B    C  

College of Business Ne wsle er Volume 9, Issue 1 ● Fall 2013 Plans Finalize for New Building For many business students and alumni, the name of the building where
most of the classrooms and offices for the College of Business are located
‐ the Hobart Taylor building ‐ is synonymous with the college.
Affectionately known as “Hobart” or “Hobart, Texas”, the College of
Business has called this location home since its inception in 1976 when
Prairie View A&M University was celebrating its centennial (quick trivia
fact: Centennial is the name of the sculpture located in front of the
building). Since 1976 the college has grown ‐ new master’s degree
programs, centers of excellence and enrollment to name a few, are a part
of what has changed in the College of Business. In addition to
diversifying and expanding its program offerings, the College of Business
will be moving into a brand new facility in 2015. Final plans were
approved in August with a groundbreaking ceremony scheduled in late
December or early January, weather conditions permitting.
The $37.8M project includes a new 89,000 square foot, four‐story
building that will be shared with the College of Agriculture and Human
Sciences. The project site for the new Business and Agriculture building is
located in the heart of the Prairie View A&M University campus; the
building is situated not only at the geographical core of the campus but
also at its cultural core. Plans for the L‐shaped building include a
proposed 400 seat auditorium, study rooms, technology‐enhanced
classrooms, open collaborative spaces to emphasize teamwork and a
state‐of‐the‐art trading room. The trading room is outfitted with a stock
ticker visible both inside and outside the building; the lower two levels
feature classrooms, a multipurpose room and public areas (Continued pg. 10).
Inside This Issue Plans Finalize for New Building
Page 1
Dean’s Corner
Page 2
Quddus Discusses Garment Industry in
Bangladesh in Na onal Media
Page 3
Faculty in the Spotlight
Page 4
Student Internship Experience
Page 4
EMBA Program Expands
Page 5
Graduate Programs in Business Move to
Page 5
Undergraduate Students Recognized for
Outstanding Achievements
Page 6
Accoun ng 4+1 Program Launch
Page 7
Faculty & Staff Excellence Awards Page 7
Online MBA Named Best Buy
Page 7
Local Residents Meet Governor’s Office
Page 8
Student Travel in Fall
Page 8
Ross Joins SBDC as New Director
Page 9
Donor Honor Roll
Page 12 Me ers Dona on Creates Scholarship
Page 13
Faculty & Staff News
Page 14
Mission & Vision Statements
Page 16
Dean’s Corner Gree ngs from the Dean’s Office:
We are glad you are interested in the PVAMU College of Business
and its progress. We are happy to share some of the wonderful
developments in the College since the last newsle er.
The students con nue to do well in their studies and graduate in
steady numbers. In fall 2013, we had an up ck in our
enrollment, nearly five percent at the undergraduate level, with
graduate enrollment expanding more rapidly. A number of the
gradua ng seniors in May reported higher than average star ng
salaries and in some instances, signing bonuses. This and other
factors indicate that the economic picture and employment
condi ons have improved considerably over the last three years.
Dr. Munir Quddus Dean, College of Business
Our students con nue to compete in and excel in na onal
compe ons. Members of the Na onal Associa on of Black
Accountants, under the guidance of Ms. Ada Till, received both
the Student Chapter of the Year award and the Chapter Advisor award. Associa on of IT Professionals’ student
team competed in a na onal compe on in St. Louis, with team member Farhan Khan ge ng the first place in
his category. This is a first for our AITP chapter and reflects the strength of our MISY program.
Prairie View A&M University was profiled in a number of higher educa on sites; PVAMU was seventh in a list of
60 campuses (out of a total of 4,000 in the pool) as having the highest return on investment (ROI) on student/
parent investment. The ROI was measured by the ini al median salary divided by the total cost of four years of
educa on. The online MBA con nues to make the list of best value for AACSB accredited ins tu ons.
The plans for the new building to be shared with the College of Agriculture and Human Sciences has been
progressing well. Although par culars are being discussed, we believe that it will be possible to include the
proposed auditorium for special func ons within the budget. This mul ‐purpose building with state‐of‐the‐art
compu ng and technology will provide a huge li to the student and faculty morale.
I am looking forward to another banner year for the PVAMU College of Business as it grows its programs,
including the Execu ve MBA.
