C.M.1985/H:l Report of Activities International Council for the Exploration of the Sea PELAGIC FISH COMMITTEE by A. Maucorps 1984 BELGIUM (R. DE CLERCK) No market sampling of pelagic fish " .. s I>een carrie<l out in 1984. Research vessel surveys with bot tom trawl on the Juvenile herring and sprat were continued as given in the table below. The research was linlited to lengtll measurelll<?uts. Area Objectives Season IVc Belgian coast April und September Recordiug' tlensities of' illlJila ture herring and spra t CANADA (T.D.ILES) All relevant research reported to NAFO. DENtlARK No report received. - 2 FINLAND (R. PARMANNE &. V. SJOBLOM) No work carried out on pelagic fish other than reported to the Baltic Fish Committee. FRANCE (A. MAUCORPS) Echantillonnage HARENG Zone VI a north North west North sea (03) Nbre d'echantillons Nombre de Nombre de Examens Periode Type de poissons poissons des criteres (t rimest re) poisson Bateau de Marche §ges mesures radiaux recherche 1 1 2 geniteur adultes ... 10 7 .. 3 1 2 13 480 320 682 629 1 547 1 480 6S4 283 2 100 8 700 82 127 208 134 532 46 133 75 237 1 004 2 509 166 1 3 3 6 3 4 1 3 4 1 4 juv. adul tes 19 juv. geniteur 10 19 3 adul tes ANCHOIS IGOlfe de Gascogne VIII 2 adultes 12 3 592 ,CHINCHARD VIII 2 juv. adul tes 18 9 10 614 392 t-lAQUEREAU VIII 2 adultes 9 1 480 2 adultes 9 1 105 SARDINE 2 adul tes 18 3 448 PRA IV b IV e, VII d VIII 1 1 2 j uv. et adultes 19 10 9 1 981 1 413 1 552 Cent ra l North Sea (09) Southern North Sea Eastern Channel (12) Celtic Sea . (13) r ~'ERLAN BLEU lVIII I~ - 3 - Campagnes de bateaux scientifiques Zone Dates Mer du Nord, Manche est et ouest Ecosse (IV, VII d, VI a) 7 - 30/02 Objectif IYFS (CIEM) Golfe de Gascogne (vm a - b) 28/04 - 15/05 Evaluation acoustique du stocks d'anchois de la cöte des Landes et prospection sur les accores du plateau entre 46°00 et 49° N Sud Mer du Nord Manche Est <IV c - VII d) 7/11 - 30/11 Evaluation acoustique du stock de hareng des Do.ns - 4 - GERM AN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (L. DANKE) Sampling Blue whiting i..ged- Area Senson VII, b, c VII b,c Vlb FebrilD!"Y 11arch IIa JU:1Y IIa IIb Juny July 1 2 1 1 16 April IVe E August IIs August August Vb 1 7 15 2 9 4 654 1083 514 52 4859 2644166 1681 3851 1280 102 155 100 50 97 235 92 50 1'50 Research vessel surveys Art8 N-Uorth See IVo E Norwegian Sea Ha Norwep:ian Seo VI.> 1 Norwegian Sea lle Norwegi:Hl Sea Vb 1 Ot,.iectives Dat.e 2.8.84 3.e.-23.8.84 23.8.-24.8.84 ) ) ) i ) ) ) ) 25.8.8425.8.-27.8.84 ) ) ) ) Acoustic survey, midwater trawlini!; hydrograph..v - 5 FEDERAL REPUßLlC OF GERMANY (D. SAHRHAGE) Species Sampling Area Hebrides (01) w of SheUand (02) NW-North Sea (03) NE-North Sea No of Sam pIes Research Factory Ship Vessel Type cf Fish Season imm+ad irnm+ad I II III IV adult III IV ad+imm adult 2 I II III imm+ad imm+ad ad+irnm 11 III ad+imm 19 4 II III I III I II III ad+imm 11 ad+imm 25 (04) N,V of Ireland (06) South Buchsn (08) Central lIorth Sea (09) \! of Ireland (10) S-North Sea II III 5 12 14 6 47 ad+imm 7 immature 9 6 imm+ad immature 35 imrn+ad 25 imm+ad 8 IlERRING No of Fish measured aged examined racially 2027 3326 4482 8610 507 2157 2010 18835 3699 378 200 200 400 200 100 200 500 500 334 100 1764 1985 1393 941 5211 2650 1517 169 99 800 300 200 335 100 700 300 200 I imm+ad 9 1 6 I irr,m+ad 4 322 100 I ad+imm 4 249 100 3 72 adult 90 100 (12) S of Ireland (13) Bristol Channel (14 ) West Channel I (15 ) Research Vessel Surveys Area Date Hebrides (01) NW-North Sea South Buchan Central North Sea Central North Sea Southern North Sea ~g~~ Hebrides Central North Sea (09) (09) (12) (01) (09) Objectives 04.01.-02.02.84 06.02.-09.03.84 Gear Research 17.02.-28.02.!J4 Groundf1sh Survey 20.02.-28.03.84 Ground- and Felagic Fish :.iurvey International Young Fish Survey - 6 - Hebrides Nil of Ireland W of Ireland S of Ireland Bristol Channel I/est Channel Mackerel (adults, eggs) and other Pelagic Fish 18.06.-27.07.84 m;-Jlorth Sea lIE-North Sea South Buchan Central ~orth Sea :Iebrides W of Shetland N~:- North .Sea N,/ of Ireland Central North Sea W of Ireland Ground- and yelagic Fish ~3urvey Herring, ~ackerel, Sprat and Horse :.lackerel Survey Species Sronpling Area Season JI-North Sea Central North Sea IVa IVb S-Jlorth Sea. English Channel Bristol Channel S of Ireillnd IVo VIId,e VIIf VIIg-k II ~·t cf Ireland NW of Scotland VIIb,c VIa II II No of Sampies Research Vessel I I 5 32 20 2 6 3 6 2 2 II I II II SPRAT No of ~'ish measured 68 1620 670 308 315 167 495 83 59 Research Vessel Surveys Area Date N-North Sea Central North Sea S-North Sea IVa IVb IVc English Channel Bristol Channel S of Ireland W of Ireland NW of Scotland VIId,e VIIf VIIg-k VIlb,c VIa Central North Sea ·IVb 06.02.-09.03.84 17.02.-28.02.84 26.03.-04.05.84 18.06.