September 16, 2010 October 21, 2010 November 18, 2010 December 2, 2010

September 16, 2010
October 21, 2010
November 18, 2010
December 2, 2010
February 17, 2011
March 3, 2011
March 10, 2011
March 31, 2011
April 7, 2011
April 21, 2011
Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
September 16, 2010
Memorial Student Center – Conference Room 203
3:00 pm
Those Present
Dr. Douglas Butler
Dr. Annette James
Dr. Shield Lin
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Dr. Abida Solomon
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Dr. Felecia Nave
Mrs. Michelle Davis
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Those Absent
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mr. Don Byars
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Oko Elechi
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Dr. Charles Grear
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith
Dr. William Vetter
Dr. Evelyn Whitley
Mr. Tim Albert
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr.
Dr. Kaarin Perkins
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:12 p.m. on
Thursday, September 16, 2010 with Dr. Michael L. McFrazier, Vice Provost and Dean of the
North West Houston Center, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the Memorial Student
Center, Conference Room 203. Dr. McFrazier welcomed those who were present and officially
called the meeting to order.
1 Dr. McFrazier officially handed over the meeting to Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Assoc. Provost
& Assoc. VP for Academic Affairs. It was also announced that Michelle A. Davis would be
handing over her duties as secretary to Traci G. Chernosky.
I. Introductions (New and Old Members)
We went around the table and everyone introduced themselves and the area they
represent and if they were a returning member of the University Academic Council or
if they were new to the University Academic Council.
II. Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
All that were present where asked to looked over the minutes from the last University
Academic Council Meeting on, April 1, 2010.
Motion: Ms. Lettie Raab moved and Dr. Lucian Yates, III seconded the motion to
approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
III. University Academic Council Charge
Dr. McFrazier went over what the purpose of the University Academic Council is
expressed body that will deal with all academic issues relative to undergraduate at
Prairie View A&M University.
The University Academic Council is made up of representatives from all the
schools and colleges. These representatives are elected or appointed by the Dean of
that respective area.
There also can be representatives appointed by the Provost to serve on the
council. There is also student representation on the council. The student
representative is appointed from the SGA.
IV. University Academic Council By-Laws
Dr. McFrazier asked that members of the University Academic Council to please look
over the By-Laws that were given as a handout to them and please note that they were
updated last year.
V. Course Inventory Updates/Procedures
2 Mrs. Michelle Davis went over the Course Inventory Update forms and the NonSubstantive Change form that were given as handouts. Mrs. Davis suggested that all
University Academic Council members please go over the forms with their
colleagues. Mrs. Davis also said that she would update the forms and send them out
via email.
VI. Task Force Assignments
Dr. McFrazier requested that the Task Force Assignment sheet be updated for the
next meeting. Assignments are handed out to the Task Force as they come in to the
University Academic Council. When being on a Task Force someone will be the
Chair of the Task Force. They will be asked to present to the University Academic
Old Business
Mrs. Lettie Raab brought up B under Article I., Functions and Responsibilities and
was questioning the letter that goes to the students as to the status they are being
admitted to the University. Dr. McFrazier said that this issue is stated in the catalog,
and this was approved last year.
New Business
Dr. Nave let the University Academic Council know that she is looking forward to
working with everyone and is looking forward to the new academic year. Dr. Nave
said that she would be sending out invites to the council members, so they can add the
dates for the meetings to their calendars.
Dr. Abida Solomon asked if there had been any update on the distance web for
Nursing. Dr. Nave said that they have been working with Dr. Williams to see if this is
possible. Dr. McFrazier stated that if we were able to get the distance web up and
going that if Dr. Nave needed any assistance that the distance web would be a good
tool for him as well.
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
3 ________________________________
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Secretary/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
4 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
October 21, 2010
Memorial Student Center – Conference Room 203
3:00 pm
Those Present
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Annette James
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Annette James
Dr. Oko Elechi
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Dr. Shield Lin
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Dr. Felecia Nave
Those Absent
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker - EA
Mrs. Lettie Raab - EA
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Dr. Charles Grear
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. William Vetter
Dr. Evelyn Whitley
Mr. Tim Albert
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. Kaarin Perkins
Dr. Douglas Butler
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene - EA
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
Dr. Abida Solomon
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:00 p.m. on
Thursday, October 21, 2010 with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the Memorial
Student Center, Conference Room 203. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and
officially called the meeting to order.