With very best wishes,
Munir Quddus, PhD
Dean, College of Business
Associate Provost, PVAMU Northwest Houston Center
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 2
Business Dean Appointed Associate Provost, Leading Efforts at NWHC Dr. Munir Quddus has been appointed Associate
Provost of the Prairie View A&M University
Northwest Houston Center effec ve fall 2013. Dr.
Michael McFrazier, who previously served as vice
provost and dean of the NWHC, was tapped to serve
as vice president for administra on at the PVAMU
main campus. While con nuing to serve as dean of
the PVAMU College of Business, in his new role, Dr.
Quddus plans to build on the founda on laid by the
previous administra on and establish the center as a
more visible extension of the main PVAMU campus, a
vision shared by PVAMU President George C. Wright
and Provost E. Joahanne Thomas‐Smith.
Quddus believes that the PVAMU NWHC is a place
where residents of Northwest Houston will find a
number of accredited, high‐quality graduate and
undergraduate programs offered in a student‐friendly
environment. He is already working with the other
deans to bring new programs and to make exis ng
programs sustainable. Quddus believes that in
today’s highly compe ve higher educa on
environment that success lies in being innova ve and
entrepreneurial with program offerings.
technology, non‐tradi onal course mes, as well as
blended teaching methods, both online and hybrid
courses, Quddus expects to have robust academic
programs that students can complete to meet their
higher educa on needs close to where they live and
Dr. Munir Quddus has served as the dean of the
PVAMU College of Business since fall 2001. During his
12 years as dean, the number of program op ons
offered through the College of Business has grown
substan ally. New degree programs include a master
of science in accoun ng program and the newly
established Execu ve MBA Program ‐ both offered at
the PVAMU NWHC. A full and completely online MBA
program was also implemented during Quddus’ me
in the college.
Quddus Discusses Garment Industry in Bangladesh in Na onal Media Dr. Munir Quddus provided valuable insight
into Bangladesh’s economy, focusing on the
garment district, on Na onal Public Radio’s
Planet Money program. Quddus’ knowledge of
the country’s economy and the impact of the
garment district, an area of his research, was
sought out immediately following the May
2013 clothing factory collapse that killed over
1,000 workers; he was also quoted in an
editorial piece in the New York Times (click on
the links to hear the podcast or read the
editorial). Quddus gave a follow‐up interview
on NPR in late October.
Dr. Quddus is a noted scholar. He has
published one book and co‐edited three others.
His research areas include economic
development, history of economic ideas and
macroeconomics. A paper (with Salim Rashid)
on Ibn Khaldun's contribu ons to business
ethics and economics is scheduled for
publica on as a chapter in a book "Great
Thinkers in Business Ethics" to be published by
University of Chicago press. Dr. Quddus also
writes columns frequently and blogs on current
economic issues.
Quddus recently served on an expert panel at
the Heritage Founda on in Washington DC. He
also serves on the editorial board of the Journal
of Bangladesh Studies, the only scholarly
journal in the United States of America devoted
to Bangladesh Studies. In addi on to his
current responsibili es, Quddus is the President
of the Bangladesh Development Ini a ve (BDI)
‐ a research think tank and policy advocacy
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 3
Faculty in the Spotlight Rick Baldwin serves as an assistant professor in the Prairie View A&M
University Department of Management and Marke ng. Dr. Baldwin’s
undergraduate teaching course load includes Principles of Management,
Small Business Management, Retail Management and the recently
developed Sports, Entertainment and Event Marke ng course. Baldwin also
teaches a graduate course in entrepreneurship which culminates with the
winning team par cipa ng at the at the OFC Innova on & Entrepreneurship
Business Plan Compe on, a program that provides entrepreneurial
opportuni es and experiences to students, and helps them to look at the
big picture and apply all of their conceptual & theore cal knowledge.
Dr. Baldwin has more than twenty years of professional experience in the
telecommunica ons industry. More recently, he served as a business
development consultant helping communi es and small businesses. During his tenure at Prairie View A&M
University, he has been a faculty member in the College of Business, and served for six years as the Director of
the Community and Economic Development Graduate Program in the PVAMU School of Architecture.
