId VIIe VIIf VIIg Qtr 1 4 VIIh Qtr 3 4 Research Vessels (Aged) 376 50 10 155 127 13 17 65 10 2 1 7 2 221 1329 324 76 39 2 VIIj Qtr 4 4 VIIz Qtr 2 322 - 61 - NH SAMPLING DA TA FOR SOLE Area IVa • Qtr 1 2 3 4 No of Market SampIes No of fish Measured (market) 4 168 Age~ Qtr 1 2 3 4 14 9 6 14 2277 1146 966 2099 270 134 195 229 IVc Qtr 1 2 3 4 4 29 19 6 178 4511 2354 1057 238 204 62 Qtr 1 2 3 4 Qtr 1 2 3 4 9 17 16 1337 3034 2266 212(12) 110 60 6 3 5980 1069 184 431 254 36 Qtr 1 2 3 4 18 10 9 24 3365 1326 1574 3855 133 26 91 175 Qtr 1 2 3 4 6 6 1179 967 VIIa VIIe VIIf VIIg Qtr 4 VIIh Qtr 1 2 3 4 VIIj 372 2334 634 Qtr 4 Figures in 30 99(72) 246 2 11 4 ) Not usab1e/Not used Research Vesse1s (Aged) IVb VIId e Season (44) (100) 140 21 142 51 74 30 3 78 ~H - 62 - SAMPLING DATA rOR MEGRIM Ares VIIe Season Qtr 1 2 3 4 VIIf No of Market SampIes Measured (market) 2 1 258 159 Qtr 1 No cf fish 127 Aged Vessels (Aged) 9 71 40 53 59 4 VIIg Qtr 1 Qtr 2 3 4 VIIj 5 4 21 24 45 4 VIIh Research 3 5 6 466 632 712 120 103 Qtr 4 50 78 NH SAMPL! NG DATA rOR LING Area VIIe Season No of Market No of fish SampIes Measured (market) Qtr 1 Qtr 1 3 131 38 2 1 169 50 2 1 2 170 135 222 4 VIIg Qtr 4 VIIh Qtr 2 3 4 VIIj Qtr 4 Research Vessels (Aged) 23 3 4 VIIf Aged 10 35 10 34 61 21 3 a Nil - 63 SAMPLING DATA FOR LEMON SOLE Area • Season No cf Market SampIes No of fish Measured (market) IVc Qtr 3 4 141 VIIa Qtr 2 4 158 VIIe Qtr 1 2 3 4 VIIf Qtr 1 2 4 VUg Qtr 1 4 VIIh Qtr 1 3 4 VUj Qtr 4 15 14 12 18 2218 2088 1472 2157 Aged Research Vesse1s (Agedl 48 25 34 79 2 6 13 44 10 205 10 9 9 3 1 467 157 14 14 30 9 - 64 - NH SAMPLIN3 DATA FOR COD Area Season No of Market Samples Id Qtr 3 No cf fish Measured (market) 95 Aged Research Vessels (Aged) 67 4 Ig Qtr 3 205 118 4 IIa Qtr 1 IIf Qtr 2 57 30 4 2 296 62 4 IIg Qtr 1 112 38 87 158 2 3 4 IVa Qtr 1 2 3 4 IVb Qtr 1 2 3 4 IVc Qtr 1 2 3 4 VIa 1 8 9 3 124 1095 738 311 124 118 67 148 156 121 135 21200 25061 20456 19430 1357 1373 1395 1455 20 20 21 20 2837 2803 3495 2908 225 248 285 293 205 142 13 24 101 Qtr 2 3 4 Vlb Qtr 1 70 2 108 2 3 4 23 18 16 24 3220 2094 2440 2856 VIId Qtr 4 4 218 69 VII. Qtr 1 93 108 (21 ) (121 ) 4 VIIa Qtr 1 4 424 297 563 351 47 20 12 NH - 65 - SAMPLING DATA FOR COD (contd) Area VIIr • Season Qtr 1 2 4 No of Market No of fish Sampies Measured (market) 4 1 3 495 57 385 VlIg Qtr 1 4 179 VlIh Qtr 4 38 VlIj Qtr 3 4 XlIIa Qtr 3 4 Aged 117 49 57 Research Vesse1s (Aged) 10 5 5 10 58 2 215 72 SAMPLING DATA FOR HADDOCK Area Season Id Qtr 3 4 lIa Qtr 1 2 3 lIG Qtr 3 4 IVa Qtr 2 3 4 IVb No cf Market No of fish Sampies Measured (marketl 108 2 Aged Vesse1s (Agedl 37 214 55 114 35 47 11 4 958 1788 539 91 93 5 Qtr 1 2 3 4 59 74 54 73 10414 13490 10521 11015 588 574 501 837 IVc Qtr 3 4 2 1 105 148 VIa Qtr 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 10 878 790 701 1754 212 Vlb Qtr 1 2 3 4 4 1 9 789 135 1558 93 14 110 Vlla Qtr 3 6 XIIla Qtr 4 --_._----- 155 49 72 36 4 53 Research 35 NH - 66 - SAMPLING DATA FOH DOGFISH Area Season No of Market No of fish SampIes Measured (market) IVa Qtr 2 3 4 5 1 1 140 20 15 IVb Qtr 1 2 3 4 10 16 31 33 168 612 2512 1770 IVc Qtr 1 2 3 4 9 9 4 9 480 325 86 464 VIa Qtr 1 2 4 2 4 2 207 125 167 