We did not have a quorum of members thus topics were discussed but no decisions
I. Introductions (New and Old Members)
We went around the table and everyone introduced themselves and the area they
represent and if they were a returning member of the University Academic Council or
if they were new to the University Academic Council.
5 II. Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
All that were present where asked to looked over the minutes from the last University
Academic Council Meeting on, September 16, 2010.
Due to low attendance we were not able to bring a motion to the table to approve
minutes from the September 16, 2010. The minutes will have to be approved at the
next UAC meeting.
III. University Academic Council By-Laws
Dr. Nave asked that members of the University Academic Council to please look over
the By-Laws that were given as a handout to them and please note that they were
updated last year.
IV. Course Inventory Updates/Procedures
Copies of the updated course inventory forms and procedures were provided to each
council member. The forms were updated by Mrs. Michelle Davis.
V. Task Force Assignments
The Task Force Assignments were updated and distributed to each council member.
VI. Old Business
Mr. Byars presented the preliminary findings of his task force that was responsible for
looking at the +/- grades value when they transfer to PVAMU. Based on the
information presented, the task force was asked to do further review and to look at
how other system schools handle this situation. Dr. Clarissa Booker is the chair for
this task force.
Clarification was requested on conditions that were placed on conditional admits.
Mr. Woods recommended that we wait until Mrs. Raab is present to further discuss
the conditions.
New Business
Task Force 2 was assigned to review the withdrawal policy and Task Force 5 was
assigned to review implementing an administrative drop function for professors. The
chair for Task Force 2 is Dr. Peter Wood and the chair for Task Force 5 is Dr.
Kendall Harris.
6 There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Secretary/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
7 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
November 18, 2010
Delco – Room 308
3:00 pm
Those Present
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Annette James
Dr. Kaarin Perkins
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Dr. Shield Lin
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Dr. Felecia Nave
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. Abida Solomon
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Those Absent
Dr. Oko Elechi
Dr. Lucian Yates, III - EA
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
Dr. Douglas Butler
Dr. Charles Grear
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. William Vetter
Dr. Evelyn Whitley
Mr. Tim Albert
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:08 p.m. on
Thursday, November 18, 2010 with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the Memorial
Student Center, Conference Room 203. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and
officially called the meeting to order.
We did not have a quorum of members thus topics were discussed but no decisions
Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
All that were present where asked to looked over the minutes from the last University
Academic Council Meeting on, September 16, 2010 and October 21, 2010.
Due to low attendance we were not able to bring a motion to the table to approve
minutes from the October 21, 2010. There were minor corrections that needed to be
8 made to the minutes. The corrected minutes from the October 21, 2010 will be
emailed and handed out at the next Academic council Meeting on, December 2, 2010.
Task Force Assignments
A. Task Force 4 - +/- Grades Value When They Transfer to PVAMU. Dr.
B. Task Force 2 – The Withdrawal Process – Currently students are allowed to
withdrawal up to the last class day. Mr. Peter Wood is the chair for this task force.
C. Task Force 5 – Review Implementing an Administrative Drop Function for
Professors. Dr. Kendall Harris is the chair for this task force.
Old Business
A. Task Force 4- Dr. Clarissa Booker presented the preliminary findings of his task
force that was responsible for looking at the +/- grades value when they transfer to
PVAMU. Dr. Clarissa Booker stated that the task force began meeting on this
issue in AY10. The task force is recommending a discussion be brought to each
college, so that the faculty, students, and staff could have input. Dr. Clarissa
Booker asked that each college to please give feed back to the task force. Dr.
Clarissa Booker said that the task force would be getting with Ms. Brown who
reviews transcripts in the admission office to go over how she currently handles
this issue on transfers to PVAMU. Dr. Nave asked the task force to see other
schools in the TAMU System handles this issue. Dr. Clarissa Booker reported that
the task force should be ready to make a recommendation at the next Academic
Council meeting on December 2, 2010.