-27.07.64 Objectives International Young Fish Survey Groundfish Survey Mackerel (adults, eggs) and other Pelagic Fish Ground- and Pelagic Fish Survey - 7Species Samnling Seasen i.rea ll-North Sea Type ef Fish No of SampIes Research Factery Vessel Ship II IVa MACKEREL No of Fish aged measured 5 398 III adult 11 675 199 II III IV ad+imm adult adult 32 II adult 15 4294 877 1139 2350 400 200 296 250 II .!li+i Il'm 44 5873 750 English Char.nel II VJId,e ad+imm 6 1744 100 4 167 Central Nerth Sea IVb 1!,: of .:icotland VIa "{ ef Ireland 6 5 VIIb,c S of Ireland VIIg-k Bristel Chc.nnel VIIf II Research Vessel Surveys Area Date NY: ef Scetland W of Ireland S ef Ireland Fristel Channel English Channel N-J;orth Sea Central North ~ea NiY ef Scetlan:i Objectives VIa VIIb,c VIIg-k VIIf VIId,e IVa IVb 1:ackerel (adul ts, eggs) and ether Pelagic Fish VIa ilerring, MackereI, Sprat and Horse Mackerel Survey Cround- and Felagic Fish Survey Species Sampling Aren English Channel Season VIId,e I II Bristel Channel VIIf S ef Ireland VIIg-k II VI ef Ireland VIIb,c 11'.1 ef Scotland VIa II III II III I Type ef Fish a11 No of Sam pIes Research Vessel 6 1 4 43 21 12 22 60 EOHSE 1:ACKEREL No ef Fish measured aged 909 1409 11 10931 1972 2935 849 8524 104 81 10 713 151 41 238 93 - 8 - Research Vesse1 Surveys Objectives Date Area English Channe1 Bristo1 Channes S of Ireland W of Ireland NW of Scot1and W of Ireland NW of Scot1and VIId,e VIIf VIIg-k VIIb.c VIa VIIb,c VIa 26.03.-04-05.84 Mnckere1 (adu1ts, eggs) and other Pe1agic Fish 14.08.-03.09.84 Herring. Mayckere1. Sprat and Horse Mackere1 Survey Sampling Species Aren Norwegian Sea N-North Sea Ice1and Grounds Faroe Plateau NW of Scot1and Rockall-Bank W of Ireland Season IIa IVa Va Vb VIa VIb VIIb.c No of Samp1es Research Vesse1 I I I I I I 8 5 11 4 7 UI 33 6 9 I BLUE WHITING No of Fish measured aged examined racia11y 2392 957 2177 1239 2900 2677 7839 1532 50 SO 250 100 50 100 100 Research Vesse1 Surveys Date Area Objectives Wof Scotland Rocka11-Bank W of Ireland VIa VIb VUb 04.01.-02.02.84 Gear Research Norwegian Sea N-North Sea Ice1and Grounds Faroe Plateau NW of Scot1and/ Rockall-Bank Wof Ireland Ua IVa Va Vb Vla.b 20.02.-28.03.84 Ground- and Pe1agic Fish Survey VUb,c Rockall-Bank VIb 19.07.-28.07.84 Ground Fish Survey 50 50 250 100 50 100 100 ------------------------------------------------------------------J~Q (Jakob Jakobsson) Sampling BLUE WHITING No. of samples Type of fish Res. vessels Fish vessels No. of fish Measured Aged Area Season SE Iceland June Juvenile, immature 5 320 320 Irminger Sea August Juvenile, immature 6 460 50 SW, S, SE Iceland Sept. Juvenile, immature 42 2845 S, SE Iceland Research vessel surveys Area Date Objective Blue whiting migration, abundance SE, E Iceland SW Norway Sea 3.6.-13.6. estimates, hydrography, zooplankton. S, E, N Iceland 9.8.-29.8. Abundance estimates, O-group fish survey, hydrography. W, N Iceland 16.8.-29.8. Abundance estimates, O-group fish survey, hydrography. '" Sarnpling CAPELIN No. of sawples Area Season Type of fish. Res. vessels W, N, E Ieeland Jan.-Apr. Mixed 33 SE, E Iceland Jan.-Apr. Adult 15 Iceland, E-Greenland Aug. Mixed W, N, E Iceland Oct.-Dec. Mixed No. of f ish Fish vess~ls rneasured aged ex. racially 4 6458 3300 100 28 4686 3520 200 36 6424 2740 51 1208 6570 Research vessel surveys Area Date W, N, E, SE Iceland 11.1.-9.2. W, N, E, SE Iceland 11.1.-9.2. Objective Abundance estimates Abundance estimates. T.S. measurements S, W Iceland S, E, N Iceland 29.2.-15.3. 9.8.-29.8. Spawning migration O-group capelin and other spp. l-group capelin abundance estimates W, N Iceland 16.8.-29.8. O-group capelin and other spp. 1 group capelin abundance estimates W, N, E Iceland W, N, E Iceland 31.10.-21.11. Abundance estimates ....o 31.10.-21.11. Abundance estimates I I J -I Sarnpling HERRING No. of samp1es Season Type of_fish Jan.-Sept. Mixed N, NE Iceland sep.-Dec. 1 ) Mixed E, SE Iceland Sep.-Dec. Mixed Area Res. vesse1s No. of fish Fish vesse1s measured aged ex. racia11y 17 5309 1912 1912 45 4483 3295 3295 4292 619 619 E, SE, S, W, NW, N Ice1and 8 SE, S, SW, W, NW, 1) 19 Fishing season Research vesse1 surveys Area S, E Ice1and E Ice1and Date Objective 11.1.-9.2. Abundance estirnates. 10.12.-21.12. Abundance estimates T.S. measurements ..... ..... - ----- -------------------, - 12 - IRLAND (J. MOLLOY) Type of fish Season Area No. of sarnples (Market) No. of fish measured No. of fish aged Speeie~; No. of fish exarnined racially Herring Div. VI, a North West 11, IV, V, VI VII, IX, X, XII Adult 28 6105 1046 1046 Div. VII, b-e West I, 111, IV, V, VI VII,VIII,IX,X,XI,XII Adult 24 6417 991 991 Div. VII, f South West II, IV, V, VI, VIII IX, X, XI, XII Adult 28 2167 1148 1148 Div. VII, g Celtie Sea I, 11, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII Adult 51 7439 1993 1993 Div. VII, a Irish Sea I, II, VI, VII VIII, IX, XI Adult 30 6208 1273 1273 Speeies; Mackerel Div. VI, a North West I, 11, III, IV, V VII, IX, XI, XII Adult 28 6891 2628 - Div. VII, b West II, IV, VI Adult 13 2494 483 - Div. VII, j South West I, II, IV Adult 5 557 258 - Species: Div. VII, j I, 11, X, XI, XII Adult 24 4095 Div. VII, a I, X Adult 4 538 - Research Vessel Surveys 1984 Time Area Objeetive Celtie Sea October to February '85 Larval survey to obtain estimate of abundance of herring population VI, a North west October to November Larval survey to obtain estimate of abundanee of herring population VII, a Irish Sea February Young herring survey Sprats - -13 THE NETHERLANDS (A. CORTEN) Herring/Sampling Quarter of year Area Type of fish research vessel VIa North 11 11 2 adult 3 11 1 11 3 4 11 IVa West 2 11 11 3 2 11 3 11 09 Central North Sea 2 11 11 11 " 11 3 11 11 11 11 11 3 1 VIa South + VIIb. c 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 08 South Buchan 11 11 11 12 Southern North Sea 11 spawnin adult 11 11 11 2 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 3 4 11 11 11 11 South Ireland 11 11 market spawning 3 4 adult 1 140 25 1.597 325 Total 1 125 25 3 366 hf\? 