ASCRC Writing Committee Minutes, 2/8/11 Members Present: Members Excused/Absent:

ASCRC Writing Committee Minutes, 2/8/11
Members Present: G. Burns, N. Hinman, T. Russell, M. Semanoff, K. Zoellner
Members Excused/Absent: J. DeSoto, M. Medvetz, K. Ryan, P. Silverman, K. Webster
The meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m.
The minutes from 2/1/11 were amended and approved.
Business Items:
The revised form (appended below) was approved. Camie will make parallel
changes to the upper-division writing form and send to members for review.
The Writing Course Review Procedures were discussed and revised. The revised
document will be sent to members for review.
The committee discussed whether it should request the Registrar to automatically
cap writing courses at 25 students. Writing course open seats were reviewed. It
seems that the majority of courses limit enrollment. Instructors can ask for the
course to be capped. It is a departmental decision.
In the past the committee met with the President regarding resource issues. It
may want to meet with the new President or Provost this semester after it
prioritizes UDWPA recommendations. Items appropriate for this discussion
include concerns regarding enrollment related to assessment, whether there are
adequate resources to ensure the writing course guidelines are being met, and
departments restricting writing courses to majors only.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m.
Writing Course Review Form (2/11)
I. General Education Review – Writing Course
Course # (i.e. ENEX
Course Title
II. Endorsement/Approvals
Complete the form and obtain signatures before submitting to Faculty Senate Office.
Please type / print name Signature
Phone / Email
Program Chair
III. Type of request
One-time Only
Reason for new course, change or deletion
IV Overview of the Course Purpose/ Description: Provide an introduction to the subject
matter and course content.
V Learning Outcomes: Explain how each of the following learning outcomes will be achieved.
Student learning outcomes :
Use writing to learn and synthesize new
Formulate and express opinions and ideas in
Compose written documents that are
appropriate for a given audience or purpose
Revise written work based on constructive
comments from the instructor
Find, evaluate, and use information
effectively (see
Begin to use discipline-specific writing
Demonstrate appropriate English language
VI. Writing Course Requirements
Enrollment is capped at 25 students.
If not, list maximum course enrollment. Explain
how outcomes will be adequately met for this
number of students. Justify the request for
What instructional methods will be used to teach
students to write for specific audiences, purposes,
and genres?
Which written assignments will include revision in
response to instructor’s feedback?
VII. Writing Assignments: Please describe course assignments. Students should be required to
individually compose at least 16 pages of writing for assessment. At least 50% of the course grade
should be based on students’ performance on writing assignments. Clear expression, quality, and
accuracy of content are considered an integral part of the grade on any writing assignment.
Formal Graded Assignments
Informal Ungraded Assignments
VIII. Syllabus: Paste syllabus below or attach and send digital copy with form. 
For assistance on syllabus preparation see:
The syllabus must include the following:
1. Writing outcomes
2. Information literacy expectations
3. Detailed requirements for all writing assignments or append writing assignment instructions
Paste syllabus here.