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College of Business Ne wsle er Volume 8, Issue 1 ● Fall 2012 Business School Receives Grant Funding The Center for Interna onal Business Educa on recently received a
grant from the United Negro College Fund’s Special Programs
(UNCFSP) Corpora on to strengthen the global business/
entrepreneurship program. This $75,000 grant will allow the PVAMU
College of Business to update the global entrepreneurship curriculum,
organize several trips for PVAMU faculty and students, offer teaching
workshops for local high school educators, and purchase educa onal
items for the CIBE.
Thanks to funding from the UNCFSP, Dr. Munir Quddus and Dr. Rahim
Quazi travelled to South Africa in October on a trade mission with
representa ves from Paine College, Alabama State University, North
Carolina Central University and the UNCFSP office in October. The
delega on also made me to visit with several student groups.
Business students will have their turn to get their passports stamped
when they travel to South Korea in late October with COB professor
Dr. Brian Lee to experience the culture, visit the sites as well as a few
universi es.
Inside This Issue Business School Receives Grant Funding
Page 1
Dean’s Corner
Page 2
COB Launches EMBA Program
Page 3
Business Student Organiza ons Get Back
to Work
Page 4
SAP University at PVAMU
Page 4
SBDC Helps Business Break into HEB
Page 5
ConocoPhillips Enrichment Program
Page 5
Donor Honor Roll
Page 6 Sowell Dona on for COB Endowment
Page 7
Student Internship Experiences
Page 8
Alumni in the Spotlight
Page 9
Michael Hester, CEO of UNCFSF; Okoroafor Nzeh, Paine College Chair, Department
of Business; Rahim Quazi, PVAMU ‐ College of Business; Munir Quddus, ‐ PVAMU
College of Business at a plant in South Africa
Faculty & Staff News
Page 10
College of Business Calendar
Page 11
Mission & Vision Statements
Page 12
Dean’s Corner Gree ngs from the Dean’s Office:
Dr. Munir Quddus Dean and Professor of Economics
My twel h fall semester began with excitement as new
students, eager to learn, begin their academic careers with
us and returning students and faculty con nue their progress.
The change in seasons also brought about a change of
scenery. Just prior to the beginning of the semester, I had an
opportunity to travel with a few colleagues to Hawaii in
support of grant funding we received from SAIC, a defense
company based in Virginia, who we are assis ng by
partnering with a small business venture in Hawaii. We also
learned that we received funds thanks to the efforts of MIS
faculty from Title III to help us become an SAP University.
SAP (Systems, Applica ons and Products in Data Processing)
donates so ware to member and partner universi es for
academic use. This will allow us to develop high‐quality
course materials and strengthen our curriculum.
We were able to accomplish a great deal to interna onalize
our curriculum, thanks to the efforts of faculty and through grants we received for three consecu ve cycles for
our Business Interna onal Educa on (BIE) program. This fall, we were thrilled to receive $75,000 from the
United Negro College Fund’s Special Programs Corpora on to con nue our efforts. I travelled with Dr. Rahim
Quazi, professor of economics, to South Africa on a trade mission with three other HBCU representa ves, and
our business students will be travelling to South Korea late in October. Interna onal business workshops and
other events are planned in the coming weeks thanks to this infusion of new capital.
Our commitment to providing the best quality educa on, is unwavering. We welcomed several new faculty
and staff members this fall including a new assistant dean. We are offering new courses for our students on
the main campus including MRKT 3113: Sports, Entertainment and Event Management as well two degree
comple on programs at the PVAMU Northwest Houston Center for the BBA in accoun ng and management.
I am par cularly proud to announce our inaugural cohort for our Execu ve MBA Program (EMBA). These seven
individuals are primed and ready to take their careers to the next level. Our orienta on and first set of classes
have been well‐received and we look forward to the next cohort in 2013. Business faculty con nue to publish
in high quality publica ons and par cipate in service ac vi es. Certainly, you can help us spread the word.