75 1?5 12 1,768 300 26 3.779 480 650 3 1 171 1 134 12 1.877 examined 75 25 25 300 2 287 50 37 6,675 925 3 1 455 75 25 19 3.624 1.168 - - - - - 121 25 - 2 389 50 - - 150 23.9G3 3.750 - - 11 aged 13 ) - 11 4 measured racially - 11 11 No. of fish No. of samples 7 1 130 475 175 Herring/ Research vessel surveys Objectives Area Dates IVa, b, c North Sea 31 Jan. - 2 March leES Young Fish Survey Tag recapture + echo survey IVa Northern North Sea 2 July - 12 July IVa Northern North Sea 29 Aug. - 18 Sept. IeES lIerring larval survey IVb Central North Sea IVc + Vlld Southern North Sea IVc Dutch Waddensea 11 Sept.- 20 Sept. 10 Dec. 20 Dec. 20 Febr.- 19 Apr. ICES Ilerring larval survey ICES lIerring larval survey lIerring larval survey - -lli - Mackerel/Sa mpling Quarter of year Area Type of fish No. of fish No. of samples research market measured aged IVa Northern North Sea 2 IVb Central North Sea 3 2 .. .. .. ... " " " . . .. " " " ." " " " " " " " " " " " . VII South of Ireland " " " " " " .. 2 " " " 3 4 " . 2 " 3 4 " 1 " " . 2 .. " " 3 4 " " - - . 1 VIa N.W. Ireland . . 3 4 IVc Southern North Sea " adults examined racially vessel 2 104 50 10 527 187 3 4 313 260 75 104 1 11 59 1,004 275 - - 25 3 289 75 2 148 50 2 4 97 283 100 4 302 100 6 425 150 50 - 43 3,808 1,075 21 1,454 525 1 - 3 87 203 75 - 120 9,363 2,941 - - Total - - 25 MackerelIResearch vessel surveys Area Dates Objectives IVa, b Central/Northern North Sea IVa Northern North Sea 22 May - 14 June 17 July - 24 July ICES mackerel egg survey Mackerel parasites l-j arse mackerelISa rnpling Area Quarter of year Type of fish No. of sampIes research vessel VIa N.W. Ireland VII South Ireland 3 4 1 " 2 . .. " Total " . " . " . .. " 3 4 adult " " " " " - - - market No. of fish measured 205 aged 3 6 667 9 10 850 225 1,136 ::>50 50 200 950 2 - 8 371 1,376 - 38 4,605 examined racially - 75 150 - - . - - - 15 - NORWAY (O.E. DAHL & A. DOMMASNES) Herr ing (.t.l.u..D.n Harengus) Sampling Area Season Type of fish 50ulh 01 62' Research vessel Harket N No. of fish measured No. of fish aged NO.of fish exam. racially Skagerrak lila Northern North Sea IVa I II III IV Adult Adult Adult Hixed I Immat. Adult Adult Adult 11 111 IV Norwegian coast IVa I 11 111 IV Central North Sea IVb I 11 111 IV NW North Sea Via 111 IV 25 Adult Adult Immat. Immat. Immat. Adult Adult Adult 400 300 100 400 400 300 100 400 300 300 100 400 100 19148 15115 1921 100 1200 1148 700 384 100 381 300 215 100 381 300 215 100 281 300 100 1884 56 81 151 875 36 1884 2237 2980 3061 13 12 1100 1075 100 100 236 151 23 1 4 3 23 Adult Adult 28 34 81 151 Research vessel survey Season Objectives North Sea Jan/Feb Int. Young fish survey, herring NW North Sea July North Sea herrring acoustic survey Skagerrak along the Norw. coast north to Va rangerfjord Oct/Nov/Oec Fish survey. O-group sprat/herring IArea - 16 Sprat (Sprattys sprattys) Sampling Area Norweg ian coast IVa Season IV Central North Sea IVb Type of fish No. of samples Research vessel Harket Hixed 10 Adult 10 No. of fish measured No. of fish aged 1000 H 1000 5360 Research vessel surveys Season Objectives North Sea Jan/Feb Int.Young Fish Survey. sprat Skagerrak - along the Norw. coast north to Varangerfjord Oct/Nov/Oec Fish survey. O-group. sprat/herring IArea 200 - 17 - Mackerel Sampling (~ Season Area. scombrys) Type of fish No. of samples Research Market vessel No. of fish measured No. of fish aged Norwegian Sea. lla 111 Mixed 391 388 Skagerrak 11 Ia 11 Mixed 100 99 Northern North Sea IVa II 111 IV Mixed Mixed Mixed 99 713 224 98 712 223 Central North Sea IVb 111 Mixed 100 100 NW North Sea. Via IV Mixed 200 200 SW Ireland VIIg-k 11 Mixed 495 492 Research vessel surveys IArea North Sea Season Objectives Jun/Aug Egg and larval survey. mackerel Tagging Area SW Ir~land VJlg-k North Sea Skagerrak - IV'.b. 11 I. Season Type of tag No. tagged 11 Int. steel 14 512 ~Iackerel 111 Int. steel 13 587 Mackerel Type of fish - 18 - 0 Herring 1llJ!Qtl harengus) North of 62 N Sampling 19H Area Norw. coast (Finnmark) I 8arents Sea I Season I II III IV I Type of fish Juv. lIa Total No. of fish aged 386 1468 553 1121 71 389 135 428 Juv. 11 24 14 6 500 2189 1194 713 20 752 322 Hixed 34 Hixed 11 I II UI IV No. of fish measured 5 16 7 13 IU IV Norw. coast No. of sampIes Research vessels Harket 9 5 51 49 1 3 11 7552 905 678 5919 2407 809 548 3141 201 64 23298 9028 No. of fish exam.rac. - 19 Research vessel surveys 1984 Date Area Norwegian coast 0 0 62 N - 70 N Objectives January - March Experimental fishing for recapture of tags. Acoustic survey of spawning grounds. Sampling of commercial fishery. Norwegian coast 62 0 N _ 70 0 N April - May Oistribution of herring larvae. Norwegian coast April - May Tagging Barents Sea May - June Acoustic survey of !-group Barents Seal Norwegian Sea June Post-larvae distribution Barents Seal Norwegian Sea August O-group distribution Norwegian toast November - December 0- and !