Business Students Repor ng Summer 2013 Internships Summer internships provide students with experience in their field, an opportunity to network, travel and in
some instances, secure full‐ me employment a er gradua on. Below is a sample of some of the internships
experiences reported by business students.
Business Student Aaron Lavergne
Amber Gary
Arnitra Short
Brandon Anderson
Clarencia Weeks
Damien Young
David Westerfield
Deshaun Woods
Donna Edwards
Dorothy Gordon
Ivan Butler
Jonathan Amos
Juanita Rodriquez
Kenneth West
Kierra Anderson
Pamela Cortez
Royce Brooks
Samantha Gamble
Shantria Rush
Taylor Harrison
Major Marke ng
Marke ng
Accoun ng
Marke ng
Accoun ng
Marke ng
Accoun ng
Accoun ng
Accoun ng
Accoun ng
Marke ng
Marke ng
Marke ng
Organiza on JC Penney
Spectra Energy
Prairie View A&M University
PriceWaterhouse Coopers
Prairie View A&M University
The Boeing Company
Deloi e
Hempstead Magazine
ClearBridge Investments
Prairie View A&M University
Bank of America ‐ Houston Symphony
JC Penney
Prairie View A&M University
Texas A&M University ‐ JAMP Medical School
Prairie View A&M University
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Loca on Cypress, TX
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Prairie View, TX
Atlanta, GA
Prairie View, TX
Sea le, WA
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Hempstead, TX
New York, NY
Prairie View, TX
Houston, TX
St. Louis (St. Peters), MO
Prairie View, TX
College Sta on, TX
Prairie View, TX
Page 4
Execu ve MBA Program Expands, Graduate Programs Move to NWHC
Nearly 20 students enrolled in the Execu ve MBA
program this fall, bringing program enrollment to 32.
Professionals commu ng from as far away as Aus n,
Texas, and from a variety of backgrounds including
healthcare, engineering, retail management and
educa on started classes in August following an
orienta on to the program.
The PVAMU EMBA is the newest program offering in
the College of Business with an emphasis on building
leadership and global management skills for
professionals who are ready to move to the C‐level.
Students take classes on Saturdays alterna ng
between face‐to‐face instruc on one week and
online course work the following week. Courses are
offered at an accelerated pace with students
comple ng two courses each semester; a new
course is offered every eight weeks.
One student in the third cohort is Sumit Dalwadi. If
that name sounds familiar, it’s because he is the
brother of Shital Dalwadi‐Oza and Damisha Dalwadi
who joined in the first cohort. Like many PVAMU
students who cite PVAMU tradi on and legacy as
part of their reasons for a ending the program, the
Dalwadi’s are keeping it in family.
It is also worth no ng that Shital and her husband
have a new addi on to their family. Aarya (which
means 'noble woman' and 'a line of prayer') Oza was
born just prior to the summer session.
congratulate the parents on this wonderful addi on
to their family and commemorate the birth of our
first EMBA baby. We look forward to seeing Aarya at
PVAMU in a few years.
Graduate Business Programs
Move to NWHC
In addi on to the EMBA program, effec ve
this fall, the College of Business moved all
graduate business courses taught face‐to‐
face to the PVAMU Northwest Houston
Since most graduate students
commute from the greater Houston area, the
NWHC loca on was cited by students as a
more convenient op on and offered the
same ameni es without the increased traffic
(classes begin weekday evenings at 6:00
Only one graduate business course is offered
at the main campus this semester. For this
course, students are at the PVAMU main
campus or the NWHC and interact with both
students as well as the professor, Dr. Moosa Khan, at both loca ons using video
conferencing technology. Dr. Khan travels
between both campuses on alternate weeks
to ensure con nuity of instruc on and meet
with both classes face‐to‐face.
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 5
Undergraduate Students Recognized for Outstanding Achievements
Business Plan CompeƟƟon John Johnson, Leah Ravenberg, Loren Herron, Ernest Cain, and Eric Brown
spent weeks preparing to compete in the Interna onal Scholas c Collegiate
Business Strategy Compe on held in Anaheim, California in April. The team
placed 5th in their group and said that this was a valuable experience. This
was the first me an HBCU par cipated in this compe on. Addi onal
support for the team was provided from the PVAMU Na onal Alumni
Associa on Los Angeles Chapter.