VIIa Qtr 1 2 3 9 12 17 13 1099 1480 1733 1398 4 VIIe Qtr 2 4 VIIr Qtr 3 4 90 1 2 92 220 Aged Research Vessels (Aged) i NH - 67 - SAMPLING DATA FOR BASS Area Season No of Market No of fish Sampies Measured (market) Aged IVc Qtr 2 3 4 20 6 17 807 98 34 59 75 34 VIIa Qtr 1 2 3 4 1 4 4 3 1 35 85 8 1 57 11 49 VIrc Qtr 2 4 VIId Qtr 2 3 4 4 1 81 57 51 157 VIIe Qtr 1 2 3 4 11 2 2 1 173 67 97 143 133 28 104 74 2 2 2 56 74 312 VIIf Research Vessels (Aged) 27 Qtr 1 2 3 4 50 75 47 SAMPLING DATA FOR SAITHE No of Market Sample5 No of fi5h Measured (market) Aged Area Season IIe Qtr 3 4 IIf Qtr 2 4 3 278 IVa Qtr 1 2 3 4 2 1 2 2 154 60 52 223 Qtr 1 2 3 4 1 87 3 129 45 16 VIa Qtr 1 4 2 2 209 308 25 16 VIIa Qtr 1 4 147 4 16 IVb 99 19 45 34 Research Ve55e15 (Aged) - 68 - 'lH SAMPLING DATA FOR WHITING Area IVa Season No of Market SampIes No of fish Measured (market) Aged Research Vessels (Aged) Qtr 2 3 4 3 1 3 188 107 145 43 24 IVb Qtr 1 2 3 4 48 39 46 57 4569 4343 4415 5363 379 470 455 654 1Vc Qtr 1 2 3 4 4 13 14 11 362 807 1071 934 89 134 127 174 VIIa Qtr 1 2 3 4 21 24 14 18 2715 2477 1805 2366 188 105 125 102 VIId Qtr 3 4 1 6 109 513 46 81 VIIe Qtr 1 2 3 4 16 16 8 17 2247 2719 1196 2884 156 141 173 171 VIIf Qtr1 2 3 4 161 21 21 VIIg Qtr 1 4 179 VIIj Qtr 3 4 101 111 25 19 21 22 - 69 SAMPLING DATA FOR MONK • No of Market Sampies No of fish Measured (market) Area Season VIId Qtr 3 4 VIIe Qtr 1 2 3 4 14 15 13 18 1895 1549 1498 1959 VIIf Qtr 1 2 4 2 1 374 81 VIIg Qtr 1 4 VIIh Qtr 2 3 4 Aged Research Vesse1s (Aged) 123 28 2 10 2 4 9 394 814 1629 SAMPLING DATA FOR SKATES AND RAYS Area VIIa Season Qtr 1 2 4 No of Market Samples 2 9 4 No of fish Measured (market) 153 680 249 Aged Research Vesse1s (Aged) - 70 - UNITED KINGDOM (Scotland) (R. Jones) I. Sampling Demersal Fish Continuous monitoring was maintained on the catches c8ught by the five main gears (motor trawl, seine net, light trawl, Nephrops trawl and demersal pair trawl) used by Scottish fis hermen. Landings were sampled at all the major fishing ports in Scotland and the intensity of sampling is indicated in the text table below. Species No of vessels sampled No of fish measured No of otoliths collected 422 447 378 286 72353 158764 89625 17216 15365 19296 10161 6533 Cod Haddock Whiting Saithe Sampling of demersal fish discarded by the Scottish neet was also carried out on a regular basis in 1988. SampIes were obtained during the course of commercial trips from hauls. The inlensity of sampling is indicated in the text table below. Species No of vessels sampled No of fish measured No of otoliths collecled 68 68 68 68 68 4057 74737 56637 535 90541 1226 4319 4616 380 Cod Haddock Whiting Saithe Others 2. Research yessel Activjties In February 1988 "Scotia" parlicipated in the International Young Fish Survey in the North Sea. W In l\1arch 1988 "Scotia carried out a survey of demersal fish and herring stocks off lhe west coast of Scotland (ICES Sub area VIa). In August 1988 "Scotia" carried out a survey of demersal fish stocks in the northern and middle North Sea (ICES Sub area IVa and IVb). In September 1988 "Scotia" carried out a survey of the haddock stock on Rockall Bank. In June 1988 "Clupea" carried out a pelagic O-group survey for gadoid species in the northern North Sea (ICES Sub area IVa). 