In our last meeting it was suggested that we wait until Ms. Lettie Raab could give
some clarification on conditions that were placed on conditional admits. Mr.
Lettie Raab was asked to provide the council with the minutes from a previous
council meeting that were provided to her by Mrs. Michelle Davis.
B. Task Force 2- Mr. Peter Woods brought up the questions can we restrict the
number of times that a student can withdrawal for the University? The question
was discussed and it was decided to table the question and the task force was
asked to do further review and to look at other systems schools use to handle this
situation. The other questions was brought up that maybe the task force needs to
look at the number of time a student can be re-admitted to the University.
C. Task Force 5 – The council members discussed the different issues that come
with implementing an administrative drop function for professors. Such as
Financial Aid, appeals processes, and the possibility of having audit findings. The
9 council tabled the administrative drop for the task force to do further review
looking at the administrative drop from the stand point of attendance only.
New Business
A. Catalog
Dr. Nave announced that Mr. Wolf had sent out a revised email with the link to go
to, to do your updates. Dr. Nave reminded everyone to please get with their
department heads and deans to let them know that the dead line is fast
B. Course Inventory Updates
Dr. Nave announced that no course inventory updates have been turned into the
Academic Affairs office as of yet and to please remind your colleagues to turn
them in as soon as possible.
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Secretary/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
10 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
December 2, 2010
MSC – Room 203
3:00 pm
Those Present
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Dr. Douglas Butler
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith
Dr. Shield Lin
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Charles Grear
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Mr. Jerrel Moore - G
Those Absent
Dr. Oko Elechi
Mr. Stephen Shaw
Dr. Felecia Nave - EA
Dr. Kendall T. Harris - EA
Dr. Abida Solomon - EA
Dr. Kaarin Perkins
Dr. Annette James - EA
Dr. William Vetter
Dr. Evelyn Whitley
Mr. Tim Albert
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:22 p.m. on
Thursday, December 2, 2010, with Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith, Provost and Sr. Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the Memorial
Student Center, Conference Room 203. Dr. Thomas-Smith welcomed those who were present
and officially called the meeting to order.
Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
All that were present where asked to looked over the minutes from the last two
University Academic Council Meetings on, September 16, 2010 and November 18,
Motion: Dr. Cheryle Snead-Green moved and Mrs. Lettie Raab seconded the
motion to approve the minutes from September 16, 2010 as presented. The motion
carried unanimously.
11 Motion: Mrs. Lettie Raab moved and Ms. Deborah Dungey seconded the motion to
approve the minutes from November 18, 2010 as presented. Dr. Lucian Yates, III
asked that the minutes be amended to show that he had an excused absence on
November 18, 2010. Dr. Clarissa G. Booker also asked that the minutes be amended
to show that she is the chair of task force 4. The motion carried unanimously.
Task Force Assignments
D. Task Force 4 – Dr. Clarissa G. Booker is the chair of task force 4. Other
members of task force 4 are Don W. Byars, II, Prof. Jerrel Moore, and SGA
President Bobby Smith.
The issue given to task force 4: A student who transfers to PVAMU from a school
that has a plus and minus grading system needs a determination concerning how
to accept and evaluate a C- (minus) grade. Currently, a grade of a C- is equated to
a D grade and is not generally accepted for transfer credit.
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker asked Mr. Don W. Byars, II to present the council
member’s task force 4’s recommendation.
RECOMMENDATION: Grades with a Plus (+) or Minus (-) designation are
entered in our student information system as the equivalent letter grade submitted
from previous colleges. There are no further adjustments made to the previously
awarded grade. Effective with the 2011 Fall Semester, this policy will affect all
new freshmen and transfer students. The policy is not retroactive for any student
who enrolled at PVAMU prior to the fall of 2011.
The floor was opened up for discussion regarding task force 4’s recommendation.
With a group effort the council member’s amended the recommendation of task
force 4 to read:
Grades with a Plus (+) or Minus (-) designation will be accepted for transfer
without Plus (+) or Minus (-) designation. This policy will become effective
with the 2011 summer semester.