Beta Gamma Sigma Exemplary Chapter
Forty‐eight undergraduate, graduate
students and business faculty received
invita ons for membership to Beta
Gamma Sigma. More than 75 percent
accepted the invita on earning the
PVAMU BGS chapter the pres gious
Exemplary Chapter award from the
Interna onal Beta Gamma Sigma
This honor affords the
chapter with special recogni on as
well as matching scholarship funds for BGS members.
The Prairie View chapter of the NaƟonal
AssociaƟon of Black Accountants was selected
as the Chapter of the Year for the greater
Houston Area. The chapter was led by president
Jonathan Amos and faculty advisor Ada Till, CPA
who was also selected to receive the Educator
Award from the chapter. Three College of
Business students D'Ann Dickson, Clarencia
Weeks and Ginger Walker received scholarships
from the organiza on and were recognized at
the NABA Scholarship and Awards Gala held on
May 18, 2013 in Houston.
Management Informa on Systems student members of the
AssociaƟon of IT Professionals Leah Gilbert, Farhan Khan,
Christopher Perkins (AITP Chapter President) and Krystal Hunter
competed against more than 30 schools in various technology‐
related compe ons at the na onal student conven on held in
St. Louis in April 2013. Farhan Khan, who competed alone in his
category, won first place in the Networking Design compe on
bes ng members of the second place team from Texas State
University. Mr. Khan also received special recogni on for the
Security qualifying test and scenario finals compe on.
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 6
AccounƟng 4+1 Program
Accoun ng students interested in qualifying to sit for
the Cer fied Public Accountants (CPA) exam have been
crea ve in finding ways to sa sfy the 150 hour
requirement to sit for the exam. Some have taken
addi onal coursework to complete a minor or picked
up a second major in business. A er the launch of the
Master of Science in Accoun ng program in 2003, a
number of students sought a MSA immediately
following receiving their bachelor’s degree.
In fall, the 4+1 Accoun ng degree op on appeared in
the University catalog; the program is designed for
accoun ng majors interested in an accelerated
program on their way to becoming Cer fied Public
Accountants. Students can complete both their
bachelor of business administra on and master of
science in accoun ng within five years. Eligible
students complete two degrees: a Bachelor of
Business Administra on in Accoun ng (BBA) and a
Master of Science in Accoun ng (MSA) at an
accelerated pace. Addi onally, students receive dual
credit for two courses saving me and duplica on of
Although this op on has been available for a number
of years, it was cri cal that it be outlined in the
catalog for students as well as employers. A number
of employers specifically seek out accoun ng
programs with the five year op on in accoun ng. Dr.
Brian Lee and Ms. Ada Till, who are coordina ng the
program, have already recruited the first group of
Faculty & Staff Award Recipients 2012‐2013 Dean’s Excellence Award in Teaching ~ COB Nominee for
PVAMU Teaching Excellence Award ~
Brian Lee, Ph.D.
Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award Sponsored by Lockheed MarƟn
H. Gin Chong, Ph.D.
Sonja Langley, Ph.D.
Dean’s Excellence in Research Award Reginald Bell, Ph.D.
Yi Zhang, Ph.D.
Dean’s Excellence in Service Award Ahmed Mahfouz, Ph.D.
Daniel Perez Liston, Ph.D.
Staff Member of the Year ~ COB Nominee for
PVAMU Staff Excellence Award ~
Kasey Knight
Online MBA Program Recognized as “Best Buy” Prairie View A&M University’s Online Master of
Business Administra on
(MBA) program has been
ranked a 2012 “Best Buy”
among AACSB‐accredited
business programs by
na onal editorial review
team for the second
me. Prairie View A&M
University ranks seventh
overall in the 2012 survey
for affordability.
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 7
Local Business Community Meets the Governor’s Office at Waller County Economic Development Partnership Breakfast In October 2004, Prairie View A&M University’s College of Business launched
the PVAMU Small Business Development Center by hos ng a small breakfast
for fewer than 20 members of the community to meet the new director. This
August, as the PVAMU SBDC prepares to mark its ninth year on the campus,
more than 100 business owners and members of the community a ended
what has become an annual breakfast and mee ng with the Waller County
Economic Development Partnership hosted on the main Prairie View A&M
University campus. Aaron Demerson, Execu ve Director from the Office of the
Governor – Economic Development and Tourism Division, served as the
keynote speaker for this event. Vince Yokom, execu ve director of the WCEDP,
presided over the mee ng and program.