-group acoustic survey sampling commercial fishery Norwegian cgast November - December 0- and I-group acoustic survey 0 0 62 N _ 69 N 0 0 62 N - 70 N north of 70 N. southern Barents Sea ~1984 Area Norw. coast Season Type of tags No. tagg. Type of fish 11 internal 29313 adult Recoveries - 20 - Capelin (Mallotus villosus) Sampling 1984 Area Barents Sea I IIa - IIb - Jan Mayen IIa Season Type of fish - Mixed I IV No. of samples Research vessels Market No. of fish aged 307 2063 159 16510 1648 307 2222 253823 29508 III Total No. of fish measured 237313 No. of fish exam. rac. 27860 Research yesSft1 surveys 1984 Area Date Objectives Barents Sea January - February Mature capelin Barents Sea March - April Spawning grounds Barents Sea May - June Late spawning capelin Barents Sea May - June Larvae Jan Mayen August Scouting. sampling commercial Barents Sea August O-group survey Barents Sea September Acoustic survey catches .!.!.a..a..iJ!. None 1984 - 21 - Blue whiting (Hicromesistius potassoul Samoling 1984 Area Season No. of samples Research vessels Harket No. of fish measured No. of fish aged 16 9 26 I II III Northern Norwegian Sea.lIb 13 514 234 1818 45 2 31 20 1814 2382 2647 1381 418 509 564 200 18 14 103 136 1 10 8450 9850 100 825 2296 1102 50 106 315 32201 7111 North Sea IVa IVb I II III IV 4 1 8 West of the 8ritish Isles. Faroes Vb.VIa.VIb. VIIb.c.g.h. Lk I II III IV Total 903 458 3149 No. of fish exam.rac. 66 197 Mixed Barents Sea Norwegian Sea lIa Type of fish 24 31 Research vessel surveV$ 1984 Area Objectives Date - April Acoustic survey - abundance. distribution and structure of spawning stock. West of British Isles Harch Norwegian shelf April - Hay Distribution and structure. Norwegian Sn August Acoustic survey (internationall. Abundance. distribution and structure of total stock. l..!.9..9.i!J.g 19B4 None - 22 - Great silver smelt (Argentina ~) Sampling 1984 Area Season Norwegian Sea Ila I West of the British Isles No. of samples vessels Harket No. of fish measured 1 1 30 121 3861 121 1962 Research Hixed No. of fish aged 11 22 I 1 2 52 131 32 131 1 3 11 11 61 61 4243 2324 North Sea IVa Type of fish 11 I 11 No. of fish 8Kam.rac. VIa.b Total 30 32 Research vessel surveys 1984 Area Norwegian shelf Date Objectives April - Hay .I.!sll!lg 1 9 8 4 None Poland No report recelved. Distribution and structure PORTUGAL (L BARRACA) !chantillonnage Espece - Sardina pi1chardus (Wa1b.) Region Saison Type de poissons 1er trimestre 2eme trimestre IXa 3eme trimestre N. echantillons N. poissons Navire de mesures recherche Marcha Tous - N. poissons dont age determina otolithes ecailles 135 10212 645 267 208 15364 450 103 237 17396 413 160 4eme trimestre 23 181 18714 389 193 TOTAL 23 761 61686 1897 723 Campagne d'investigation Region lXa (plateforme contine~ tale portugaise) Objectifs Date 22 novembre - 10 decembre campagne acoustique experimentale, pour 1a sardine I '" W I Echantillonnage Espeee - Mieromeeistius poutassou (Risso) RoSgion Saison Type de poissons ler trimestre 2eme trimestre IXa N. echantillons Navire de recherche l.lareM N. poissons N. poisBons dont N. de poissons obseI age determine ves par races mesures - 104 6574 50 127 12507 10 99 8622 - 107 7957 60 437 35660 Tous 3eme trimestre 4 eme trimestre TOTAL - - 76 53 - 129 Campagne d'investigation'" '" R&gion Date IXa 15 - 31 mai Objectifs distribution du merlan bleu en profondeur et son comportement pendant 1e jour et pendant la nuit catte campagne n'a ete pas seulement rea1isee pour etudier le merlan bleu I ..,. I\J I ~~ ~ Echanti110nnage Espece - Scomber scombrue L. Region Saison l er 'l'ype de N. echantillons N. poissons N. poissons dont age de poissons Navire determine (otolithes) meSUTeS recherche Marche - trimestre i,me lXa trimestre eme trimestre 3 Tous i,me trimestre TOTAL 224 17135 157 - 208 12267 171 166 9904 125 3 175 11290 356 3 773 50596 809 Espece - Scomber japonicus Houttuyn Region Saison l Type de poissons er - trimestre eme 2 trimestre lXa eme 3 trimestre eme 4 trimestre TOTAL N. echantil10ns N. poissons N. poissons dont age Navire de meSUTes determine (otolithes) recherche Marche Tous - 17 72 30 102 74 48 348 230 44 227 171 139 749 547 72 I '" V1 I Echantill onnage Espece - Trachurus trachurus (L.) Region Saison 1 IXa Type de N. echantillons N. poissons N. poissons dont age de poissons Navire mesures determine (otolithes) recherehes Marche er trimestre eme 2 trimestre eme 3 trimestre eme 4 trimestre Tous - 246 19915 462 34 257 23135 556 203 14643 402 202 14582 421 908 72275 1841 - TOTAL 34 Campagne d'investigation Region Date Objectifs Aires se1eotionnees de la plateforme continenta1e portugaise 14 - 31 mai distribution d'espece relativement a la plateforme continentale en des aires seleationnees. I '" a- - 27 - ~J() repOl't. rece i ved. SWEDEN (0. HAGSTRÖM) Sampling Area Kattegat No. of SampIes Research No. of Fish Vessel Market Measured 15 68 29 110 3 287 - 59 17 435 945 446 5 75 25 915 1 534 866 X, XI, XII - 72 21 553 834 707 I, 11, III 10 9 7 467 1 939 1 939 - 3 1 114 187 187- VII, VIII, IX 10 30 12 495 2 881 1 415 X, XI, XII - 26 8 622 751 624 - - - VIII, IX 9 - 4 300 1 380 138 49 342 128 011 13 738 9 387 Type of fish Season I, 11, III IV, V, VI VII, VIII, IX Skagerrak IV, V, VI North Sea Baltic Total - Aged - RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS Area Season Kattegat, Skagerrak II