Thank you for what you do for the College of Business and our students. I look forward to hearing your
thoughts and working with you to accomplish our goals.
Munir Quddus, PhD
Dean, College of Business
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 2
College of Business Launches Execu ve MBA Prairie View A&M University’s
College of Business expanded its
graduate program offerings to
include an Execu ve MBA
(EMBA) beginning fall 2012.
The inaugural class of seven
students began classes Labor
Day weekend at the PVAMU
Northwest Houston Center. The
EMBA Program is ideal for
managers, administrators and
grounds in engineering, liberal
arts and business who are
interested in advancing their
careers or expanding their
With an emphasis on building
leadership and global management skills, this two‐
year program features a two‐semester capstone
experience which allows students to develop skills in
their area of interest – oil and gas, commercializa on
of technology, health care administra on, and other
cri cal areas. A week‐long immersive study trip to
China led by interna onal professionals and guided
by COB faculty is integrated into the EMBA Program
to underscore the importance of interna onal
experience. Another unique feature of the program
is that it affords students with an opportunity to
learn from a diverse group of experienced faculty as
well as execu ves who serve as mentors and guest
Classes are held twice a month, on (alternate)
Saturdays at the PVAMU Northwest Houston Center
located near Tomball Parkway (Highway 249) and FM
1960 at 9449 Grant Road. Students move through
their courses as part of a cohort and focus on one
course at a me.
offered through the PVAMU College of Business.
Tui on for the PVAMU EMBA Program is $36,252
(approximately $3,000 per course) and covers
program orienta on, course‐related fees, class
materials, meals on class days and the excursion to
China. The average cost of similarly accredited
programs in the greater Houston area exceeds
Applica ons for spring 2013 and fall 2013 cohorts
are now being accepted. Interested individuals can
contact Dr. Daniel Perez, interim director of the
drperez@pvamu.edu or visit www.pvamu.edu/
AACSB Interna onal, the “gold standard” for
business school accredita on, accredits all programs
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 3
Student Organiza on Ac vi es Around the College of Business Under the leadership of recent alumna Abrea Shamsid‐Deen, current student Ginger Walker and faculty advisors for Beta Gamma Sigma Honor Society, the PVAMU chapter of BGS has
been recognized as an “Exemplary Chapter.”
These chapters are recognized based on their
overall acceptance rate by prospec ve members.
For this dis nc on the acceptance rate must be
between 70 and 84 percent. The na onal body
cer ficate
accomplishment to the chapter as well as $500 in
matching funds in the Society’s Scholarship
The next induc on ceremony is
scheduled on November 28, 2012.
The Hispanic Business Student Associa on is
finalizing their plans to visit the Federal Reserve
Banks of Dallas’ Houston Branch in November.
This will be the groups first me visi ng the
facility to learn more about the Fed and the
economy. With assistance from advisor Dr. Daniel Perez and guidance from Alejandra Cas llo‐Ochoa, president, HBSA plans more
ac vi es in the spring semester.
Student organiza on leaders and SGA senators
for the College of Business Kenneth West and
Natambria Locke coordinated the fall “Meet
with the Dean” town hall forum on October 3.
Among the topics of discussion were the new
fees for MGMT 2000, Professional Development
for Business and informa on about the new
building planned for the Colleges of Business and
Agriculture and Human Sciences in 2015. Dr. Munir Quddus, a ended the mee ng and
address student concerns.