Mr. Aaron Demerson Execu ve Director
Office of the Governor’s Economic
Development and Tourism Division
Mr. Demerson’s presenta on focused on growth and the Texas economy: Texas
– Wide Open for Business. According to Demerson, Texas employment has
grown the fastest out of the ten most populous states and presently has over half a million more jobs than it
had before the recession that began in 2008. Texas surpassed New York for the first me in total exports in
2012 and enjoys an unemployment rate of less than 6% ‐ lower than the na onal average of 7.6%.
Immediately following the keynote address, audience members took the opportunity to ask ques ons and
address their concerns about growth in Waller and Grimes coun es, both serviced by the PVAMU SBDC.
During the mee ng, members of the community had an opportunity to mingle with campus administrators and
to meet the new director of the PVAMU Small Business Development Center, Bridget E. Ross and her new
team, Program Associate Surrenda Jones and Community Outreach Coordinator, Michael T. Thomas. Munir
Quddus, dean of the PVAMU College of Business and professor of economics also serves as execu ve director
of the PVAMU SBDC which has served more than 200 clients and helped new and established businesses
secure access to more than $10 million over the past five years.
Business Student Travel Plans Business students took every opportunity to travel in the fall semester, both locally and na onally, to a end
conferences and learn more about seeking businesses opportuni es. This sec on highlights a few places
PVAMU students le their mark.
Na onal Associa on of Black Accountants ‐ Houston, Texas (Regional Student Conference)
Enactus ‐ Anaheim, California (Na onal Student Conference)
Hispanic Business Student Organiza on ‐ Houston, Texas (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas ‐ Houston Branch)
Interna onal Trade Class ‐ Houston, Texas (Port of Houston Authority)
Accoun ng & Finance Students ‐ Houston, Texas (ConocoPhillips)
PV Finance Club ‐ Charlo e, North Carolina (Student Conference)
Associa on of IT Professionals ‐ Norman, Oklahoma (Regional Student Conference)
Phi Beta Lambda (Salt Lake City, Utah) (Student Conference) PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 8
Bridget E. Ross Selected as Director of PVAMU Small Business Development Center Bridget Ross has been named the fourth Director of the Prairie View A&M
University Small Business Development Center (PVAMU SBDC). Ross joined the
PVAMU SBDC in March where she will help small business owners develop
strategies, a ract customers, increase sales and improve produc vity and
profitability, all free services provided by the PVAMU SBDC for clients in Waller and
Grimes coun es.
Bridget Ross PVAMU SBDC Director
Mrs. Ross has more than 17 years of experience in the financial industry serving as
a Regional Vice President for a major financial ins tu on, loan officer for a
mortgage banker and as a realtor. Most recently, she served as the Houston
region loan officer for PeopleFund, a non‐profit 501(c) (3), Community
Development Financial Ins tu on, based in Aus n, Texas, and brings a wealth of
knowledge from her work with ACCION, the na on’s largest micro lender.
Bridget has already started working with lenders in the area as well as current
SBDC clients and prospec ve new ones. Munir Quddus, dean of the College of Business as well as the
Execu ve Director of the SBDC is glad that she has joined the team. “We received a grant to host this program
in the College of Business in 2004 and we believe that it is one of our mission cri cal assignments,” says Dr.
Quddus. “I am pleased that she has joined our team.”
Meet the PVAMU SBDC Team
Surrenda Jones, Program Associate for PVAMU SBDC, brings more
than 12 years of business and entrepreneurial experience in the areas
of IT and Healthcare. Her experience includes product launch &
development, contract nego a ons with organiza ons such as En‐
Touch System, AT&T and T‐Mobile. She has received Employer of the
Year and Customer Focus Awareness awards because of her customer
rela ons skills. As an entrepreneur she holds a Texas State Life &
Health insurance license and is currently studying for her Bachelor of
Science in Communica ons. While volunteering in West Houston she
had planned and executed community events in master plan
communi es to create and drive community involvement. She serves
as the chairperson of the Health Fair Commi ee for a mega church and
has been a member of Women in Cable Television. Ms. Jones has a
wealth of knowledge in the area of marke ng, strategic planning and
project management.