Objectives Investigation on young fish; herring larvae and stock separation /<attegat, Skagerrak VIII, Acoustic survey; ~altic IX herring No. of Fish examined racially 3 065 - Pilchard No of fish No of Sampies Area Research Vessel South West Bi sc ay 7E-H 8 2 2 Market --17 - Measured Otolithed Rac ial rnvestigation -2734 232 719 232 Mackere 1 Research Vessel North Sea West of Scotland lri sh Sea South West Celt ic Sea West of Ireland Biscay No of fish No of Sampies Area 6 7A 7E-H 7B, C, J 2 1 2 8 2 8 7 I, Market Measured Otol ithed --114 - 243 16 1982 13438 2251 243 16 195 1965 191 3486 798 - Racial rnvestigation ru ...:J 24 Scad (Horse Mackerei) Area No of Sampies Research Vessel North Sea West of Scotland lrish Sea South West Celtic Sea West of Ireland Biscay 4 6 7A 7E-H 7B, C, J 4 3 8 6 1 1 Market ---3 - No of fish Measured Otolithed Racial Investigation 55 72 3946 3371 72 890 649 5368 872 - I w 0 I I RESEARCH VESSEL SURVEYS, 1984 Area Month Objectives North Sea and English Channel North Sea and English Channel North Sea Continental Slope North Sea Celtic Sea and Western Channel North Sea Irish Sea North Sea Continental Slope January February February March July July August September October November/December Herring Larval Survey Herring Acoustic Survey International Young Fish Survey Trawl Survey Herring O-gp survey Groundfish survey Herring Acoustic Survey Young Fish Survey Herring Larval Survey Trawl Survey w .... - 32 UNITEO KINGOOM (Scotland) (R.S. ßAILEY) HFRRING Silmpling A:-e;;, c;t:>ason Type of flsh ~o cf saT'lples Rf'seoarch Ves<::>f>l 01 02 03 Hebrides Jan-Mar July-Sept West of Shetland North Western North Sea No of fish ~'arket ".."sured aged Examined raclallv Mixed Adult 0 2 7 0 1440 lTI 507 613 0 0 Jan-Mar ~"i Apr-Jun -Tul-Sept Oct-Dec Adult 5 0 2 10 lB 5 2135 2338 4285 1141 397 5';7 814 220 0 0 200 0 4115 4774 8';'lR 40RO 747 1'43 173R 226 0 0 290 xed Mlult 7 0 Jan-".ofa!" ~Uxed 22 I\pr-.Tun -Tul-Sept Oct-llec Adult 0 ~iXE'd Iml"1atu.... ~ 61 21 3 25 23 0 'UxE'"d 0 04 North Eastern North Sea Jul-Sept ?JIixed 15 0 158 f14 0 06 North West l:-elan<l ,Tul-Sept " 1 0 25'l 59 0 07 West of Scotland Jan-'lar Apr-Jun Jul-Sept Oct-Dec " Adult :>1ixed 18 " 4900 8192 7523 3576 115'; 647 88'l 115<; 100 0 19 6 55 52 5 Jan-Mar Jul-Sept Oct-Dec " " 9 23 0 6 9 0 1138 2275 1092 169 525 122 0 0 0 '1ixed 24 24 2 0 0 0 3882 1595 425 331 385 23 I) 08 09 South Buchan Centra1 North Sea AREA Northwestern North See Jan-Mar Jul-Sept Oct-Dec SEIISON -TUNE Immature " Immature T4G TYPE ~lAGNETIC IUCROTAG 0 NO. TAGGEO 10,000 TYPF 01" FISH ADULT 0 0 3'l2 0 0 RECOVE'lIFS 48 HERRING - 33 - Research Vessel Surveys Area Season Ohjecrives North Western North See to Germany Blg"r Febrw3ry TntprnationAl Young Fish North end West of Scotland Jan-Feb Recruit Trawling Flrth of Clyrte (Ballantrae Rank) Feb-Mar Larval SurveYt Acoustic and Trawling Survey North Western North See Jun-July Microtagglng end Tag Recovery(3) North Western North Sea July Acoustic and Trawling Survey West of Scotlanrt (Hebrldes) Aug-Sept Trawling and Larval Surveys Moray Flrth to Firth of Forth September La~val Survey(l) Northern North Sea September Larval survey(l) West of Scotland and North West Ireland Sep-Oct Larval Survey(l) Octoher Larval survey(l) Novemher Acoustic and Trawling Survey Firth of Clyde Survf:>Y Surv~y Notes (1) (2) (3) Tn eccordence with previous leES resolutions In accordance with C. Res. 1980/2:24 In accordance with C. Res. 1980/2:25 Additional Research Activitles Continuation of herring parasitological work wlth a view to using parasitological da ta for studylng models of migration. (2) - 34 - MACKEREL Sampline No of Sa",ples Season Area IVa Northern North .§!2. IVb Central North ~ VIa West of Scotland Type of Fish Research Vessel Harket No of Fish Measured Aced Jan Apr Jul Oct - Mar Jun Sep Dec 1mm/adult 8 1 216 104 1mm/adult 1mm/adult 37 1 717 235 371 73 Jan Apr Jul Oct - Har Jun Sep Dec 1mm 1mm/adult 1mm/a::lult adult 1 4 26 1 1 1 143 504 58 143 319 54 Jan Apr Jul Oct _ - Mar Jun Sep Dec 1mm/a::lult 1mm/adult 1mm/adult 1mmladult 1 7 3 21 72 930 234 2094 8270 4<:<: JJ 56 627 1619 5 1 14 Research Vessel Surveys Objectives North Sea North West of Scotland June October Egg Survey Acoustic survey Other Research Activities Continuation of mackerel parasitological work with a view to determinine stock mixing. - 35 SPRAT Samplinr; No of Samples Area Research IVa Northern North ~ IVb Central North ~ VIa West of &'ötI'and No of Fish Season Commercial Heasured Aged Jan Apr Jul Oct - Mar 14 1 1904 244 Jun Sep Dec 14 22 (; 2435 5441 411 417 Jan Apr Jul Oct - }lar 39 5801 421 Jun Sep Dec 13 2583 1,58 Jan Apr Jul Oct -Har 8 6 2150 205 - Jun 15 31 10017 743 - Sep - Dec Research Vessel Surveys ~ Objectives Western North Sea Jan Acoustic and trawlinc survey (in accordance with C Res 1981/2:22) Western North Sea Dec Acoustic and trawling survey (in accordance with C Res 1981/2:22) Western North Sea Dec Inshore trawling and echo sounder survey Sgualus Ancanthias (Spurdog) Sampling Lengh measurements continued to be taken from commerciaJ and research vesseJ sampIes. ~ No new tagging experiments were carried out but recoveries from previous experiments continued to be monotored. - 36 - ~ (R. C. HENNEMUTH) Atlantic Herring Trends