Prairie View A&M University Prairie View, Texas 77446 UNIVERSITY ACADEMIC COUNCIL MEETING Thursday, October 17, 2013 John B. Coleman Library, Room 508 3:00 pm Those Present Mr. Don Byars Dr. Tamara Brown Dr. Shield Lin Dr. Kitty Warsam Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene Ms. Traci Chernosky Dr. Walle Engedayehu Ms. Deborah Dungey Dr. Ali Fares Dr. Clarissa Booker Those Absent Dr. James A. Wilson, Jr - G Dr. Thomas-Smith - G Dr. Felecia Nave - EA Dr. Kay Norman Mr. Jonathan Miller - A Dr. Emmanuel Opara - A Dr. Abida Solomaon - A Dr. Joe Dickson - EA Dr. Kendall T. Harris - EA Mrs. Lettie Raab - EA Mr. Peter Wood - EA Ms. Monica Santillan – A The University Academic Council (UAC) was convened at approximately 3:17 p.m. on Thursday, October 17, 2013, with Ms. Deborah Dungey, Registrar, presiding in the absence of Dr. Felecia M. Nave, Associate Provost & Associate VP for Academic Affairs. The location of this meeting was in the John B. Coleman Library, Room 508. Ms. Dungey welcomed members and guest that were present and officially called the meeting to order. AGENDA ITEMS DISCUSSED I. Task Force Assignments College of Arts and Sciences – Division of Social Work, Behavioral and Political Science’s Course Inventory Updates This has been charged to task force 1, Dr. Cheryle Snead-Greene, chair 1 College of Arts and Sciences – Department of Music & Theatre’s Course Inventory Updates This has been charged to task force 2, Dr. Tamara Brown, chair II. New Business III. Old Business IV. Adjournment There being no further business, the chair adjourned the meeting at 3:39 p.m. Submitted by: ________________________________ Traci G. Chernosky Administrative Assistant III/Recording Secretary Office for Academic Affairs 2