Michael T. Thomas’ drive, passion, and analy cal mind make him ideally suited for the posi on of PVAMU‐
SBDC Community Outreach Coordinator. He provides assistance with brand development, social media
marke ng, graphic design, and market research. A proud alumnus of Prairie View A&M University who holds a
Bachelor of Business Administra on degree with a concentra on in marke ng, Thomas has a broad base from
which to approach many small business challenges. Michael is commi ed to serving his clients, colleagues, and
community. He especially enjoys preparing marke ng plans for individuals who are star ng businesses, and
helping teens plan for success in college. His con nued leadership promises to drive successful programs and
projects for the PVAMU SBDC.
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 9
New Building Con nued from page 1
for faculty, students and visitors to study and meet. Levels three and four reflect the individual identities of
each college with laboratories and office space for agriculture students, faculty and staff. For business
students, faculty and staff, the third and fourth floors are complete with a 50‐seat computer homework lab,
meeting spaces and resource rooms for the PVAMU Small Business Development Center, Center for
International Business Education and office space for the professional development of students.
Following are a few of the architect's sketches for the design of the building. During construction, plans have
been made to include a webcam so that students, alumni and others interested in construction progress can
take a look at the view.
Stock cker visible outside the classroom
as well as outside the building. Media
screens and informa on kiosks also visible
in the main corridor.
A view of the building from
“The Hill”. Students, visitors and guests can easily find
their way through the building using color‐
coded accents throughout the building. PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 10
New Building 400 Seat auditorium with
execu ve sea ng in the front.
Theatre‐style chairs with tablet
arms in the main sec on and
balcony. Ligh ng creates
in macy for small lectures and
classes on the first floor or in
the balcony.
Building features open spaces
for student and faculty
collabora on including a 700
square foot student lounge
located on the second floor just
under the clock tower.
A nigh me view of the facility.
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 11
Donor Honor Roll The College of Business appreciates all of the individuals and organiza ons that have made a financial
contribu on this year. Thank you for your support.
Gi s received between
January 1, 2013 ‐ October 30, 2013
Individual Donors Hussain Abbassi
Midhat Asghar
Henri L. Bailey & Family
Rickie Baldwin
Wayne Ballen ne
Patricia Baughman
Lois Blyden
The Estate of Lucy Sterling Boone
Felix Braggs
Michael D. Brown
H. Gin Chong
Tiemann Dippel
John Dyck
Rebecca L. Faison
Edwina Garcia
Kimberly Gordon
Kimberlee Grant
The Family of Whitlowe R. Green
Reginald Holloway
Ni and Henry Huang
Mel Hughle
Wanda Jackson
Marguerite Johnson
Daniel Kennebrew
Moosa Khan
Buryung “Brian” Lee
Ahmed Mahfouz
Samuel Me ers
Susan Minton
Xiaobo Peng
Daniel Perez
Munir and Tasmina Quddus
Shahedur Rahman
Judge Owen Ralston
Gladys Roberts‐Wynne & Family
Henry Rose
Adrianna Runnels
Sue Sampleton
Be y J. Saulter
Joseph Sco & Family
Jana B. Smith
Wibawa Sutanto
Georgia Thomas
Ada Till
David Townsend
The Family of Esther J. Tyler
Sarah Wiemken
Michael Williams
Terra Williams
Yi Zhang
Corporate and Organiza on Donors Accenture
Amegy Bank
Associa on of IT Professionals ‐ Houston Chapter
Bluebird Solu ons
Brenham Na onal Bank
CITGO Petroleum
Exxon Mobil
Farm Credit Bank of Texas
Financial Execu ves Interna onal Houston Chapter
Internal Revenue Service
Illinois Tool Works
Lockheed Mar n
Petroleum Accountants Society of Houston
Spectra Energy Founda on
Texas Society of CPA
Houston Society of CPA
The Boeing Corpora on
The Ford Company
Wells Fargo
PVAMU College of Business Newsle er ‐ Business Connec on
Page 12
PVAMU Alumnus and COB Dean’s Advisory Board Member Expands Scholarship Endowment benefi ng Business Students Dr. Samuel Me ers, founder, chairman, and CEO of Me ers
Industries, Inc., is the latest alumnus to invest in the College of
Business and its students. In May 2013, Dr. Me ers created a
scholarship endowment for undergraduate business majors.