in relative abundance of Atlantic herring in 1984 were monitored based on Northeast Fisheries Center spring and autumn research-vessel surveys, and an additional survey was conducted in winter specifically to assess herring stocks in the Gulf of Maine/Middle Atlantic region. An estuarine sampling program conducted by the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, and larval herring studies conducted by the Maine Department of Marine Resources, provided independent estimates of year-class strength. Studies were undertaken by the University of l1aine and Maine Department of r1arine Resources to document the distribution of spawning beds in coastal Maine waters. The Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, in cooperation with the Northeast Fisheries Center, tagged herring in the Southern Gulf of Maine region to clarify stock intermixture patterns. The University of Massachusetts is completing studies, in conjunction with the Northeast Fisheries Center, to investigate stock structure, based on biochemical and morphometric analyses. - 37 - Atlantic Mackerel The Northeast Fisheries Center completed an assessment of the status of the Northwest Atlantic mackerel stock for use in establishing catch quotas in USA waters for 1985-86. The Northeast Fisheries Center, the Polish Sea Fisheries Institute, and the GRYF Deep-Sea Fishing Company cooperated in a research fishery for mackerel during January-April 1985 between Georges Bank and Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Two Polish factory stern trawlers participated in this fishery. In addition, the Polish R/V WIECZNO participated in a survey for mackerel (and sea herring) in the above area during April 1984. The Northeast Fisheries Center completed analyses and several reports comparing mackerel egg health with surface-water heavy metals, toxic hydrocarbons, temperature, and salinity. There was further collection and analysis of data on the prevalence and intensity of infection of age-1 mackerel by hemoparasites. Butterfish The Northeast Fisheries Center conducted assessment analyses on butterfish for use in managing that fishery in 1985-86. Spiny Dogfish The Northeast Fisheries Center prepared areport on changes in abundance and population structure of spiny dogfish in the Northwest Atlantic. - 38 - Sharks The Northeast and Southeast Fisheries Centers completed aseries of three papers on shark catches from fisheries in the Northwest and Western Central Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, which will be published in 1985 as a NOAA Technical Report. Northeast Fisheries Center staff members prepared several scientific and popular publications (in print) on apex predators, primarily on large Atlantic sharks. The subjects included: age and growth of mako and sandbar sharks; food habits and daily estimates of sandbar sharks and swordfish; biomass estimates and amount of prey consumed by sharks, tunas, and swordfish on Georges Bank; and distribution and abundance of white sharks in the Northwest Atlantic. Other publications dealt with results of the cooperative shark-tagging program. In 1984, over 4.000 sharks of two dozen species were tagged. Tag returns provide new information on the migration of several species of sharks and swordfish, including first estimates of transatlantic movements of the mako shark and several transatlantic recaptures from blue sharks. Some tags were returned after over ten years at liberty and over distances of 3,000 miles. The Southeast Fisheries Center participated in a South Carolina t·larine Resources Department project on the utilization of sharks for food. on the edibility characteristics was provided on seven species. Information - 39 -' Alewives,.Blueback Herring, and Shads The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission began preparing a coastwide management plan for the East Coast stocks of these species. Research on the population dynamics of alewives and blueback herring was conducted by the Maine Department of Natural Resources and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. The Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection studied the American shad population in the Connecticut River. Other states monitoring these stocks included Massachusetts, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Bluefish The State University of New York at Stony Brook continued an examination of factors influencing the offs hore distribution of bluefish, based on Northeast Fisheries Center survey data. The Northeast Fisheries Center is conducting studies on the feeding behavior and food preference of the species. A study on the level of PCB's in bluefish from Atlantic coastal USA waters was begun, involving the Northeast and Southeast Fisheries Centers. The eventual planned use of these data will be for evaluation of the potential human consumption questions by State regulatory agencies. Striped Bass The National Marine Fisheries Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service completed a study on the effects of fishing and pollution-related mortality on Maryland striped bass. Monitoring of East Coast stocks was continued by Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Experimental studies were conducted on