ABSTRACT: 2014 ELATE Institutional Action Project Poster Symposium Project Title: Shifting the Lens: Changing the Presence of the Center for Human Performance and Sensor Applications Name and Institution: Kimberly D. Kendricks, Central State University Collaborators: Dr. Subramania Sritharan, Dean, College of Science and Engineering; Dr. Xiaofang Wei, Associate Professor of GIS/Remote Sensing; Dr. Ramani Kandiah, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Central State University Background, Challenge or Opportunity: The Center for Human Performance and Sensor Applications (CHPSA) is one of eleven Academic Research Centers in Layered Sensing in the State of Ohio. It was established in April 2011 through capital development dollars from the state to renovate existing space on campus to house the CHPSA. Funding support is also provided by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the National Science Foundation to support administrative and programmatic activities in the Center. The goals of the CHPSA are 1) to conduct research in the areas of human performance and sensor development, and applications leading to rapid prototyping technologies critically needed by the Air Force, and 2) to train a diversified workforce in the advanced fields of human effectiveness and sensor projects. The CHPSA accomplishes these goals through the following activities: four founding research projects in the areas of gait analysis, motion searching and tracking, and sensor technology development, a faculty mini-grants program, integration of research into STEM courses, community outreach, educational agreements with neighboring institutions, industry research partnerships, and the procurement of continued funding to support faculty/student research and other activities in the Center. Purpose/Objectives: The goal of this project is to transition faculty research and all CHPSA activities from respective labs and offices in faculty departments to a permanent home in the CHPSA lab. In doing so, we seek to increase the visibility and presence of the physical space (CHPSA lab), Center research, and its faculty and students by implementing a focused marketing campaign that reintroduces the campus community to the CHPSA. Methods/Approach: To better understand the process for increasing the CHPSA’s presence on campus, interviews of fellow Center Directors at neighboring institutions were conducted to learn about each Center’s strategic plan to become established within the institution’s climate. Interviews of senior faculty, unit directors, and upper administrators at Central State were also conducted to discuss the campus climate and history of the institution’s culture. CHPSA staff are working collaboratively with Central State’s Office of Public Relations to develop a four-step process to market the CHPSA. Resources such as books and articles on communicating change, implicit persuasion, and understanding campus climate were used to inform the approach with this project. Outcomes and Evaluation: The impact of this project will be measured by attendance at CHPSA events, evaluations taken at those events, the number of visits to the CHPSA website, a campus survey to evaluate people’s perception of the CHPSA, and the number of faculty and students engaged in CHPSA research activities. Shifting the Lens: Changing the Perception of the Center for Human Performance and Sensor Applications Kimberly D. Kendricks, Central State University Collaborators: Dr. Subramania Sritharan, Dean, College of Science and Engineering; Dr. Xiaofang Wei, Associate Professor of GIS/Remote Sensing; Dr. Ramani Kandiah, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering,, Central State University (Dr. Yu Liang, Associate Professor of Computer Science, University of Tennessee) Background: -Established in 2011 -CHPSA is 1 of 11 Ohio Academic Research Centers in Layered Sensing -CHPSA Mission 1. Conduct research in human performance and sensor technologies 2. Train a diversified workforce -CHPSA Activities Research; Faculty Mini-Grants Program; Educational Agreements/Industry Partnerships; Community Outreach Purpose/Objectives: -Change the CHPSA’s brand image -Rebrand the CHPSA’s activities and Methods -Conduct Interviews of university directors and Assessment: -Attendance at the CHPSA events administrators -Evaluations at the CHPSA events -Conduct interviews of Center Directors at neighboring institutions -Hits on the CHPSA website -Work collaboratively with the Office of Public Relations -Faculty and student participation in the CHPSA -Develop a branding strategy that complements the institution’s culture Branding Strategy 1. Establish CHPSA brand identity 2. Increase communication -Campus survey of individual perceptions Next Steps: -Execution of steps 1-4 (min. 12 months) -Kick off: Dedication Ceremony of the CHPSA lab -CHPSA Research Symposium 3. Increase participation/representation 4. Establish consistent processes Center, overall -Transfer research activities from faculty departments to the CHPSA lab Presented at the 2014 ELATE Leaders Forum.