Me ers’ previous contribu ons have benefited the PVAMU School
of Architecture (the eponymous auditorium in this building is located
on the second floor) and the Roy G. Perry College of Engineering.
Although Dr. Me ers proudly boasts the dis nc on of being the first
varsity football player to graduate from the PVAMU College of
Engineering, he is recognized among his peers as a business man par
excellence. Me ers Industries started in Me ers’ basement in 1981.
Under Dr. Me ers’ leadership, the company has become a successful
engineering firm with six offices na onwide and approximately 185
Dr. Samuel Metters
In addi on to his role as CEO of his company, Dr. Me er is a member of several organiza ons where he has
been honored. He was inducted into the State of Texas Football Hall of Fame, the Black College Hall of Fame in
Atlanta, Georgia, and was the recipient of the Dis nguished Graduate Award from his alma mater, Prairie View
A&M University. He is also listed in Who's Who in America®, Who’s Who in the South and Southwest®, and
Who’s Who Among Black Americans©.
Dr. Me ers is a life‐member of the Kappa Alpha PSI Fraternity. Among the myriad awards he has received, Dr.
Me ers is also the recipient of Howard University’s recogni on of ‘50 Most Important Black Owned Companies
in America,’ the Northern Virginia Urban League’s highly pres gious and coveted Community Service Award,
and the Progressive Na onal Bap st Conven on (PNBC) Community Service Award in 1998 for his support of
Historically Black Colleges & Universi es (HBCU’s) on a na onal level. He is also an ac ve and engaged
member of the PVAMU College of Business Dean’s Advisory Board.
As a strong supporter of his alma mater, his credo during his tenure as President of the PVAMU Na onal
Alumni Associa on was and s ll is: "PVAMU: a Treasure Worth Preserving." He is the Founder and President of
the PVAMU Na onal Alumni Founda on, an organiza on commi ed to funding high‐end capital special
program ini a ves for the University.
Scholarship endowments are cri cal to the success of the College of Business. Endowment funds are invested
with the income generated used as a sustained source of support for students. In many instances, funds
donated for scholarship endowments may be matched, increasing the value of a dona on and its impact on
students. The Dr. Samuel Me ers Scholarship Endowment is open to undergraduate business students
including incoming freshmen, transfer and con nuing students. Applica ons will be available in January 2014
for fall 2014/spring 2015 scholarship recipients.
For addi onal informa on about scholarship endowments and other opportuni es to support the College of
Business, its mission, programs, faculty and students and other giving opportuni es, contact Kimberly Gordon,
assistant dean, at (936) 261‐9238.
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Business Faculty and Staff News & Notes Dr. Janine Sco has joined the PVAMU College of Business as a finance instructor. Dr. Sco holds a Ph.D. from
Texas Tech University and is teaching personal financial planning and interna onal finance. Her research
interests include Disability Insurance Ownership; Life Insurance Ownership; Special Needs Planning; Emergency
Fund Assets; Women and Charitable Giving.
The Center for Interna onal Business Educa on was highlighted in the June 2013 special edi on of the U.S.
Department of Educa on’s Interna onal and Foreign Language Educa on newsle er. An ar cle referenced
the CIBE’s overseas experien al learning
opportuni es for business students, programs
and ac vi es available courtesy of an ini al
grant provided by the DOE. Dr. Rahim Quazi, associate professor of economics, serves as
the director of CIBE. Ac vi es sponsored
through the Center has helped
interna onalize the curriculum, increase awareness in the community about business opportuni es abroad
and sponsored dozens of students, faculty and local residents on trips and study abroad opportuni es in South
Korea, Mexico and South Africa.