the effects of pH and contaminants on striped bass larvae in the Nanticoke River, Maryland (Johns Hopkins University). Additional studies were conducted on predation on striped bass larvae by other fish species (East Carolina University), the effects of contaminants on disease susceptibility (US Fish and Wildlife Service), the effects of chlorinated sewage effluent on the nutritional value of food organisms for striped bass larvae (University of Maryland), and stock identification using eye-lens protein analysis (University of Rhode Island) and mitochondrial DNA (City University cf New Yerk). - 40 - Atlantic Menhaden The Southeast Fisheries Center prepared an assessment update for the highly migratory Atlantic menhaden stock which ranges from the east coast of Florida to Nova Scotia along the Atlantic coast. This assessment is based on purse-seine landings data from 1940 through 1981 and port sampling data on size and age from 1955 through 1981. Results of annual coast-wide tagging studies are also incorporated into the assessment. Analytical methods used in the assessment include yield-per-recruit analysis, surplus-production models, and an investigation into spawner/recruit relationships. A new assessment is underway based on purse-seine landings and port sampling data through the 1984 fishing season. An age-structured population simulation model (MENSIM), prepared under contract by the University of North Carolina, is being used to address management concerns be fore the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. Gulf Menhaden The Southeast Fisheries Center prepared an assessment update for the Gulf menhaden stock which ranges from the west coast of Florida to the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico along the Gulf coast. This assessment is based on purse- seine landings data from 1946 through 1983 and port sampling data on age and size from 1964 through 1983. Results of annual coast-wide tagging studies are also incorporated into the assessment. Analytical methods used in the assessment include yield-per-recruit analysis, surplus-production models, an investigation into spawner/recruit relationships, and an age-structured population simulation model. Gulf menhaden management is coordinated through the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. - 41 - Ecosystem Studies The Southeast Fisheries Center synthesized available ecological information and fishery data to quantify the relationship between primary production and coastal fishery yield along the east coast of the Uni ted States from 31 0 to 41 0 N latitude. Conclusions include: (1) algal production is inadequate to support the system. i.e .• vascular plant production is also needed; (2) detritus. a frequent dietary constituent. still contains at least 40% of the plant material from which it was derived; (3) the most rapid advances in understanding this fishery production system may come from studies of detritus production and utilization. forage fish diets. and monthly rates of both fora ge fish and pre-recruits. _ 42 - Bluefin Tuna The Southeast Fisheries Center continued its assessment of Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks in 1984, using catch and catch rate data on coastal rodand-reel fisheries and high-seas longline fisheries. Indexes of abundance for large and small fish in the western Atlantic were developed and adjusted to remove variations due to varying catchability and aggregation of longline sets. A virtual population analysis calibrated to the CPUE indexes was conducted to estimate stock-size changes in recent years. A sample survey continues to provide an estimate of the magnitude of the catch of small fish caught by the rod-and-reel sport fishery and as a by-catch of the purse seine skipjack fishery. An analysis of the 1982-84 data on the rod-and-reel fishery is being undertaken. An ichthyoplankton survey was carried out in 1984 in the Gulf of Mexico bluefin tuna spawning grounds, thus continuing the time series of these data. Proposed tagging studies for bluefin tuna are being considered as a future means of indexing the abundance of juvenile fish. Refinement of the cohort analysis continued, using catch estimates and various measures of CPUE. Blue Marlin. White Marlin, Sailfish, and Swordfish Emphasis in 1984 was placed on developing a USA swordfish data base in order to facilitate stock assessment research. Data for over 200,000 swordfish representing 1978-84 catches have been processed and are being used to investigate the management of the fishery through such measures as seasonal closures or minimum size limits. A review is also being completed of the stock structure hypotheses of swordfish. Work continues toward a comprehensive stock assessment of sailfish; data are being assembled on USA recreational and foreign longline - 43 - catchest and it is expected that a preliminary virtual population analysis will be conducted in 1985. Work on age and growth studies of marlins. and monitoring of the USA recreational catch from tournament and dock sampling. continues to add valuable information which will be incorporated into assessments for these species. Over 100 sport-fishing tournaments were sampled in 1984 for catch and effort statistics of marlin