ABSTRACT: 2015 ELATE Institutional Action Project Poster Symposium

ABSTRACT: 2015 ELATE Institutional Action Project Poster Symposium
Project Title: Learning Outcomes Assessment in the College of Science and Mathematics
Name and Institution: Marietta Schwartz, Associate Dean and Associate Professor of
Chemistry, College of Science and Mathematics, University of Massachusetts Boston
Collaborators: Dean Andrew Grosovsky, Associate Vice Provost Maura Mast, Associate Provost
Peter Langer, Professor Neal Bruss
Background, Challenge or Opportunity: Regional accrediting agencies such as NEASC (the New
England Association of Schools and Colleges) generally require higher education institutions to
provide student learning outcomes and assessment protocols. This has become an issue of such
importance that national organizations such as AAC&U and the Lumina Foundation are focusing
on developing assessment methods and making recommendations. We can draw from the
national models to create a set of guidelines for our internal processes.
Purpose/Objectives: While UMass Boston’s departmental self-study guidelines were updated in
2007 to include sections on student learning outcomes in the major and assessment of those
learning outcomes, no detailed guidelines were provided. This resulted in a wide range of
proposals, from overly simplistic approaches (such as relying on course evaluations) to overly
complex ones. In addition, the campus is interested in utilizing the materials that have been
developed by the Lumina Foundation (DQP) and AAC&U (VALUE rubrics). Accordingly, a set of
guidelines for UMB STEM departments will be developed, including sample learning outcomes
and assessment protocols.
Methods/Approach: Departmental self-studies are available through the office of the Provost.
The learning outcome and assessment sections for the most recent CSM departmental selfstudies will be compiled and compared, and a set of basic guidelines focused on developing
assessment methodologies will be prepared. In addition, sample language will be created using
the Lumina DQP terminology and/or the AAC&U VALUE rubrics. This information will be
provided to CSM departments for use in the next round of self-study.
Outcomes and Evaluation: Drafts of the guidelines will be provided to groups of faculty
interested in assessment for discussion and critique, as well as to CSM department chairs. The
final version of the guidelines will be shared with other colleges on campus for their use if
desired. Ideally, a second group consisting of representatives from the various colleges will
meet to further discuss and adapt the guidelines, making them more generally useful across the
campus. This will then assist departments working on their next self-studies, which will then
feed into the University’s reaccreditation process. The final materials would then be made
available online by the Office for Faculty Development.
Learning Outcomes Assessment in the College of Science and Mathematics
Marietta H. Schwartz, PhD
Associate Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
Associate Professor of Chemistry
University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston MA
Challenges and Opportunities
• UMass Boston requires departments to
undergo a self-study process that
includes providing student learning
outcomes and assessment methods,
but does not currently provide
• Institutional policy is unclear.
• Improved, clearly articulated,
assessment procedures.
• Communication of these procedures
to faculty and staff.
Next Steps
• Provide drafts of the sample
outcomes and assessments to
department chairs.
• Revision of the sample language will
be informed by the discussions with
the department chairs.
• Offer support and guidance for
departments as they develop strategies
for effective assessment.
• Improve the learning outcomes
assessment process at UMass Boston
Long-Term Evaluation
Special thanks to the Covalent Bonds
Learning Community for helpful
feedback and support.
Presented at the 2015 ELATE® Leaders Forum
Anticipated Outcomes
• Compile current learning outcomes and assessment sections from recent
departmental self-studies.
• Revise sample outcomes and assessments using national models (Lumina
Foundation DQP and/or AAC&U VALUE rubrics).
• Create a set of guidelines for articulating student learning outcomes and
assessment protocols.
• Provide the materials to departments for use in upcoming self-studies.
• Materials will be made
available online by the College.
• There will be an ongoing metaassessment process, ideally
with a point person in each
• Further out, materials will also
be shared with other colleges.
Collaborators: Dean Andrew Grosovsky; Associate Vice Provost Maura Mast; Associate
Provost Peter Langer; Professor Neal Bruss, Chair of General Education