Ada Till, CPA received the Na onal Associa on of Black Accountant Houston
Chapter’s Educator Award in May. Ms. Till has been the faculty advisor for the
Prairie View A&M University chapter of NABA since joining the University in 2005. As
a member of the faculty at Prairie View A&M University, she teaches Individual
Income Tax, Accoun ng Ethics and Financial Accoun ng. In addi on to her teaching
responsibili es, she serves as the co‐coordinator of the Professional Program in
Accoun ng and Budget Officer for the College of Business. Ada’s commitment to
teaching and service is evident and has been publicly recognized. In 2011, she
received the Dean’s Excellence Award in Teaching and was a finalist for PVAMU
President George C. Wright’s Faculty Award.
Ms. Paula Williams has joined the College of Business as the administra ve assistant in the dean’s office.
Dr. Lawrence McNeil and Dr. Daniel Perez’s publica on tled, “The impact of trade finance on interna onal
trade: does financial development ma er?” has been accepted for publica on in the Research in Business and
Economics Journal. The journal is listed in the Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportuni es with an ini al
acceptance rate of less than 20 percent. The journal is also indexed in EbscoHost, ProQuest, Index Copernicus,
and the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Dr. Daniel Perez Liston, assistant professor or finance has been appointed to serve as
an associate at the PVAMU Northwest Houston Center. In addi on to his
responsibili es as director of the EMBA program, Dr. Perez will help oversee day‐to‐
day opera ons at the NWHC in addi on to other responsibili es.
Dr. Perez has co‐authored a peer‐reviewed ar cle with Dr. Huerta “Does investor
sen ment affect Mexican stock market returns and vola lity?” has been published in
the, The Global Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 9, No. 2, 121‐132.
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Business Faculty and Staff News & Notes Lois Blyden, JD appeared in the Houston Defender in August to
provide her views on the recent and future outlook of the
workplace environment.
Dr. Louis Ngamassi and his colleagues Carleen Maitland, Tapia
Tapia and Lyne e Kvasny, have received word that their paper,
Inter‐organiza onal
Collabora on
Inves ga ng the Impact of Network Structure and Informa on and
Communica on Technology on Organiza on Performance,” has
been accepted for publica on in the Interna onal Journal of
Informa on Technology and Management.
Dr. Yi Zhang’s co‐authored paper, “What are the characteris cs of
firms that engage in earnings per share management through share
repurchase?” has been accepted at Corporate Governance ‐ an
Interna onal Review.
Business faculty members Louis Ngamassi, Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan and Shahed Rahman, were awarded
the PVAMU Summer Research Enhancement grant for their research area in Social Media Technology (SMT)
and Disaster Relief. This $20,000 grant was designed to serve as seed funding to a ract lager outside funds for
research. Recipients were tasked with submi ng a proposal that would not only be funded, but would also
a ract addi onal research dollars to PVAMU
Dr. Rahim Quazi, Dr. Sonja Langley and Ms. Ada Till have had their paper, “Corrup on Contagion in South Asia
and East Asia: An Econometric Study,” accepted for publica on in the Interna onal Journal of Developing
Socie es. This paper received a summer research grant.
Dr. Reginald Bell and his team of co‐authors – Dr. Peter Sutanto, Dr. Rick Baldwin and Mr. Reginald Holloway ‐ have had their ar cle (based on summer
research project) tled, “The Gender Inequity Misconcep on: How Texas Female
Business School Faculty are Smashing the Glass Ceiling” accepted for publica on
in the Journal of Management Policy and Prac ce.
The College of Business is pleased to welcome back accoun ng instructor Mr. Tony Pi s and extend a PV welcome to newcomers Cleveland S ff, management
instructor and Daniela A Carrasco, EMBA instructor.
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College of Business Vision and Mission Statements Our vision is to empower students from diverse backgrounds to become produc ve and ethical
business professionals who are among the best in the world.
We provide a diverse student body with an educa on that creates highly produc ve
professionals who are ethical, entrepreneurial, and prepared to succeed in the global economy.
The College achieves this through excellence in teaching, research and service, and engagement
with the business community and other stakeholders. The student experience is dis nguished
by personal a en on, teamwork, leadership training, and apprecia on of the social
responsibility of business.
Prairie View A&M University
College of Business
P.O. Box 519; MS 2300
Prairie View, TX 77446
(936) 261‐9200 | www.pvamu.edu/business | cob@pvamu.edu