and sailfish and for provision of materials for age analysis. ~ The Cooperative Gamefish Tagging Program completed its 30th year of activity in 1984. This program enlists the cooperation of recreational anglers in tagging and releasing blue marlin. white marlin. sailfish. swordfish. and tunas. In 1984. anglers tagged and released 2.423 fishes of more than 12 species as of October. - 44 - V.S.S.R. (PINRO, l\Iurmansk) During 1984 specialists from the PINRO laboratory of pelagic fish continued studies on biology of Atlanto-Scandian herring, blue whiting and, partly, mackerel in the Norwegian Sea, capelin and polar cod in the Barents Sea and in the Spitsbergen area; Conditions of the commercial species stocks, peculiarities of their concentrations distribution, length and age composition of fish were studied during thc research vessels "Persey 111", "Menzelinsk", "Kokshaysk", "Alaid", "Artemida" , "Vilnyus", "Captain Demidov" . cruises~ In March-June the R!V "Persey 111" carried out an acoustic survey of blue whiting stocks in the spawning grounds area and in the Bouthern Norwegian Sea. In August this vessel took part in the international expedition on blue whiting stock assessment in the 110rwegian Sea. As in previous years oceanographic observations in the NO~7egian and Greenland Seas were carried out in May-June together with Icelandic scientists. In August-September a joint Soviet-Norwegian survey of the Q-group of commercial fishes of the Barents Sea and adjacent waters was carried out; in September an acoustic capelin stock survey was undertaken. The results of investigations served as the basis for prepared for the ICES Working Groups recommendations on the size of allowable catch of pelagic fishes in future~ - 45 - MATERIALS collected on pelagic fishes in 1984 IOES area I rr a I1b •Numbel' of • • • • Quar-: : Type : Month: of !ish : fish colle4 Numbel' : Age : Racial: : t r- : of fish : deter-: analy-: tel' : : • a • ma • measured. miDa-. sis • : tions : : : sea : ket : ::: 3 4 6 7 8 9 5 Blue whiting I Pl'espawniDg 124 .in Pl'espawning 339 1Il Pl'espawning 6230 100 1 6693 100 Total 1 IY Postspawning 2 8422 200 y Feeding 28038 7 800 TI FeediDg YI 4 27361 400 Total 63821 HOO !3 lnFeeding 19005 600 6 llil Feeding 17438 500 l!! 5 IX Feeding 1452 Total 37895 II lIOO 1Y X Feeding 2 200 6661f Gl'OSS amount Yill Feeding ill IX Feeding Total X Feeding Gross amount lY Postspawning Y Feeding rr JI Feeding 27 E5073 I 960 3 I1 100 IY 1Ya Yb Gl'OSS amount 1 Pl'espawning TI Pl'espswning I 11! Spawning Total IY Postspawning Y Postspswning TI Y1 Postspawning Total 571 1531 2800 100 300 1100 4 1 2 1 1631 720 695 696 400 100 200 100 4 I 2 I 4 21II 4457 4964 2994 12415 II415 1273 1899 14587 400 100 200 100 400 2 1 3 200 100 300 - 46 - 2 I yb1 ill 3 4 Yrr X Xl I Feeding I Feed1ng PrespawniDg ym Total IY xrr Total Gross amount Ha Y1b Yn 1 llJ rr lY I 1" w "1 TI I SpawniDg I Postspawn~ I{ 5 SpaWI1iDg PostspaWD. lU XI] TI TI I I FeediDg FeediDg Total I'f XI XI1 PrespawniDg PrespaWDing PrespaWDiDg Total Grass amount roo 100 100 100 900 100 400 500 480 400 144 400 ~O EXlo 308 I I YTI Feeding Ylli Feeding IX FeediDg 8 51:3 I X 97rJ7 5910 23400 Total lli ~496 13 Polar cod Immature Immature Immature IY Y 1654 947 2601 3509 679 2601 6789 36392 1017 3096 4II3 !~~r FeediDg 1!I 7 2II Y TI 6 SpaWDing 2 PrespaWDiDg 8 ·SpaWDing Feeding Y Total rr 8 8 Gross amount XI1 I 9 Grass amount I ill rr 11 Grass amount yn b,c 5 FeediDg FeediDg 2 3 2 7 .,.4 986 365 735 2086 1295 438 I733 4068 m3 II:38 6079 3143 5 5917 819 9m9 13 19777 .L 100 100 200 150 150 500 400 100 500 lIOO 9 - 47 - I 2 3 TI 1 Total TIb III Total 4 Feeding FeediIlg YI Feeding Feeding Feeding YTI IX Illi IY ! Gross amount TI TI a lli YI yn PrespswniIlg 5 1 I II78 I I 284 879 1562 2725 J23 4226 3 5 Presp~ ,postsp~ PostspawniIlg Postspawning IX Total Grass amount Ha b1 rr rr m 11 Prespawning YI YI!! Presp~,postsp~ IX Postspawning PostspawniIlg Total Gross amount PostspawniIlg 1 lb2 TI 1I Prespswning In I III n YI PostspswniIlg Gross amount CapeliIl I ...T I n III Total TI Total VIII d,e II II IY 1 YI V VI - 7 155 1023 6 Mackerel Presp~,postsp~ I ll1l 6 9819 8218 33348 4877 66443 76262 8 9 100 100 IOD 149 100 3 /19 449 1'50 53 150 303 453 60 1+ 3297 527 987 1514 48II 100 280 1271 1551 Prespawning 9 Prespawning 8 SpawniDg 6 23 FeediDg FeediIlg 6 FeediIlg 7 13 306::9 231336 8599 63094 420 3213 4677 8310 600 630 1230 Prespawning I Postsp.presp.4 2272 5434 200 900 800 600 2300 50 - 48 - I I 2 III :3 4 Ylli IX Feeding Feeding Feeding yn 5 2 J J 8 Total IY Total X Feeding XI Feeding xn 4 :3 Feeding 7 51 Gross amount ITa I T Prespawning TI Prespawning l!J Spawning Gross amount I I Prespawning YIT Feeding ym Feeding lli IX Feeding Total ITb X Feeding XI Feeding IY Feeding Total Gross amount xn I 3 2 6 I 6 n :;:8 6 3 4 13 3I Herring I rr I Immature lY Immature y Immature YI Immature I Total lla Gross amount I III Spawn. ,postsp~ rr IY Spawn;,postsp. y Postspawn1ng Total Gross amount 6 7 1605 24442 198f5 45932 8725 15624 8281 32630 149956 6659 D578 3163 2'3400 590 739 12132 45972 58843 42'336 22643 21293 86272 145705 8 238 310 '~OO 848 400 300 700 5078 100 300 200 600 100 550 1050 1700 600 300 400 DOO 3000 4349 1267 1619 1850 4736 J} 16742 445 369 94 363 908 350 9