ASCRC Writing Subcommittee Minutes, 10/19/09 Members Present:

ASCRC Writing Subcommittee Minutes, 10/19/09
Members Present: G. Burns, B. Borrie, B. Chin, K. Kuipers, M. Semanoff K. Zoellner
Members Excused/Absent: N. Hinman, E. May, M. Medvetz,
Ex-Officio Present: E. Johnson, K. Peterson K. Ryan
Professor Zoellner called the meeting to order at 2:15 p.m.
The minutes from 10/12/09 were approved.
Chair Medvetz sent out the meeting schedule via email. The Committee agreed
that the December meeting should be moved to 12/7 to avoid any conflicts with
Professor Zoellner will present the approved writing courses to ASCRC
Business Items:
The various groups presented consent agendas. Follow-up is pending for many
courses. Subcommittee chairs will contact instructors.
Group 1
Writing Center
UNC 270
Critical Writing II
UD Writing
UD Writing
Remove writing
COMM 421
distributed model
Communication in
Nonprofit Organization
ECNS 317
Economic Development
HSTA 419 Southern Women in Black and White UD Writing Course PSCI 474 Civil Rights Seminar Writing Course Group 2
History Group 3
Political Science MCLL MCLG/ LS 252 Political Science PSCI 300 Applied Arts & Sciences MCLL WRIT 221 MCLL Business Administration GRMN 351H, LS 321H, MCLG 320H GRMN 352H, LS 322H, MCLG 331H Program Modification Greek Drama: Politics On‐stage Writing in Political Science Intermediate Technical Writing German Culture to 1900 Writing Course German Culture from 1900 to the Present UD Writing Course Delete course Writing Course UD Writing Course WPA requirement for all All students must SOBA majors attempt the WPA prior to being admitted to upper‐division business courses The Program Modification from Business Administration prompted discussion of
the Writing Centers limited resources to administer the UDWPA. Director
Webster has a call into Professor Jones regarding the logistic issues of
implementing the modification – there is currently not enough lab space available
and the cost of the space exceeds the available budget.
The workgroup suggests that Associate Provost Walker- Andrews be invited to a
meeting to discuss the resource issue. It was decided that the Committee should
first discuss whether the assessment is accomplishing its goals and other
associated issues. The UDWPA is intended to be a gating mechanism and should
support the writing development of students. It is still considered an exit exam by
students and many are taking the exam as seniors. The committee should prepare
strategies for resolving problems and invite the Associate Provost to the
December 7th meeting.
The committee should also consider whether it would be acceptable to use GRE
scores as an alternative to the UDWPA. Professor Chin will look into the verbal
and analytical portions of the GRE to determine whether they assessment is
similar to the UDWPA.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.