Motion: Mr. Don W. Byars, II moved and Mr. Peter Wood second the motion to
approve the recommendation as stated above. The motion carried unanimously.
E. Task Force 2 – The Withdrawal Process – Currently students are allowed to
withdrawal up to the last class day. Mr. Peter Wood is the chair for this task force.
12 F. Task Force 5 – Review Implementing an Administrative Drop Function for
Professors. Dr. Kendall Harris is the chair for this task force.
Dr. Thomas-Smith announced that the Financial Aid is looking at a program
called Lobby Tracker to help them get a handle on customer service issues and the
workflow of the staff in the Financial Aid Office.
Old Business
A. Conditional Admits Requirements
Ms. Raab was asked to provide the committee members with the conditional
admit requirements. Ms. Raab provided each member present with the handout.
B. Catalog Revisions
Dr. Thomas-Smith reminded everyone that the dead line is fast approaching to
have all revisions in to the appropriate person.
C. Course Inventory Updates
Dr. Thomas-Smith reminded everyone that all course inventory updates need to
be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs.
D. UAC Attendance
Dr. Thomas-Smith reminded everyone how important it is to be in attendance at
the UAC meetings.
New Business
No new business was discussed.
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
13 ________________________________
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Secretary/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
14 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
February 17, 2011
John B. Coleman Library, Room 508
3:00 pm
Those Present
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. Kentya Ford
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Dr. Felecia Nave
Dr. Annette James
Dr. Oko Elechi
Dr. Shield Lin
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Dr. Abida Solomon
Mrs. Elizabeth Brumfield
Those Absent
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. Charles Grear - EA
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. William Hale - EA
Dr. Kaarin Perkins
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Mr. Tim Albert - EA
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:23 p.m. on
Thursday, January 20, 2011, with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the John B.
Coleman Library, Room 508. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and officially called
the meeting to order.
Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
All that were present where asked to look over the minutes from the University
Academic Council meeting, held January 20, 2011.
Motion: Mr. Peter Wood moved and Dr. Shield Lin seconded the motion to
approve the minutes from January 20, 2011 as presented. The motion carried
15 XII.
Task Force Assignments
G. Task Force 2 – The Withdrawal Process – Currently, students are allowed to
withdraw up to the last class day of class. Mr. Peter Wood is the chair for this task
Mr. Wood announced that he had no update for the University Academic Council
members and that he would have an update at the next meeting.
H. Task Force 5 – Review Implementing an Administrative Drop Function for
Professors. Dr. Kendall Harris is the chair for this task force.
Dr. Nave announced that Dr. Harris was not present but if anyone from his task
force had any updates they could present them to the University Academic
Council members at this time. No update was given.
I. New Task Force - Dr. Nave announced that she would like a task force to look at
the “Total Forgiveness Policy”. The task force assigned would only be reviewing
if in theory a student takes 120 hours and gets a 0 gpa and returns to retake the
120 hours and receives a 4.0 gpa. We do not have a policy in place that prevents
the grades from not falling out of the gpa calculation.
Dr. Nave assigned the “Total Forgiveness Policy” to task force 1. Dr. Cheryle
Snead-Greene will be the chair for this task force.
J. New Task Force - Dr. Nave announced that she would assign course inventory
updates to each task force and requested that all other assignments that were given
to any task force be put on hold due to the deadline of the course inventory
Each task force was assigned course inventory updates to review and they are as
Task Force
Languages &
College of Engineering
College of Nursing
School of Architecture
Music and Theatre
College of Education
16 Chair
Cheryle Snead-Greene
Annette James
Oko Elechi
Oko Elechi
Clarissa Booker
& Don Byars
Kendall Harris
Dr. Nave requested that Task Force Two and Task Force Three be ready to
present to the University Academic Council on Thursday, March 03, 2011. Task
Force One, Four, and Five should be ready to present to the University Academic
Council on Thursday, March 10, 2011.
Old Business
A. Task Force – Conditional Admits Requirements – The conditions were approved
by the University Academic Council effective April 15, 2010. The council has
reviewed the conditions and all have agreed to omit number two on the original
recommendation to the council.
New Business
A. Dr. Clarissa Booker asked the University Academic Council if there is any policy
on students attending meetings during class time.