College of Business Begins Process to be SAP University MIS faculty Ahmed Mahfouz, Emmanuel Opara
and Henry Rose, who also serves as the IT
Specialist for the College of Business, requested
funds through the PVAMU Title III office to assist
in the submission of an applica on to become
an SAP University. According to the company,
Systems, Applica ons and Products in Data
“encourages peer‐to‐peer connec ons with
Mr. Shahedur Rahman and Mr. Henry Rose, professors, lecturers, and students as well as
advisors for the Associa on of IT Professionals ,
with SAP customers, partners, and experts.”
travelled to the University of Louisiana at
Lafaye e in Lafaye e, Louisiana with student
members to a end the annual AITP Region 3
The benefits associated with being an SAP
Conference. Business student Farhan Khan University are numerous. SAP donates and
placed third in the PC troubleshoo ng
so ware for teaching and other academic
compe on at the conference. Treston Williams
purposes; faculty are able to receive training,
and Chris Perkins make it to the third round of
par cipate in workshops to learn best prac ces
interviews for USAA , a major sponsor of the
in using the so ware. Being an SAP University
conference. Student members take advantage of
also benefits students who gain access a host of
cer fica ons and networking
resources including professional seminars
opportuni es at this conference. AITP is led this
provided by SAP which will enrich their learning
year by MIS majors Christopher Perkins and
experience and opportuni es to enhance their
Treston Williams.
careers through professional cer fica ons.
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PVAMU Small Business Development Center Helps Small Local Business Get to HEB In January 2011, owner and operator of VegOut! Farms, Brenda Anderson, approached Rebecca L. Faison,
director of the Prairie View A&M University Small Business Development Center, for assistance with the
acquisi on of capital to construct a four‐bay hydroponic tomato unit. The unit would be built on Ms.
Anderson’s 23 acre farm in Brookshire, Texas and she needed addi onal funding to finance the project.
Located on the main campus of Prairie View A&M University, the PVAMU Small Business Development Center
serves as a consulta ve resource for economic and business development clients in Waller and Grimes
coun es. The SBDC provides free business consul ng and affordable training seminars for small and medium‐
sized business owners and managers. Rebecca Faison found a lender for the project and helped Ms. Anderson
create and submit a loan package which was approved in July 2011.
A er helping Ms. Anderson, an alumna of Prairie View A&M University, secure
addi onal capital to expand her business, Ms. Faison also organized a pre‐interest
mee ng between Ms. Anderson and HEB Supplier Diversity Director James E.
Harris. Mr. Harris was interested in VegOut! Farms products and asked to visit
the site once construc on was complete and the growing phase had commenced.
Ms. Faison organized the on‐site visit to the hydroponic tomato facility in
February 2011. Mr. Harris was impressed with the facility and VegOut! Farms
products are now available at HEB stores in Cypress Market, Bunker Hill, and
Grand Parkway loca ons which will have a new item VegOut! Farms produce
item, Edible Confe (locally grown greenhouse vine‐ripened tomatoes) available
for retail at $3.98.
The Prairie View A&M University Small Business Development Center (PVAMU SBDC) provides free business
consul ng and affordable training seminars for small and medium‐sized business owners and
managers. Business topics include marke ng, finance, management, computers, taxes and execu ve skills
enhancement. The PVAMU SBDC is a business consul ng and training center of the University of Houston
SBDC Network.
Business Students visit ConocoPhillips Business and engineering students from Prairie View A&M
University and Texas Southern University par cipated in the
annual ConocoPhillips College Enrichment Day held at the
company’s Houston loca on. Thirty students and four faculty
from both universi es learned more about the company as
well as their split into two dis nct companies ConocoPhillips
and Phillips 66. Representa ves from both the companies
Black Employees Network (BEN) including both PVAMU and
TSU alumni par cipated in a very candid discussion about the
ins and outs of corporate America, the interview process and
factors impac ng success. College of Business students were
especially proud to have this event coordinated by PVAMU
alumnus, Joseph Thomas. It was also good to see alumnae
Bri any Adams Hayes and Ty Johnson, also employees.
