Volume I, Issue 3

Volume I, Issue 3
2013 Homecoming & Reunion Weekend
Alumni and Friends of the School of Law,
Today I write to extend to you a personal invitation to
attend our 2013 Reunion CLE program, a vibrant part of
the UM Law Homecoming weekend. The CLE will be
held Friday, October 4, 2013 in from 8:30 to 3:15 pm at
the Holiday Inn Missoula Downtown. Three years ago,
we began the new tradition of Reunion CLE
panels. Each year we feature outstanding members of
our reunion classes, members of the faculty at UM Law
and some special guests. In essence, we have
consolidated our prior “Football CLE” program into a
larger, one-day offering.
This year, we are again offering five (5) credits of CLE,
including two (2) credits of ethics. We are pleased to
host nationally recognized insurance expert James
Murray from Washington, D.C. Mr. Murray received his
undergraduate degree from UM, where he was a
Rhodes Scholar. His work on complex insurance cases,
including mass tort coverage issues, provides a
background for a fascinating discussion. UMSL
insurance law expert Professor Greg Munro will provide
an introduction. We have another very special guest in
Thomas Tamm, also from the Washington, D.C. area.
You may recognize Mr. Tamm’s name, as he is the
nephew of Judge Edward Tamm, one of the two judges
of renown for whom the School’s hallmark Jones Tamm
Lecture Series is named. Thomas Tamm, a former
attorney in the United States Department of Justice
Office of Intelligence Policy and Review, was one of the
“whistle blowers” concerning the National Security
Agency warrantless surveillance program. He received
the 2009 Ridenhour Truth
Telling Prize. Mr. Tamm
will speak on attorney
ethics in a fascinating and
timely presentation.
Dean Russell
We also have some of our
brightest graduates, practitioners and jurists, who will
address topics ranging from a discussion of the energy
boom in Montana and what it means to the Montana
bar, a panel of judges to address ethical considerations
of practice in Montana courts, and a top-flight group of
mediators who will provide hands-on, practical advice
on successful settlement negotiations.
Because of our commitment to the bar in Montana and
to presenting outstanding continuing education
programs, we are bringing you this program at an
incredible value of just $83, in honor of this years’
reunion classes ending in “8” and “3.” To register for
the CLE or obtain a reunion schedule and registration
information, please visit:
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Fall Interview Weekend
Career Services will host its fall Interview Weekend on Friday, October 4 and Saturday, October 5. State and federal
agencies, private law firms, and judges from the region will interview students for summer internships and full time
attorney positions. Fall is the most popular recruiting season; employers have the best opportunity to interview students
before they make other commitments and students benefit by planning for their future early so they can focus on their
course work. Organizations that have positions for law student interns or attorneys are encouraged to take part in this
semi-annual event. UMSL will gather the applications, schedule interviews, and provide an interview room at the law
school. Following interviews on Saturday, employers are invited to attend the Tailgate Party preceding the University of
Montana’s Homecoming Football game against Portland State. For more information about Interview Weekend, contact
Lori Freeman, Director of Career Services, at lori.freeman@umontana.edu or (406) 243-2698.
2013 Montana Tax Institute The 61st Montana Tax Institute will be held on October 18
& 19 at the DoubleTree Hotel. The agenda features a distinguished faculty of national tax
practitioners and scholars who will address a broad range of current tax planning topics.
To register online please click here, or complete the registration form and send, with
your check payment to: 61st Montana Tax Institute, School of Law, University of
Montana, Missoula, MT 59812-6552; Fax: 406.243.2576. Early registration is
encouraged. A limited number of walk-in registrations will be accommodated as space
allows, although course materials may not be available until after the program. For more
information, email patience.woodill@umontana.edu or call 406.243.6509.
Student Townhall with Justice Sandra Day O’Connor
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Sandra Day O’Connor
(Ret.) appeared at a town hall meeting for UM Law students this past week. Students
asked a variety of questions, ranging from the expected to the unique, including what
type of dry fly she prefers when fishing Montana’s rivers. The forum, which was
attended by over 100 students, was one part of a two-day visit by O’Connor to the
University of Montana, during which she received an honorary doctorate of laws.
O’Connor stressed the importance of civics education during her time on campus,
which included a demonstration of her iCivics program to a group of Anaconda High
School students. It was the fourth formal visit by O’Connor to UM Law and a
memorable one for all involved.
Photo for UM Law by Erika Peterson, © 2013 Faculty Row Associate Professor Kristen Juras recently announced that she will not be returning to full time teaching at UM, so that
she can care for her elderly father. “This is a very difficult decision; I very much have enjoyed my career as a professor,
and it has been a privilege to teach at UM Law School the past 13 years,” Juras said. Juras began as an adjunct professor
in 2000-2001. Over the years she has taught in the areas of commercial, business, tax, property, agricultural, and
contracts law. In addition to her passion for teaching, Juras has contributed in service and scholarship. She served as
faculty advisor to the Christian Legal Society, has worked closely with the Rural Advocacy League, and has been a coach
of the Jessup International Moot Court Team. She has remained active in the Montana State Bar, including a position
as the chairperson for the legislative committee of the Business, Estates, Trusts, Tax, and Real Property (BETTR) Section
of the Montana State Bar, and the representation of numerous pro bono clients. Professor Juras is currently completing
casebooks on the law of the sea and on UCC Article 2. When asked about her greatest accomplishments, Professor
Juras responded, “my family, including my husband John and my sons, Mark, Luke, and Evan.” This fall, Juras will stay
on part-time to coach the Jessup Moot Court competition team and supervise several independent studies.
This Fall UM Law welcomed two new tenure-track professors. Pippa Browde relocated from Sacramento where she
worked for the Internal Revenue Service. She has a J.D. from the University of New Mexico and an L.L.M. from New York
University. Alumna Martha Williams joins the faculty from Washington, D.C., where she worked for the Department of the
Interior. Williams will be teaching in the areas of natural resource and environmental law.