Dr. Nave said that it all depends on what type of meeting it is. If it is a required
University meeting or event then the student would need to obtain a University
excuse. Any other meeting or event that a student would need to attend and be out
of class they would have to obtain an excuse and at that point it would be at the
discretion of the instructor to excuse the student or not to excuse the student. The
student should give the instructor the excuse in advance to them missing class.
B. Dr. Nave would like the University Academic Council to look at writing some
procedures pertaining to the writing of the University Academic Council by-laws
and procedures for submitting final recommendations to the Provost.
C. Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene asked Ms. Dungey how the new process of taking
attendance turned out. Ms. Dungey stated that they are in the process of collecting
data now.
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene stated that some of the students must have gotten wind
that they would not get their financial aid unless they attended class during that
time. Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene said that she had some students come to class the
last day before talking attendance was going to be over and they have not been
back to class since.
D. The Northwest Houston Center announced that this weekend would be Family
Day at the Northwest Houston Center to kickoff Black History Month.
17 XV.
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
18 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
March 3, 2011
John B. Coleman Library, Room 508
3:00 pm
Those Present
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. Kentya Ford
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Dr. Felecia Nave
Dr. Annette James
Dr. Harry Adams - G
Mr. Peter Wood
Mr. Tim Albert
Dr. Shield Lin
Dr. Abida Solomon
Mrs. Elizabeth Brumfield
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Dr. William Hale
Dr. Raghava Kommalapati – P
Dr. Jianren Zhou – P
Dr. John Attia – P
Dr. Yonggao Yang – P
Mr. Bruce F. Bockhorn – P
Mrs. Tina Montgomery – G
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Those Absent
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. Charles Grear - EA
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Dr. Kaarin Perkins
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:08 p.m. on
Thursday, March 3, 2011, with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the John B.
Coleman Library, Room 508. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and officially called
the meeting to order.
Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
19 All that were present where asked to look over the minutes from the University
Academic Council meeting, held February 17, 2011.
Motion: Mr. Peter Wood moved and Dr. Shield Lin seconded the motion to
approve the minutes from February 17, 2011 as presented. The motion carried
Task Force Assignments
K. Task Force 2 – Course Inventory Updates for the College of Engineering were
presented to the University Academic Council members for approval. Dr. Annette
James the chair person for this task force asked that faculty members from the
department present course inventory updates, changed and deletions to the
University Academic Council members and guest.
Dr. Shield Lin, Interim Assistant Dean, Chemical Engineering presented the need
to create an energy minor in the College of Engineering to the University
Academic Council members and guest. Dr. Shield Lin also presented the change
requests and course inventory updates for Chemical Engineering and General
Dr. Raghava Kommalapati, Interim Department Head, Civil and Environmental
Engineering presented the change request and course inventory updates for the
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering to the University Academic
Council members and guest.
Dr. Yonggao Yang, Interim Head, Computer Science Department presented the
change request and course inventory updates for the Department of Computer
Science to the University Academic Council members and guest.
Dr. John Attia, Department Head, Electrical & Computer Engineering presented
the change request and course inventory updates for the Department of Electrical
& Computer Engineering to the University Academic Council members and
Dr. Jianren Zhou, Interim Department Head, Mechanical Engineering presented
the change request and course inventory updates for the Department of
Mechanical Engineering to the University Academic Council members and guest.
All that were present where asked to review the change request and course
inventory updates for the College of Engineering that were presented to the
University Academic Council meeting, held March 3, 2011.
20 Motion: Dr. Annette James moved and Dr. Clarissa G. Booker seconded the
motion to approve Energy Minor in the College of Engineering as presented to the
University Academic Council. The motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Dr. Annette James moved and Mrs. Lettie Raab seconded the motion to
approve all change requests and course inventory updates for Chemical
Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical
and Computer Engineering, General Engineering and Mechanical Engineering as
presented to the University Academic Council.
The motion carried
L. Task Force 3 - Course Inventory Updates for the College of Architecture and the
College of Nursing were presented to the University Academic Council members
for approval. Dr. Shield Lin the acting chair person for this task force asked that
faculty members from the departments present course inventory updates, changed
and deletions to the University Academic Council members and guest.