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The College of Business appreciates all of the individuals and organiza ons that have made a financial
contribu on this academic year. Thank you for your support. Gi s received between September 1, 2012 ‐ October 15, 2012 Individual Donors Russell Appelgat
Midhat Asghar
Henri L. Bailey & Family
Reginald L. Bell
Michael D. Brown
Gin Chong
Carolyn Davis
Sukumar Debnath
Rebecca Faison
Edwina Garcia
Kimberly Gordon
Daniel Kennebrew
Sanzid Haq
Reginald Holloway
Henry Huang
Moosa Khan
Buryung “Brian” Lee
Munir Quddus
Shahedur Rahman
Henry Rose
Wibawa “Peter” Sutanto
Ada Till
Juanita Turner
Sarah Wiemken
Michael Williams
Terra Williams
Yi Zhang
Corporate and Organiza on Donors ConocoPhillips
Lockheed Mar n
Spectra Energy Founda on
The Boeing Corpora on
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Real Estate Developer and COB Dean’s Advisory Board Member Creates Scholarship Endowment benefi ng Business Students Mr. Donald Sowell and his wife Beatrice Sowell
are the latest donors to the College of
Business’ scholarship endowment. In April
2012, the Sowells’ donated $10,000 to create a
scholarship endowment and purchase iPads
for students. The endowment, the Bea Sowell
Presiden al Scholarship ‐ Houston Chapter,
The Links Inc., is the third scholarship
endowment established by the couple at an
HBCU. Previous scholarships were given at
their respec ve alma maters. This scholarship
was par cularly important to them since they
are both long‐ me residents of Prairie View,
Texas and in mately involved with the
Beatrice Sowell; Edwina Garcia, Center for Business Communication
Center Coordinator; Ginger Walker, finance student and Munir Quddus.
Mr. Sowell, a real estate developer and member of the PVAMU College of Business Dean’s Advisory
Board, expressed an interest in dona ng to College of Business Dean Munir Quddus at a mee ng in
2011. Dr. Quddus o en stresses the importance and significance of a strong business school
endowment and praises board members for their support. “I value their counsel, leadership and
willingness to do what is needed to take us to the next level,” says the dean. “I am grateful that even
in this uncertain economy they con nue to help our students reach their dream of obtaining a college
degree.” The Sowells’ is the fourth scholarship endowment created by an advisory board member.
Ginger Walker, sophomore finance major, was the delighted first recipient of an iPad for her
outstanding report and review of Walter Isaacson’s book, Steve Jobs. Business faculty and staff
selected the book for the spring 2012 annual College of Business Book Reading Contest. Given the
prize, the book was a fi ng and appropriate selec on. Mrs. Sowell a ended the annual College of
Business Awards and Recogni on Ceremony in April to present the iPad to Ms. Walker and show her
support of the College and its’ students.
Since 1984, twelve scholarship endowments have been established in the College of Business totaling
nearly one million dollars; eleven endowments were created within the past ten years. Endowment
funds are invested with the income generated used as a sustained source of support for students. In
many instances, funds donated for scholarship endowments may be matched increasing the value of
a dona on and its impact on students. The Bea Sowell Presiden al Scholarship ‐ Houston Chapter,
The Links Inc. is open to undergraduate business students.
For addi onal informa on about scholarship endowments for business students and other giving
opportuni es, please contact Ms. Kimberly Gordon, assistant dean, at (936) 261‐9238.
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
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Students in the Spotlight D’Ann Dickson is busy. This enthusias c accoun ng major is news editor for The Panther Newspaper,
former president of the PVAMU chapter of the Na onal Associa on of Black Accountants and held
three internships in 2012 before returning to PVAMU this fall. Her internship experiences took place
at a mid‐size public accoun ng firm, a large not‐for‐profit organiza on and a big four public
accoun ng firm.
Of her internship experiences with the companies she says, “Holis cally speaking, the knowledge,
training and opportuni es gained here at Prairie View have been remarkable and useful. I’m glad to
have learned the things that I’ve learned and gained the experiences that I have. Without these
things, I wouldn’t be able to say that I now have a job wai ng on me. I now have a greater
apprecia on for Prairie View A&M University and the College of Business.”
Kimberlee Grant and Sarah Jones had internships this summer with Anadarko. This is the first me
that Anadarko has recruited business students from PVAMU and both ladies had a great experience.