3. Tagging of Demersal Fish During August-September 1988~ ISO saithe were tagged 81 an inshore site elose (0 Aberdeen. (V. Anthony and B. Rothschild) The U.S.A. had no fisheries and no research activity on demersal fish in the leES area in 1988. Activities in the Northwest Atlantic have been reported to NAFO. • - 71 - U,S,S,R, (S.A. Studenetsky) , In 1988, as previously, a trawl-acoustic survey was carried out to assess abundance and biomass of the main commercial fish species, a potential recruitment to cod, haddock, redfish and other fish stocks was evaluated during ichthyoplankton and young fish surveys in the Barents Sea and adjacent waters. Investigations were continued to determine relationships between distribution of fish, their behaviour and hydrological conditions, food supply. Stock structure of major commercial fishes, dynamics of their biological characteristics and migration patterns were studied. The investigation of trophic interrelations of stocks was in progress. Tables 1-8 present information collected during 1988. Table 1. Data on cod collected in 1988. ---------------------------------Number of f'ish Area I 3·1SGO 16165 41835 3650-1 203::> 436·; G5SG 1Y II901 6:33 13005 12649 1325 1025 1735 232-1 I 30690 3835 TI lJ IY 2032.3 IS43 2788 226156 29130 I TI ... 1,1 • IY Im I rr [;] lla Total 0üIü IG-i7 S·le 1590 2705 GOO 930 12GO 2090 H33 701 299 13929 - 72 - Table 2. Data on haddock collected in 1988. - - - - - 7 - - - - -:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .!rea : Season: : : Number of fish measured : analysed : aged ------------------~~~~~~---------1 1 TI I:l I6253 12820 21 98l± IY 5'7587 2063 1594 1360 5323 öI5 1575 1090 ~97Q 1 TI lJ 35 137 35 IY 563 165 I rr ill IY Total 3CIÜ 30690 20326 1943 3835 2788 299 2:433 1623:38 17462 8714 701 27 , - 73 - Table 3. Data on redfish collected in 1988. ---------------------------------- Number of fish Area : Season : measured : analysed for ________________ .:. !e.!:~n2 I IIb aged I 908 TI IJ 5417 74'1 1Y 2266 25 60 25 152 I062 544 5234 25 100 272 ~OO 10820 21027 1993 2225 630 II4 1750 300 169 31815 3628 3I92 I i1 IJ 1Y I 11 IIa : lli 306 12'1 3·10 1Y Total _ - 74 - Table 4. Data on Greenland halibut collected in 1988. Area I I TI 7I4 107 liJ (;4 IjT IIb I TI lli n T I TI lJ 256 371 50 1505 426 300 2704 2322 375 426 300 313 II03 256 3930 350 25 450 200 13362 2291 II!3 1Y Total •• SC 22 25 44 - 75 - Table 5. Data on saithe collected in 1988. ---------------------------------Number of fish ; Season Area : measured __________________ I analysed :J~rJ~e~i!:g_: I TI 3 lil 17 IIb lY Total • 59 1 TI lli IIa Z17 150 II I 768 100 TI 413 50 lli . 1Y 18 1580 209 aged _ - 76 - Table 6. Data on wolffishes collected in 1988. ---------------------------------Number of fish Area : Season : measured . analysed :for fee ding aged ---------------------------------- 425 IY 719 2IO 10 IO I IIb Ha 171 I TI ill TI lli IY 165 ~9;;" 219 452 J6 rODO 25 206 I I ?I 7I I TI 2GS ?