Dr. Bruce Bockhorn, Director of Construction Science presented the need to
create a Building Information Modeling course in the School of Architecture to
the University Academic Council members and guest. Dr. Bruce Bockhorn also
presented the change requests and course inventory updates for the School of
Architecture to the University Academic council members and guest.
All that were present where asked to review the change request and course
inventory updates for the School of Architecture that were presented to the
University Academic Council meeting, held March 3, 2011.
Motion: Dr. Shield Lin moved and Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene seconded the
motion to approve all change requests and course inventory updates for the
School of Architecture as presented to the University Academic Council. The
motion carried unanimously.
Dr. Margie Landson, College of Nursing presented the need to add Study Skills:
Developing Competencies for Success in Nursing course in the College of
Nursing to the University Academic Council members and guest.
The floor was opened up for discussion. The members of the University
Academic Council has asked that the College of Nursing to please reconvene to
reword the course description to better support the course being a junior and
senior level course. By doing so the College of Nursing would have a better
chance of the THECB approving the course. The College of Nursing has been
asked to present the new course description to the University Academic Council
members on Thursday, March 31, 2011.
Old Business
Mr. Don Byars announced that Task Force 4 would be ready to bring their
recommendation to the University Academic Council members at our next
New Business
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
22 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
March 10, 2011
Delco, Room 308
3:00 pm
Those Present
Dr. Oko Elechi
Dr. Charles Grear
Dr. Kentya Ford
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. Felecia Nave
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Ms. Toniesha Taylor - P
Dr. William Hale
Dr. James Palmer - P
Mr. Tim Albert
Dr. Shield Lin
Dr. Abida Solomon
Mrs. Elizabeth Brumfield
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Mrs. Tina Montgomery – G
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Vicki Seldon - P
Those Absent
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene - EA
Mrs. Lettie Raab - EA
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. Annette James
Dr. Kaarin Perkins
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:20 p.m. on
Thursday, March 10, 2011, with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the Delco, Room
308. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and officially called the meeting to order.
Task Force Assignments
M. Task Force 1 – Course Inventory Updates for the College of Arts and Sciences,
Languages & Communication and Honors Program were presented to the
University Academic Council members for approval. Dr. William Hale the acting
chair person for this task force asked that faculty members from the departments
present course inventory updates, changed and deletions to the University
Academic Council members and guest.
23 Dr. James Palmer, Department Head, Department of Languages &
Communications presented the need to add Arabic in the Honors Program and
Department of Languages & Communication to the University Academic Council
members and guest. Dr. James Palmer also presented the need to add SpanishAmerican Literature II and Special Topics in Spanish in Department of
Languages & Communication, as well as change requests and course inventory
updates for the Department of Languages & Communication.
All that were present where asked to review the change request and course
inventory updates for the Department of Languages & Communication in the
College of Arts and Sciences that were presented to the University Academic
Council meeting, held March 10, 2011.
Motion: Dr. Williams Hale moved and Dr. Oko Elechi seconded the motion to
approve adding Arabic in the Honors Program and Department of Languages &
Communication in the College of Arts and Sciences as presented to the University
Academic Council. The motion carried unanimously.
Motion: Dr. Williams Hale moved and Dr. Kentya Ford seconded the motion to
approve adding Spanish-American Literature II and Special Topics in Spanish in
the Department of Languages & Communication, as well as change requests and
course inventory updates and deletions in the Department of Languages &
Communication in the College of Arts and Sciences as presented to the University
Academic Council. The motion carried unanimously.
N. Task Force 4 - Course Inventory Updates for the Department of Music & Theatre
in the College of Arts and Sciences were presented to the University Academic
Council members for approval. Dr. Clarissa Booker and Mr. Don Byars the cochairs for this task force asked that faculty members from the departments present
course inventory updates, changed and deletions to the University Academic
Council members and guest.
Dr. Vicki Seldon presented the additions, change request and course inventory
updates for the Department of Music and Theatre in the College of Arts and
Sciences to the University Academic Council members and guest.
All that were present where asked to review the change request and course
inventory updates for the School of Architecture that were presented to the
University Academic Council meeting, held March 3, 2011.