Ms. Jones remarked, “Their recrui ng team is simply phenomenal. I came into a company that truly
cared and wanted to give me a profound knowledge and experience working in the oil and gas
industry. I was placed in the Financial Repor ng Department where I worked on SEC repor ng. My
team in par cular was responsible for filing the Annual (10‐K) and Quarterly Reports (10‐Q). “
Students who registered for their fall 2012 classes during pre‐registra on, successfully completed
more than 60 semester credit hours and met other criteria were also eligible for internships this year
from PVAMU. Several students to advantage of this opportunity. A par al list business students
repor ng internships is in the table below.
Business Students Repor ng Summer 2012 Internships Business Student Jonathan Amos
Dominique Brock
Vershonda Campbell
Sylvia Copes
D'Ann Dickson
Amber Gary
Kimberlee Grant
Lawrence Hooks
Jessica Jones
Sarah Jones
Christopher Perkins
Vaneisha Perkins
JaLacia Powell
Ryan Tate
Clarencia Weeks
Major Accoun ng
Accoun ng
Marke ng
Marke ng
Accoun ng
Accoun ng
Accoun ng
Accoun ng/Finance
Accoun ng
Accoun ng
Organiza on Spectra Energy
Department of Defense
Live Out Loud Produc ons
Grant Thornton, LLP
Anadarko Petroleum
Anadarko Petroleum
Lockheed Mar n ‐ PVAMU Storefront
Lockheed Mar n
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
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Alumni on the Move Contributed by Kendall Thompson Contributed by Antauis Byrd Mr. Kendall Thompson
PVAMU in May 2006
with a BBA in MIS. In
launched the first mul
‐func onal armband on
Armband Water Bo le.
It has been featured in
KHOU‐TV, Great Day
Houston with Debra
Duncan, "On the Go
Gadgets,” Popular Science Magazine’s August 2012 edi on as “One of the Ho est
Gadgets of 2012,” Outdoor Retailer Daily Magazine August 2012, Aus n Lifestyle
Magazine’s “Products We Love for 2012,”
Men's Book Atlanta’s Winter Edi on 2011
and Nvate Magazine July 2012.
Antauis Byrd is an alumnus of Prairie View A&M University
who graduated with an undergraduate degree in finance in
May 2008. His first job immediately following gradua on
was with Williams Companies where Byrd served as a
Contract Analyst for the company’s Gulf Coast assets. During
his tenure he also served as a Business Analyst for Midstream
Planning and Analysis Department, and finally a Business
Analyst II for the Acquisi ons and Dives tures Department
for the company's Explora on and Produc on (E&P) business
According to Thompson, the Kenmark Sports
Armband Water Bo le is versa le,
lightweight and easy to use. Providing both
func onality, the Armband Water Bo le
features a slim, detachable pocket to carry
essen als such as an iPod, Smartphone,
keys, credit cards, or cash during runs, hikes,
bike rides, workouts and other physical
ac vi es. The Kenmark Sports Armband
Bo le
available at Sears.com,
Amazon.com and at
select Running Stores.
A er comple ng a specialized program, he was hired into the
Planning & Analysis department for the E&P business
segment. Byrd is currently with the E&P company which spun
off from the Williams Companies in 2011 and is now known
as WPX Energy ‐ one the na on's 10 largest natural gas
producers. He’s as a Planning & Economic Analyst II for
WPX's Forecas ng and Analysis department with
responsibili es including peer company analy cs,
forecas ng, and assis ng with tasks surrounding our earnings
calls and company budget and plan. Byrd is currently
enrolled in Prairie View A&M University's Online MBA
Byrd credits the COB Center for Business Communica on, the
"open door policy" of the staff and administra on, the insight
gained from the dean lecture series, and the real life
applica ons and experiences shared by the instructors at the
College of Business with playing a pivotal role in his success
and achievements. Byrd featured prominently in a new ad campaign.