~ _0 lG 5·1 LI 3702 716 IY Total 21 • - 77 - Table 7. Area Data on plaice collected in 1988. Number of fish Season .; measured : ___________________ • I I 66 TI lli 69 1307 IY IIb _ analysed for : aged J ~ ~ ~ 20 20 960 275 378 200 24c4 2404 673 ·16·, I 11 lli TY I IIa TI [j IY Total • - 78 - Table 8. Data on long rough dab collected in 1988. : Season Area . Number of fish : measured :analysed . for feeding aged ------------------------------I I TI 173 1882 50 5·192 600 185 50 5834 324 5,1~ 100 137;'0 II24 lli 1Y 325 I IIb TI U IY 6 I IIa rr iJj IY Total 33I • • International Council for the Exploration of the Sea C.M. 1989/G: 1 Report of Activities ADDENDUM 1 DEHERSAL FISH COHHITTEE ~ • CA. Souplet) - - - -NB. or- SAMPLES= ::.-- SPEClES Whiting IIREII IVA ----- MARKE! MESURED S/IMPLES 1 19 2 220 IIGED 1 38 3 899 966 1 12 1 466 548 VIIO 2 VIIO 4 28 VIIlAB 1 1 17 2 2 32 3 3 33 4 4 20 VIII AB VIIFG IVA 1 317 1 128 15 397 904 11 1 597 546 12 1 419 568 13 564 520 ALL 415 730 2 861 2 600 1 18 292 257 202 IVB 1 29 285 Ive 1 12 489 VIIO 3 VIID 4 1 30 0!HER 444 IVB VIIIAB • - NB. or FISH IVC VIIIAB eoo SEIISON RESEARCH VESSEL --- - 462 259 135 135 J - ----- -=~=======, =-===--=-=====--= ===========----------- - 2 - REPORT OF ACTIVITY - FRANCE - 1989 SPEeIES COD AREA - -- NB. OF SAMPLES r---" SEASON RESEARCH VESSEL MARKET SAMPLES - NB. OF FISH MESURED AGED - VIA ALL 4 478 1 194 VIIFG ALL 1 897 1 182 VIIA ALL IVA 1 31 2 427 682 IVB 1 16 292 191 VIA ALL IVA 1 54 54 VIA ALL 7 914 1 530 BLUE LINK VIA ALL 535 294 LINK VIIA .. 3 115 945 VIII ,I VI 1 17 502 2 27 910 3 6 193 1 4 68 2 2 46 3 13 366 HADDOCK SAITHE HAKE VII VIII 696 7 165 4 120 4 14 376 1 62 2 554 1 OTHER 25 1 407 2 2 004 37 ========-===_=-4:==-=~=-=====--=_=±=~-=======-===== • .. - 3 - REPORT OF ACTIVITY - FRANCE - 1989 -- ===--NB. --=====SPECIES HAKE AREA VIII 3 47 49 4 4 57 46 2 947 4 543 6 500 VIII ALL 1 690 1 10 14 2 2 8 3 4 660 1 774 3 25 4 1 164 1 533 32 3 OTHER 6 396 ALL VIIIAB AGED 2 349 VI-VII 1 MONK (L. bu - ==----- - NB.- OF- FISH SEASON RESEARCH HARKET MESURED VESSEL SAMPLES 3 NEPHROPS -- OF SAMPLES 292 3 447 4 19 549 2 055 egassa) VIIlAB 1 1 6 2 13 8 3 3 VII-VII ALL 8 130 11 12 73 10 25 8 4 4 22 7 2 37 20 21 10 100 650 ============ -======= ======-========-========-========-========-======== .. _ 4 - REPORT OF ACTIVITV - FRANCE - 1989 ======-=====-===;=.=' - NB. OF SAMPLES SPECIES MONK (L. Piscat AREA VIIIAB ius~ SEA SON RESEARCH VESSEL 1 1 20 2 17 34 3 3 26 15 19 4 SOLE VII-VII VIID 4 AL L MARKET MESURED SAMPLES 18 2 17 2 2 SOLE VIIlAB 4 4 1 9 37 28 47 2 44 50 4 36 47 366 95 323 96 324 63 412 47 14 500 411 231 207 35 2 270 486 2 262 377 15 3 - 711 979 2 156 466 ---- -- ~~ NB. OF FISH AGED OTHER • 1 170 180 172 319 325 359 279 ==========--==--=-====-====..--= --===-======-======--==--== ~ •• - 5 - REPORT or ACTIVITY - rRANCE - 1989 - ==---====---====-=~-'='-- NB. or SAMPLES SPECIES PLAICE • RED MULLET VIID VIIO VIID IVAB VIIIAB 2 4 4 1 1 VIIIAB 2 1 005 27 1 55 9 10 40 VIIIAB 6 3 11 VIIIAB 4 10 34 POLLACK CUCKOO RAY POUT ======= ============ NB. or FISH AREA SEASON RESEARCH MARKET MESUREO VESSEL SAMPLES 16 MEGRIM - VII ALL VIII VII·VI I ALL VII ALL VIIIAB 4 ==: 1 359 467 66 549 701 333 57 466 966 27 957 1 700 700 1 625 613 AGEO OTHER 229 382 10 678 1 300 ===--=-======-==--=---====--==~=====-====== -