Motion: Mr. Peter Wood moved and Dr. Clarissa Booker seconded the motion to
approve all change requests and course inventory updates for the Department of
24 Music and Theatre in the College of Arts and Sciences as presented to the
University Academic council. The motion carried unanimously.
Old Business
Dr. Nave asked that the College of Nursing and the College of Education to
please be ready to present course inventory updates to the University Academic
Council members on Thursday, March 31, 2011.
New Business
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
25 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
March 31, 2011
John B. Coleman Library, Room 508
3:00 pm
Those Present
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Charles Grear
Dr. Oko Elechi
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mrs. Elizabeth Brumfield
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Dr. Felecia Nave
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Dr. Annette James
Dr. Shield Lin
Dr. Abida Solomon
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Mrs. Tina Montgomery – G
Those Absent
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene - EA
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. Evelyn Whitley
Mr. Don Byars - A
Dr. William Hale - EA
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
Dr. Kentya Ford - EA
Mr. Tim Albert
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:11 p.m. on
Thursday, April 7, 2011, with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the John B.
Coleman Library, Room 508. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and officially called
the meeting to order.
Dr. Nave announced that University Academic Council would only have three more
meetings left for this semester. Dr. Nave wanted to make everyone aware that notices were
handed out to students at the Honors Convocation regarding new federal regulations coming
through due to financial aid and funding. The government is also looking at redefining a credit
hour and what a credit hour means. They also are looking at distance education.
Task Force Assignments
O. Task Force 5 – Review Implementing an Administrative Drop and Procedures.
Dr. Kendall Harris is the chair for this task force.
26 Dr. Kendall Harris announced that he would be meeting with his task force and
would be ready to present a recommendation to the University Academic Council
members at our next meeting on Thursday, April 7, 2011.
P. Task Force 2 – Last Day to Withdrawal from University. Mr. Peter Wood is chair
for this task force.
Mr. Peter Wood announced that he would be meeting with his task force and
would be ready to present a recommendation to the University Academic Council
members at our next meeting on Thursday, April 7, 2011.
Old Business
Course Inventory Updates for the College of Nursing were presented to the
University Academic Council members for approval by Dr. Abida Solomon.
Previously the University Academic Council members asked the College of
Nursing to please revisit and to consider changing the verbiage for the Academic
Strategies for Nursing Students Success course to better support it being a junior
and senior level course.
Motion: Ms. Lettie Raab moved and Dr. Clarissa Booker seconded the motion
to approve Academic Strategies for Nursing Students Success as a new course in
the College of Nursing as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
New Business
Dr. Lucian Yates asked that the College of Educations course inventory updates
be tabled until the next University Academic Council meeting on Thursday, April
7, 2011.
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
27 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
April 7, 2011
John B. Coleman Library, Room 508
3:00 pm
Those Present
Dr. Charles Grear
Dr. Oko Elechi
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mrs. Elizabeth Brumfield- TVVN
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Dr. Felecia Nave
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - TVVN
Dr. Annette James
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Abida Solomon - TVVN
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Dr. Shield Lin
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Mrs. Tina Montgomery – G
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
Dr. William Hale
Those Absent
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. Evelyn Whitley
Dr. Lucian Yates, III - EA
Dr. Kentya Ford - EA
Mr. Tim Albert
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:17 p.m. on
Thursday, March 31, 2011, with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the John B.
Coleman Library, Room 508. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and officially called
the meeting to order.
Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
All that were present where asked to look over the minutes from the University
Academic council meeting, held March 3, 2011 and March 10, 2011.
28 Motion: Mr. Don Byars moved and Ms. Deborah Dungey seconded the motion to
approve the minutes from March 3, 2011 as presented. The motion carried
Motion: Dr. Shield Lin moved and Dr. Emmanuel Opara seconded the motion to
approve the minutes from March 20, 2011 as presented. The motion carried
Task Force Assignments
A. Task Force 2 – Last Day to Withdrawal from the University. Mr. Peter Wood
is the chair person for this committee.
Mr. Woods presented the recommendations of his task force to the University
Academic Council members. The recommendations were discussed and edited
by all members that were present.