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
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Business Faculty and Staff News & Notes Carolyn Simington Davis has joined the PVAMU College of Business as the
new assistant dean. She will be handling recruitment and reten on issues
Mrs. Davis is a 1996 graduate of the College of Business who received her
bachelor of business administra on degree in accoun ng. She holds an
MBA from Texas Southern University and a masters of arts in higher
educa on from Columbia University. Prior to joining the College of Business,
she served as supervisor of Treasury Services. In addi on to higher
educa on experience, she has experience in the private sector at various oil,
gas, and energy companies.
Davis decided to undergo a career transi on and begin her career in higher
educa on, one that she finds most rewarding and fulfilling. She is excited to
be back in the College of Business, right where it all started for her. Her
greatest and deepest desire is to support the success of students while in
college and beyond.
Dr. Louis Ngamassi and his colleagues Carleen Maitland, Tapia Tapia and Lyne e Kvasny, have received word
that their paper, Humanitarian Inter‐organiza onal Collabora on Network: Inves ga ng the Impact of Network Structure and Informa on and Communica on Technology on Organiza on Performance,” has been
accepted for publica on in the Interna onal Journal of Informa on Technology and Management.
Ms. Kasey Knight has been hired as the first business specialist for the College of Business. Ms. Knight is an
alumna of the College of Business holding both a bachelor’s degree in accoun ng and an MBA with a
concentra on in MIS. Ms. Knight most recently worked with the PVAMU Coopera ve Extension handling
mul ple accoun ng func ons. She has also worked with Shell and Monsanto. Kasey is thrilled to be back in
the College of Business and looking forward to contribu ng.
The College of Business had two faculty members who received the Texas A&M University
System Teaching Excellence Award. Congratula ons to Dr. Gin Chong and Dr. Ahmed Mahfouz.
Dr. Daniel Perez Liston has been appointed as the interim director of the Execu ve MBA
Program. Dr. Perez is also serving as an assistant professor of finance. In his new role he
will be serving as director of the new program, recrui ng students and overseeing day‐to‐
day opera ons.
New College of Business Faculty The College of Business is pleased to welcome the following new faculty
 Dr. Louis Ngamassi, assistant professor of MIS.
 Dr. Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan, assistant professor of MIS.
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Business Faculty and Staff News & Notes The College of Business is in the midst of a baby boom! Maybe there
is something in the water?
Dr. and Mrs. Qiang Fei have a new baby daughter. The baby was
born August 7 and is named Fei Fei.
Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Mishun Kennebrew welcomed Samantha, their
first child into the world August 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Jermaine Vesey are proud parents of a baby boy –
Jayden Winston Vesey born in early September.
Dr. Yi Zhang and her husband welcomed a new baby son ‐ Eric (Rui) Wang on October 21.
Gi s F
2012 E
Date Event 10/19
College of Business Dean’s Advisory Board Mee ng
Homecoming Game
10/27 & 11/10
College of Business Mini‐CPA Workshops at NWHC
College of Business Scholarship Applica on Due for Spring 2013
PVAMU Preview Day
Priority Registra on Begins for Spring 2013
Thanksgiving Holiday (University Closed)
College of Business Beta Gamma Sigma Induc on Ceremony
Final Exams
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
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College of Business Vision and Mission Statements Our vision is to empower students from diverse backgrounds to become produc ve and ethical
business professionals who are among the best in the world.
We provide a diverse student body with an educa on that creates highly produc ve
professionals who are ethical, entrepreneurial, and prepared to succeed in the global economy.
The College achieves this through excellence in teaching, research and service, and engagement
with the business community and other stakeholders. The student experience is dis nguished
by personal a en on, teamwork, leadership training, and apprecia on of the social
responsibility of business.
Prairie View A&M University
College of Business
P.O. Box 519; MS 2300
Prairie View, TX 77446
(936) 261‐9200 | www.pvamu.edu/business | cob@pvamu.edu