Dr. Nave will revise the recommendations of task force two and have them
ready to present at our next University Academic Council meeting that will
take place on Thursday, April 21, 2011.
B. Task Force 1 – Review of Grade Replacement Policy. Dr. Snead-Greene is
the chair person for this committee.
Dr. Snead-Greene announced that her task force is still reviewing other
schools policies as they pertain to grade replacement. Dr. Snead-Greene also
stated that her task force is working on a new grade replacement form and she
will have a proposal ready to present to the University Academic Council
members at the next meeting on Thursday, April 21, 2011.
C. Task Force 5 – Administrative Drop and Procedures. Dr. Kendall Harris is
the chair person for this committee.
Dr. Kendall Harris announced that his task force is still meeting. Dr. Kendall
Harris stated that his task force will have a proposal ready to present to the
University Academic Council members at the next meeting on Thursday,
April 21, 2011.
New Business
29 There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 4:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs
30 Prairie View A&M University
Prairie View, Texas 77446
April 21, 2011
John B. Coleman Library, Room 508
3:00 pm
Those Present
Dr. Charles Grear
Dr. Oko Elechi
Ms. Deborah Dungey
Dr. Clarissa G. Booker
Mrs. Elizabeth Brumfield- TVVN
Mrs. Lettie Raab
Dr. Felecia Nave
Dr. Annette James
Mr. Peter Wood
Dr. Abida Solomon - TVVN
Ms. Traci Chernosky
Dr. Shield Lin
Dr. Kendall T. Harris
Mrs. Tina Montgomery – G
Mr. Don Byars
Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene
Dr. William Hale
Dr. Kentya Ford
Dr. Betty Adams – P -TVVN
Those Absent
Ms. Melissa Richard
Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr. - G
Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith - G
Dr. Emmanuel Opara
Dr. Lucian Yates, III
Dr. Michael L. McFrazier - G
Mr. Tim Albert
The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:28 p.m. on
Thursday, April 21, 2011, with Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost and Associate Vice
President for Academic Affairs, presiding. The location of this meeting was in the John B.
Coleman Library, Room 508. Dr. Nave welcomed those who were present and officially called
the meeting to order.
Minutes from last Academic Council Meeting
All that were present where asked to look over the minutes from the University
Academic council meeting, held March 31, 2011 and April 7, 2011.
31 Motion: Dr. Clarissa G. Booker moved and Mr. Peter Wood seconded the motion to
approve the minutes from March 31, 2011 as presented. The motion carried
Motion: Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene moved and Dr. Charles Grear seconded the
motion to approve the minutes from April 7, 2011 as presented. The motion carried
Task Force Assignments
D. Task Force 2 – Last Day to Withdrawal from the University. Mr. Peter Wood
is the chair person for this committee.
Mr. Woods presented the recommendations of his task force to the University
Academic Council members. The recommendations were discussed and edited
by all members that were present.
Dr. Nave will get with Ms. Traci Chernosky to revise the recommendations of
University Academic Council members and have them ready to present at our
next University Academic Council meeting that will take place on Thursday,
May 5, 2011.
E. Task Force 1 – Review of Grade Replacement Policy. Dr. Snead-Greene is
the chair person for this committee.
Dr. Snead-Greene presented the recommendations of her task force to the
University Academic Council members. The recommendations were
discussed and edited by all members that were present.
Dr. Snead-Greene announced that her task force would meet and revise the
policy and form as suggested by the University Academic Council members,
and be ready to present their final recommendations at the next University
Academic Council meeting on Thursday, May 05, 2011.
F. Task Force 5 – Administrative Drop and Procedures. Dr. Kendall Harris is
the chair person for this committee.
Dr. Kendall Harris presented the recommendations of her task force to the
University Academic Council members. The recommendations were
discussed and edited by all members that were present.
Dr. Kendall Harris announced that his task force would make the revisions,
and be ready to present their final recommendations at the next University
Academic Council Meeting on Thursday, May 05, 2011.
32 XXXV.
New Business
There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 5:02 p.m.
Submitted by:
Traci G. Chernosky
Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary
Office for Academic Affairs